Sister's Sex Ed Pt. 01 by Original_Aramis,Original_Aramis

Sister’s Sex Ed Part 1

The Hand Job

(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age. This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)

Mitch had just opened the door to his house and walked inside after a long day at work when his cell phone rang. He grimaced automatically, expecting the call to be work-related, and if that was true it was going to get his evening off to a bad start. He loved his job, but the bad thing about it was that his job was pretty much a 24 hour a day thing with his cell phone ringing almost constantly and at all hours of the day and night, and that wore on him sometimes.

At 24 years of age Mitch was the youngest IT Department Manager in his company’s history, having just been promoted to the position the month before; he was also the best IT guy anyone had ever seen. When it came to computers and networking Mitch was a genius, pure and simple. He was so good that he was recruited by a major computer networking company immediately out of college and proved his worth to them within the first month. He solved technical issues that no one else could no matter how complicated, and when he designed a new networking system that revolutionized the company’s main network platform being offered to the public his reward was being promoted to IT Department Manager. He was making a significantly large salary before the promotion, but the pay increase once he was promoted could only be described as obscene. He was making more at 24 years of age after being in the work force for only 2 years than most people made after working their entire lives.

But you wouldn’t know it by the way he dressed, the car he drove, or where he lived. At work he wore a ‘business casual’ outfit (meaning slacks and a polo shirt) because that was the company dress code, but outside of work he was strictly a jeans and garage shirt kind of guy. He lived in a modest one-story ranch style house in a typical suburban neighborhood and drove a five-year-old Japanese economy car as his daily driver.

Mitch was not your typical computer geek in any way. He didn’t dress like one, didn’t act like one, and didn’t look like one. At first glance you would have thought that Mitch was a high school football hero, captain of the team and things like that, and never would have thought for a moment that he loathed sports – except for baseball, that is, but he only had a passing interest in that. He was a little over six feet tall, with sandy blond hair that he kept cut fairly short, striking good looks and a well-muscled torso that he kept in shape by working out in his home gym every other day. He wasn’t socially awkward in any way as most highly intelligent young people are, mixing well at the various parties that he attended in college. He was almost as good with the ladies and the art of making love as he was at computers, and he was still working on that.

Mitch kicked the front door closed with his foot as he reached into his pocket for his cell phone and was pleasantly surprised to see his younger sister’s number on the display screen instead of a work-related number. He smiled as he touched the green phone icon on the screen to answer the call, putting the phone up to his ear and smiling as he spoke.

“Hey, Sandra, what’s up?” he asked, walking into the living room and shrugging his computer bag from his shoulder, letting it drop to the couch. He kept walking, heading towards the kitchen and a cold beer as he spoke.

“Hi, Mitch, I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time,” his sister, Sandra, replied.

“No, it’s fine, I just walked in the door from work,” Mitch said, reaching into the fridge and retrieving a bottle of beer. “What’s going on, baby sister?” he said as he walked back towards the couch, calling his sister by the term he had always used for as long as he could remember.

“Well, I kinda need some help with something – some advice, really – and you’re the only one I trust enough to help me with it,” she said. “It’s more embarrassing than anything else, really, but still, you’re the only person I think I can talk to about it.” Mitch took a pull from his beer as she spoke, sitting down on the couch as he replied.

“No problem, I’d be glad to help,” he replied, concerned. “You know you can count on me to help you no matter what. So what’s the big problem you need help with?” he asked.

“I really don’t want to talk about it over the phone,” Sandra replied. “Are you busy tonight?” she asked.

“Nope, I have no plans other than to sit on my ass, drink beer, and maybe watch some porn on the internet,” Mitch replied, making his sister laugh. That had been a running joke between the two of them ever since she caught him doing just that when he was at home during the summer break from college. She had kept his secret, never telling their parents about it, and that was just one more thing that made him love her even more than he already did.

“I’m surprised you don’t have a date tonight,” Sandra said.

“Yeah, well, even Rudolph Valentino needed his down time!” Mitch replied, making her laugh.

“I was thinking that I could come over after I get off work, bring some Chinese food with me, and then you and I could eat and talk about my problem, maybe,” she said, her voice hopeful.

“As long as you bring me some General Tsao’s chicken and an egg roll, you’ve got a deal!” Mitch replied.

“Great! Thank you so much, Mitch, you have no idea how much this means to me!” Sandra replied, the relief evident in her voice. “What time works for you?” Mitch glanced at his watch to check the time before he replied.

“Well, it’s a little after six now, so how does eight sound? That will give me a chance to shower and change clothes,” he said.

“Eight sounds good,” Sandra replied. “I need to finish up here and then pick up the food, so eight sounds just about right. See you then!” she said, making Mitch smile as she hung up. He got up from the couch and walked through the house towards his bedroom to shower and change, dropping the now-empty beer bottle in the kitchen trash on the way, smiling as he did.

Mitch loved his sister with all his heart, and he would do literally anything for her. They had never had so much as one disagreement or argument when they were growing up, never exchanged a single cross word between the two of them, and Mitch thought that his sister knew him better than anyone else in the whole world, with the same being true on his part about her. Mitch was a gentle man by nature but say something out of line or make a move towards his sister with bad intentions and Mitch would be all over you like a momma grizzly bear protecting her cub. More than one overly aggressive teenaged male in their neighborhood and at school had discovered that the hard way.

He also thought his sister was one of the hottest, sexiest women he’d ever seen, and had been secretly lusting after her. She was blonde just as he was, but her shoulder length hair was a much lighter shade of blonde than his. She stood 5’5″ tall and weighed in at around 115 pounds (he guessed), had a cute face with blue eyes, a pert nose and full, soft lips. She also had a killer body as most 19-year-old girls had, with long, lithe legs, a firm butt, tapered waist, and a flat stomach.

Mother Nature had certainly been good to her, but when she got to Sandra’s breasts she was more than generous – much more. Sandra had the biggest tits in the neighborhood, if not the entire state. Her breasts were full and firm, standing out from her chest like twin torpedoes, and if Mitch had to guess he would have guessed she was at least a DD cup. All he knew was that when Sandra walked down the street you could literally hear the dicks getting hard.

But Sandra, bless her heart, was as naïve to it all as she could possibly be. She was a sweet girl who was completely oblivious to the effect she had on the males who were lucky enough to encounter her. And the style of clothing she wore only made matters worse – she was fond of form-fitting clothing, not because it made her look sexy but just because she liked it. She knew she was pretty and wore things that she thought made her look good, but she had no idea of the effect the clothing she chose had on men – including her own brother.

It was a little before eight PM when Mitch’s doorbell rang. He was sitting on the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table watching a movie on his DVD player and drinking a beer, and he put both his beer and his feet down to get up and let Sandra in. He was dressed in his usual attire which consisted of a black garage shirt, jeans, and a ratty, beat-up old pair of brown leather boat shoes he bought when he was still in high school. They looked like hell warmed over these days but they were the most comfortable shoes he’d ever had on his feet, and he was going to wear them until they literally fell apart – and then he was going to buy another pair just like them and wear them out too. He walked over to the front door, opened it, and smiled when he saw his sister standing there holding a big brown paper bag in front of her.

“Somebody here order some Chinese food?” Sandra asked, a big smile on her face.

“Yeah, as a matter of fact I did,” Mitch replied, smiling back at her. “Hi, Sandra, come on in!” he said, standing aside and holding the door open for her. She breezed past him into the house and headed for the kitchen, with Mitch turning to watch her go as he closed the front door.

Sandra had obviously gone straight to the Chinese restaurant to get the food without going home to change clothes first because she was still wearing her work clothes when she arrived at his door. She was wearing a white blouse with fake onyx snaps instead of buttons holding it closed with black piping around the short sleeve cuffs and breast pocket that fit her like a glove, showing about a mile of cleavage; a black high-waisted skirt that went down to her mid-thigh and was just as form-fitting as her blouse; a wide black belt with a large black buckle on it, black nylons and black high heeled shoes. Sandra was every man’s wet dream of an erotic secretary come to life, and he was absolutely positive of two things: she was driving the men in her office crazy with her attire, and she was totally oblivious to it all. Mitch watched her rounded ass swinging in the tight skirt as she walked away, and he felt a stirring in his jeans.

‘She’s your sister, for crying out loud! You shouldn’t be thinking things like that about her!’ he thought to himself as he closed the door, trying hard to concentrate on something else other than his sister’s sexy good looks. But as every man knows, those things hanging between a man’s legs have a mind of their own sometimes, and this was no exception. The stirring in his nether regions continued as Mitch walked over to help his sister, setting up two placemats with dishes and silverware on the small table in the dining area next to the kitchen. He tried not to ogle her as he did, but it was a losing battle as usual. When she bent over the table to transfer the food from the containers to the plates she gave Mitch a clear view of her monumental breasts with their massive cleavage, and Mitch nearly dropped the two glasses full of iced tea he had in his hands. And through it all Sandra chatted away, happy to be with him and completely unaware of the turmoil she was causing in both her brother’s mind and his jeans.

After dinner was over and the Chinese food was gone, they moved into the living room to relax and talk, Mitch taking a cold beer with him and Sandra having another iced tea. He sat in his usual place, in the center of the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table, while Sandra sat in the matching chair to his left. They chatted for a few more minutes before Mitch changed the subject.

“So what is it that you needed to talk to me about, baby sister?” Mitch asked, leaning back on the couch and spreading his arms out across the back. Sandra’s head dropped for a moment and she paused before she looked up at him to answer.

“Well, it’s kind of embarrassing, really,” she started off, looking at him with her deep blue eyes as she leaned forward in the chair, bringing her knees together and leaning forward, resting her forearms on her knees as she clasped her hands together. This pushed her huge tits together and created a huge amount of cleavage, and it was a struggle for Mitch not to stare at the mountains of flesh right in front of him. He focused instead on Sandra and what she was saying about whatever the problem was. She was really upset about it, and Mitch couldn’t wait to find out what it was so he could help her. He put his feet down on the floor and leaned forward himself, resting his forearms on his knees as he spoke.

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Sandra,” he assured her, his voice soft and soothing. “You know that you and I have always been able to talk about anything and everything, and this is no exception. You know I’ll listen, and you also know I’ll do anything I can to help you with whatever the problem is.” A small smile broke out on Sandra’s face as she replied.

“I know, Mitch, and I love you for that!” she said, her blue eyes sparkling. “You’re the only man – the only person, really – that I can talk to about this, and that’s why I called you today. I need help with a problem, and you’re the only one I trust enough to help me with it.”

“So what’s the problem, then?” he asked, looking into those blue eyes. ‘Damn, a man could get lost in those eyes!’ he thought to himself. ‘Between those tits and those eyes, she’s a dream come true for any man!’ Her reply snapped him out of his reverie.

“It’s about sex,” she said, still leaning forward with her hands clasped together. “Or rather, my inexperience with it.” Knowing that the topic was sex made it even more difficult for Mitch not to stare at her big tits that were mere feet away from him.

“You’re only 19, Sandra, how much experience do you think you’re supposed to have?” he asked, focusing on the issue at hand.

“More than I have now, that’s for sure, and that’s the problem!” she replied, flopping back in the chair with her forearms resting on the arms of the chair, a frown on her face. Her shirt was straining at the snaps with the change in position, and between the gaps in the snaps Mitch could see that she was wearing a black bra beneath the shirt. “I just lost another boyfriend, a really cute and hot one, because I didn’t know what to do or how to please him. I mean, I’m 19 years old and I’ve never even seen a hard dick! Not in real life, anyway,” she said, a pout on her face. She didn’t notice the look of surprise on Mitch’s face.

“Wait a minute, how can that be? Didn’t you tell me that you lost your virginity last year at the birthday party for one of your girlfriends?” he said, confused at what she had said.

“Yes, I did,” she replied, still pouting.

“Then how is it that you’ve never seen a hard cock?” he asked, still confused.

“Because the room was dark, the guy was in a hurry, and it all happened so fast that I never got to see it! He was in, out and gone before I had a chance to do anything!” she said. “I didn’t even get to cum,” she said, pouting.

“Sounds to me like the guy at the party is the one with the problem, the insensitive bastard,” Mitch said, the irritation at how badly his sister had been treated evident in his tone. “But that’s not why you’re here,” he said, getting his mind back on track. “So what can I do to help you, Sandra?” She sat up and leaned forward, resting her arms on her knees with her hands together again, once more creating a valley of cleavage between her arms. Her reply surprised him, catching him completely off guard.

“I want you to teach me about sex!” she said, the pout gone and her blue eyes sparkling again. “Not about the basics, I mean, I already know all about that, but about how to please a man and make him happy. What to do, how to do it, that kind of stuff!” To say Mitch was surprised at her request would have been the understatement of the year.

“Can’t you find out what you need to know by watching porn?” he asked, taking a pull from his beer.

“To a point, yes, but I can’t ask questions to a video, can I?” she replied. She may have been oblivious to some things, but she was by no means stupid. “I need someone that I can talk to and ask questions to, someone that I know will be straight with me and that I can trust. And that person is you, Mitch.”

‘Holy crap!’ Mitch thought to himself. He had just been presented with the opportunity of a lifetime, the chance to make his erotic fantasies about his sister come true, and he was unsure if he should act on it or not.

“So will you do it, Mitch? Will you teach me what I need to know about how to please a man?” she asked, her voice soft. Mitch looked at her for a moment before he spoke again, trying to decide whether to take the chance or not.

‘Fuck it! Nothing ventured, nothing gained!’ he thought to himself.

“Sure, Sandra, I’ll help you, but there’s only one problem,” he replied, pausing to take another swallow of beer before continuing.

“What’s that?” Sandra asked as Mitch put his beer back down onto the coffee table.

“I can teach you everything you need to know and explain it to you as much as possible, but it’s not going to do any good unless you can practice doing what I teach you,” he explained. “You’re going to need something to practice on – or someone to practice on, rather,” he said, laying it out for her and hoping for the best. Sandra’s brow furrowed for a moment as she thought about what he had just said, with Mitch hoping that she was thinking what he was hoping she was thinking.

“We can’t use a dildo for this?” she asked, and Mitch shook his head.

“Won’t be the same,” he explained, “a dildo can’t react the way a real penis will, and it won’t feel the same either. You also can’t get immediate feedback from a dildo like you can from a real person because a dildo can’t talk.”

“And we certainly can’t get another person involved in this considering that we’re related,” she said, looking down for a moment as she thought. Then she looked up and spoke, taking the initiative and catching Mitch completely off guard by suddenly making the suggestion he was about to make.

“So why don’t you let me practice on you, Mitch?” she said, looking him in the eyes.

“On me?” he asked, genuinely surprised but not for the reason she thought he was.

“Sure, why not?” she said, smiling at him. “Who better than you to give me feedback on what I’m doing and whether or not I’m doing it right? At least I know you’ll be honest with me and won’t go blabbing about it to the entire neighborhood like those other assholes would!”

“True on all points, but this is a big deal, Sandra,” he replied, leaning forward on his knees. “This is something really serious, something that will change things between us forever. Have you considered that?” he asked, genuinely concerned that she knew what she was getting into regardless of how much he wanted it for his own selfish needs.

“I have, and it’s not that big a deal,” she replied. “At least not to me, anyway. I mean, you’re going to teach me what I need to know about how to please a man and let me play with your dick – big deal! It’s just sex, it’s not like I’m going to fall madly in love with you and have your kids or anything like that!”

“It’s also illegal as shit,” he pointed out. “We could both go to jail if we do this and someone finds out about it,” he said, “not to mention the shitstorm we’d catch from our parents who would immediately disown us.” A serious look came over Sandra’s face as she replied.

“I know and believe me I don’t want either one of those things to happen any more than you do!” she said.

“Are you sure, Sandra? Are you 100% positive about this?” he asked, and Sandra nodded as she replied.

“Yes, Mitch, I’m sure! One hundred percent!” she said, smiling at him. “And to be totally honest with you,” she said, looking down at her hands clasped in front of her as she continued, “I’ve always thought you were kinda hot – well, okay, more than kinda hot, a lot more – and have always wanted to, well, you know….” She said, looking up at him with those hypnotic eyes that were now showing more than a trace of lust. Mitch looked into those eyes for a few moments more before replying.

“Okay, I’ll do it,” he replied, making Sandra grin. “I’ll teach you what you need to know and let you play with my dick!” he said, trying to lighten things up a bit. Sandra giggled with glee and jumped up, coming over to him and throwing her arms around his neck as she kissed him on the cheek.

“I knew I could count on you! Thank you, Mitch, thank you so much!” she said, grinning from ear to ear. It was all Mitch could do to resist the temptation to grab her big breasts as they hung down in front of him, but he guessed he’d have a chance to do that later once the lessons began. She kissed him on the cheek again and then went back to her chair, sitting down again.

“So when do you want to start and what do you want me to teach you first?” he asked, smiling back at her.

“Well, the first thing I want you to teach me is how to give a really good hand job, and I want to start right now!” she said, grinning at him.

“Right now? As in…now?” Mitch asked, his eyebrows going up in surprise.

“Sure, why not?” Sandra said, grinning at him. “Unless you’re not in the mood for a hand job, that is!” she said, teasing him.

“First lesson: when it comes to sex, guys are always in the mood!” Mitch said, grinning back at her and making Sandra giggle.

“So what do I do first?” she asked, eager to get started.

“Well, the first thing you have to do is get the guy hard,” Mitch said, not believing that they were really going to do this, “which normally happens during foreplay. You know about foreplay, right?” Sandra nodded as she replied.

“Yes, I know all about foreplay already,” she replied, leaning forward and listening intently. “I never have any problems getting the guy hard, I just don’t know what to do with it after that!”

“In this case since we haven’t done any foreplay, you’re going to have to get me hard by hand – literally,” Mitch explained.

“So I should come over there, take your cock out of your pants, and use my hands to get it hard?” she asked, and Mitch nodded as he replied.

“Pretty much, yeah – unless you want to use your mouth too,” he said, and Sandra frowned a little at this.

“Well, I’ve never done that before either, so that’s something else you’re going to have to teach me how to do,” she replied, a sheepish look on her face.

‘This just keeps getting better and better!’ Mitch thought to himself, suppressing the desire to smile and keeping a semi-serious look on his face as he spoke.

“That will be Lesson #2,” he said, giving Sandra a small smile. “Right now, we’ll just concentrate on teaching you the art of the hand job, ok?” he asked, and Sandra smiled back at him.

“Okay!” she said, jumping up from her chair and coming over to Mitch as he sat on the couch, her big breasts bouncing inside her tight shirt and straining the snaps even more. She squatted down between his legs, putting her hands on the top of his thighs for support as she sat down on her haunches, and Mitch could feel his cock beginning to twitch at her touch and at the anticipation of what was about to happen.

“Is it okay if I rub it from the outside first?” she asked, looking up at him.

“Absolutely!” Mitch replied, smiling down at her. Sandra smiled back, then looked down at the small lump in his jeans where his cock lay. She reached her hand out and tentatively touched it with her fingertips, then placed her hand flat on it and rubbed gently at first, then a little harder. Her eyes flew open and she grinned as she looked up at Mitch and spoke.

“I feel it getting bigger!” she said, grinning from ear to ear. “I can feel it getting bigger and harder as I rub on it!”

“Take it out and you can watch it as well,” Mitch said, grinning back. “But I have to warn you, I don’t wear underwear so…” he said, letting his words trail off. All Sandra did was smile at him in return.

Without hesitation Sandra reached for the zipper on Mitch’s jeans, pulling it down and then quickly unfastening them. She pulled his jeans open and then paused just as she was about to slip her hand in and grasp his cock with her bare hand, looking up at him with her hand still in mid-air.

“It’s okay, Sandra, you can touch it,” he said softly, “it won’t bite. It might drool a little bit, but it won’t bite!”

“What do you mean ‘drool a little bit’?” she asked, her brow furrowing.

“You’ll see, but first you have to take it out and get it hard,” he replied.

Sandra looked at him for a moment more, then looked down at his open jeans. She slid her hand inside and wrapped her fingers around the shaft of Mitch’s cock, and he gasped as her cool fingers slid around it. She looked up at him and grinned as she spoke again.

“It’s so warm!” she said, her hand still inside his jeans. “And I can feel it growing in my hand!”

“So pull it out and give it room to grow, then,” Mitch said, and Sandra did just that.

She pulled his cock out of his jeans and held it up in front of her face, and her eyes went wide as she saw a real cock – her brother’s cock – for the first time. She kept her fingers wrapped around the shaft and held it loosely, and she marveled as she watched it growing in front of her, slowly getting longer and thicker in her hand.

“That’s amazing!” she said, looking past his cock at Mitch for a moment before looking back at his shaft in her hand.

“Hold it tighter,” Mitch said, and Sandra looked up at him as he spoke. “Squeeze it harder in your hand and pump your hand up and down slowly. You won’t hurt me so don’t worry about that,” he said. She gripped it tighter and pumped it slowly in her hand, making it grow even faster. Sandra watched in amazement as Mitch’s cock grew to its full length and girth, and when it was completely hard she found that she could barely get her fingers around it.

“Jesus, Mitch, your cock is big!” she said, grinning at him. “It’s so thick I can’t get my fingers around it! Is this how all guys’ cocks are?” she asked, genuinely curious.

“I’m a little thicker than most guys, but as far as length goes I’m ‘Joe Average,'” he replied.

“How big are you?” she asked, looking back at his cock as she continued to grip it tightly in her hand and pump it up and down slowly.

“A little more than six inches in length, but as for girth I’m not sure,” he replied, watching his sister as she slowly pumped his fully erect cock in her hand. “But there is one thing about me that’s different from other guys, though.”

“And that is?” she asked, still pumping his cock in her hand.

“When I reach orgasm, I produce more semen than most guys,” he said, “a lot more.” He was trying to be delicate about it and wasn’t exactly sure how to say it when Sandra solved the issue for him.

“In other words, you cum buckets,” she said, smiling at him.

“Yeah, I cum buckets,” he replied, smiling back.

“I’m not a complete babe in the woods when it comes to sex, you know,” she said, an impish smile on her face. “Girls talk, even more than guys do, and they love to brag about how much their guys can cum and how many times they can make them do it!”

“You can’t brag about this, you know,” he cautioned, “not to anyone, not ever.”

“I know, Mitch, I know,” she replied, still pumping his cock. “That kinda sucks, but it’s okay. I’ll know I did it, and that’s good enough for me!”

“You haven’t done it yet,” he said, a half-smile on his face.

“You haven’t taught me how yet!” she countered, returning his smile. “So what do I do next, professor?”

“Just keep doing what you’re doing, maybe speed up just a little bit,” he said, and they both looked down at her hand wrapped firmly around his rock-hard cock. She picked up the pace just a little as he said, and it was only a moment or two before a big drop of clear precum appeared at the tip of his cock. Sandra’s eyes got bigger and she smiled when she saw it.

“Is that precum?” she asked, glancing up at Mitch before looking back down at his cock in her hand.

“You know about precum?” Mitch asked, and she nodded her head as she replied.

“Yeah, I’ve heard my girlfriends talk about it,” she replied. “So is this what you meant about your cock drooling?” she asked, keeping her hand still as she spoke, her eyes locked on the big drop of clear fluid at the tip of Mitch’s cock.

“Yep, that’s what I meant,” he replied. “It’s slippery and is meant to make getting a man’s cock inside a woman easier when they first start having sex,” he explained. The thought of him teaching his sister about his cock and sex in general was having the unexpected effect of turning him on, and he knew he had to be careful not to go too far too fast.

“Even though the woman gets wet too?” Sandra asked, and Mitch nodded as he replied.

“Yes, even though the woman gets wet, too,” he said. “But it also makes a couple of other things easier, like tit-fucking or, say, giving a man a hand job,” he explained, grinning at her.

“So I should spread it around on your cock, then?” Sandra asked, raising her eyebrows as she looked up at him.

‘She’s a quick learner!’ Mitch thought to himself as he nodded at her.

“Either use the palm of your hand or slide your hand up and use your thumb but be careful because the head – UUNNGGH!” Mitch gasped, jerking his hips upward as Sandra unexpectedly ran her thumb over the sensitive head of his cock, spreading the slick fluid around. She giggled at his response.

“The head is sensitive, right, Mitch?” she asked, grinning at him as she pumped his cock again, making more precum appear and making him jump again as she spread it around with her thumb once more. “I told you, I’m not a total babe in the woods!”

“No, I guess not!” he gasped in reply. His cock was rock-hard and throbbing in her hand, and with her spreading his pre-cum around like she was he knew it wasn’t going to be long before he was blowing his load all over her.

She pumped his cock again, gripping it harder on the way up this time, pumping more precum out of him. She used the palm of her hand to spread it down onto his shaft, and after a few minutes his entire cock was glistening and slippery, her hand sliding easily up and down the shaft.

“Wow, Mitch, you make a lot of precum!” she said, pumping another big drop of it out of his cock and spreading it over his shaft.

“Think of it as a preview of things to cum,” he said, making Sandra giggle at his play on words.

Without any prompting from him she put both hands on his cock, completely covering his shaft, and tugged on it in smooth, up and down movements. Her big tits were pushed together as she did this, her cleavage bulging at the opening of her shirt, jiggling slightly with the movements of her arms. Mitch watched as she worked on his shaft, the look of amazement and pure joy on his sister’s face making him smile.

‘She’s really good at this, and she’s really enjoying it!’ he thought to himself as Sandra continued pumping his cock. At just that moment she looked up at him and smiled as she spoke.

“Am I doing it right, Mitch?” she asked, and Mitch nodded as he replied.

“Absolutely!” he said, “Keep this up and I’ll – UNGH! – be cumming in no time!” he grunted as Sandra gripped his cock a little harder. “Just keep doing what you’re doing, and don’t stop – UNGH! – don’t stop when I cum,” he groaned as Sandra pumped his cock firmly, squeezing it tight in her hand.

“Okay, Mitch, anything you say!” she said, smiling demurely at him as she continued pumping his cock in her hand.

“There is one more thing you can do, though,” he said, pausing to catch his breath.

“Your balls, right? You want me to play with your balls while I’m jerking you off?” she asked, grinning up at him.

“Yes, but please – ” he started, but Sandra cut him off.

“I know, I know, be careful and not too rough because your balls are sensitive, right?” she asked, and Mitch nodded as he replied.

“Right!” he said.

“You need to get out of these jeans, then,” she said, releasing his cock from her hands and grabbing the waistband of his jeans, tugging them down over his hips. Mitch lifted his hips up as she pulled his jeans down past his knees, and he lifted one foot out of them so she could move back into position between his legs. She gripped his cock with one hand again while she grasped his balls with the other, gently squeezing them in her hand and massaging them as she pumped more pre-cum out of his cock. She looked up at him and smiled as she spread the slippery stuff around again, then gripped his cock firmly and began pumping it a little faster than before.

“Like this?” she asked, looking up at him and smiling. She knew he was getting close to cumming because his breathing was speeding up, and she was teasing him on purpose. “Is this right, Mitch?” she asked, tugging on his balls as she pumped his cock in her hand.

“Just like…just like that,” Mitch gasped. ‘Damn, she’s good! She’s a natural at this!’ he thought to himself. He felt the familiar twinge in his balls that signified an approaching orgasm, and he knew it wasn’t going to be long before it hit. He wasn’t sure if Sandra felt his balls shifting in her hand or whether she even knew what it meant, but she answered the question for him as soon as it crossed his mind when she spoke again.

“Are you gonna cum, Mitch?” she teased, dropping her voice low as she gripped his cock firmly, tugging a little harder on his balls as she pumped his shaft. The feeling of his rock-hard shaft gripped in her hand was fascinating to her, and she could feel it throbbing in her hand. She could also feel her pussy begin to get wet, something that she wasn’t expecting and that took her a little by surprise.

“Are you gonna cum for me, big brother?” she asked in a breathless voice, looking him right in the eyes as she spoke. She dropped her head down and looked up at him from beneath her brow, giving him the sexiest look she possibly could. “Cum for me, Mitch! Cum for your little sister! Shoot that big load all over everything for me!” she said, her hand moving a little faster on his cock as she tugged on his balls a little harder.

Mitch’s response was almost immediate, his orgasm hitting him hard. He groaned loudly through gritted teeth as his cock erupted in Sandra’s hands, the first geyser of cum blasting out of his cock and shooting high up into the air as she held his cock nearly straight up. He gripped the cushions in his fists as the cum exploded out of his cock, his body tense with the effort.

“Oh my God!” Sandra gleefully exclaimed, grinning broadly as Mitch’s cock shot stream after stream of hot, thick cum up into the air again and again, the cum landing all over his cock, her hand and his stomach when it came back down. She kept her hand wrapped around his shaft and kept pumping, marveling at the sensations of his cock pulsing and throbbing in her hand, tugging and pulling on his balls at the same time. Five, six, seven times Mitch’s cock pumped in her hand, shooting long, thick streams of hot, white cum with every pulse of his cock. She kept pumping as Mitch had told her to do, gripping his throbbing cock firmly in her hand as his orgasm ran its course.

It was all Mitch could do not to scream at the intensity of the orgasm gripping him. His whole body was tense as he came harder than he could ever remember, his balls emptying themselves in a torrent of cum. He wasn’t sure if it was just a good hand job or the fact that it was his sister giving him a good hand job that made him cum that hard; all he knew was he was cumming so hard he thought his brains would come shooting out of the end of his dick.

Sandra thought he was going to cum forever when she felt the pumping of his cock in her hand start to slow and fade, and nearly as quickly as it had hit his orgasm was over. She instinctively slowed down, pumping his shaft slower as his orgasm faded, and when he had stopped cumming she squeezed his cock really hard in her hand and pulled up on it, squeezing the last bit of cum out of him which sat on the head of his cock at the tip in a large, white ball. She glanced up at Mitch for a moment, then pointed his cock at her face as she quickly leaned over and licked the cum from the tip of his cock. He gasped at the brief sensation of her tongue running over the tip of his dick, a look of surprise on his face as he watched Sandra close her mouth and swallow. She smiled at him when she finally spoke, her hand still gripping his cock.

“Sorry about that!” she said, a sheepish look on her face. “I don’t know why I did that, I just did! I mean, your cum was just sitting there and I didn’t want it to go to waste, and I’d always wondered what cum tasted like, so I just….well, I just….” She stammered, a little surprised herself.

“Don’t be sorry!” Mitch said, breathing hard from the intensity of his orgasm. “It’s okay, really it is! Girls do that all the time, so it’s no big deal!”

“Okay, good!” Sandra replied, smiling. “That was amazing, Mitch!” she said, looking down at his cock in her hand, his cum covering everything.

“You liked that, huh?” he asked, and she nodded quickly as she replied.

“I loved it!” she said, looking back up at him. “I could feel your hard cock pumping and throbbing in my hand, and the cum was just flying out and it went so high! And you weren’t kidding when you said you cum a lot! I mean, I’ve seen cum shots in the pornos that I watch and I’ve seen some pretty good ones, but boy, you sure put them all to shame! I’ve never seen THAT much cum before, not out of one dick anyway!”

“You watch porn?” Mitch asked, teasing her. She smiled back at him as she replied.

“Yes, I watch porn, just like you do,” she said, making them both laugh a bit.

“Right now I think I need to go get a hand towel and get cleaned up,” Mitch said, looking down at the mess he’d made.

“Don’t move, I’ll do it! If you move you’re just gonna make it worse,” Sandra said, finally releasing his cum-covered cock from her cum-covered hand, letting go of his balls and putting her other hand palm up under the one covered with cum to catch any that might drip off.

“Get us a couple of hand towels out of the linen closet, please,” Mitch said.

“Okay!” Sandra replied, getting up and keeping her hand under the cum-covered one as she did so. Her skirt had ridden up to her hips when she sat down and she didn’t have the chance to pull it back down since her hands were busy, so Mitch got a very nice view of her half-exposed ass as she walked away. She disappeared down the hallway, reappearing a few moments later after she’d cleaned off her hands. She walked over to Mitch and handed him the hand towel, smiling down at him. She had pulled her skirt down and looked no worse for the wear.

“Can you do it, or do you want me to?” she teased, smiling at him. He took the hand towel as he replied.

“Thanks, I got this!” he said, smiling back. A minute or so later he was cleaned up and had his jeans back on, heading to the bathroom to put the hand towel in the laundry hamper. When he walked back into the living room after stopping to get a beer out of the refrigerator, he found Sandra sitting down in the chair where she had been sitting before. He sat back down on the couch where he had been also, took a swig out of his beer, then smiled at her as he spoke.

“So how was it?” he asked, smiling back. “Did you like it?”

“The hand job?” she replied, a confused look on her face. “Like I said, yes, I did, but I thought we talked about this already?”

“I wasn’t talking about the hand job,” Mitch replied, smiling at her. “I was talking about when you swallowed some of my cum,” he explained. A smile broke out on Sandra’s face as she replied.

“Oh, that! Yes, I did! And it tasted…different, but really good! I like it!” she replied, her smile getting bigger.

“Good, because I have a feeling that’s going to come in handy later on,” Mitch said, his breathing returning to normal.

“When you teach me how to give a good blowjob, right?” she asked brightly. “I mean, swallowing the man’s cum is a part of it, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is, and sadly there are a lot of girls out there who won’t do that,” Mitch said.

“I don’t see why not! I mean, if I can do it then why can’t they?” Sandra wondered.

“Because some of them don’t like the taste or how it feels,” Mitch replied. “Everyone is different, you know. What works for one won’t necessarily work for everyone,” he explained.

“Well, you certainly don’t have to worry about that with me because I’ve already tasted your cum, and I like it!” she proclaimed proudly. “So when are you going to teach me how to give a really good blowjob, big brother?” she asked, grinning at him.

“Soon enough, baby sister,” he replied, smiling at her. “There are a few more things I want to teach you first, things you need to know how to do before we move on to that.”

“Like what?” Sandra asked, leaning forward and showing him her cleavage again.

“Well, like tit-fucking, for example,” he explained, taking another pull from his beer before continuing. “And of course I want to make sure you’ve gotten the art of the hand job down pat before we move on to that, so…” he said, but Sandra cut him off.

“So you want me to give you at least one more hand job, right?” she finished for him, grinning at him.

“At least!” he said, grinning back.

“You wouldn’t be taking advantage of me, now, would you, Mitch?” she asked, giving him a sly smile.

“Absolutely!” he replied, making both of them laugh. Then Sandra stood up, smoothing out her skirt and smiling as she spoke.

“Well, as much fun as this has been, I’m afraid it’s time for me to go,” she said. “I have some stuff to do at home before I go to bed, so as much as I’d love to stay here and play with your dick some more, I’d better get going!” Mitch stood up from the couch and took a couple of steps toward her, stopping in front of her. He looked into her eyes as he spoke.

“Are you sure you’re okay with all of this, baby sister?” he asked, his voice soft. She looked up at him and smiled, nodding her head.

“Yes, Mitch, I’m sure,” she replied, “and thank you so much for what you did for me tonight, and for what you’re going to do for me in the future! I’m certainly looking forward to it!” Mitch leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek before he spoke again.

“So am I!” he said. Then he walked her to the door, opened it for her and held it open as she walked through. She walked through and then stopped, turning to face him again.

“Good night, big brother!” she said, smiling. “See you tomorrow!”

“Good night, baby sister, see you tomorrow!” he replied. She turned and left, walking down the sidewalk to her car, with Mitch standing in the doorway watching her ass swinging as she walked. He smiled to himself, then closed the door.

More to come…

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