Tent Pole by grgy56,grgy56

“Hey, Hunny-bunny.” John my step-dad said. “I guess it’s almost time for you to start university!”

“Hi Dad.” I answered back. “Yeah. I’m kind of looking forward to going back. It’s been a nice summer but…”

I never knew my birth father. According to my mother, he and his family took off immediately when they found out she was expecting. No support. No nothing. As a single mother, it was difficult for her to raise a child. She gave everything to me and had little time for herself. That’s why it was amazing she somehow met a guy like John.

John was a kind and considerate man that treated my mother with respect and love. At nearly six foot tall, he was good looking, fit and active; not a muscle head or anything. I was about eight when they first met. About a year later, Mom felt she could introduce him to me. To his credit, he didn’t try to buy his way into my life even though he was very well off. We instantly hit it off. I guess I was looking for some sort of male figure. They were soon married and I called him “Dad” from then on. Later, he officially adopted me although I kept Mom’s maiden name as my own.

The three of us did a lot of things together except for hiking. While Mom was a bit softer and preferred the comforts of home, Dad and I loved hiking the trails and camping out.

Then the worse day of our lives happened. Mom caught bacterial meningitis. It was very bad and she didn’t survive. I cried for weeks. At fifteen years old, it was difficult for me to understand why she was taken from us. Dad tried hard to console me. I just had to go through the grieving process.

It took a couple of years before we decided it was time to return to the living. By eighteen, I had my growth spurt. And I spurted everywhere. I grew to five-ten with long shapely legs; my hips and bum rounded out and so did my boobs. They grew to a firm C-cup. I had lost all of my baby fat which made them look even bigger.

Of course none of my clothes fit anymore. Dad took me shopping for a number of outfits, jeans and tees. Underwear of course was a different topic. He gave me his credit card and told me. “Get whatever you need or want.”

Dad gave me a nice allowance and I didn’t have to work but since my friends did, I felt I needed to work too. One day, we were all sent home early. I opened the front door and walked in. I knew Dad was home because his car was in the drive. “Dad? I’m home!”

No response.

I climbed the stairs and turned in the hallway to my room. Suddenly the bathroom door opened. Dad came out drying his head with a towel. He had another towel wrapped around his waist. Before I could utter any type of warning, Dad and I crashed into each other.

We both reeled back a bit. I guess the towel around his waist wasn’t that secure. It unravelled and fell to the floor. My mouth dropped. That was the first time I ever saw Dad naked. He had a trim body with very little fat considering his age I guess. But his cock! His cock was beautiful. Dangling between his legs, it looked about six uncut inches long and round like an Italian sausage. While I was still a virgin, Dad’s cock wasn’t the first one I had ever seen or touched or sucked.

He tried to untangle the towel around his head. I just continued to stare at his cock and watched it rise. It took few second for Dad to regain his awareness. By that time his cock had grown to almost eight inches and it still wasn’t even fully hard yet.

Dad quickly covered himself up with the towel in his hand. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry. I didn’t hear you come in.”

He dashed off to his room.

I stood there with that incredible image burnt into my brain. I closed the door to my room and jumped on my bed. My hand went inside my leggings and I started to finger my pussy. I came pretty quickly. Like I said earlier. When I had my growth spurt, I spurted everywhere.

“Oooohhhh…..!” I moaned as the first wave hit. And then I spasmed. My hand became wet; really wet. With each convulsion, more and more wetness sprayed out from me. I came and came and came. “Aahh..! Aahh..! Aahh..!”

When my orgasm finally subsided, everything was soaked through. Initially I thought that I had peed myself but it didn’t smell like pee… Or taste like it either. Then I remember my friend Tasha kind of mentioning it. “Oh my gawd! I’m a squirter!”

After changing and cleaning up, I went downstairs to the kitchen and found Dad waiting. He looked very embarrassed about being caught bare assed and apologised again. “I’m so sorry. I thought I was alone in the house and wasn’t expecting you home.”

“It’s okay, Dad.” I smiled back at him with the vision of his cock still in my head. “They had an issue at work and had to let us out early.”

Every time I masturbated, I thought of Dad’s cock and would have a strong, spurting orgasm. Then I changed my clothing style; slowly at first. My tees were a bit tighter most of the times without a bra on so my hard nipples poked out. My skirts and shorts were really short and tight.

I had a date with Tommy. I wore a white tee shirt (with a bra) and a mid-thigh length skirt (and panties). He picked me up in his Honda and we went to see a movie that had been playing for a while so the theatre wasn’t too busy. Tommy did that popcorn trick again where he cut a hole in the bottom of the container and stuck his cock through it so when I reached inside, I could play with his dick. The best part was later in his car where I gave him a butter basted blow job.

I really enjoyed sucking him off but to be honest, blowing him was a way to keep him happy otherwise he would constantly bug me to “put out” and burst my virgin bubble. Fortunately, Tommy was a one and done and quickly deflated. I did let him finger me though.

As I was enjoying Tommy, Dad’s cock was on my mind. Tommy erection was definitely much smaller and thinner than Dad’s even when he was soft. As Tommy spurted a few drops into my mouth, I wondered. “How much cum would Dad shoot out? How it would taste?”

Tommy dropped me off at home. The lights were still on and Dad was on the chesterfield watching the news. “How was your date with Tommy?”

“It was okay.” I answered back in a kind of monotone. With my bum towards Dad, I bent over at my waist and undid my shoe laces knowing my hem would rise up. After I kicked off my shoes, I stretched my arms upwards and turned towards Dad. My short Tee popped up and exposed my tender belly. I took a seat beside Dad, tucked my long legs underneath me and leaned against him. He was dressed for bed in his tee shirt and shorts. A nasty thought crossed my mind. “Anything on the news other than bad news?”

“Nah. Same stuff.”

I pretended to get more comfortable and finally ended up with my head in his lap. I nestled my head into him and could feel his cock rub against my cheek. It jerked a bit. I lifted my head to slip a hand beneath and use it as a pillow. With my hand on his lap, the tips my long pink fingernails grazed his firming shaft. He was growing more as his shorts started to rise.

Suddenly Dad moved to get up. He made sure to stand away from me to hide his erection from me. “Hunny-bunny. I’m going to bed. Turn off the TV when you’re done.”

“Okay. Good night, Dad.” I smiled to myself and added. “Hey! Aren’t you going to give me a kiss good night?”

Dad paused for a second or two. He bent over then turned and kissed me on my forehead. I could still see his cock tent out. “Good night, Hunny-bunny.”

Over the next while, I found myself wearing more alluring clothes; tight tees without a bra and small shorty shorts or tight legging to show off my big boobs and bubble bum. I made sure to pull up my shorts or legging into my crotch so my camel toe was very prominent. I also found myself trying to catch Dad coming out of the shower again or at least trying to see him without his clothes on. Dad became overly cautious about not being caught again.

Summer was ending and I’d have to go back to school. It would be my first year in university but I’d still be living at home verses a dorm.

“Hey, Hunny-bunny.” John my step-dad said. “I guess it’s almost time for you to start university!”

“Hi Dad.” I answered back. “Yeah. I’m kind of looking forward to going back. It’s been a nice summer but…”

“But what? Aren’t you excited about starting uni?” Dad asked. “You have everything is prepped. You have a new wardrobe. And since I’m covering your tuition, you don’t have to worry about money.”

“I know. I’m just concerned about not being around here as much. I worry about you.” I pouted.

“I know you do. And since you’re staying at home, I’ll get to see you. Just maybe not so often. I know I pulled a lot of all-nighters.” Dad smiled warmly. “Say. Why don’t we go on a hike before you start? We’ll get some together time.”

I was a great idea. It would be a week in the woods. Dad found a place we had never been to and registered us. It was about a three hour car ride to the entry point so we could log our start. The first couple of days were nothing to write home about. To save weight, we shared a tent but Dad was very careful not to get knowingly caught. There was the time where along the trail, they had some spring fed, shower facilities. I was first. The water was cold but it was good to get the dirt off.

When it was Dad’s turn, I waited until I heard the water running. I had scoped out a look-out to peek into. At first his back was towards me. His bum and legs were nicely shaped; no fat. Then he turned. My mouth dropped. Dad had a soapy hand stroking his erection. It had to be over eight inches long. Dad’s eyes were closed as he masturbated. I hoped he was thinking of me as he jerked off.

Then suddenly huge wads of white cum jettisoned from his cock. Two… Three… Four… hard blasts landed on the floor a couple of feet away.

I found my hand soaking inside my panties and attacking my clit. I pushed down my pants for freer access. My fingers were a blur until…. “Aaahh…! Aaahh…! Aaahh…!”

I came hard. My body jerked with each spray that came out.

I guess I came harder (and louder) than I thought. Dad called out. “Hunny-bunny? Are you okay?”

“Yes, Dad!” I managed. “I’m great.”

That night in the tent, it took all my might not to cum again although I played with my clit staring at Dad sleep.

Next morning after a quick breakfast, we packed up and were on our way. “Hey Dad! Let’s go this way!”

Dad check the trail map. “Are you sure Hunny-bunny? The map says it’s a double black and could be extremely difficult.”

“Oh Dad! We’ll be fine!” I smiled confidently.

“Okay! Let’s go!” Dad said enthusiastically.

The beginning was rather simple and mundane but the scenery was incredible. We followed along a gentle stream and about two miles in, the path became a bit more challenging. On one side was a rise you could climb but not walk along. On the other was a five or six foot dropping slope towards the stream. The stream at this point was deeper and the water rushed much more.

We were about nine miles in. I didn’t see the tree root sticking up and stumbled. Dad caught and save me from falling but as he did so, he lost his balance and tumbled down the slope. While he wasn’t hurt, he ended up in the cold, rushing water and was totally soaked.

He stood there, knee high in water looking towards me. There was no way for him to climb back up steep slope without leaving his back pack nor could I help him up. We just didn’t foresee anything like this happening. According to the trail map, the trail and the stream flatten out and we decided to trek on. As we walked, there were some parts where the water was almost hip high.

The trail finally flattened out and Dad was able to get out of the water. We were lucky that the sun was out even though it was still cool. Dad opened his pack and found everything inside was soaked. He had not noticed some holes that had worn through the bottom of his pack so as he waded through the water, the water seeped through and his clothes sucked it up.

With the sun quickly going down, we decided to camp there. Dad set up the tent. It was quite wet but it didn’t matter. Meanwhile I collected some wood for a fire. When I returned, I noticed Dad was starting to shiver. His clothes he had on were still soaked and so was everything in his pack. Being much smaller than he, I had nothing for him to wear. The fire helped but his shivering got much worse.

It was fortunate that he had wrapped his sleeping bag. I told him take his wet clothes off and get into his bag but his hands were so cold and shaky, he couldn’t undress himself so I had to help. I pulled off his top and pulled down his pants. He wasn’t wearing any underwear. Even cold and flaccid his uncut cock looked nice.

Inside his bag, Dad continued to quake. He needed warmth but couldn’t generate any himself. I threw on my bag but then I made the decision to strip down and get in with him. I zipped the both of us in the bag. His body was freezing against mine as I hugged him to share warmth. My breast against his chest made my nipples as hard as ice. It took a bit but finally Dad stopped shaking. He had managed to doze off a bit. I remained hugging him while running my hands along his body to get the circulation going.

Suddenly, I felt something between my legs. It started pushing against the insides of my thigh. I shifted slightly and it bumped against my slit. “Dad was getting an erection!”

I knew I was getting very wet and slowly moved my hips until the tip of his cock slid between my pussy lips. I moaned softly. “Ah…” As he continued to grow, his knob pushed through and started to open me. Then Dad’s hips started to rock back and forth slightly until his head popped in. I wanted him inside me. I wanted him to take my virginity.

I carefully and slowly rolled him onto his back as I laid on top of him. Repeatedly, I slowly and gently pushed my bum downwards, taking more and more of his fully hard erection inside of me. He was less than a third in when I felt the pressure inside of me. He was bumping against my hymen. It took a bit more effort than I thought as I bared my ass downward. Then suddenly he popped through. There was an initial sharp pain and then sheer ecstasy as Dad slid fully inside of me. I moaned loudly. “Oh gawd!

Yes! Fuck me, Dad! Fuck me!”

At this point, I didn’t care. My ass slammed into his manhood which of course aroused Dad in a different way. “Hunny-bunny! Wha…What are you doing?”

“Fuck me, Dad!” I begged him. “Please fuck me! Fuck me hard!”

His upwards thrusts met my downward movements as he shoved his big meat deep into me. He slammed my ass so hard, it was like riding a wild bronco. I was panting so hard, I could barely catch my breath. I came. “Aaaiiiieee…!!!”

Dad didn’t. He held my waist and just kept on thrusting his incredible cock inside of me. It felt like hours. I came again and again and again. Like huge crashing tsunamis smashing into me. I was a like a rag doll with no control of my arms or legs. My head was bobbing around like a bobble head doll.

“I’m going to cum!” Dad finally grunted. “I’m going to cum inside your cunt!”

With a few final, hard thrusts, I felt Dad’s cum fill my belly. I screamed at the top of my lungs. “Oooohhhh… F…u…c…k…! Yes! Yes! Yes!”

“Oh Hunny-bunny! It’s been so long since I’ve had a woman.” Dad moaned. “I know I shouldn’t have but you feel so good!”

Smiling, I collapsed on top of his chest. I had no idea when the last time Dad came, but it felt like it was a while… A long while. His throbbing cock was still hard inside of me and didn’t feel like it was getting soft anytime soon. In fact, Dad rolled me over on to my back and started fucking me again. “Oh gawd, Dad! Fuck! Yes! Fuck me again!”

Dad pulled the majority of his cock out of me, only leaving the head inside and then he thrusted his hips down into me. I swear he was hitting my cervix. Unzipping the sleeping bag to give up more mobility freedom, Dad placed my legs on his shoulders. Oh my god. The feeling. It was something I had never felt before. It made me hyper sensitive. I came. Dad just kept pounding my pussy. My mind was filled with psychedelic patterned and colours. I had no clue what was going on around me as I came and came and came.

I wasn’t sure when Dad came or when he finally stopped but I woke up beside him, cradled in his arms.

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