Home on the Range by SLCPunk1_0_1

Introduction: Southeastern Colorado 1887. , Southeastern Colorado. 1887.

My balls tensed, my shaft swelled. A load formed inside me and surged up and out of my cock. Clara’s head never stopped moving, and her lips never lost suction, immediately sucking down my cum as it spewed into her mouth. I was sitting in a large comfy chair in the corner of the room, my nails were digging into the padded arms as my orgasm overcame me. My eyes were squeezed shut and mouth hung open as I savored the feeling. I made no noise, I always tried to be quite, modesty I suppose, embarrassed perhaps.

I could hear sounds from the room next door. A rhythm alternating between muffled groans and squeaking bed springs. Someone was having fun with Tabatha, the fat redheaded whore. She was actually my first, and occasionally I’d buy a screw from her, mostly because she’d let you stick it in her ass for no extra charge. But Clara was definitely my favorite.

My sperm had stopped flowing, and I felt her release me. I opened up my eyes as she was standing up. She was beautiful, and only a couple months older than I was. She was mulatto, her mother had been a slave in Mississippi, her father was a white man. She had gorgeous black features, with fairer skin. A relatively thin frame, but a prefect hourglass shape, that was accentuated by her corset. She caught me staring at her and smiled.

“Well Bradshaw, will that be it for today?” She asked.

I snapped out of it, and realized I was still sitting with my pants down to my knees and my pecker sticking up in front of me. I jumped up and hurriedly got presentable.

“Yes, ma’am, that was great.” I finally replied.

“Well then, you be sure to come see me again soon.” She said flirtatiously. And led me out of the room.

The Diamond Girl Saloon wasn’t large, it only had three bedrooms upstairs, then again, there were only three whores. But the accoutrements were nice, and you got a free drink when you paid for the company of one of the ladies. Besides, this was a very small town, so I was grateful that this place was even here.

I received a small allowance each week for my help on our ranch, it wasn’t much, but it afforded me an afternoon at the saloon once or twice a month.. Perhaps three times if I ***********ed to only receive head, as I had just done. This wasn’t a big let down for me, as I was quite fond of it. Sex was great and all, but there was something to be said about the soothing effects of letting a woman service you with her mouth, especially when it costs almost half as much. We reached the bottom of the staircase and Clara kissed me on the cheek and turned away. I stared at her thin cotton dress clinging to her round ass, as she walked away.

I put on my hat and pulled the brim down low, trying to cover my face as I walked outside. I had been warned by my strict mother to stay away from here. I’d been caught before, and while I knew she wasn’t in town right now, I also knew that if the wrong person saw me, it would make it back to her. I looked around for any potential witnesses then made my way over to the general store to pick up an order for my mother. This was the ‘real’ reason for my trip into town.

The ride back home was nearly an hour, and by the time I got there the sun was setting and it was just about supper. The land was almost comically flat, with low grasses and trees only scattered about. It was impossible to sneak home. If the dust from the wagon didn’t give you away then the dogs surely would, and in this instance it was both. My mother was standing on the front porch, wiping her hands on her apron, food must be ready.

“Your father is already at the table.” She stated, but what she really meant was ‘you took longer than expected’.

Our ranch was only 4 years old, it started with cattle, but really found its knack with sheep, so that’s what we have now. Luckily for us we had just started doing well. We moved here from Ohio, my father opened the general store in town, but the region was popular for sheep ranches, and the appeal of ranching got the better of him, and he sold the business and bought the land.

“That was an awfully long time just to pick something up in town.” She said sternly. She was a lovely woman, but her expression was less than welcoming.

“Yes ma’am, I’m sorry, I got distracted talking with Jeremiah (the store owners son, and my friend)” I said, still sitting in the wagon.

“You didn’t go into that saloon again did you?” She questioned. My younger sister Abigail was standing in the doorway behind her.

“No ma’am!” I tried to sound sincere.

“So when Mrs. Dawson came by to tell me that that’s exactly where she saw you strolling into, she was lying?” Her voice raised, my sister smirked.

Mrs. Dawson and her husband lived just a mile away, there’s was the closest home to ours. And unfortunately for me, she was incredibly pious and rather nosey. There was no point in lying to my mother, or trying to defend my actions, the best thing I could do now was fess up and take my punishment.

“No ma’am.” My head hung low.

My mother scolded me for what seemed like half an hour, about how wrong it was to lay with women before marriage, and spend my money on booze and whores when there’s so many other things that could be of use. She told me to put the horses away and bring in the goods from the store, then I was to clean up after dinner. Abby and I get along alright, but she gets jealous that I have more freedom than she does, and that I earn an allowance for my work, so to see me screw up with that freedom and money is probably poetic justice in her eyes.

She told my father that I’d gone into the saloon again, he really didn’t care, but he felt obligated to punish me for my mother’s sake, which unfortunately for me consisted of taking me out to the barn and whooping me with a leather strap. I’d been caught at the saloon before and been whooped, and I’d been caught masturbating and then whooped, and each time I feel bad and am deterred from doing it again.. for a week or two, but eventually I always find that I have the need for a release, and I look for a way to take care of it.

It was difficult out here, our home was quaint, one story, with one bedroom for my parents, leaving my sister and I in the main living area. We begged for two beds, but my father got a good deal on one larger bed for the two of us to share, so that’s what we had. It fit both of us (barely) but resulted in uncomfortable and argumentative nights, as we made efforts to keep space between us while fighting to stretch our blankets to their limits.

We had a large property, it was originally for cattle, but when we changed to sheep we kept all the land. We were a relatively large sheep outfit, and since we had the room we tried to move our herd around to best maintain the pasture land. This meant that we would let them graze an area for a certain part of the year before moving them to another. The furthest part of or ranch was about 5 miles from the house, when we were using that land some one would have have to camp out with the herd over night for approximately four months to keep an eye out for predators, mainly coyotes. The dogs did a great job, but we still needed to be present. They’d ride back home every couple of days for supplies, or someone would ride out and bring meals, but they didn’t sleep in the house. My father and I took turns every couple weeks. But it was during these months where I was afforded the time to please myself in private. When I was out to pasture (so to speak) I had all the privacy I could ask for, save for the thousands of sheep eyes staring at me awkwardly. Then during the days that my father was with the flock and I was at the house, I could manage time out with chores in the barns or elsewhere that gave me the moments I needed to stroke my cock without being surprised by my mother or sister.

It was the beginning of May, we had just finished shearing the flock and selling off the older ones for meat. This was the time of year where we were at our lowest numbers which mostly consisted of mothers and their lambs. We were currently using the furthest pastures. We did this during the warmer months so that neither my father nor I had to sleep outside in the cold.

Tonight was my turn to head back out to the field for a couple weeks. After dinner my mother and sister loaded a wagon with food and things while I got a whoopin and stern talking to by my father. The ride out was long, bumpy and completely dark, no moon tonight. It made the trip seem to take longer as I had no way of seeing if I was getting close or not. The camp in our far pasture was marked by a single oak tree, large, leafy, and with no others for miles around. I found the camp and the flock sitting peacefully in the darkness. I unrolled my bed mat in the back of the wagon and fell asleep.

I discovered self – gratification late in life, compared to most guys my age. I’d simply never thought to try something like that, but once I heard about it from classmates it changed my world. I would’ve been content with masturbation for the rest of my life, but as my peers shared their sexual discoveries with me, curiosity and a desire for new forms of pleasure drove me to try things that I’d never imagined I would. One of the first such experimentations was to go from doing it myself, to having a partner, so to speak. While I was still masturbating they had all moved on to something new.. Livestock, in particular, sheep.

When I first heard it I was beyond shocked, and quite frankly, disgusted. I was convinced they were playing a prank on me to see if I’d do it. So I demanded proof that they’d all done it to. To my surprise they weren’t that bothered to demonstrate. This was a couple Octobers ago now, but I still remember it as one of the more bizarre moments of my life. I was at my friend Jeremiah’s home when this conversation took place. He, our friend Michael and I were out in one of his family’s barns having this discussion, when I stated that I wanted to see one of them fuck a sheep before I’d believe it. Jeremiah had almost no hesitations.

He led us out back and we all hopped the fence in to a pen. He walked up behind the nearest ewe and pulled down his pants. Now there was minimal modesty among friends, we had all gone swimming together in the nude, so seeing him expose himself wasn’t some unspeakable act, but what happened next was. He spit into his hand and began stroking himself, it took seconds and he was rock hard. He grabbed a handful of wool and lifted up the tail with the other. He squatted down a bit, took aim and shoved himself in. A sheep’s anus and vagina are right next to each other, and Im not sure which one he went into, but it didn’t really matter, He was having sex with a sheep.

Michael stood next to me grinning, while I stared in disbelief at what was taking place before us. I was amazed at the sheep’s reaction, or lack thereof. I don’t know if I thought it would look like it was enjoying itself, but if not, I certainly thought it would at least look bothered by the whole act. Instead it just kept eating grass, occasionally glancing around, as if Jeremiah wasn’t even there. Suddenly he threw his head back, eyes shut, and let out a series of trembling breaths. He came quickly. He pulled his dripping cock out of the back of the ewe and slapped her on the rear, sending it trotting away. He pulled up his trousers and walked back over to us, he looked satisfied with a look that said ‘I told you so’. He asked if I wanted to go get one, but I declined, I wasn’t sure of the whole thing yet.

For months following I couldn’t bring myself to try it, but not for lack of curiosity. Every time I found myself alone in a pasture surrounded by thousands of sheep Id stare at their back ends, wondering if I should, but I couldn’t. What finally drove me to it was being caught with my cock in my hand but my mother. I was scolded furiously, and didn’t touch myself for nearly a month. Finally, When I had an opportunity to Fuck a sheep of my own, just thinking of it made me harder than I’d ever been, and I did it. It was fast but tremendous, I came almost instantly, and was hard again for more in just minutes. I tried the anus and I tried the cunt, both were good, but the cunt was preferred. After that, I’d have my prick in one every chance I’d get. I’d even volunteer to do field work like repair fences, just so I’d have more opportunities.

This activity made these weeks alone at the edge of our property honestly enjoyable. It was the highlight of my year, I’d screw upwards of 4 a day, and while I wasn’t doing that I was resting under the oak tree, naked, feeling the sun and the breeze on parts of my body that rarely did. Four days went by and it was time for me to head back to the house for more food and drink. When I arrived my mother was in the house preparing supper. She hugged me and did the usual motherly questioning.

“Are you ok? Have you been eating? Are you feeling well?” While she looked me over for injuries. I assured her I was fine and asked where Abby and Pa were. “Your sister got mouthy and back talked, so your father is having a word with her in the barn” she said dismissively, going about her work.

This of course meant she was getting a whooping too. My parents always went easier on Abby, but she did get punished when she earned it. My mother and sister spent all day, every day together, so naturally they were bound to get on each other’s nerves. This was especially problematic as they were both very head strong, and my mother did not tolerate disrespect in any form, including back talk. Without any form of entertainment, and still a little while longer until our meal would be ready, I decided to go watch my sister get punished. This was not allowed, and normally I don’t bother, but I figured I’d go have a look.

I crept up to the side of the barn which was about 60yards from the house. There were a few spots along the walls where there were gaps or holes to peak inside without being noticed. I tried one but couldn’t see or hear anything, I worked my way along the sides of the barn pressing my eye up to every opening I could find without any luck. I was beginning to think that I’d missed them or perhaps they were over in the stable instead. But then I heard what sounded like muffled voices and found a hole to look through. My eye scanned the dim interior until I saw something.

It was Abby, she was standing but leaning forward, bent over a stack of hay bales. Her eyes were closed with a look of discomfort on her face. My eye panned to the side, taking in more of the scene. Her dress was pushed up to her waist, revealing her exposed legs and buttocks. A pair of hands held her hips, and bare thighs smacked against hers with the unmistakable rhythmic sound of sex. It was father, he was standing directly behind her, his trousers bunched around his knees. His face wore an expression of focus, determination, almost anger, which accompanied the powerful, punishing thrusts into my sister … his daughter. I couldn’t believe it, this was how she was disciplined!? By being impaled on her father’s shaft! Repeatedly raped for who knows how long, years maybe!?

My eyes took in all they could see, my sister’s face, my father’s penis, the sounds of grunts and slapping flesh. Why hasn’t she told our mother? Was this the first time? My brain struggled to process it all, but it told me to do something. March into the house and tell Ma what I’d seen… or storm into the barn myself and confront him, tell him to stop!

“Don’t stop daddy!”… Abby urged our father on, like she was reading my thoughts. She dug her fingers into the threads of hay, grasping for something to brace against for the impending orgasms they were both about to have.

This wasn’t rape… she was willingly, eagerly getting fucked by our Pa. This new revelation sent a tingle through my body and a surge through my loins. My prick swelled up in my pants like nothing I’d had before. Watching my sister and father engaging in this forbidden and secret affair made me terribly aroused.. And jealous. I stood up, and as I turned back to the house I could hear the faint groans of collective release. I stormed away bitterly.

I ate dinner in silence, hardly looking up from my plate. I couldn’t bare to look either of them in the face. As soon as I was finished I loaded up and headed back out to the flock, riding in the dark again, with nothing but the images of what I’d witnessed replaying in my mind. My cock stayed hard the entire ride, and when I arrived back at camp I pulled my pants completely off and found the closest ewe I could, then screwed it with aggressive abandon. Only it wasn’t a sheep I was sawing in and out of in the darkness, it was the vision of my sister urging me on.

I didn’t want to go back to the house for awhile, so I opted instead to have food brought out to me every few days. Nearly a month went by, and every few days either my mother or father would arrive in the early evening, check on things, and leave me with food until the next visit. It was usually my father since he liked to see how the flock was doing, but my mother came sometimes just to get out of the house and make sure her ‘baby boy’ was doing well. When he came, I made an excuse to get away and avoid talking to him. And when she came all I could do was imagine that back at the house he was treating himself to my sister’s pussy. It infuriated me! By day he had Abby, in some remote corner of the homestead, half naked with her legs eagerly spread for him. And at night he had my mother, so lovely and innocent, waiting to make love to her husband in their marriage bed, naïve to what he was doing behind her back.

One day I woke up, ate, and immediately set about finding something to satisfy my morning urges. I had a few straw bales about the camp, just big enough that when a ewe stood on it, my prick would line up perfectly with her genitalia. I led one over and she obediently hopped on. I grabbed ahold of the wool and pulled myself in. But barely a few strokes in and I was interrupted by sound of trotting hooves. My eyes shot open and my head spun around to see a horse merely 10 yards away with my sister perched atop it. The expression of shock on her face could only be matched by the terror on mine. There was nothing I could do, nowhere I could hide. My hands still holding the rear of the sheep, my pants around my ankles.. I started to studder, but there was nothing to say, no excuse I could come up with. She stared at me, mouth hanging open, her horse still ambling forward moving her closer to the shameful sight. I finally gulped and released the ewe, it stepped off of the bale and casually walked away. My manhood stood before me, beginning to fall from the humiliation. All I could do was lean over and pull my pants up, tucking myself away.

“I don’t even know what to say…” My sister spoke first. Her horse stopped mere feet from where I stood… “were you just copulating with a sheep?!” she said, she couldn’t even believe she was saying it, and almost started to laugh.

“Ya well…” I didn’t even try to deny it, there was no point, but I was embarrassed, and angry, I didn’t know what else to say or do, I just wanted to take the focus off of me, so I snapped back defensively “ya well you should be talking! This is no worse than what you do.. With Pa!” The malicious grin forming on her face disappeared.

“What did you say?!” She asked, sliding down from her horse and standing in front of me. She now looked exactly like I did… eyes wide with fear, a defensive tone in her voice.

We stood before one another, each possessing a dreadful secret about the other. We could’ve left it at that, gone our separate ways promising to never tell the truth about the other. And honestly she probably would have, but I wouldn’t let it go. I’d lived several weeks in torturous angst, dwelling on the image of her with our father. It bothered me, as it should have, but I was also bitter and envious. I wanted to know more, I needed to.

“I saw you two in the barn, the last time I came home. I thought he was raping you” I started. She opened her mouth like she was going to interrupt me but I kept going. “But I heard you, begging him not to stop, allowing him to do it, wanting him to do it…. How…” I said softly, “how did that happen?”

“When was I supposed to have sex!!” She exclaimed almost instantly, tears forming in her eyes. “I don’t get to go to a brothel, hell I don’t even get to leave the ranch!! Where was I supposed to meet a boy, when would I get to have that feeling!?” She wiped her eyes “I mean Goddammit Bradshaw, even the fucking sheep get screwed!” She threw the words at me, her hands gesturing toward the hundreds of sheep beside us “Why not me!?”

“But how?” I asked. She thought it over before speaking again, composing herself.

“It wasn’t intentional, I didn’t have it planned out or anything. But one day last summer I caught him glancing at me.. Looking down my blouse when I bent over, eyeing my ass when I walked by.. I’ve never had a man look at me like that, it excited me. So that day I yelled at Ma on purpose, gave him a reason to take me out to the barn. When we got there I just pulled my dress down and let it fall to the ground and stood there in front of him. He didn’t know what to do at first, he almost got angry, but then I saw him getting hard and I said ‘what do you want me to do?’” Hearing her say this, imagining her undressing and offering herself to me made me start to get hard myself.

“Why him?”

“Well it’s not like I wanted him.. I mean it’s my father for God sakes! But who else would’ve had sex with me? You?” I lowered my head, hiding my blushing face. “Bradshaw?…” she started.

“Well you didn’t even try.. I mean we share a bed and you never even tried to do anything with me…”

“Bradshaw.” Her voice sounded surprisingly gentle, and kind. “Offering myself to Pa was terrifying for me, he could’ve just as easily been upset and told Ma, I only took the chance because I thought he was interested… I had no reason to think that you might be interested.. If I had then….”

I kept my eyes on the ground and turned my back to her, I felt ashamed, I shouldn’t be lusting for my sister.. “The truth is I wasn’t interested in you, I’d never looked at you like that before, that would’ve been.. wrong.. Until I saw you and father..”


“You don’t have to say anything, I know I’m a horrible person.”


“What?!” I said, almost irritated, spinning around to face her.

“What do you want me to do?” She asked shyly… she stood before me naked as the day she was born, her dress and blouse lay bunched up around her feet. She held her hands in front of her pubic area in modesty. Her eyes were darting around, looking at everything but me, fearful of my reaction. Even with all I’d just said, she was still scared of what I might say or do. Her body was incredible, her perky round tits were far better than I’d have ever thought, I was kicking myself for not trying to see them all these years. Her stomach was smooth and flat. Her hips were narrow, and her legs were surprisingly sleek. Her skin glistened in the sun. I didn’t know what to say at first, I was stunned. I could see my delay making her uneasy, and I snapped out of it.

“Go over to the wagon.” I instructed, a flat tone in my voice, hiding my eagerness. She did as she was told. I watched her ass sway as she turned and walked. I noticed she still had her shoes on, it was a cute detail on an otherwise naked body, it made me smile. I pulled out my prick and stroked it casually as I made my way to where she stood, her back was to me. “Bend over.” I said. She did so without a thought, leaning forward and placing her arms on the flat wooden bed of the wagon.

I admired her from behind, to think that this body had slept next to me for years and I never noticed it’s astonishing form and features. I pulled my trousers down a bit more for comfort, then placed my hand on her hip. She didn’t flinch or gasp at my touch, just stared straight ahead. She was exposed and vulnerable, yet full of anticipation, calmly offering herself for me to use, but also waiting to use me. I could’ve told her to do anything, but this was how I wanted her… THIS was how I’ve been fantasizing about her. I placed the tip of my cock between the lips of her cunt and grabbed her other hip. I pulled our bodies together as slowly as I could, savoring each silky inch. I went as deep as I could and then pressed a little harder, holding it there, she let out a long pleasing breath. I smiled and then slid back and forth, quickly building a rhythm. I wasn’t going to last long, but it didn’t seem like it would matter. My sister arched her back and trembled as I continued to thrust rapidly, then let out a scream.

Suddenly I yanked my tool out of my sister’s loins. Grabbing ahold of it I threw my head back and let out a monstrous groan of pleasure as a powerful stream of cum shot out of me, draping my sister’s ass and back in semen. I’d never had an orgasm inside a woman before, even the whores wouldn’t allow it, too much of a risk of pregnancy. The options were always to pull it out or receive head, it honestly wasn’t a big deal. We stayed that way for several minutes, partly enjoying the moment, and partly too spent to move. I finally released her and took a step back, still catching my breath. I looked at her, her body still trembling slightly, but she didn’t move.

“Do you want me again?” she finally asked.

My dick had just begun to soften, but those five words sent a tingle through my shaft that brought it back to life. I gulped and removed all my clothes (minus my boots). I screwed my sister again, the same exact way. I lasted longer that time, but my second load splattered atop the still wet pools of my first. I had enough in me for one more that morning before she had to head home. Of course I had to help get her cleaned up and presentable before she left.. I mean, what are brothers for?

I went home a couple days later for more supplies and told my folks that I’d be more than willing to spend the rest of the summer with the flock, rather than my father taking turns. He was fine with it, my mother was naturally suspicious, but it wasn’t her call to make. My sister, in turn, asked if she could make my meal deliveries for the remainder of the season. She told them she wanted an excuse to get away from the house, which really wasn’t that odd since she regularly complained about being stuck at home. My mother was again suspicious, but ultimately allowed it.

The next few weeks consisted of me waiting patiently for my sister to arrive every couple days to deliver food and fuck me silly. In between turns we would lay around naked talking under the oak tree. We actually bonded quite a bit. I told her about the saloon, and how I came to start having sex with sheep. It was embarrassing to tell her, but fun to laugh about. She told me about how when she began to masturbate she would sneak away or go to the outhouse, and even did it in bed a few times while I was asleep. She told me more about how things began with Pa, and that he still wouldn’t initiate things, it was always her. She said that for the longest time she was ashamed of what she was doing, but that it didn’t hinder her from wanting to do it. She admitted that she was still having sex with him back home, which bothered me, but I had no claim to tell her otherwise.

All in all I was very happy with my situation, granted I would feel guilty about it quite a bit, but I wasn’t about to stop. One day I was laying on a blanket, clear skies over head, slight breeze in the air, and my sister was riding me to a climax. This was our second session of the morning, so I was relaxing, but she was going just as hard, she was nearly insatiable. I had my hands behind my head as I watched her, her eyes were closed, she was focusing. I smiled and closed my eyes too… but only for a moment.

“What in the Hell is going on!?!” A voice rang out.

My eyes burst open to see Abby, she had stopped moving and was staring in terror. My head turned slowly, as if it didn’t want to see, but there was my mother standing with her hands on her hips, and a look of indignation on her face the likes of which I’d never seen.

“I knew it seemed irregular for you to want to make the trip out here just to bring your brother meals! Get your hindquarters up off of him right this instant!!” My sister jumped to her feet and ran behind the tree.. “ Now get dressed and get back to the house! I’ll deal with you as soon as I get back there!”

Ma didn’t mention anything about what Abby should say to our father when she got home, but somehow I felt that my sister wasn’t going to bring this up if she didn’t have to. My sister was dressed in seconds and on her wagon in a second more. She was hightailing it out of here without a care for what was going to happen to me, which suddenly made me realize that I was still laying on the blanket completely in the buff in front of my mother. I wasn’t sure what to do, better yet I was just too frightened to do anything. My prick was still rock hard, it too was petrified, and perhaps simply too afraid to go soft! My mother’s attention had still been on my sister up until this point, watching her ride away. When she was satisfied that Abby was on her way, she turned to me.

“From the looks of things I take it you didn’t force yourself upon her, did ya?” She finally spoke to me, surprisingly calm and collected.

“No ma’am!”

“How long has this been going on?”


“Don’t you lie to me boy!”

“.. About a month.” I answered, looking away.

“How’d it start?”

“She..” I stopped myself, I decided against revealing that I was caught with my dick in a sheep. “I..” I stopped myself again, I didn’t think it prudent to let my mother know about the affair Abby and my father were having.. “We..” But I didn’t really know what to say that wouldn’t worsen the situation.

“Do you know about her and your father?” She asked. I looked up at her.

“Wait.. You know??”

“Yes.” She replied, calmly. Somehow hearing that my mother knew was more shocking than when I caught them. “Last autumn, they don’t know I saw them.” She looked humbled.

“Why haven’t you said anything?!” I was in no position to be raising my voice to her, but I was in complete disbelief.

“I kept telling myself I was going to… once I knew it was happening I kept going to check, hoping I was wrong, but I saw them again, and again… I told myself this would ruin our family if it got out, and that it was clearly consensual, and it wasn’t hurting anyone but me… so I stopped going to check… I no longer went to see what they were doing, and I stopped thinking about it. Eventually it just didn’t matter anymore.” Her eyes trailed off.

“And you still love him? You still MAKE love to him?!”

“Yes.. But it’s true our love making is no longer what it once was, I hold back with him, I no longer… achieve climax with him.. He doesn’t know of course, I make him think I do, but I don’t.” Her gaze returned to me. “ I’ve felt that I needed revenge, I needed someone that could be mine the way he has your sister..” a shyness crossed her face, “I wanted to have you.” My eyes widened. “That’s why I’ve always been so against you going to the saloon and being with those.. Women. I told myself you’re a young man with sexual wants, it would be easy, I would just offer myself to you and you’d be excited to have me.. But I was afraid, I hated that I didn’t have the fortitude to come to you when we’ve been alone..”

Her eyes slid down my body, resting on my stiffened member. It twitched, as though it felt her presence. You could feel her angst, she was fighting within herself, her desires and her character at wits with one another, debating the consequences of this taboo. It felt like she was just going to stand there forever, but finally something within her decided it was now or never… She walked forward, standing at the foot of the blanket, and reached under her dress and pulling down her britches, and kicking them aside. She stepped over me, positioning herself above my waist, a leg on each side. She knelt down, the head was a cunts hair from her opening. She grabbed ahold of it and began to insert the tip before stopping.

“Tell me before you’re going to cum! Don’t do it inside me!” She was serious again, and there was a hint of motherly authority in her voice. I just nodded quickly.

With that she let herself be completely impaled on my throbbing phallus. There was a moment of tranquility, where she allowed her body to relish in the feeling of a new cock. But then it was like she reminded herself that this was about more than simply having her son’s tool inside her, this was about having an orgasm. She placed her hands on my stomach for support and began fucking me with every ounce of anger and wanting that she’d been holding on to for these months. She came quickly, and without warning, but she kept going. She was going to ride me for every climax she could muster. She came again a few minutes later, just as spontaneously, but it seemed to last longer. With her eyes still closed and her pelvis still rotating on mine, she reached up with one hand and began unbuttoning her blouse. She pulled it open, unveiling her chest to me. The sides of her top framed her heavy swaying breasts. They were like nothing I’d ever seen before. Four times the size of my sister’s, but with the same perky nipples. Their weight along with her age caused them to hang more than Abby’s did, but not much, and it gave them an elegant tear-drop shape. My hands were glued to my sides, flat against the blanket. I was still uncertain about scene playing out before me, unsure of what my part should be. So I laid still, not making a sound, just watching, in skeptical bliss.

“Touch me!” She scolded. Grabbing both my hands and plastering them to her bosom.

I just held them there for a second before I finally had the courage to give them a squeeze. They were marvelous. I began to slide my fingers all over them, and kneed the soft flesh. I pinched a nipple and almost instantly she began to climax again, larger this time. I felt the inside of her gush and realized I couldn’t go any longer.

“Ma… I’m gonna cum.” I said, sounding like a son.

She jumped to her feet, took a step back and knelt between my legs. She grabbed me by the shaft, leaned forward and took me in her mouth, engulfing me with full enthusiasm. I gasped, clawing at the blanket and staring straight up at the sky. I came with a sudden and powerful blast. It took her by surprise, she made a small choking noise, but her head didn’t stop moving. I made involuntary grunts and groans as my cream steadily poured out of me, I could hear the sounds of her swallowing. It felt like the most I’d ever ejaculated, but finally it came to an end. My body relaxed and her hand loosened. Her mouth released the head of my cock with a sucking pop. She stood up, smoothing out her dress and walking away. She found her under britches and pulled them on. She began to button up her top, and without looking up she said.

“Your sister and I will be back to see you in three days.”

“Yes ma’am.” I eked out. My body unable to move. She walked over to her horse and rode away, leaving me like that.

Three days later my mother returned with my sister. We had a long conversation about the particulars of our situation. It seems she didn’t tell Pa about Abby and I’s relationship.. Just like she has decided not to divulge to him that she is aware of his and Abby’s. She talked to Abby and admitted that she has seen her with her father and has accepted it. She’s given her blessing for it to continue, which Abby established it would. Ma also confessed to Abby about the tryst she and I had, giving Abby her blessing to continue to have sex with me, but also declaring that she would be as well. We were all in agreement, both women in the family would be in sexual relationships with both men… And the only person who was unaware of it would be farther. Mother said that she would still sleep with our father, but mostly out of obligation, however she did state that after having sex with me, she was finally able to achieve orgasm with him again.

The remaining weeks of the season were full of sex and free of stress, as there was less need for sneaking around. I took turns in the field with father again, allowing me several nights at a time to fuck my mother and sister in the comfort of our own home. The three of us shared a bed together, and agreed that none of us would ever deny the other coitus. So if at any point I wanted to screw one of them, they had to allow it… this of course went both ways, and if one of them wanted my dick, I needed to be able to service them… this wasn’t an issue. It also meant that neither of them could hog me, if I was having sex with one, and the other wanted me they had to take turns, that way both could cum before I undoubtedly would… This became the most common scenario. It never failed.. if one saw the other getting fucked, then she assuredly would want to as well. When I took my turns in the field, they would usually both come to visit, although some times they would come separately, allowing the other to have some personal time with me.

Ma taught us about cunnilingus, an act that my father refused to perform apparently. She had me practice extensively on both her and my sister. She even taught Abby how to do it.. Something they would practice, even if I wasn’t around. This opened up a world of sexual positions and opportunities for us. I could now have my prick in one of them while she was using her tongue to please the other, making it possible for everyone to participate even though there was only one dick to go around. It also meant that if my penis was currently recovering or otherwise unable to perform, I could still service my ladies.

She used my cock to teach Abby about giving head. Abby had never done it to me before and I didn’t really think much of it. But it turns out that our father never had her suck his dick, so she simply hadn’t learned how. Mother insisted she learn, and not only learn to do it, but learn to like doing it. She said it was a safe and elegant alternative to having men pull out of her during intercourse. She said it was more sanitary than having to clean up a man’s semen afterwards, and that men didn’t always like pulling out, but they loved getting their dicks sucked, so it was a compromised way to avoid him cumming inside her and risk unwanted pregnancies. Our father simply liked to pull out, but I certainly liked the change, and as it turned out it was all for me anyways.

As the years went on Abby never dated, nor did I. Neither of us ever moved out, and we stayed on or family ranch, which was very common. We grew up still sharing the same bed, although we stopped complaining about it. Every night we had quiet but exciting sex, and depending on the time or season, I had at least one of them to satisfy me during the day. It ended up being a wonderful existence. For awhile it bothered me whenever my sister was out somewhere with my father, as I knew what they were doing, but mother and I took advantage of his absence to get in a quickie of our own, and eventually I almost looked forward to when they were out in the barn. The same was said for when I could hear my father and mother having sex in their room, but Abby and I simply used their noise as an opportunity to be a little louder in our bed.

Naturally I stopped screwing the sheep, and I no longer spent money on whores. I inherited the ranch when my father died unexpectedly about 6 years later. It was doing well when he passed, and I continued to keep it thriving. I became the man of the house and was treated as such. I received the largest cuts of meat at meals, and was lovingly attended to by the women of the house for over 30 years. Without my father around we no longer had to live in secret, we could openly enjoy each other any time or place. Some of my fondest memories were evenings in the winter, sitting in my father’s old armchair by the fireplace, relaxing, while my mother’s head bobbed slowly in my lap. The suckling sounds of her lips complimented by the crackling of the fire.

We still called mother ‘Ma’ and we treated her so. Abby was still my sister and behaved like one, we even squabbled as siblings often do. In many ways we were still a family, but with improved circumstances. Living in a small home wasn’t so cramped when we had no secrets and needed no privacy. No one needed to sneak away to pleasure themselves, someone else would happily do it. Often times our home life revolved around our familial love making. I can remember instances where mother was bent over the table getting fucked while Abby was setting it for dinner. She still acted like a mother, even telling Abby and I to do chores while we were in the middle of having sex. One day she stuck her head into the bedroom, where Abby was feverishly sucking on my morning wood, and she made the joke “When you’re done milking your brother you need to go milk the cows!” Yes we were still a family, but a more loving one. We saw each other as family members but also as lovers, not just as a nagging mother or an annoying sister. We wanted each other to be happy, those previous nuisances didn’t both us any more.

My mother didn’t remarry of course, and neither my sister or I ever got married ourselves. So adversely, there wasn’t a younger generation to inherit the property from us. After mother died, Abby and I sold the ranch and moved to a large city. We joked that the big city had “looser morals than the country, so we should fit right in!” It was somewhere no one knew us, and we could disappear and be reborn, starting a new life as a recently retired and happily married couple. Read 128673 times | Rated 91.4 % | (1226 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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