Chapter 02 – The First Lesson

An adult stories – Chapter 02 – The First Lesson by Master3687,Master3687 The girls were led through the hall and down a long corridor, into a large classroom.

Anna looked around in confusion. It looked like a jail, with hooks and bars all around the walls. and there were no seats. The girls nervously looked at each other, trying to decide what to do.

Mistress Raven walked to a table in the middle of the room. “Ladies, kneel. We will begin our first class.” She announced.

The girls looked at each other again. One girl stepped forward and said in a trembling voice. “I-I want to go home!”

Anna looked on in shock as Mistress Raven smirked. She flicked her wrist and the Fowl next to her forced the girl to kneel in front of the whole class.

“Ouch! No! Stop it!” The girl shrieked, falling to the ground.

“What is your name?” Mistress Raven asked sweetly.

The girl was trembling and sobbing. “E-Eliza.”

Mistress Raven sneered. “Eliza, you are now a slave. You are now expected to do as I tell you, no matter what.” She paused. “How do you feell about demonstrating for the class today, Eliza?”

“No! Please stop!” Eliza whimpered. “I want to go home!”

Mistress Raven gave her an evil smile. “You are home, Eliza.”


The Fowl’s hand whipped out and slapped Eliza hard across her face. Eliza yelped in surprise, then shrieked in pain, kneeling on the floor as the Fowl grabbed her long hair and yanked her head back.

“Do not speak unless spoken to!” The Fowl barked. “Raise your arms in the air and thrust out your breasts like the good slave you are. And spread those thighs!” She ordered, releasing her hair.

Eliza gasped for air and rubbed her sore head. She tried to stop the tears as she slowly put out her breasts for the class. Eliza opened her thighs and trembled as the Fowl’s hands pushed her legs wider.

Mistress Raven sneered. “That, class, is called the servitude posture. It is the default posture for a sex slave as it gives full access to the Master or Mistress to your genitals, breasts and armpits. A very submissive and vulnerable pose. Everyone in the servitude posture. Now!”

Anna stood still, raising her hands and thrusting out her breasts, kneeling and spreading her thighs wide open as she felt the humiliation.

The other slaves did as they were told, afraid to speak.

Mistress Raven continued, “A slave will be expected to do this posture whenever she is serving a Master or Mistress. When I ask you to do a servitude posture, you will obey immediately. And under no circumstances should you change your posture without your Master or Mistress’s orders.” She smirked and flicked her finger across Eliza’s spread pussy, making her tremble, but Eliza held her posture in front of the class.

“Time to see if you’ve learned it to heart, eih?” Mistress Raven cooed and took out a taser. Eliza’s eyes widened, her body trembling. “Remain in posture, Eliza.” Mistress Raven said softly and took aim at Eliza’s pussy. “I would be very disappointed if you did.”

Eliza tried to beg, “Mistress, I’m sorry…”

Mistress Raven moved the taser towards Eliza’s pussy. Eliza whimpered, and just before it touched her, she wailed and closed her thighs, not allowing the taser to touch her pussy. Mistress Raven chuckled. “disobedience.” She stroked the terrified girl’s long hair. “One punishment session.” She cooed. “Spread them for me, will you?”

The whole class looked with baited breath as Eliza spread her thighs slowly, whimpering as she saw the taser in Mistress Raven’s hand. Mistress Raven smirked and moved it towards her pussy slowly and agonizingly, toying with the girl.

Eliza was sweating furiously, forcing her thighs wide open, and she closed her eyes as the taser neared her pussy.

Eliza jumped and let out a small scream as the taser touched her pussy, instinctively closing her thighs. She opened her eyes again, noticing there was no pain. Mistress Raven laughed. “You will receive a second punishment session for not maintaining your posture.” she laughed. “I didn’t turn it on!”

Eliza trembled, opening her mouth in shock. She wailed and started to shake, crying as she realized what she had just done.

“That is enough!” Mistress Raven announced. “Spread them!”

Eliza slowly stood up and spread her thighs the third time.

Mistress Raven paused. “As slaves, we are expected to do this servitude posture at all times, and it should be maintained for our Masters and Mistresses, especially when given a direct order to do so.”

She moved the taser close to Eliza’s pussy again. This time, she did turn it on. Anna watched in horror as Eliza howled and bucked, maintaining her spread thighs for about two seconds before collapsing and closing her thighs from the pain.

Eliza fell onto the ground, shaking uncontrollably, her whole body sore. She felt like her pussy was on fire, and it was difficult to breathe.

Mistress Raven shook her head in disapproval. “Meet me after class for your two punishment sessions.” She announced, then looked around at the other slaves. “Now that we have your servitude posture down, let’s get started on your other lessons.”

Anna’s knees were sore from the kneeling, and her arms from the raise. She knew there was going to be more humiliation coming.

“Now, you all will learn to do everything you are told in the most submissive way possible. As slaves, you will never argue or disagree with your Master or Mistress, ever.” Mistress Raven announced, her tone strict. “I will not tolerate a single question from a slave.” She paused. “But if your Master or Mistress orders you to ask a question, then you will. If you must ask a question, you will do so by addressing them as ‘Mistress’, or ‘Master’.”

She paused. “The correct way to address your Master and Mistress is: ‘Yes, Master’. Or ‘Yes, Mistress’. Always!”

The girls in the class looked at each other in fear.

“Any questions?” Mistress Raven asked.

Anna wanted to speak up, but she knew she couldn’t.

Mistress Raven chuckled. “Very well. I suppose you don’t. Now, let us discuss some of the more intimate details of sexual slavery.”

“Slavery, by definition, means that everything you own is your Master/Mistress’s. That includes your orgasm.” Her grin widened. “Lets see…any volunteers to demonstrate?”

Anna’s eyes widened in fear as Mistress Raven’s gaze passed her, staring at her naked body.

“No one? Very well…” Mistress Raven laughed. “I suppose Anna will have to do.”

Anna froze. Mistress Raven smiled wickedly. “The very first lesson of sexual slavery is to obey your Master or Mistress, no matter what. There are no questions. Just do it.”

Anna trembled. She looked around at the other girls. They all had fear and anxiety in their eyes.

Anna stood up, but a whip on her ass from the Fowl behind her made her kneel back down.

“When moving towards your Mistress, crawl with your heads up and legs straight so as to make your pussy and anus more accessible.” Mistress Raven said softly. Anna, ass cheeks stinging from the whip, crawled on all fours with her legs straight towards Mistress Raven, her ass sticking up in the air.

Mistress Raven laughed. “That’s perfect. Servitude posture, Anna.”

Anna got down to her knees, raised her arms and thrust out her breasts, thighs spread wide.

Anna held her servitude posture and looked up at the class as Mistress Raven’s fingers found her wet pussy.

Anna tried not to scream, but she couldn’t help it as Mistress Raven’s fingers invaded her pussy, touching her most intimate parts.

Anna cried out again as Mistress Raven’s fingers touched her clitoris. She shivered as her wetness flowed. She was forced to look at her fellow slaves and see their looks of shock.

She screamed as she felt Mistress Raven’s fingers forcing her clitoris out, playing with it. Her whole body trembled and she started to squirm, her pussy getting wetter and wetter.

Anna closed her thighs as she started to orgasm, but Mistress Raven’s whip cracked across her back. “You will keep your servitude posture, slave!” She hissed.

Anna opened her thighs wide and forced them apart as she orgasmed. She squirmed and cried out, her pussy wetting up the floor below her.

Anna gasped for air and stopped squirming as Mistress Raven removed her fingers from her pussy. Anna trembled as she looked around at the other slaves, some of them having tears in their eyes.

“Did you remember what I said?” Mistress Raven said smugly. “Something about permission?”

Anna closed her eyes in fear. “I…I should have asked for permission before I orgasmed.”

“cummed, honey, you cummed.” Mistress Raven said softly, changing her word choice. “Not asking for permission…now that deserves a punishment, doesn’t it, class?”

Mistress Raven laughed as the other slaves looked on, and Anna shuddered in fear.

“We’ll try again, shall we?” Mistress Raven said softly but menacingly, her fingers touching Anna’s pussy.

Anna gasped, squirming in the servitude posture.

Mistress Raven touched Anna’s clitoris, gently stroking it. Anna closed her eyes, moaning, and she started to squirm again.

Mistress Raven gave Anna’s clitoris a slight pinch, making Anna cry out. “A little less squirming, please?” She laughed.

Anna froze and forced her thighs apart, gritting her teeth as she felt her arousal rise.

“M-May I cum?” Anna asked timidly, not meeting Mistress Raven’s eyes, knowing if she didn’t ask for permission she would get another punishment session.

“Why should I let you if you’re not looking into my eyes?” Mistress Raven asked softly, giving the class another evil smirk.

Anna looked at her Mistress, who stared at her coldly.

Mistress Raven’s fingers touched her clitoris again, and Anna let out a little gasp as she felt her arousal rise. “M-May I cum?” She pleaded, looking into Mistress Raven’s eyes, blushing with shame.

Here she was, holding her thighs apart for a woman, and pleading for permission to orgasm. Wave after wave of humiliation washed over Anna.

“No, slave.” Mistress Raven smiled and continued stimulating her with her experienced fingers.

Anna gasped. “P-Please!” She cried, squirming. “I need to cum!” She wailed, forcing her thighs apart. The class looked on fearfully as Anna looked about to lose control of her body.

Mistress Raven smiled, enjoying the control she had over her slave. “Oh, you need to cum? What should I do about that, hmm?” She asked softly, enjoying the pleasure and power she had.

Anna cried and trembled. “May I cum…please?”

“Well…” Mistress Raven said softly, her fingers not stopping their movements. “If you ask nicely enough, maybe I’ll let you.” She paused. “But I think you’ll need to beg me a little more.”

Mistress Raven’s fingers went to work, and Anna was gritting her teeth and shuddering violently, her petite body trying to contain the sexual pleasure.

Mistress Raven laughed. “You’re going to have to do better than that if you want to orgasm!”

“P-Please!” Anna cried, looking up at her Mistress. “Let me cum, please!” She pleaded.

Mistress Raven’s fingers stroked her pussy gently, bringing Anna close to orgasm, but not allowing her to go over the edge. “I’m listening.” Mistress Raven said, grinning wickedly.

“P-Please let me cum! I need to cum!” Anna said desperately, her thighs trembling as she tried not to orgasm. “Please…please…”

Mistress Raven shook her head, smiling. “No. You may not cum.” She said and to Anna’s horror, increased the pressure on her clitoris. Anna desperately needed Mistress Raven to grant her permission, but…

“N-No, no, no…” Anna whimpered, trying to get herself under control, but she couldn’t help it. The waves of pleasure were becoming unbearable. She squirmed in place, tears falling from her eyes as the pleasure became more intense.

“What’s the matter, Anna?” Mistress Raven cooed, “Getting a little too close? Too hot and wet? Can’t take the pressure?”

Anna forced her thighs apart, wailing as she cummed involuntarily. “Please, please, please…” She sobbed, unable to keep herself from orgasming.

“That’s right. Cum without my permission, Anna.” Mistress Raven laughed as her slave cried and wailed, thrusting her pussy into Mistress Raven’s hand, crying out.

Anna came hard, and she felt like she was floating away from her body as she squirmed, cumming. Her orgasm was the most intense she had ever felt, and she cried, whimpering as she came.

Mistress Raven continued to stimulate her slave as she came, enjoying the power she had over Anna’s body. Anna’s pussy was already dripping wet, and Mistress Raven loved it.

Mistress Raven removed her fingers from Anna’s pussy, who gasped for breath, still trembling. Slowly recovering from the ordeal, she looked up to see the wide eyes of her slave classmates. She hung her head in shame, knowing she had just orgasmed in front of them, and humiliatingly so.

Mistress Raven gave the class a wicked grin. “It is considered a great sign of humiliation for a slave to orgasm without their Master or Mistress’s permission. A second punishment session for Anna here. Go back to your place.”

Anna returned to her place, knees sore and pussy stinging. She looked at the other slaves and saw the terror in their eyes.

“Very well. Slaves.” Mistress Raven announced, standing up. “This is all we will learn today. Eliza, Anna, follow me. Others, go back to your room.” The Fowls lead the other slave girls, now on all fours, crawling behind the Fowls in submission.

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