Anger – For lack of a better title for now by Mystress_Carlie

A literotic sexstories: Anger – For lack of a better title for now. by Mystress_Carlie ,

Silk stopped by to pick up her dress from Michael’s house. She knew that Stacey and Syndee would be there so she figured she be safe from Michael’s charm. What she hadn’t counted on what his anger.She knocked and Stacey let her in. Stacey gave her a sad smile and Silk noticed that she had red marks on her body. Michael was being hard on them. Silk almost laughed right then.

“Where is my dress so I can be on my way,” Silk asked of Stacey finally.

“Its up there on the table, I’ll go get it…” Stacey began before Michael cut her off.

Michael’s voice filtered down to the door, “She can come up here and face me if she wants it.”

Silk pushed past Stacey, now mad at how Michael was acting. She marched up the stairs to the dinning room and was met with a site. She wasn’t sure whether it was meant to make her jealous or to show off. Whichever, she wasn’t amused.

Michael had Syndee sucking his cock while he sat in the chair at the table, something that he only normally had Silk do. Sure he had the other two suck him, as he would any slave, but not like he was doing now with Syndee. This is was more intimate, more special. This was the way he had it done when he meant to cum in her mouth, he only came in Silk’s mouth like this. He had told her that only she could make him cum like this. Guess he lied, Silk thought to herself.

“If that,” Silk said, pointing at his lap, “is supposed to make me jealous, you are way off.”

This pissed Michael off. How dare she think he was stooping that low, even if he was. She is the one who left, not him. He thought he was the only one with the right to be mad, not her.

“I can see, you are still the strong independent one,” He finally spoke after watching her watch Syndee for a few minutes.

She gave him a dirty look and held out her hand, “Whatever, Michael. Just give me my dress. That is all I came for.”

He looked to the dress on the table and for a moment thought about cumming on it before giving it to her, but then decided against it. That would be childish and as much as he felt like acting so, he would not give her the pleasure of such behavior. Finally he picked up and tossed it to her.

She caught it and before she could thank him, he said, “Fine there is your dress, is that all?”

“Yeah I think that is it, at least for now. I’ll let you know,” she shot back and turned to go.

“What, no kiss good-bye?”

She turned back and gave him another dirty look, “I don’t think that would be appropriate Michael,” She began but before the words had totally cleared her mouth, Michael had stood up, pushing Syndee to the side and then he was pressing her against the wall. She gave a startled squeak and then… then his lips met hers.

He didn’t know why he had to tease her, but it seemed the only way to keep her talking. Then she was leaving and he couldn’t help himself. He jumped up and pressed her up against the wall. When she squeaked, he looked into her eyes. Pools of emerald shown up at him, he saw annoyance in them but no fear. That lack of fear is what prompted his next move.

His mouth laid claim to hers. When his tongue traced the line of her lips, they opened at once giving admittance to his demanding tongue. The kiss poured into her like honey and she kissed back hungrily. Just when she though she would give into him, he grabbed a handful of ebony hair and pulled her head back to look into her eyes once more. Stormy blue met pools of emerald, each begging the other for something and yet demanding something of the other. Then he shattered the illusion, “This is not good-bye little one,” He whispered against her lips.

He then let go of her and turned and walked away, down the hall. He never turned and looked back as he went into his dungeon room.

With an exasperated sigh, Silk turned to go giving Stacey and Syndee sad looks as she did. As she reached the door, Stacey asked whom she was going out with that night. When she answered Becker, Stacey gave her a shocked look and tried to talk to her. Silk put up her hand and walked out the door.

Knowing the other two would tell Michael about Becker, Silk ran to her car and took off like the hounds of hell were fresh on her heels. She kept looking in her rear view mirror for Michael but he never appeared. Then her cell phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, she saw it was Michael. To hell with him, she thought. He would just rag on her about Jon Becker and she felt he had no right.

Just as Silk predicted, Stacey ran and told Michael. Only she wasn’t as quick as Silk thought.

“Guess who Silk is going out with tonight, Master,” Stacey drawled.

Michael gave her a look and said, “Not that I really care, but who?”

Thinking her news would be pleasing, “Jon Becker.”

The color fled from Michael’s face then he growled, “Get me the phone, now slave.”

Stacey ran for the phone, grabbing the cordless off its base, she returned it to Michael at top speed. As she ran by, Syndee gave her a look, which Stacey ignored. Stacey gave Michael the phone and waited to hear the conversation.

Michael felt his stomach drop when Stacey said His Silk was out with that asshole, Becker. What could she be thinking Michael wondered? Then it occurred to him, she was trying to make him jealous. Nonetheless, she could be in danger from that prick. Michael dialed her number. After several rings, he got her message service.

Pissed he growled, “You know who this is. Why are you out with Becker? You know he is dangerous. Are you crazy or just stupid?” He ranted for a minute, then at last he added, “Look call me if you need me.” He then hung up.

Michael then proceeded to take out his anger on Stacey and Syndee in the best way he knew possible. He tied them up, beat them, spanked them and used them for his pleasure. He pushed their limits that night and when they didn’t cry red, he kept going.

Michael began with Stacey first since she was the one who brought him the bad news. Cuffing her hands first, he tried her to the chain that hung down from the ceiling. He then grabbed her bin of goodies and pulled out her remote control vibrating butterfly. Placing it on her pussy, he used it to tease and torment her while he played.

Next he took the flogger from her bin and began to slash at her prone body with it. She took it well at first then when he would get to intense for her and she began to pull away, he turned on the vibrator and brought her near to orgasm. Just when he knew she would beg for it, he turned it off. He did this two more times, then stopped out of boredom. Now his eyes turned to Syndee.

Michael gave her a devilish smile as he beckoned her near. She crawled over to his feet and as she did, he turned and grabbed some nipple clamps out of her bin.

“Stand slave,” he ordered.

Syndee stood and pressed her chest forward knowing what he was going to do. Snap went the clamp on one nipple and she looked up to see him watching her. Snap went the other clamp and she tried not to flinch in pain. Once they were in place, she relaxed, but only for a moment.

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