ully Roommate and Horny Girlfriend by In_Lust_We_Trust

An adult stories – Bully Roommate and Horny Girlfriend by In_Lust_We_Trust


Author’s note:

This is a work of fiction. All characters are adult, and fictional in every way.

Its focus is very explicit, fetishistic content.

If you do not enjoy this, do yourself a favor and read something else. Seriously!

Remember to comment, send feedback and rate the story. That’s what I write for!

Enjoy 🙂


It was Kyle’s second college year. His class had just begun, and he was late. He ran through the empty corridors, cursing under his breath.

‘Crap, crap! That old hag’s gonna give me shit again!’ he thought to himself.

The building was like a maze, clearly a showcase for overengineering and lack of pragmatical vision.

He was getting closer. Then, at a particularly sharp corner his run abruptly stopped as he almost collided with someone who reacted with a yelp and jumped back.

“Ah, sorry!” he exclaimed instantly.

“Wow, you scared me!” a woman’s voice said.

He looked at her and was frozen speechless. It was the most beautiful, stunning woman he had ever seen. She was a brunette, her long hair was tied up in a ponytail. She didn’t have any make-up on, and yet looked gorgeous enough to effortlessly pass for a supermodel. She was wearing clothes that clearly downplayed her sex-appeal, but even despite them she clearly had an extremely attractive body.

The most notable, to any young-male, was a very sizable bust. Kyle was no exception to that, the overpowering male urge to sneak a peek won with him as well.

“I’m really sorry, hah, I’m just in a rush. Are you okay?” he asked nervously, immediately intimidated by her attractiveness. His heart was beating noticeably faster, too.

“Uh, well, I’m fine,” she answered nervously. “I mean, uh, not really, I think I’m lost.”

“Myself, I’m late for a class,” Kyle told her. “Do you, uh, need help to find your way?”

“Oh, I mean…I’m sure I can manage if you’re in a hurry, but, at the same time…yeah, I’d really appreciate it. I’m in the same boat as you, hehe,” she replied and laughed sheepishly.

Kyle smiled at her.

“I have no clue who designed with overcomplicated building,” he said.

She laughed again, this time honestly and comfortably. She had such a nice laugh, and her smile was bright enough to melt butter.

“I know, right?” she asked in a playful, ‘duh’ voice.

“My name’s Kyle, by the way,” he said, extending his hand.

“Becky. Nice to meet you,” she answered welcomingly, and reciprocated the handshake.

As he took her hand in his, he immediately marvelled how soft and feminine her skin felt. He could feel his heart beat hard in his chest. Being so close to a girl this attractive put him on quite the edge. He didn’t have much experience with women.

Becky told him she was a first-year, and Kyle proceeded to explain as best as he good the general layout of the classrooms and where to find plans of the building in certain spots if ‘all else fails’.

Both of them then carried on with a short, pleasant chit-chat. As if either of them wasn’t particularly interested about going to class, and more interested in spending time together.

Eventually, though, reality made them remember their lateness.

“Alright, I, uh, I better go,” Becky said. “We’ll both be very late.”

“Yeah, good point,” Kyle confirmed.

“Well, it was very nice meeting you, Kyle. I hope we run into each other again,” she joked and smiled.

He grinned and nodded.

“Yeah, see you,” he replied.

Both of them turned towards their respective directions and resumed walking.

After a few steps, Kyle froze, realizing his blunder. ‘Why didn’t I ask for her number?!’ He immediately turned around and ran towards her.

“Actually, wait. Becky, wait!” he called out to her.

She turned around to face him. Her eyebrows were raised in curiosity. She looked so darn cute.

“I, uh…uh,” he stammered, mustering up the courage.

“Yes?” she asked, slightly amused.

“Are you seeing anybody?” he blurted out directly.

“Uh, no, not at this time,” she was slightly taken aback at the directness, but then smiled. “Why?”

“Would you, uh, like to…hang out later? You know, just casually,” he asked her out, nervousness plain in his voice.

For a short moment Becky watched him with a neutral expression. Kyle felt it was a very, very long time. But soon enough she beamed a wide, golden smile.

“Yeah! Absolutely!” she said sweetly and cheerfully.

Kyle felt a wave of relief and ecstatic joy wash over him. ‘Yes!’

“How about we exchange numbers?” Kyle suggested, trying to appear calm.

“Mhm,” she hummed and nodded, pulling out her phone.

They checked the validity of the numbers by giving each other a short call.

“Alright then, I’ll see you later, Becky,” Kyle exclaimed excitedly.

“Yeah, please do,” she replied, smiling all the way.

Then both of them headed for their respective destinations. Becky walked, looking around carefully, following Kyle’s instructions to not get lost again. Kyle, meanwhile, ran with enthusiasm all the way.

No wonder. He just might could start dating and have a gorgeous woman, a total knockout, become his first girlfriend!


Kyle was ecstatic all day. He even managed to eat lunch together with Becky in the cafeteria. They chatted, joked and laughed. She wouldn’t be available after school, but they have made plans for their first date to take place the next day. It seemed they were truly going along great.

After the final class finished, he was walking with a float in his step towards his dorm room. But as he got closer, his mood dampened slightly.

His dorm room situation was…problematic. On the one hand, there were very few places, that were in this good a location and this cheap, available last time he looked. On those fronts, it was a clear winner.

The bad part was his complete jackass of a roommate. His name was Tony, and he was a very big guy, with thick muscles from a solid work-out routine. His attitude in all areas left something to be desired. Like, for one thing, playing loud music with no concern on how much it disrupts Kyle’s learning. When Kyle would complain, he would usually get the line “Then get the fuck out and find your own place”.

To start with, the rental agreement was actually fully on Tony. His rich father was paying for everything, and from what Kyle understood, all Kyle’s ‘share’ of the rent went directly to Tony’s pocket. Tony complained that it was his father who insisted that he shouldn’t live alone during his college years, for whatever reason. The money was just a small bonus, because Tony’s father, as he claimed, was not stingy with his allowances and whatnot.

He didn’t have the most scholastic attitude, claiming most of the ‘shit-subjects’ they were teaching had no place in the real world, and he was destined to eventually take over his father’s company so he had a lot of responsibility to learn actually valuable things and not ‘college fillers’ as he called them.

Then, there was his attitude towards women. Tony had no problem getting laid, and he did get laid often. Kyle didn’t know what his secret was, and he was kinda envious of it, but mostly he was mad that because of those antics he had little privacy, and had to deal with constant interruptions and disruptions of his attempts to just study.

Most women Tony slept with were not the same. Some were one-night stands, some he met with a couple of times, but eventually he’d break it off. Surprisingly, as Kyle accidentally overheard or saw multiple times, it was never Tony himself who got dumped. He would just say that ‘he got bored’, or that ‘the girl wasn’t hot enough anyway’.

Kyle didn’t understand the ‘Tony phenomena’. In the end, he just found him despicable.

Anyway, for now, as Kyle returned home, he still was in a really, really good mood. And his roommate seemingly was in his room, some bassy tune playing not too loudly. He sat down and made himself a snack, then pulled out a book and read through it shallowly.

After some time, Tony’s door opened. Kyle immediately pursed his lips in annoyance.

“What’s up, loser,” Tony ‘greeted’ him.

“Fuck off, Tony,” he replied.

Tony just smirked like an asshole and walked to the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of some juice.

“I’ll have a girl coming over later, so watch yourself. We might get a little loud, heheh,” Kyle’s roommate talked, laughing lecherously.

“Whatever,” Kyle answered, mostly ignoring him and glancing through the book. Thankfully, he was mostly used to his roommate’s antics. Mostly.

“I mean she’s not the hottest piece of ass, but, you know, I need to dump my cum somewhere.”

“Jesus, you can keep those details to yourself, you know,” Kyle frowned and commented, disgusted.

“Hey, I’m just trying to give some food for thought for you, virgin-boy. When you’re gonna get your stick wet?”

“You’re disgusting. And it’s none of your business. And fuck off already!” Kyle got angry.

“I’ll do whatever I damn please, wimp,” Tony barked back. He then stared at him, smirking smugly and spoke with a tone that just reeked of someone who looks down on another. “You know, Kyley-boy, you’re beneath me and you don’t even realize it. What you should do, and this is a sage advice, is to know your place, you know? Be more respectful to successful people who actually matter.”

Kyle stared daggers at him, his eyes filled with hate. This man was as bad as they could get. A true scumbag.

“You wanna kick my ass right now, don’t you?” Tony asked with a grin, seemingly pleased his pressing of Kyle’s buttons was working so well. “Go ahead, try it, heheh.”

Kyle knew, of course, he had no chance. Tony had trained boxing in the past. Not to mention he was much bigger and he had muscles on top of muscles.

In this case, Kyle saw only one smart course of action – he just grabbed what was his and left for his room.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought, heh,” Tony said after him. Soon enough he returned to his own room as well.


(One month later)

It started like their typical ‘dating night’. Becky and Kyle were celebrating a Friday evening by eating out and having some wine. Well, mostly Becky had the latter, Kyle still had a car to drive. It was a truly romantic dinner.

His crush looked the part, too. She had a white dress that was just right between sexy and classy. It clung neatly to her body, showcasing her large breasts, flat tummy, slim waist, wide hips. To Kyle, and most men, actually, she looked like the sexiest woman on Earth. He meanwhile was dressed smartly in an unbuttoned white shirt and jeans.

Throughout the evening, she laughed with him, constantly smiling – her beautiful, blue eyes twinkling. She would play with her hair ever so subtly. The wine she drank quickly put a rosy blush to her cheeks. She must’ve noticed Kyle kept sneaking glanced down to her expansive cleavage, but she clearly didn’t mind.

“Mmm, I just realized I’ve never seen your dorm room. I’m curious how you live.”

“Well, I can take you there after the dinner if you’d like.”

“Yeah, we could watch a movie…or something,” she said, with just a smidge of undertone in her voice.

Kyle raised his brows slightly, then smiled trying to appear unfazed. ‘Could it be it?’

They’ve been seeing each other for over a month now. They have kissed on occasion, held hands, all the normal dating stuff. Although still they did not have sex – some might say they were really taking it slow. But Kyle felt it was right, considering Becky’s past. He felt it was right, but naturally he was a young man and she exuded intense sex appeal – he has fantasized about her many, many times. His heart beat faster at the thought that maybe, just maybe, tonight was the night he was going to lose his virginity – and to a woman like Becky, too!

“Yeah, we definitely could. We deserve to unwind after the hectic week, right?”

She giggled. She had such a nice laugh.

“Haha, you got that right. Rest is important, especially if it’s with someone I like,” her eyes twinkled again.

Kyle swallowed his saliva. ‘Oh, man.’ There was still some food left on his plate, but Becky had ordered less and managed to finish hers quicker. ‘No time to waste,’ he thought.

“Well, I’m pretty full. Shall we go?” he asked, trying to sound cool and not nervous.

“Mmm-hmm,” she hummed, smiling.

Kyle paid for their meal – insisting on being the gentleman. They then headed for his car. He opened the door for her, discreetly checking our her enticing behind, then walked over and sat behind the wheel. Soon enough, they drove off.

The sky was already dark this time of the year. But, it being the Friday evening, the city was alive and well, and traffic was busy.

“Mmm, I wish we were there already,” Becky commented as they stopped at a red traffic light. “I just want to lie down and cuddle with you.”

Kyle quietly swallowed again. He felt blood flowing downwards at the thought of lying down in his bed, Becky’s body against his. When the light switched green, he hit the gas a bit too strong. The engine roared louder and they were pushed slightly into the chairs from inertia.

“Woah, slow down there cowboy, hihi!” she giggled loudly. “I guess I’m not the only one, huh?”

“Uh-yeah, truth be told, it does sound very nice,” he said, trying to sound cool.

“Teehee. Thanks for the compliment,” she said with a smile that she carried all evening. She then fidgeted in her seat, ostentatiously pushing out her chest.

He swallowed again. In his defence, he was very nervous – there was a lot at stake. Then, sneakily, he adjusted his trousers, hoping Becky wouldn’t notice his growing erection.

In a couple more minutes, they finally reached the destination. However, another problem quickly became apparent. There was absolutely no free parking spots, the street and every possible corner was packed with cars.

‘God damn it,’ he thought to himself.

“Nowhere to park?” Becky asked, noticing his frown. She started looking around with him.

“Nope, everything close by is taken, I’ve been trying to find since we gotten closer.”

“Hm, how about there?” she pointed out.

“That’s reserved, I can’t park there.”

“Hmm. Bummer. What’s next, then?”

He thought for a moment. That spot was mostly free – he did not recall a single time it was taken, actually. Maybe it would be okay? He didn’t want to let something as stupid as parking get in his way with getting intimate with Becky…with getting laid with a woman of his dreams!

“Ah, screw it!” he said, driving right into the reserved spot.

Becky giggled.

“You like to live dangerously, huh?”

“It’s always empty anyways. Let’s go”

They left and walked into the building. At the reception there was a familiar face – an asshole security guard Kyle didn’t know a name of. Neither of them greeted or nodded, seemingly the feeling was mutual. The guard, however, did lecherously ogle Becky. She, meanwhile, just followed Kyle’s lead and either didn’t notice, or pretended not to.

They walked into the elevator and Kyle pressed the button for the third floor. Becky leaned against the wall of the elevator and watched Kyle.

He slid his eyes over her body as the elevator rode up. Realizing he should probably do something, he walked closer to Becky and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Mmm, I like that,” she whispered.

He leaned in to kiss her. Her lips felt scorching hot against his. They kissed a few times, gently, slowly…only briefly meeting with the tips of their tongues. He pulled her in closer, taking in her mesmerizing scent.

Then, suddenly, they were interrupted. A noise from the elevator’s intercom.

“Hey, security here, I just noticed where you parked. Get that fucking car out the spot before I have it towed.”

Kyle froze, feeling a mixture of dread but mostly pure fury. ‘FUCK!’

“God damn it, he had to fucking ruin it, didn’t he?” he cursed.

Becky appeared annoyed too.

“What a jerk,” she commented.

The elevator dinged and they stepped out onto his floor.

“I know this asshole is going to do just that, if nothing else but to brag to his boss about what good work he’s been doing. I’ve got to move my car.”

The thought that hadn’t crossed Kyle’s mind was to just bribe the fucker. A guy like that most likely would’ve accepted it. Unfortunately, he didn’t, and as time would show, that was the biggest mistake of the night.

“Mmmhh,” she hummed tiredly. “Should I go with you?”

Kyle thought about it. Considering the severe abscence of parking spots it was more than likely he’d have to park far away. It was obvious Becky would be annoyed if she had to walk back a long way with him. It was probably better for her to just stay here.

“How about you just go to my room, it’s 316, at the end of the hall. Tony, that is, my asshole roommate is there, just tell him what’s what and wait in my room. I’ll be back before you know it. Just don’t talk to him, keep him on a short leash – he’s a total piece of shit.”

Becky looked at him, her mouth slightly pouted.

“You sure?”

“Yeah, just go sit down. I’ll be right back.”

“Hmmm. Okay then.”

He turned around towards the elevator. Then turned back around, kissed Becky who yelped quietly in surprise, and then back to the elevator. She giggled behind him.

“Come back to me quickly, you hear?” she said sweetly.

‘God damn it,’ he cursed internally, hitting the button for the ground floor angrily.

After Kyle disappeared from sight, Becky sighed. She then licked her lips, thinking how warm and nice Kyle’s felt. She turned around and headed down the long hall. 316…316…


“Oh, you fucking dumbfuck!” Tony yelled at his monitor. “Why the fuck did you do that? All you fucking retards!”

Yet again he was saddled with worthless teammates in his online video game, ruining all his good opportunities to score some frags. It was completely ruining his evening.

*BZZT*, the doorbell rang.

“Who the fuck is it this time?!” he cursed under his breath and headed for the door. “God, please, let it not be that fucking loser forgetting his keys again.”

Angry, he opened the entrance door. What he saw froze him speechless, his anger evaporating in an instant.

“Uh, hi, name’s Becky,” the woman said.

And what a woman it was. Holy fuck, what a smokeshow, a total bombshell. Huge tits, fantastic body, gorgeous face…and that fucking dress of hers – Tony immediately wanted to rip it off her and get to the deliciousness beneath. Flat tummy, slim waist, round hips, toned legs. Total package. His predatory nature was then instantly and perfectly covered by his well-trained mannerisms.

“Hi. Can I help you?”

“Uh, well, you’re Tony, right?” Becky asked.

She looked him over. The man was tall, muscular…very handsome. In a way he immediately reminded her of her asshole ex. Kyle didn’t talk about his roommate much. Most of what she had heard was just from moments ago, that he was a jerk without going into details.

“That depends who’s asking – if you’re after my kidneys, angel, then sorry, I’m pretty attached to mine,” he said, trying to sound completely serious.

Her brows furrowed for a moment in confusion as she processed what he had just said and then she laughed loudly and merrily.

“Hahahah! Oh, noo, I’m not an organ harvester!” she exclaimed in mock anger, still laughing.

He smiled welcomingly, drinking in the sight of her awesome rack shaking as she laughed.

“No? Really? Could’ve fooled me,” he said, sounding much less serious.

“Do you see a scalpel on me? Haah. Well, uhm, I’m Kyle’s girlfriend. He’s your roommate right?”

Tony was stunned. ‘Holy hell, really? THAT’S HIS WOMAN?! This eleven out of ten?!’

“Yeah, he is. Did something happen to him?” he asked, convincingly sounding very, very worried.

“Uh, no, I mean, he couldn’t find parking so he suggested I wait for him in his room. Is that okay?”

“Oh, yeah, absolutely – any friend of Kyle’s is a friend of mine. Make yourself at home,” he said, sounding kind and sweet, as he stepped aside to let her enter.

“Thanks,” she said, stepping inside. She was slightly surprised, she didn’t know what kind of person to expect, but, still, Tony didn’t feel like a typical guy.

She proceeded to bend forward slightly as she took off her shoes. Seizing the opportunity, he checked out her ass. ‘God damn…’ he thought again. It was so mouth-wateringly juicy he immediately pictured pounding her from behind all day.

“So, would you like anything to drink? I always want perfect treatment for our guests,” he said, putting on as much of his charm as he could.

“Uh, maybe some water, or tea,” she said.

“On it,” he walked past without pause. He didn’t want her to suspect he was ogling her like crazy.

Becky thought about the man she just met. He seemed funny and nice enough. Granted, she might’ve been buying into an act – she understood she was pretty attractive and men tended to be dishonest around her. That part was her own damn fault, too, as she found him pretty handsome in turn. Or, at least, very much her type…

‘You have a boyfriend, girl, stop being thirsty,’ she chastized herself. God, was she horny lately. She just needed to get laid. Kyle was such a charming, nice guy, he was taking it as slow as he thought he had…but a little too slow. Nevermind – tonight was the night. She would not leave without getting some.

Because she really, really needed some. And then some more.

Meanwhile, Tony opened a bottle of water and poured her a glass. He returned quickly enough and handed it to her.

“Thanks,” she said, taking it from him.

She didn’t drink it right away. There was a slightly awkward pause as she just looked at Tony with a small smile and occasionally glancing around. He just stood there, smiling back, seemingly not bothered by awkwardness none.

“Um, so…” she broke it first, deciding to just ask him about Kyle’s room and being on her way.

“Right, I had a question. I know you said it, but…you ARE Kyle’s girlfriend, correct?” he asked forwardly.

“Well, uh, yeah, we’ve been seeing each other for a month.”

“Aaah, now everything makes perfect sense,” he said and just casually turned about and headed straight for the couch in the living room slash kitchen.

Becky was puzzled. Not wanting to just stand there in the corridor she followed him. He sat down right in the middle of the couch, so she sat down at the end of it.

“That’s Kyle’s room,” he pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. “But I’d like you to humor my curiosity, if that’s okay with you.”

Becky looked at him. He was acting very confident and casual, that kind of attitude in men always put Becky at ease for some reason. She took a sip of her water.

“Shoot, I guess,” she said.

Tony turned to face her in his seat. He observed her very carefully, trying to read every little bit of information from her body language.

“So, I mean, for the past month or so Kyle’s started talking about ‘this girl’ all the time. Mostly to himself, though, we don’t exactly see eye to eye. But he just talks on and on, all lovey and dovey.”

Becky felt a loving sensation flutter in her stomach. Her smile widened. ‘He does, huh?’

“Really? What’s he saying?” she asked curiously, taking another sip.

He smirked cockily and brazenly slid his eyes over her body. Checking out that flat stomach of hers, with the cute belly button and a waist that was so delectably slim. He wanted to cover it with cum. Those toned legs of hers wrapped around him, that no-doubt perfect pussy squishing as it lovingly milked his dick…

She noticed him looking and blushed slightly. It felt good to be attractive.

“I think you know, Kyle’s kind of an open book so you definitely know how he feels about you already.”

She feigned ignorance.

“Uhh, no, actually, I have no idea,” she looked up at the ceiling.

Tony slid towards her from his position on the couch. She brought her gaze back from the ceiling and looked at him. Getting closer, Tony marvelled that she smelled really good, and the way she was blushing meant she must’ve had some to drink.

‘Good,’ he thought. ‘It would make things easier. Less restraint.’

“That he has a total crush on you. Like have-dreams-about kind of crush. That you’re great, and amazing, and smart, and driven…” he began. She didn’t appear fazed in the slightest. He decided to take a gamble and up the ante. “But mostly how crazily sexy you are and how he can’t wait to fuck you.”

Becky felt her heart skip a beat. She was really horny…otherwise she would’ve honestly protested at this kind of discussion. At this moment, she felt a bit too playful and flirty for her own good. It didn’t help Tony looked so much her type…and his boldness was getting to her.

He noticed her breathing just a bit faster and blushing just a bit more. His directness was risky, but it paid off. He felt himself getting hotter too, his blood slowly flowing downwards as he stared down that enormous cleavage in that sexy fucking dress.

“Mmm, really?” she hummed, feeling silently ecstatic. She then felt like saying something forward, bold and challenging too. “Well…the feelings mutual so I guess he’s a lucky man.”

She chided herself, regretting saying it. She barely knew the guy. She wanted to believe he was just saying the truth, and she wanted to be sexy to a man she was dating. But that was private, between her and Kyle. There was no need to talk about it with almost-strangers.

“I think I’m much luckier, though,” he said, sliding even closer. His legs touched hers.

Becky’s heart skipped a beat again and she looked at him. She felt her excitement rising, her arousal only growing instead of a sudden feeling of danger. Why was that? Was she crazy? She barely met the guy! Why was this lecherous behavior from a man that was not her boyfriend turning her on so much? Why was she so eager to go along with it?

“How do you figure that?” she asked, slightly breathily, briefly glancing down at his lips.

Tony was sure now. She kept playfully, even flirtily, engaging him. She wasn’t backing away. Her face was flushed with heat and she was breathing noticeably quicker. She must be completely sex-starved. If she was this way with Kyle, and he really couldn’t find parking, he must’ve been desperate not to lose this opportunity. Otherwise no way in hell he would leave her alone.

‘What a fucking wimp,’ the roommate thought. ‘Waiting till the last fucking moment…heh, thank you Kyle!’

“‘Cause I think I’m going to fuck you tonight, not him,” he said, pressing into her, against the end of the couch.

Becky gasped as pleasurably tingling of lust flashed through her body. That direct statement, spoken with so much confidence…she should slap him after a line like that. It was beyond rude and inappropriate. And yet it was like a zap to her subconscious, as if his tone conveyed completely just how much of an incredible fucking he would provide.

Tony just stared deep into her eyes, not flinching, not wavering. He had the kind of glint in her eye that told her he knew. He knew what she wanted, what she needed. And that he knew how to give it to her.

She was thinking less and less, at truly an alarming rate. She was so fucking horny, so turned on. And it completely pushed aside the thought of just how similar of a situation it was to her first time with her ex.

“I’m going to fuck you harder than he’ll ever fuck you, and I’m going to make you pass out from sheer pleasure. First I’m going to eat you out, because I could smell that honeypot ever since you walked in here. Then, I’m going to make you choke on my big dick, because that’s what you really want right now, to be treated just a little slutty sex toy,” he talked, deeply, confidently, seriously. The fantasy he was feeding her horny brain turning him on as well, his cock becoming rock hard.

Becky’s lust coursing through her body exploded, and she breathed shallow and fast. She had no idea how Tony was doing it to her. He was saying all this gross, nasty, disgusting stuff. Completely perverted. And yet, it was like reading out loud her deepest urges she didn’t even know she had.

‘Yes, oh god yes, that’s EXACTLY what I want!’ her subconscious mind whispered to her.

His cock was trying to burst through its confines. He felt the urge and desire to just skip the smalltalk and fuck this sexy bitch silly. See her beautiful, angelic face with her light make-up completely ruined as she gags on his cock. Her eyes glinting as she worships it. He wanted to grope her incredible rack that was more enticing than any he had ever seen.

“That’s not something he’s ever going to give you. I’ll call you some mean names, but then I’ll tell you I love you. Then I’m going to shove my dick balls-deep inside you, and pound and stretch your pussy till it imprints the shape of my dick right in your fucking soul.”

Becky’s brain almost turned off. She was breathing heavily, constantly glancing at Tony’s lips. What he said…she wanted. She wanted all of it and more. Right now. She couldn’t wait anymore.

Suddenly, Tony leaned forward and kissed her, simultaneously grabbing her hand and shoving it right against his trouser-clad dick. The glass of water fell, spilling the liquid over the floor. She welcomed his kiss eagerly, kissing him back just as fervently, skipping the shy, curious meeting of lips and diving straight into lustful, wet tongue-dancing.

Her hand groped his hard dick almost by instinct. His hands were free, so he grabbed exactly what he wanted to from the start – her huge, fucking tits. Those delicious fucking melons, shaking and jiggling with her every breath, bursting out from that tight white dress.

Kyle’s girlfriend’s tits. They felt so springy yet so soft. Awesome, perky boobs. And they were all his to grope and squeeze and play with. And neither of the horny pair, driven with mad lust, cared about her nice boyfriend at all.

Abruptly Tony shoved her away. She lied back and watched him as if her life depended on it, breathing heavily. He confidently and swiftly started taking off his clothes, starting from the shirt. He flexed his muscles as he did, showing off to the hot girl in front of him. At the sight, Becky licked her lips without thinking, and when his big, hard dick sprang into view she stared mesmerized, unable to pull her eyes from a prize she wanted to taste, to hold, to feel inside her.

“Now give me that fucking pussy,” he growled, grabbed her legs right where her womanly hips began and pulled forward. He then squatted down and almost ripped her panties off of her as Becky struggled to move her legs fast enough to allow him to take them off.

“Oooohhh fuuuuck,” she moaned as Tony’s lips wrapped around her throbbing, needy clit.

“Mmrgghhh,” he growled animalistically as he sucked on that pleasure button. Then again, and again, several times. He felt her body shiver with each time. Knowing not to overstimulate, he slid his face down and began kissing and licking her engorged, soppily wet pussy lips. His arms moved underneath her, pulling her towards him by the skin between her hips and outer sides of thighs.

The incredible taste of his roommate’s girlfriend’s pussy drove him wild. It was a dessert he never wanted to share with anybody.

Becky felt overwhelming bliss assaulting her, as if Tony knew the direct line into her pleasure centers. Her back arched on his own, and she immediately started grinding her hips against his face, desperately trying to help him eat her out harder.

He sucked, kissed, licked and even delicately nibbled on her cunt. Becky was speedily getting closer to an orgasm, her body shivering more. Tony kept on pleasuring her.

Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. She was getting so close…it was so much better than playing with herself!

“Ahhh, fuck! I’m gonna cum!” she moaned and wrapped her thighs around his head.

And then Tony stopped.

“Nuh, ugh!” his voice was muffled, head and mouth surrounded by Becky’s steaming hot nether regions. He pulled his hands back and forcibly spread her legs apart.

“Nooo, please, let me cuuum, I’m so fucking close!” she complained.

“Have you ever squirted?” he asked.

“Huh?” she asked, barely able to comprehend his words, too horny and close to orgasm to think.

“I asked if you have ever squirted, you dumb bitch!” he growled, he wanted to start fucking her, but first he wanted Kyle’s sex-bomb girlfriend’s first time with him to be really, really special. Something her boyfriend would never ever in his life pull off.

“Uh, no, no I haven’t,” she said, worried, the derogatory remarks only fueling her excitement. She had no idea how it would feel, only that some girls apparently did that. Wasn’t this, like, genetic, though?

“Perfect,” Tony said as he stood up slightly and unceremoniously shoved his middle and ring finger inside her vagina, while palming her clitoris and her pubic mound.

“Oh!” she gasped at the sudden sensation.

“Fuck, you’re so perfectly tight, hot, and wet inside. I love my sluts like that,” he said, getting acquainted with her flower.

Then he started roughly moving his hand up and down, rubbing every bit of skin he could.

“AAAAAHHH FUUUCK!” she screamed, her head falling backwards as one of the most intensely pleasurable sensations hit her body like a tsunami wave.

“Relax, Becky, just relax, every muscle. Right now! Go fucking limp!” he ordered her.

She was putty in his hands, in her extremely aroused state she would jump into fire if Tony would tell her to. She went limp like a doll. A doll that was having her brain melted from mind-blowing sexual pleasure that apparently only her boyfriend’s asshole roommate could provide.

“Come on, come on! Cum, you slut, cum!” he cursed, rubbing her sensitive clitoris and roughly shoving the tips of his fingers into the top layer of her pussy.

Becky obeyed.

“Mhhh…mhhh…MMMMMMMM! GYAAAAH!” she hummed louder and louder then finally squealed like a schoolgirl.

A surprisingly forceful jet of girlcum erupted from her pussy. The hot liquid splashed all over Tony’s skin and everywhere around the couch. It was a lucky thing that it was made of leather, otherwise there would be stains all over.

“Aaaaah! Aaaaah!” Becky moaned and squealed, barely able to contain herself. Her whole body shook and shivered. Her eyes were closed shut as she tried to contain the all-encompassing, orgasmic bliss.

“Fuck, you cum so beautifully,” he complimented her and leaned in to kiss her, not giving her a moment to settle down. In between the kisses he kept telling her sweet nothings. “My little, beautiful, squirt-queen. You’re so gorgeous, so lovely.”

She kissed him back unsteadily, desperately catching every shallow breath. She wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to hold onto dear life.

Tony’s cock throbbed, almost jumping up and down. Her hot, tight pussy was so close. He wanted to just pound her kitty like crazy. But he knew he had to give her a moment, she wouldn’t be able to feel anything anyway. So he resorted to second best thing and with one hand squeezed her large, perky breast like he owned it, and with the other hand groped her juicy, springy asscheek as if his name was tattooed on it.

“Oh God, oh God,” she whispered as their kissing slowed down. “Holy shit, I’ve never cum like this, oh my God I don’t know what’s happening.”

“Easy, beautiful, easy, I’m here for you. Just hug me tighter,” mere moments after calling her mean, derogatory names, he now talked sweetily, lovingly. All the while possessively and lecherously feeling up her sexy body.

They fell to the couch, coiled around each other. Tony’s hard dick was pressing into her, urging him to continue, but he patiently waited.

It took Becky a few minutes to completely calm down. The overwhelming, explosive mixture of pleasure, pure lust, the illicitness of cheating, and the unfamiliar sensation of a massive, squirting orgasm was almost too much for her to handle. It was so intense it might’ve just as well rewired her brain somewhat.

He was right. Becky understood completely now. There was no way in hell Kyle, as nice and kind of a guy as he was, would ever make her feel like this. What was crazier is that every time he squeezed her body as if she was just an object, a plaything, and talked to her in exact the same way, she mentally wanted to reduce herself even further. And then he would talk sweetly to her, like a kind lover, and her heart would jump and melt.

She felt so content, so safe. As dangerous as her ex was, this man was in a whole different league. And now that she came so hard, and was able to get some clarity of mind, she knew that it was the wiser course of action to push him away and run the hell away. Back to Kyle, to her boyfriend, who would never ever hurt her.

Who would never, ever call her a slut, and never, ever make her cum this hard.

Becky felt the lust bubbling up again. She wanted more. And she wanted to please Tony so that he would never dump her. So that he would take her for himself. So that he would treat her however he wants, and make her do whatever he wanted her to do. Forever. Or, at least, until she came enough.

She knew she had to impress him. She never had to impress Kyle, never even had to try. But for his hunky, sex-god roommate she would do fucking anything right now.

“My turn, big boy,” she exclaimed, unwrapping herself from him.

Tony raised his eyebrows in surprise. Then smirked. The way she said it, he knew she was his now.

“Yeah, you’re gonna amuse me like a good little girl?”

She bit her lip and looked at him.

“Yes, daddy, I’ll show you how precious I can be,” she talked sweetly and innocently. She noticed his cock throb in response, and that made her internally cheer.

She lowered herself onto the wet floor, not caring about that part none. Pleasuring Tony’s big, throbbing dick was much more important. He raised his body up and positioned himself better, like a king on a throne, with a good little sex slave on her knees, ready to worship him.

“Wow,” she whispered, looking that powerful, throbbing thing of his over.

“Kyle’s isn’t so big, huh?” he asked, smirking.

Bringing up her boyfriend, who was God knows where, dealing with God knows what nonsense, while his supposedly loving girlfriend he dated so earnestly for the past month was on her knees, in front of the guy he hated, ready to suck him off…

It was just so fucking hot!

“I’ve never seen it. We haven’t done anything. I haven’t even touched it.”

Tony’s smirk exploded into a smug grin.

“Fuck yeah, that’s what I wanted to hear. Dating for a month, huh?”

“Yes, for a month,” she half-whispered, breathing faster.

“And you met me, like, fifteen minutes ago, huh?”

“Yes…fuck, yes,” she breathed even faster. Her whole face felt on fire, and her pussy throbbed in need again.

“I said hi, checked you out, called you my fuckthing for the night, and then showed you my dick. And you responded by?”

He was exaggerating, but it didn’t matter. The worse he made it sound, the more Becky wanted to agree. She stared at him, and then proceeded to quickly take off her dress, getting completely naked. Tony’s eyes flashed as her huge, naked tits came into view, and his gaze travelled all over her exposed skin.

“Spreading my legs like a slut for the real man,” she then blurted out, then instantly moved forward grabbing the root of his cock with both hands, and clamping her hot, beautiful mouth on the tip and as far as she could go.

“Fuck,” he cursed, feeling smugness and ecstasy. He never felt better than another man more than he was feeling right now.

Becky kissed, licked and sucked on his dick as well as she could. Her mind was going into overdrive, trying to recall every possible detail on how to pleasure a man.

“That’s it, like that,” he encouraged her. “You’re nowhere near as good at sucking my dick as I’d like to, but you’ll get better.”

“Mmmh!” she moaned, taking his dick in deeper.

He showed his appreciation by placing his hand on her head and stroking her hair gently.

“Yeah, that’s the idea. Try deepthroating it. Just relax your muscles, fight your gag reflex, and shove my dick in there.”

“Mmmphssh, yeshhhh,” she moaned and babbled.

That big, powerful dick, so hot and throbbing so hard, it felt amazing in her mouth. It even tasted good. Becky breathed in deeply that manly scent of Tony’s groin. That sweet, kind appreciation of her work with how he was stroking the top of her head. If she could ignore the throbbing of her pussy forever, she could make giving Tony blowjobs her favorite pasttime…

“Aaah, fuuck,” he let out. “Kyle…your girlfriend has talent for sucking my cock. She learns damn quick.”

*Gluck* *Gluck*, she gagged in response.

“You like that, Becky? You like being teased about being a cheating little slut?” he asked, already knowing the answer. He was at fault she got into this fantasy.

She stopped for the briefest moment to position herself better, wanting to deepthroat him harder.

“Ahh fuck, I’m getting close. Keep it up,” he ordered, grabbing and guiding her head with both hands.

It was getting harder to breathe, she only managed tiny little gasps inbetween having her throat filled with Tony’s hard dick.

“Fuuck, you think…do you think your boyfriend will mind if I cum down his girlfriend’s throat?” he growled a question, as his pelvic muscles flexed in preparation for the orgasm.

“MMMH! MMMH!” she moaned around his dick, sucking harder whilst trying not to pass out. She didn’t know being a desperate whore could feel so good.

“Perfect! Best fucking wife material ever!” he cursed and pulled her off his dick. “Grab a deep breath and stick your ass up.”

She breathed heavily, and whilst still bending forward, her beautiful face buried in Tony’s crotch, arched her back and stood up on her legs as his as she could, showing off quite the flexibility. She supported herself with her arms to the sides of his hips.

He stared all over Becky’s completely lewd, submissive position. He leaned forward and with his right hand he slapped her juicy asscheek and continued on squeezing it. Simultaneously, he hooked his left hand and wrist around the back of her head and pulled her forward, sticking his cock as deep as it would go. She immediately resumed sucking like a whore.

“Uggghhh, fuck! Here it fucking comes!” he cursed, flexing his dick to cum harder. “Yeeeah!”

Becky felt it, the sudden change, the way his dick started shaking violently. She kept sucking, forming a perfect seal with her mouth, not wanting to spill a single drop of Tony’s cum.

He moaned and growled interchangeably, releasing his load. With every spasm he slapped her ass, which reddened noticeably, as if to drive a point.

Thick, hot ropes of cum coated Becky’s throat. The viscous substance caused her gag reflex to flare up, and to let out nasty noises of choking. Like a good slut, she tried relaxing and fighting down the urge. She wanted to, as if it was her only responsibility in the world.

After a long while he finally finished. He pulled both hands to her head and pushed her away, not wanting her to pass out. She let herself be guided, and with a loud *schlorp* his dick popped out of her mouth. She gasped and heaved for breath, while leaning her head back and pushing her lips up, trying not to spill a drop of the massive load of her boyfriend’s roommate’s cum.

Tony noticed right away.

“Wait, wait, don’t swallow yet!” he told her, leaning to the side and frantically searching for something.

Becky froze, still fighting tiniest spasms of her gag reflex. There was just so much cum coating every nook and cranny of her mouth and throat. She didn’t mind, she even felt proud of herself for doing such a good whore’s job. She relaxed more and more, keeping her head leaned back, her heavy breathing slowly calming down.

“Alright, now,” he exclaimed, standing up.

Becky couldn’t see just yet what was Tony doing. But then he leaned over her with his phone’s camera pointing straight down at her. Her heart almost froze in her chest, a flash of dread sending a wave of shivers down her back.

“I promise you, nobody ever will see this, except us. Unless you will actually want me share it. But I wanna record this so we have a warm little memory,” he exclaimed, his tone sweet like syrup, staring straight into her eyes with a wide, smug grin.

Becky stared up at him. She didn’t know what to do. This was a terrible, terrible idea.

“You will not regret this, you have my word. I won’t do it if you really don’t want me to.”

She watched him for a few long moments. Finally, whether due to the surrealness of the situation, her current whore-like state of mind, the intense lust coursing through her veins and throbbing throughout her neglected, horny pussy…she ever-so-slightly nodded ‘yes’.

Tony clicked record. Then he moved his hand to guide his semi-erect dick, glistening from wetness, into view, and proceeded to gently, in a perverted display of loving affection, rub it against Becky’s cheek.

“So, like, half an hour ago there’s a doorbell. This chick shows up. Says she’s Kyle’s, my wimpy roommate’s, loving, loving girlfriend. Wants to wait for him in his room because boo-hoo he couldn’t find parking. He’s supposed to come back soon and fuck her a little, because that’s all he’s able to do and she’s just so fucking horny.”

Becky stared at the camera, heat flushing through her face, her heart beating as if she was sprinting. All that cum in her mouth was in plain view, no doubt the main focus of the recording.

“Obviously I just had to introduce myself to angelic Becky here. Look at that fucking rack!” he said, pointing it down to her huge jugs.

She pushed them out more in response.

“I had to give her what she needed and Kyle just would never be up for, hehe! Alright, Becky, my gorgeous, my little, slutty, cocksucking princess, I want you to swallow all that cum you just deepthroated out of me.”

As if in a trance, she closed her mouth and started swallowing. Swirling her saliva around to make it all less thick. She gagged a little, fighting hard to get it all deep inside her.

“Woow, now that’s impressive. Giving some context – you’ve never even touched or seen Kyle’s dick, in an entire month of dating, but here you are showing off to his roommate, who you had barely met, just how much of a talented cocksucker you are, huh?” he teased and waited for her response.

Finally, Becky finished. She opened her mouth as wide as possible, showing off her accomplishment – she had swallowed every drop. She then ostentatiously licked her lips and smiled wide at the camera.

“Yes, daddy. I had to, you’re better than my boyfriend in every way,” she said, in a lusty, breathy tone.

Tony opened his mouth wide. Becky was like a woman of his dreams! Seems Kyle wasn’t alone in thinking that!

Becky smiled wider as she noticed his reaction. She then leaned back a little more and shook her sizable bust enticingly, putting on a show for the camera and the hunky man above her.

He brought his hand back up and stopped recording, then tossed his phone to the side.

“God damn, you’re amazing. I’m definitely keeping you, no fucking way in hell you’re going back to your boyfriend.”

Becky felt playful and flirty enough to tease him back this time.

“Really? I don’t think so, I think this is just a one-time thing. I think I’ll be much happier with Kyle.”

Tony smirked. He helped her stand by lifting her up by the undersides of her arms. He then turned her around, and pulled her closer by her big tits. She watched his hands grope and squeeze the copious, pliant, soft yet perky boobs. Boobs that, supposedly, were 100% not his to grope. Her arousal was spiking again, her sex-starved pussy reminding her it still felt extremely, extremely empty.

As if communicating through pure body language, Becky felt something hard and hot pushing up from below. She let out a single, dreamy moan and clenched her thighs around Tony’s rapidly hardening dick.

“I’m going to change your mind really, really soon, beautiful. All you’ll be able to think about will be my dick inside you.”

“MMmm, that’s all I’m able to think about now, stud,” she flirted.

“Fuck,” he cursed and squeezed her boobs harder. She was so God damn good!

“MMhh!” she moaned again, pushing her juicy behind into him.

“Alright, let’s go,” he said as he lowered his hands and wrapped his arms around her stomach, practically lifting her up this way.

She yelped cutely and giggled in surprise, not fighting him at all. It was a primitive display of strength, and it worked wonders on her.

First he led her to the bathroom, to the sink.

“Clean out your mouth completely. I’ll be making out with you a lot.”

Becky smiled and bent over. While she obediently did as requested, swishing the water around, spitting it out, and repeating several times, Tony was sliding his hands all over her back and hips, and grinding against her with his hard dick nestled between her buttcheeks.

Finally she took one last mouthful, straightened up and gargled a little bit, while he groped her tits again. She spat out the water and looked at herself in the mirror, and on the hands feeling her up as if he owned her.

“We look so hot, don’t we?”

“Yeah…” she said dreamily.

He took a deep sniff of her hair.

“You smell so fuckable, Becky. You’re the most perfect woman I’ve ever met,” he whispered into her ear.

Her heart skipped a beat again. He was playing her like a fiddle, and she was just loving it.

“Fuck me, Tony. I want you to fuck me like you would a sex toy,” she whispered back. “I’ll go crazy if you won’t.”

He turned her around and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck in response. Their mouths opened wide and their tongues immediately proceeded to dance, the kissing becoming sloppy and fierce. They pushed their bodies into each other. Soon, Tony hooked his hands underneath her asscheeks and lifted her up. Becky understood his intent and jumped up onto him, wrapping her legs around him in a tight lock.

Then he turned around, and carried her like this straight to his bedroom, locking the door behind him.


This was Kyle’s most unlucky evening ever. Never, in all the time since he moved in, there was traffic as bad as it was tonight. Every possible nook and cranny was filled with parked cars. He had to look almost half a mile away!

Finally, miraculously, in a piece-of-shit looking alley he found some spot. He said a quiet prayer hoping nobody would steal his car or anything, and checked his phone.

He had to walk on foot. Half a mile! With a horny girlfriend waiting for him back in his apartment!

‘What a shitshow!’ he thought. ‘Unbelievable!’

Not wanting to waste any time, he ran almost all the way through. His clothes weren’t perfect for running, they restricted his movements to a degree. That slowed him down and made it even more exhausting than it would be normally, and Kyle wasn’t in the best shape to begin with.

He ran and ran, desperately tracking the time. It was taking so long! Pushing himself harder, he kept running.

When he finally reached the destination, he wasn’t looking the best. He was breathing heavily, his throat felt dry, his head felt dizzy from the hyperventilation, his muscles burned and ached, and he was hearing this weird kind of buzzing in his ears. He pressed the button for the elevator, and leaned against his knees.

“What, no parking, huh?” the asshole security guard laughed at him.

Kyle didn’t even feel the strength to respond. Or patience, for that matter, so he just ignored him.

‘Come on, come on, come on…Becky’s waiting for me!’ he mentally urged the elevator.

Finally it arrived, and the ride up was just as slow. He ran down the hallway and tried opening the door. It was locked. Thinking it would be faster to just use his keys, he did so. Then, he entered.


After carrying the gorgeous babe to his bedroom and locking the door behind him, Tony didn’t waste much time. He warmed her up again with some eating out, put on a condom, and pushed her to his bed, positioning her on all fours.

Then his big dick thrust into her completely from behind, to the hilt. The intense sensation of her neglected, hot pussy being stretched sent a wave of relief throughout her entire, horny being. Finally the slutty girlfriend was getting what she needed.

“Aaah fuuuck it’s so big, oh God it’s so good,” she moaned. “Fuck me Tony, please, fuck me hard…”

He didn’t respond, he just withdrew as far as he could and slammed that cock back home, eliciting another moan. Then again, and again, quickly building up a solid pace. After cumming once, and with the condom in the way, the stimulation wasn’t nowhere near enough to make him cum anytime soon, even though the girl he was fucking was out-of-this-world sexy.

And so he kept pounding her. Her whole, delicious body shook and jiggled. Their breathing became quicker, their bodies began glistening with sweat. Soon, she couldn’t hold back constant, erotic moans of pleasure.

A few minutes in, an orgasm zapped her like lightning, and she tensed up, then trembled and quivered. But Tony didn’t give her a break, he just thrust into her further, pushing her forward, and kept slamming into her as deep as he could.

“Aaah! AAAH! FUCK! OH GOD, FUCK!” she screamed as lustful bliss overwhelmed her.

And Tony kept thrusting into her, pushing her forward and forward. She was leaning at an intense angle, tiring her out. Before her first orgasm fully wore off, she was fast approaching another.

“Fuck, baby, I’m going to…cum again, uhmmm, fuck…ahh, I can’t hold!” he moaned and fell into a pile.

Tony followed, practically lying down on top of her. He guided her with his hand to arch her back, stick her ass up to give him access into that wet, sloppy pussy that was squelching lewdly with every thrust, and spread her legs more.

“OH GOD! OH FUUCK!” she moaned with loud gasps, brought to the brink again.

He was supporting himself with one arm on his bed, but with his now-free hand he slid it underneath her to grope her tits a little bit. And he kept pounding, giving the very tip of her delicate, sensitive cervix tiniest little kisses with his dick.

“AH! AHH! MMMMMMH!” she moaned as another orgasm erupted in her brain.

This time she was shaking so violently, that after a particularly deep thrust his pulled back too far and his cock fell out. His next thrust ended up with his cock nestled tightly between his lower abdomen and her juicy, tight asscheek…and with a strange sensation.

He looked down. The condom ripped. He didn’t have another, but fuck it, he didn’t like the rubber anyway. He waited a few moments for her to calm down slightly, but the amount of pleasure going through her brain was like a never-ending wave – it took a while for it to go down.

He turned her onto her back. Her face and hair looked very disheveled. Looked like sex. Her eyes were hazy, and she was breathing deeply. She looked at him and smiled a dumb, blissful smile.

“Oh, my God, Tony…” she said dreamily.

He leaned in to kiss her lovingly, passionately. She kissed him back the same way, wrapping her arms around his neck, and her legs, feeling like jelly, ever so gently locking around his hips. Taking advantage of the position, his hands, of course, resumed squeezing her huge boobs, her hard nipples poking into his palms.

“Mmm,” she hummed as she kissed him. “You really like my tits, don’t you?”

“You have the most amazing rack in the world, I’m going to be groping them all the time,” as he broke the kiss for a moment, he said honestly and lecherously, then resumed the making-out.

“They’re yours…” she whispered. “You can do whatever you want to them.”

“I know,” he said confidently, smirking.

She giggled in response.

“My jimmy broke. I’ll have to fuck you raw. But you trust me, right?” he asked, casually.

Becky looked deep in his eyes. She was overwhelmed with pleasure, with bliss, with lust from the illicit situation, and still quite horny. In this state…she didn’t mind the risk. In fact, as her heart beat slightly faster and harder, she wondered if she might be secretly wishing to get knocked up on such a perfect, perfect night.

“Yes,” she whispered and nodded. “I want to feel you bareback.”

Then Tony heard a familiar noise behind him. He recognized it, and smirked widely.

“I think your boyfriend came back,” he said smugly, squeezing her tits more roughly.

Becky’s eyes widened. Her heart skipped another beat, and her breathing instantly deepened.

“But you don’t care about him right now, do you?” he asked, leaning to kiss her sloppily, roughly. “You only care about your boyfriend’s big dicked roommate to drill you like his own, private slut.”

“…yes. Fuck, yes. Yes!” she cursed, getting more excited. Lust roaring up with hot streaks throughout her insides.

“Let’s give him a show to remember what happens when he leaves his hot girlfriend alone with a real man.”


Kyle entered the house and also locked the door behind him. His ears buzzed, but it felt quiet anyway. He quickly took off his shoes.

Nearsighted from the excitement and relief, he could only see the door to his room. He confidently strode forward, picturing in his mind the sight of his beautiful girlfriend, wearing her sexy, white dress, sitting on his bed, smiling at him.

Then he stepped into a wet, cold puddle, which surprised him. He stumbled, then tripped over something else entirely. He fell forward ungracefully, but quickly got up, looking at his feet.

‘Why was there a puddle of water here? Hm, there was a weird smell in the air, too,’ he thought to himself.

Kyle froze when he saw just what he tripped over. It was a familiar looking white dress. And right next to him were…what looked to be a man’s clothes.

“No…” he whispered, horrific realization slowly creeping to hit him like a baseball bat.

Then he heard it. The muffled, feminine voice, coming straight from his roommate’s room.

“Aahhh….aaah! Fuck me, Tony…fuck me!”

He walked to Tony’s room door on shaky legs. He grabbed the handle, but the door was locked, so he then put his ear to the door. There were unmistakable sounds of a squeaking bed and flesh-on-flesh slapping.

“Hey, Kyle, is that you?” Tony’s very, very smug voice came through. At this distance, and with how loud he was talking, it was fully audible. “You won’t believe it, man – I get to break in your fucking girlfriend before you do! Lucky me, huh? Best day ever! Ain’t that right, Becky?”

“Uhm, mmhh, yeah! Break me in, baby!” Becky’s moany, breathy voice was quieter, but still clear enough.

“Harder, you slut! Show Kyle what kind of a loving girlfriend you really are!”

The squeaking and slapping noises got noticeably louder, more intense.

“Uhm! UHM! MMH! YES! UUhhh! Oh…GOOOD…Kyle…your roommate is fucking me so good! Why…didn’t you tell me he had…this big, this good of a dick? I would’ve…been fucking him all the time! Ugghh, fuck, Tony…show me, show me how a stud fucks another guy’s girlfriend!”

The lustful, passionate dirty-talk cut into Kyle like a razor-sharp knife.

“Hahah, yeah, that’s the way!” Tony said, and he spanked her juicy ass a couple of times, loud enough for her boyfriend to hear through the door. “I gotta say, your crush is really something, Kyle! If you’re curious, I think you could take a look from the balcony, heheh!”

And the poor boyfriend had to. He had to. The apartment had a small balcony, and leaning from the railing to one side, one could have a clear look into either of their rooms. Thus, he headed there, like a man going for his execution.

What he saw almost caused his heart to stop. The ache of betrayal, the feeling of inferiority and defeat overwhelming.

Tony and Becky were both naked. Completely soaked with sweat. It felt as if the room itself was fogged up slightly. And they were fucking very, very intensely, neither of them meeting his eyes.

The angle from the window, the view Kyle had, was absolutely perverted. Becky was lying on her back, her tits shaking and jiggling wildly as Tony fucked her. He was lying on top of her in a breeding-press kind of position, where Becky had her legs squeezed tightly between their bodies, and Kyle could see every detail of Tony’s balls and big dick slamming and pounding into Becky’s delicious looking pussy from above.

Kyle couldn’t believe it…his roommate wasn’t even wearing protection. Becky was letting him fuck her raw. Bareback. Kyle’s own girlfriend, a girl he had a crush on, in the short time since meeting Tony…spread her legs for him completely. Exposing her womb. Uncaring if he knocks her up so long as he fucks her hard.

Another pang of devastation that Kyle felt was that he noticed Tony’s dick was clearly much bigger than his. In his vulnerable state, he believed Becky’s words that it also was a reason he lost so completely.

Becky started shaking, and Tony suddenly increased his pace. Moments later, she froze and her whole body proceeded to tremble and shudder. The wet spots underneath her pussy grew as her love juice gushed out.

That was always a dream of Kyle…to make a girl feel this much pleasure. And now, with his largest crush he ever had, the girl of his dreams, absolutely stunning and attractive, it was his asshole roommate fucking her to blissful oblivion till she creams herself.

And as if to rub salt in the wound, as Becky was riding out her orgasm, Tony grabbed her breasts and groped them roughly, like a pervert.

Kyle could only watch with envy. That’s what he dreamed of doing for thirty days, and Tony managed it in thirty minutes.

His roommate turned around, wearing a narcissistically smug grin. He noticed Kyle watching.

He pulled one hand and proceeded to do a serie of hand gestures towards the window, towards the peeping boyfriend. First he extended three fingers. Then he pointed to Becky, shaking from her orgasm underneath him. Then the pointed back towards the window, this time with four fingers extended.

Kyle understood instantly. Four orgasms. He was gone for an hour at most, and Tony made Becky cum four god damned times. Hard enough to make her gush. Hard enough to make her ready and willing to risk getting knocked up with Tony’s cum.

Tony leaned forward as Becky relaxed from her high, and proceeded to kiss her. Slowly, deeply, lovingly. She kissed him back the same, wrapping her arms around his neck. She was kissing him as if she were kissing the true love of her life.

After a minute or two, Tony broke the kiss. He whispered something to Becky and she smiled brightly and nodded her head.

She then raised her head and looked at the window. She met Kyle’s dead, defeated gaze.

Becky then smiled sheepishly, innocently. As if saying ‘oopsie’. Tony whispered something again, and she looked at him briefly. Then she looked back at Kyle, and waved her hand cutely, then did a peace sign.

Kyle was too emotionally exhausted to feel anything but despair.

Suddenly, Tony pulled and flipped Becky around. He ended lying on his back this time, his huge, throbbing cock pointed straight in the air. Becky, clearly moving with muscles shaky and jelly-like from exhaustion, without any delay proceeded to hover her sopping wet pussy above it.

She even licked her lips at the sight of the massive, glistening weapon that was about to continue moulding the shape of her pussy to it. Then, as eager as she could get, she practically fell on it, impaling herself fully.

Kyle thought he saw a very subtle distension of her sexy and flat lower abdomen as Tony’s dick pushed her skin out from inside. Mindlessly he looked up and slid his eyes all over her body. Becky looked divine. Her beautiful, perfect breasts that teased his imagination so long were just that – perfect. Perky, round and shapely. And really fucking big.

And now they belonged to Tony. Now it was Kyle’s opportunistic roommate who could grope and squeeze them whenever he wanted, while Becky’s boyfriend did not get a chance to once.

She started bouncing. Tony gripped her slim waist and shapely hips. Her huge jugs jiggled heavily up and down.

Kyle looked at her face. It looked like sex. Her light makeup was ruined all over and her hair was a total mess. Worst of all, however, was that Becky was smirking at him. The same smug grin. And then she started making those erotic ‘uh-oh-ah’ faces. Intense, sexual pleasure was plainly visible in her expressions.

And she bounced harder, impaling herself over and over on Tony’s throbbing cock.

Kyle had enough. He turned around to leave, heading for his room. He lied down, for several minutes wishing to just fall asleep. But even through closed doors and the walls, the uninvited, muffled noises came through to him. He didn’t even know if they were real, or just his imagination.

“OOOH! MMMH! FUUCK YEES! MMMMH!” Becky kept moaning.

“Fuck, you slut! You were so fucking easy! How can such a classy, sexy bitch be this fucking easy?! I barely had to put in ANY effort!” Tony bragged, belittling her, which definitely only turned her on more.





Both of them screamed, growled and moaned. They vocalized their sexual pleasure with no restraint. Then noises only partially died down, followed by cursing, giggling, and groaning, as they rode her orgasmic wave downward.

To Kyle’s ears it lasted forever. But even forever ends. Or maybe it didn’t, and Kyle just passed out from emotional exhaustion? Either way, finally, a sweet release from the torture came in the form of sleep-induced oblivion.


Kyle woke up, feeling sweaty and dirty. The sunlight coming through the window wasn’t very intense, suggesting early morning hours.

He felt…empty. Heartbroken. Like a piece of him got torn out with force and thrown in the garbage. He slowly got up, and despite the discomfort of needing a shower, he didn’t quite feel like taking one.

He opened the door to his room. Quiet. He stepped out, and headed for the kitchen. He put the electric kettle on to boil some water, and poured some instant coffee into a mug. Then he, almost mechanically, opened up the fridge, took out some cold milk, and cereal out of a cupboard.

In a couple of minutes he was sitting with a mug of hot coffee and a bowl of cereal with milk. But he felt no appetite. He just sat there, staring at the contents.

Then he heard Tony’s room door open.

“Jeez, I need a shower so bad,” said Becky as she stepped out, and looked around. She noticed Kyle sitting by a table in the kitchen part of the room.

“Oh. Uh…hi, Kyle,” she said sheepishly and headed in his direction.

He ignored her.

“So, uhm, can I get a cup of coffee?” she asked after a few moments of awkward silence.

No response. Becky waited a while longer and decided to just make herself one. She looked around the place and found all she was looking for. There was still hot water in the kettle, so soon her cup was ready.

She grabbed the cup and took a deeper breath. Then went to sit down on the chair by the table, opposite from Kyle. As she did so, he looked up briefly…and frowned.

Becky was wearing Tony’s t-shirt and boxers, it looked like. Both hanged loosely on her, oversized. She noticed his reaction and pursed her lips.

“Uh, I had to pick something. I didn’t have anything else close by,” she explained.

Kyle returned to staring into his bowl. He twiddled slightly with the spoon, playing with the food without enthusiasm.

Becky felt sorry for him. He looked so pitiful. Like a little kid who just lost all his toys.

She chastized herself for the mean thoughts. It wasn’t his fault. What she had done yesterday was…bad. Unforgivable, even.

“So, uhm, look, Kyle…I get that you don’t want to talk to me. I don’t blame you. But I just want to say something. Okay?”

Still, no response. Becky took a deeper breath again, and she proceeded to try to salvage the situation.

“Kyle, yesterday was a mistake. It seems I still haven’t learned after what happened with my ex. I don’t know what got into me. I know I was really, uh, horny, and I had too much to drink, and Tony took advantage of that. But that’s no excuse. It’s exactly like my ex, when he manipulated me and then dumped the day after like a toy he got bored with. It’s the same thing all over.

“If you don’t want to see my anymore, I’ll understand. It’s what I deserve. And I’ll be really sad if you won’t want to be friends at all with me, either, despite how great we got along for the past month.

“But…if you have it in your heart to forgive me, if we can just put this mistake behind us…I think we could keep dating. And we’ll make sure nothing like this ever happens again.”

Kyle felt a stab of pain. He wanted to believe her, he really did. She was special to him. He wanted her all to himself, he wanted to date her, to make love with her, and marry her. He wanted to believe it was possible. But at this moment it felt like a giant, enormous delusion.

Some lines are too important to cross. So he just hung his head lower, and kept being silent.

Becky watched him, worried, and not quite knowing how she should feel. She had this nagging voice in the back of her head that she was being unbelievably cruel and dishonest. That what she really wanted was to date Tony instead. But that obviously would never happen. He was just like her ex.

“There you are, lovebirds,” Tony’s voice bellowed from his door.

Becky pepped up and smiled at him. Why did she feel so happy all of the sudden?

“Morning! Uh, I mean, hey,” she chirped, and then downplayed her enthusiasm.

Tony looked her over.

“Damn, you look sexy in my clothes for some reason. I swear, if they’ll start smelling like you, I might stop washing them altogether.”

She giggled.

“Oh stop it, you’re being gross,” she said, sounding more joyful than bothered.

Kyle didn’t raise his head to look at either of them. Tony, meanwhile, grabbed himself a cup of water and sat down next to Becky, smirking smugly.

“What a night, huh?” he asked rhetorically, staring at Becky smugly.

She deliberately didn’t look at him, instead just looked up at the ceiling.

“Yeah, what a mistake,” she then said seriously.

“Huh? Why do you say that?” Tony asked, surprised.

“Look, I should’ve realized and acted on it earlier. But you’re just like my ex. You took advantage of my vulnerable moment, you’ve had your fun, and now…you can just come out and say it.”

“Say what?” he asked, still not getting the hint.

Becky looked at him with raised eyebrows. She didn’t say anything, just shrugged her shoulders, and turned her head back up to look at the ceiling. Tony finally understood what she meant.

“Oooh, to dump you or something like that? Buahahah!” he said in a mocking tone and laughed loudly.

He then slid his chair closer to her. He slid his forearm onto the table in front of her and leaned forward to get right in her face.

“Becky, if that’s what you ex did, then he’s the biggest moron on Earth. Any guy with half a brain does not voluntarily dump a high-class woman like you. They do whatever they have to keep you. That’s what I intend to do. I am not letting you go.” he said…deeply, seriously, charmingly.

Becky’s eyes widened. Her heart skipped a beat, and a shiver of joy went through her skin. It made her realize she was really, really hoping for this answer…

“You…you mean that?”

“Yeah. I meant what I said yesterday, when I told you I’d be keeping you around.”

They stared at each others eyes. Then simultaneously leaned forward to kiss each other. As they kissed once, then twice, then thrice, each time becoming quicker, and more passionate, there suddenly was a loud bang.

Kyle slammed his hands on the table, spilling the coffee, the cereal, and making a general mess.

“Are you fucking kidding me?!” he yelled, standing up.

The pair sitting on the opposite side looked at him. Becky with worry and slight fear, but Tony only with amusement.

“You come here saying ‘Oooh, Kyle, I’m so sorry. It was a mistake, I really like you, I want to date you’. Then this piece of shit strolls in here, says a line, and now it’s ‘Ooh fuck you Kyle, if he wants me then nevermind, you’re just my backup’?!’

Becky felt a wave of shock as a realization hit her. Kyle was right on the money. Her face reddened from shame and she looked straight down at her feet. She felt like a real bitch.

Tony was unfazed. Only his expression got serious.

“Hey, loser, don’t talk to my girlfriend like that. Better yet don’t talk to her at all. She’s mine now. Otherwise, I’ll punch your fucking lights out,” Tony threatened.

Becky felt a strange, warm sensation as she heard him call her ‘his’.

“You fucking asshole!” Kyle screamed at him.

“Shut the fuck up, you’re being too loud,” Tony growled at him. “Sit down and take this shit like an adult, not a kid.”

Kyle stared daggers at him. He was too furious to be scared of Tony, but at the same time he knew that Tony would kick his ass without any problems. He sat back down.

“See? Let’s be civil,” Tony said cheerfully, leaned back, and smiled at the hot woman next to him. “Becky, dear, since Kyle here made such a mass, could you be a doll and clean it up?”

“Yeah, sure,” she said, standing up right away.

Kyle looked up. Unbelievable. She was waiting on him hand and foot the moment he asked.

“God, look at you go,” Tony said, checking her out as she moved. “You even clean sexily.”

“Jeez, stop it,” she complained, smiling widely.

“No way, you’re enjoying it too much,” he said, then stared straight down her cleavage as she bent over to wipe the table surface. “Oooh, yeah, I can looka at this all day.”

She playfully hit him on the head with the wet rag.

“Ouch, so fierce. I love fierce women,” Tony kept charming her.

Then as she leaned forward again, he grabbed her by her ass and pulled her into his lap. She yelped cutely in response, but didn’t resist, letting him pull her.

“Mmmh, I think that’s enough, gorgeous. Let me cop some feels,” he slid his hands underneath the t-shirt, moving them across her stomach, and moving them steadily upwards towards her huge tits.

Becky gasped, and breathed deeper. She then nervously looked forward, at Kyle. He was staring at his bowl, pretending not to notice. Pretending not to fume with jealousy, envy, and feelings of betrayal.

She truly was a bitch…because, frankly, she was once again feeling that dark, evil excitement she felt yesterday. It seemed Tony was pulling out the worst in her.

And that worst of her nature felt so, so fucking hot!

“So, Kyley-boy, I guess your now-ex-girlfriend here and I, we’re going to be dating instead. We just have this sort of bond. This kind of special chemistry we explored together last night,” Tony started talking, smugness dripping in his tone, as he pretty much groped Becky lecherously right in front of Kyle. “We’re very, very compatible…in all areas.”

“Mmhh,” Becky moaned ever so slightly, seeing the outline of his hands travelling underneath the t-shirt, then feeling his palms cup her breasts brazenly.

“I mean, it’s almost entirely your fault. You sent a girl this sexy, this busty, and this horny my way? Alone? I honestly thought it’s an invitation!” he said mockingly.

Kyle looked up, fury in his eyes.

“I was trying to find parking!” he said slowly, accentuating every word as if dictating to a braindead.

“And I was trying to park my dick right here!” he laughed suddenly, sliding one of his hands down into the boxers she had on.

“Tony!” she gasped, grabbing his hand. Her protest was more for show than for real…as if she only did it because she thought she had to.

Kyle felt sick. And his asshole roommate’s word caused him to see the scene in his minds eye. He was then repulsed with himself that he, also, felt a twinge of arousal.

It wasn’t just hate and heartbreak. He, in fact, envied this bastard so, so much. He looked at those hands, exploring every nook and cranny with impunity underneath Becky’s t-shirt, and he wanted to be able to do the same…

“You see, when you’re dating a hot girl like Becky here, you have to fuck her every day,” he preached as if it was some common sense for perverts. “Otherwise, she might go looking for her boyfriend’s big dicked roommate to fill up that void instead, heheh.”

“You’re sick,” Kyle said in response, his tone full of disgust.

“Seriously, dude, I had no idea you were this good at finding amazing dates. I mean what kind of girl spreads her legs for her boyfriend’s hunky roommate fifteen minutes after meeting him, huh?” he asked Becky playfully.

The question shook her out of her reverie. She was enjoying the possessive, lecherous groping a bit too much. She had no idea why, but for some reason it felt so safe, so comfortable, to just let go and let Tony do whatever he wanted. His enthusiasm, and compliments, and the way he made her feel last night…she wanted to feel it again.

“The kind that meets a man that’s totally her type, and can’t help but just fall in love at first sight,” she whispered breathily, smiling blissfully.

She didn’t care if her words sounded mean, or cruel, or evil, or exaggerated. If she sounded like an unfaithful bitch, or a slut. She said them simply because they felt good to say.

Tony groaned with amazement.

“Aahh, see?! I just love how slutty your girlfriend acts with me, Kyle!” he exclaimed, pulling her back to kiss her. She kissed him back, and she pushed our her chest more, showing off her flexibility, as he groped her breasts simultaneously.

It was almost surreal. All this rude talk, those objectifying remarks? Showing off right in front of a boy she cared about, and from whom Tony had stolen her? Any typical girl would’ve gotten angry and slapped him. Would not let him do as he pleased. But Becky?

She reveled in the act just as much as Tony. As if they were truly worth each other.

Then Becky broke the kiss, and looked at Kyle strangely. Like she had finally made the realization and decision that was only at the edge of her awareness until now.

“I think you were right Kyle, when you called me out. And I think Tony’s right too. I’m a bitch. We should break up, and I’m going to date Tony instead,” she said calmly, almost matter-of-factly, hiding her excitement as she came open and clean about her real self. “Sorry.”

“Fuck you. Fuck you both,” Kyle said, standing up and heading for his room.

Tony smirked smugly. Wanting to toy some more, like the cruel bastard he was.

“Hey, wait, before you go, could you list me all the dates your took your cheating slut of a girlfriend out on? I want to bang her everywhere you guys were together, hehe, show her what she could’ve been having.”

As Becky heard his line her skin got goosebumps and she felt a flash of lust make her horny all over again.

For Kyle, it was one remark too much. His anger exploded. He ran towards Tony, wanting to kill him on the spot.

“Kyle!” Becky screamed.

Tony reacted quickly, pushing Becky off quickly but gently enough so she wouldn’t fall. Kyle was close when Tony stood up. Then Kyle made a wild, angry swing, which Tony dodged with no difficulty and countered with a powerful, trained hook.

Kyle felt pain explode on the side of his head and heard ringing as he pretty much went straight for the floor.

“I told you to know your place, didn’t I?”

“Kyle! Calm down!” Becky yelled at the downed man.

Kyle could only feel pain and further hurt at the fact that this bitch had still the audacity to defend Tony, after all this. He slowly stood up. It wasn’t worth it. Not that he could do anything anyway.

He scowled from pain and rubbed the spot he got punched. He’d most likely have a bruise. He looked venomously at Tony, who had the sort of expression you’d expect on a bully like that – egging him on to try again.

Kyle had had enough. He turned around and headed for his room, the only place of peace and quiet.

“Yeah, walk away,” Tony mocked him.

A few minutes later, it was like nothing ever happened. Becky was sipping her coffee, still sitting in Tony’s lap. And he did what he liked – exploring her body as if he owned it. And they chit-chatted about sweet nothings for a while.

“Where did you learn to punch like that?” she asked curiously. It was a pretty amazing move.

“Just regular boxing, you know. A man needs to know how to defend his lady.”

“Mmm, so corny, Mr. Knight-in-shining-armor,” she joked.

“Ooh, I’ll punish you for mocking me later,” he threatened, bouncing her in his lap.

“Really? I might be looking forward to it,” she flirted.

Tony licked his lips.

“You know, they say you have to keep varying your sex-positions, otherwise it gets boring. But I heard a theory that it’s not quite right. Supposedly if a man’s got a big enough dick, and the bitch he’s fucking is as horny as you are, Becky, then he can just pound her cunny till she passes out from all the orgasms.”

Becky felt another shiver. She was becoming addicted to that sort of direct talk. As if she had no idea what she was missing out on thus far.

“Hmm, I don’t buy it…I think you’ll have to convince me,” she purred playfully.

“Let’s take a shower,” Tony stated in a commanding tone.

She giggled as he practically carried her there.


Kyle was lying on his bed, thinking about nothing in particular. Well, just about that the world sucked that it allowed people like ‘those two’ to exist.

And then he heard the noises again. First there was the sound of water going through the pipes – he recognized it as shower running. Then came muffled feminine moans and groans, and masculine grunts and growls. He wasn’t sure whether he heard the loud body-on-body slapping, or, as before, it was his imagination playing tricks on him.

He realized he would never have peace in this apartment. He had to get away from this scumbag of a roommate, and his bitch of an ex-girlfriend.

He was lucky enough to find a place in a week or two. The rental agreement had been on Tony anyway, so there was on fuss on moving out. Nor did it come as a surprise.

In fact, it might’ve been what Tony had been counting on all along. Because as soon as Kyle moved out, Becky moved in.

Kyle didn’t want to think what happened with them afterwards. He did not look to retain any sort of contact. He simply tried to move on, lessons learned.

Meanwhile, Tony and Becky, well…lived happily ever after, in a manner of speaking.



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