The Pleasure Seekers Pt. 02

An adult stories – The Pleasure Seekers Pt. 02 by cumin_pants,cumin_pants Meanwhile, on the women’s side of the camp, a similar scene was playing out. Only even less forgiving. Amy got caught touching herself again.

The Reverend Mother woke all the women and ordered them to watch as she stripped Amy and strapped her down.

“Please share with the group what I just caught you doing!” The Reverend Mother’s gaze pierced Amy with condemnation.

“I was masturbating,” she whispered.

“Speak up! You’re a grown woman!”

“I was masturbating, ma’am.” Amy struggled to speak without stuttering.

“Yes, you were. And in the most perverted manner! You see, ladies, Amy here likes to stick things inside her. She makes herself orgasm from the inside. Humping and grinding like an animal in heat.”

The Reverend Mother pushed Amy’s legs apart before strapping them in. She grinned as she leaned over her helpless captive. “Spread wider, my dear. Show everyone how eager you are.”

Amy stifled a moan as her swollen pussy fluttered and her clit jumped. The other women circled around the platform, their hot centers pulsing in shame and sympathy.

“Come get a good look everyone! Not only is Amy dripping with arousal fluid, her gspot is so engorged you can see it from outside the vaginal canal.” Many of the other women had never orgasmed at all, though they longed for it. And those that had only knew how to do so with clit stimulation. So they leaned in closer, fascinated by Amy’s anatomy despite their pity.

Amy hated how this was turning her on. Her lust laid bare for all to see. She needed to cum. She needed to fuck.God, she needed to fuck. Amy couldn’t help but roll her hips and gasp for breath as the Reverend Mother spread her cunt lips allowing everyone to see her tender pulsating flesh flush with need.

“Amy is my special project. She’s the most wanton woman our people have ever seen. She was caught fornicating in an obvious state of orgasm.”

The Reverend Mother leaned down so only Amy could hear her whisper, “Or, as you would say, cumming all over a man’s cock while you ride him.”

Amy’s hips bucked as she panted and the walls of her cunt began clenching HARD. She was no sinner, but she was raised to think she was. Shame wove itself into her sexuality until she needed it to get off. She got free only to be recaptured by the Church at the most inopportune moment. She was a Pleasure Seeker and damn proud of it. Perhaps this is a sign, she thought, I could fortify the resistance from inside the Church.

“Now, won’t someone hand me my riding crop?”

The Reverend Mother brought the riding crop down hard on Amy’s slit and she felt the beginnings of an orgasm. And then extreme cold as an ice pack was placed between her legs.

“You’ll never have another one of those if I have anything to say about it,” the Reverend Mother hissed.


Jacob kept groaning and complaining of extreme pain. The app did indicate an abnormally high amount of ejaculate built up inside him so the Reverend Father took pity on Jacob and sent him to the doctor for a professional opinion on treatment. The Reverend Father felt the ice packs they used to prevent Jacob from having tissue damage due to a constant erection should be more than sufficient. Besides, the filthy masturbator ought to suffer the consequences of his actions! However, in case he was mistaken, it was not worth risking another scandal. Jacob’s family made significant contributions to the Church, and if something permanently damaging were to occur to the family’s heir, that would not bode well for anyone.

Jacob was surprised to see a woman introduce herself as Dr. Alexis. His heart raced and he flushed crimson. Wasn’t this a sin? He thought only his future wife was supposed to see him naked.

“Aw, you’re shaking. Don’t be nervous! Just change into this robe and I’ll be right back.”

Jacob’s agonized member was at full mast and leaking profusely. He was so confused. He struggled with the robe. His erection was prominent no matter how he tied it. He looked around for something he could use to shield it from view and rolled the blood pressure monitor in front of his crotch. Maybe she wouldn’t even think to look? He was still shaking.

“Jacob, you’re safe in here. There’s no cameras. I know why you are so uncomfortable.”

Jacob’s throat went dry.

“Everything in here stays private so I’m going to level with you. The things they do to you here are ridiculous. And unhealthy. This app?” Dr. Alexis gestured to a computer screen which provided real time updates of the state of his most private parts.

Jacob gasped and his cock jumped. She already knew he was painfully hard and leaking. Fuck, oh fuck, is this a trap? The Governess acted like she had grown to care for him, told him he could masturbate himself to orgasm since he had been so good, then she burst into the bathroom before he could cum. It was a test to see if he would follow the Church’s teachings when tempted. He failed and wound up here. He feared he was being tested again.

“Please. I’m sorry. I don’t want to get in trouble.” He was so confused he felt like he might cry.

Dr. Alexis gave him a warm look. The Church had definitely done a number on this guy. She moved the blood pressure monitor to the side.

“Jacob, I know it’s hard to trust after what you’ve been through. I’m going to open your robe so I can examine you, okay?”

Jacob nodded. He was naked and hard seated before her.

“I suspect you are particularly uncomfortable because you have hyperspermia. I can see your prostate is swollen without even palpating it. When your body produces this much sperm, you need to ejaculate at least once or even three times a day.”

Jacob’s cock was bucking like crazy and he was panting.

“I’m so sorry I..I can’t control it.”

“I’m not surprised. How long has it been since you ejaculated or had an orgasm?”

“Ttttthree months,” he gasped.

“Jacob, look into my eyes. I want to help you, but I need your help too. It’s taken me years to get inside the Church. You can’t tell any of them about me— I’m a Pleasure Seeker.”

Jacob’s eyes went wide. Could it be true? Could this really be happening?

“Before I adjust the app’s setting so you can get some relief, I’m going to put a condom on your penis because I suspect things are about to get messy.”

Dr. Alexis lubed up his cock so the condom would slide and feel better. Her touch was heavenly. No one had ever handled him like this before. If not for the restrictions from the app, Jacob would have filled her hands with his cum. His eyes rolled into the back of his head.

Despite being a Pleasure Seeker, Dr. Alexis felt guilty about enjoying this so much. It was inappropriate, but Jacob had such a beautiful cock aching and dripping with need.

“I’ll just put the condom on you, leave, and change the settings once I’m out of the room so you can have some privacy.”

“No!” So this was a trap. “No. Please don’t change the settings! I want to be good!”

Dr. Alexis sighed. This was going to be harder than she thought.

Realizing she’d never get Jacob to trust her like this she came up with a different plan.

“Jacob, I know this is hard to believe, but I was once like you. I escaped this place and changed my name. But I knew I needed to return and bring it down from the inside. Or, at the very least, free one of my fellow organizers. Did you know they have a camp like this just for women?”

“Wait, what? Really? I thought women couldn’t…you know, and that they only did certain things to have children.”

“That’s what they have programmed you to believe. Get dressed and come with me. I want to show you something.”

Jacob followed Amy through the woods and over some hills to a part of the camp he had never seen before. Another huge compound spread out before them just like Amy said.

“This is the discipline room up ahead. It’s where they punish women for their sins.”

Jacob was having trouble believing this, but his cock hungered for it. He was warm and dizzy with arousal. For a second he found himself thinking it was better than cumming. Then his balls lifted and he came to his senses. He had never needed to ejaculate so badly.

“Here, get down.” Amy and Jacob crouched behind some bushes. “Look through this window. Oh my god. It’s my friend; It’s Amy.”

Jacob would have fallen to his knees at the sight if he was not already on all fours.

He saw Amy writhing on a wooden platform. Strapped down. Naked. Legs spread. Cunt spasming. She was being punished for masturbation. The Reverend Mother was there and she was shaming Amy for lusting after men’s penises. Amy was a fantasy come true. Jacob was so entranced he didn’t hear Dr. Alexis tell him to get ready.

Dr. Alexis was so flustered herself she forgot she never put the condom on Jacob. She released him and three months worth of cum throbbed out of his desperate cock, filling his underwear and dripping through his pants onto the ground. Jacob tried to be quiet. But even if he hadn’t moaned, the force with which his cum hit the ground would have been loud enough to alert the Reverend Mother.

“What was that? I heard something outside.”

“Shit!” Dr. Alexis hated to abandon Jacob and felt awful about causing him to mess his pants, but she had Amy and the others to think about. She ran into the darkness and left Jacob panting and shaking on the ground.

“Sister Mary, take a taser baton for protection and investigate while I get the women to the safety of their bedchambers. Oh, and you can handle cleaning Amy up and getting her to bed can’t you?”

“Yes, Reverend Mother!”

“Well, well what do we have here?” Sister Mary was bored of disciplining women and longed for a man to punish. This was only allowed under very special circumstances and as far as Sister Mary knew no one had ever been granted the privilege. The sight of Jacob cumming in his pants electrified her.

“How did you even find this place, you nasty thing!”

Jacob was too dazed to speak.

“Get up and follow me.”

Jacob stood on wobbly legs, resigned to whatever fate had in store for him.

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