The Risqué Run

An adult stories – The Risqué Run by mikej4,mikej4 The soft, ambient lighting bathed the bar in a warm glow as Lisa took a sip of her bourbon, the warm liquid sending a pleasant shiver down her spine. The scent of vanilla and amber from the nearby diffusers mixed with the rich aroma of her drink. She leaned into Matt, her curves pressing against his muscular frame. “This resort is incredible,” she purred. “I feel so relaxed already.”

Matt’s eyes sparkled with mischief as he traced his fingertips along her shoulder. “I’m still hoping to give you a reason to be a little less relaxed later tonight,” Matt teased.

Lisa smiled demurely, the soft hum of conversation and clinking glasses filling the crowded bar. She spotted a four-top table with two empty seats and nudged her husband, nodding towards them. “Think we can join them?” she asked. “I want to get off my feet. Heels suck for standing this long.”

Matt chuckled softly, his hand discreetly sliding down to give her rear a gentle squeeze. “They may suck for your feet, but they make your ass look great,” he murmured, his voice a low rumble in her ear. Lisa snorted in mock derision at Matt’s playful touch, the twinkle in her eyes betraying her true feelings. Matt followed her gaze to a nearby table where an attractive couple sat engaged in animated conversation. The man was speaking animatedly, his broad smile and calm confidence radiating warmth. His companion, a woman with long, wavy brown hair and delicate features, gazed attentively at her partner, with a soft smile and the occasional nod. Two empty chairs at their table beckoned invitingly.

As they approached the table, the couple looked up with warm smiles. “Mind if we crash at your table?” Lisa asked. “I’m Lisa, and the big guy behind me is my husband Matt. Don’t worry though, he’s domesticated.”

“For sure. Pull up a chair!” the man replied warmly, his broad smile inviting. “I’m Luke, and my lovely girlfriend here is Bella. We just arrived today. This place looks amazing – we can’t wait to see what all there is to do here.”

“Thanks,” Lisa said, sliding onto the high seat. “Aah, finally off my feet,” she sighed with relief. Bella looked down at her heels and nodded, smiling sympathetically.

As the two couples fell into easy conversation, Lisa noticed Bella’s reserved demeanor. Something about her – the way she seemed to be holding herself back, combined with the spark in her eyes – reminded Lisa of her own journey of self-discovery long ago. She wondered what passions and stories lay beneath Bella’s gentle facade. “What made you pick this place?” she heard her husband ask the couple.

Luke squeezed Bella’s hand as she answered, “Well, my idea of a perfect vacation is, well, lounging on a beach. Book in my lap, bar right behind me, all that. After making Luke take me to those the last few times, I owed him something a little more dynamic.”

“She lost a bet, basically,” Luke interjected playfully. “But I’ve sworn to let her crash while I attend to her every need once we get home so she can decompress again. I don’t know if I can figure out how to do a backyard beach Phineas and Ferb style, but I’m sure I can keep her supplied with drinks and books for a couple of days.”

Lisa laughed with delight. “I can’t believe you know that show.”

“Yeah, my mom used to put it on for me and my brother when we were kids,” Luke smiled.

Lisa’s smile froze for a brief moment, but she quickly recovered. Tossing the rest of her drink back, she smiled wryly, “Well, I suddenly feel old.”

Just then, a waiter approached their table, asking if anyone wanted anything to drink. Matt piped up, “Another porter for me, and the old hag here would like a Four Roses, neat.”

The waiter did a double-take at the description, looking at Lisa for confirmation, but she just nodded, her shoulders shaking as she tried to repress her laughter at Matt’s jibe.

Bella and Luke ordered their drinks, and the waiter scurried off. “Oh come on, you can’t be that old,” Bella said, looking Lisa up and down.

“I do hope he hurries back with that drink,” Lisa mused, smiling. “But, yes, I’m at least old enough to have watched it with my kids instead of my siblings. Although I think it was on reruns then. Always had a soft spot for Ferb. Must be the engineer in me.”

“So, why’d you two pick here,” Luke asked.

“Oh, that’s easy,” Matt started.

“Adults only!” he and Lisa said in unison.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids more than anything,” Lisa said. “But sometimes mama just needs… adult time. Somewhere where I can let it all out, have some drinks, do something stupid, and have my husband fuck me without wondering if I’ll hear a small hand knocking on the bedroom door. It’s a recharge, basically.”

Just then, a staff member came by with a stack of colorful flyers, dropping one on their table. “Be sure to check out our event for National Nude Day tomorrow,” he announced with a wink before moving on to the next group.

Bella glanced down at the flyer, her cheeks flushing slightly. “The Risque Run? That sounds… wow.”

Lisa leaned forward to skim the flyer, her eyes widening with each tantalizing detail. “Listen to this,” she purred, excitement lacing her voice. “The Risque Run is an event where women take a course on the resort grounds topless or fully naked, with their wrists bound.”

Bella’s jaw dropped, a mix of shock and intrigue flashing across her delicate features. “That’s… Oh my God! I couldn’t ever do something like that.”

Lisa smiled knowingly, remembering her own initial hesitation when she and Matt first started stepping out of the norms of their previously vanilla sex life. “Oh, I don’t know,” she began.

The waiter finally returned with their drinks, and Bella immediately took a sip of her margarita while she waited for Lisa to continue.

“Well, it would definitely be more public than I’ve ever played before. Checks the ‘do something stupid’ box, though,” Lisa grinned, holding her drink up under her nose to sniff it as she finished her sentence.

Bella bit her lip, her hazel eyes flickering with a newfound curiosity. Matt, noticing Bella’s growing interest, chimed in. “You know, sometimes the most exciting adventures are the ones you never thought of trying.”

Luke stayed quiet, seeming to be carefully studying his glass of wine. Bella looked up at Matt. “And you’re okay with this? Your wife running around naked, getting touched or… or more, by other men?” she asked incredulously.

Lisa snorted quietly as Matt laughed. “Of course, we talk about it. Neither of us is going to do something the other isn’t comfortable with. And getting to play like this occasionally? It makes her come alive. I’d be an idiot to deny her that when I get to reap the benefits for months on end.” Lisa’s eyes twinkled over her glass, her lips curling into a smile.

With wide eyes, Bella glanced at Luke, as though searching for his reaction, and found him looking back at her with smoldering eyes that seemed to raise a blush on her face.

“I still don’t know,” Bella said, her voice barely above a whisper. “It sounds both terrifying and exhilarating. Still mostly terrifying. But… no, it’s completely insane, I would die.”

Lisa reached out, giving Bella’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “It’s only mostly insane, not completely. At least go listen to more about it – it says there’s an informational session tomorrow morning. We’ll go together! Worst case, you don’t do the run and you still get a story to tell your friends about the crazy people you met on your trip.”

As Luke put his arm around Bella and gave her a squeeze, she paused, as though gathering her courage, and finally gave a hesitant nod, barely able to meet Lisa’s eyes.

“That’s the spirit,” Lisa cheered. “We’ll meet tomorrow.”

As the conversation flowed, the air crackled with a palpable energy, a shared sense of anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead. Bella seemed to draw strength from Lisa’s confidence and Matt’s encouraging words, her posture straightening as she listened intently.

Lisa noticed Bella’s demeanor shift, the initial hesitance giving way to a tentative excitement. She smiled, feeling a sense of camaraderie with her new friend. This event was more than just a daring adventure; it was a chance for Bella to step out of her comfort zone and discover new aspects of herself. As the evening wore on, the allure of the Risque Run seemed to grow, sparking a newfound resolve in Bella’s eyes.

Lisa was astride Matt, leaning her head back with her eyes closed, luxuriating in the feeling of having him inside her. “I’ll never tire of this view,” he said, cupping her heavy breasts.

“Think you’ll get to see more of Bella tomorrow night?” she teased, still not opening her eyes as she gently eased her body up and down on him.

“Well, there are worst fates I could suffer,” Matt chuckled as he started to gently roll her nipples between his fingers. “But this is what I’ll keep coming back to.”

“Oh, I know,” she purred. “Didn’t have a doubt in my mind.”

With the morning sun casting its golden tendrils through the sheer curtains, Lisa nestled against Matt’s chiseled chest, her heart hammering despite the warmth of his embrace. The rhythmic rise and fall of his breathing did little to soothe her nerves. The run loomed in her mind, a tantalizing mixture of excitement and trepidation.

Matt, seeming to sense her anxiety, gently kissed the top of her head, his beard tickling her forehead. “You do know, right, that this is the pattern?” he asked, a playful smile in his voice. “You start off super excited about pushing yourself to do this new and exciting thing. Then you get cold feet and you’re certain that it’s the worst idea in the history of bad ideas. You think you’ll need therapy for life, we’ll end up divorced and penniless, we’ll hate each other, our kids will hate us both –”

Lisa turned her head to look up at his mirthful expression, her eyebrows raised at his playful exaggerations.

Matt, without missing a beat, continued, “– but then most of the time, you do the new thing anyway, and every single time you do, you end up thrilled that you did it.” He paused for a moment, then added, “Although in fairness it probably helps that most of your new things involve multiple orgasms.”

Lisa couldn’t help but laugh, the sound muffled against Matt’s strong torso. “You know me too well,” she admitted. “But this… it feels different. More intense. What if stepping over this line changes things for us? What if it makes things worse?”

Matt tightened his hold on her, his fingers tracing lazy circles on her bare back. “Oh, please,” he scoffed. “I’m still going to want you just as much.” He paused, then continued more softly, “I know it feels different. And of course, you don’t have to do it if it doesn’t feel right.”

Lisa sighed, feeling a bit of her tension ease. Matt added, “But you did promise Bella you’d go to the informational session with her. That poor girl might die if she ends up alone in that room with no one she knows,” he chuckled.

Lisa laughed, her breath warming Matt’s skin. “I was that… reserved once, myself –”

Matt chuckled, interrupting her. “No. No, you weren’t.”

“Fine!”, Lisa said, smacking his leg in mock anger. “Okay, fine, I was never _quite_ that shy. And yes, yes, I’ll at least go to the information session.”

“Besides, if you do it, this way when you get back and the kids ask what we did on our trip, you can tell them that mommy ran a race. They’ll be so excited,” Matt teased.

Lisa just glared at him, blushing.

“Maybe skip the part about the protein snacks, though,” he added thoughtfully.

Dissolving into laughter, she picked up a pillow and hit him on the side of his head with it.

As they disentangled themselves from the warm cocoon of their bed, Lisa’s mind raced with thoughts of what the day would bring. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror; her athletic body, toned and curvaceous, her breasts full and heavy. A flutter of anticipation stirred within her at the thought of baring herself for the run.

Matt, noticing her reflection, stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Lisa, listen to me,” he said, his voice serious. “Nothing you do could ever make me love you less or be less attracted to you. If anything, seeing you go after your desires only makes me love you more.”

Lisa met his gaze in the mirror, her eyes searching his. “You really mean that?”

“Absolutely,” Matt affirmed, kissing her neck softly. “You’re my everything, and nothing can change that.”

She sighed, feeling a bit of her tension melt away. “Okay. I’ll go to the session and see how I feel.”

“That’s my girl,” Matt said with a smile. “And remember, whatever you decide, I’m here for you.” He paused, then grinned mischievously. “You, and also your tits,” he added, playfully grabbing her breasts from behind.

Lisa burst into laughter once again, the last of her tension dissolving as she leaned back into his embrace. “You always know how to make me laugh,” she said, her voice warm with affection.

Later, as Lisa and Bella stood outside the conference room, the air thick with excitement and nervous energy, Lisa couldn’t help but feel a shiver of trepidation. The faint hum of conversation from within the room only heightened the tension. She offered Bella a reassuring smile, but the younger woman’s wide-eyed expression betrayed her anxiety.

As they entered the room, Lisa’s eyes swept over the sea of women gathered there. Some were chatting animatedly, their laughter filling the air, while others stood silently, their expressions contemplative. A facilitator, clad in a form-fitting dress that left little to the imagination, took the stage and introduced herself as Kim, then began to explain the rules of the run.

Lisa listened attentively, her mind racing as the facilitator detailed the requirement for each woman to be at least topless and have her hands tied behind her back for the course. She glanced at Bella, who looked as if she might bolt at any moment. Lisa offered her friend a reassuring smile, reaching out a hand to gently rest on Bella’s arm, but she was still feeling a little anxious herself.

The facilitator continued, explaining the color-coded bracelets that each woman would choose to indicate her boundaries. Lisa’s heart raced as she listened to the options: Green for no touching at all, only looking. “Perfect if you just want to dip your toe in,” Kim explained. Yellow meant touching above the waist was okay, including adding bondage above the waist. Orange for full body touch (“including toys”). Purple meant the woman could be asked to give a blowjob. Red for vaginal intercourse, and lastly, Blue for “anything goes, including groups and anal.” Lisa saw a flush creep up Bella’s cheeks as the facilitator described the boundaries in explicit detail.

Kim paused as the women in the room digested this, most of them seeming to be trying to figure out if they wanted any part of this and if so, which color they’d want. Lisa’s thoughts drifted to Matt, remembering their conversation from that morning. She knew he would support her no matter what she chose. She’d been to a few play parties that effectively went up to orange. Did she want to try going further? She glanced at Bella, who looked like she was questioning every life choice that had led her to this moment.

Continuing her presentation, Kim explained that each encounter would be time-limited to 20 minutes, and each woman can have only three total encounters before her bracelet automatically turns green. “Now, I should mention,” she added with a playful smirk, “the 20 minutes is mostly for your benefit. For some of the guys, that’s… well, a lot more time than they need.”

A round of laughter rippled through the room. Lisa noticed some of the tension leaving Bella’s body as she laughed, the lighthearted moment easing her nerves.

“Now a note on safety,” Kim said, looking around the room. “Your safe word is ‘red red red.’ Just say those words. Or, if you’re gagged, hum the happy birthday song. If you do either of those things, the man will immediately stop, and the encounter will end. As I’m speaking, the men are also participating in a session where the consequences of not immediately stopping, or of violating the boundaries set by the bracelet, are being carefully explained. Two years ago, we did have one guy who was absolutely certain that ‘red red red’ meant ‘go go go.’ As I recall, he was expected to, eventually, make a full recovery.”

Lisa did not get the impression that the woman was kidding.

Kim wrapped up the presentation by telling the gathered women that if they wanted to take part, show up around 7:30 – 7:45, where everyone would have access to a changing room to store their clothes and a chance to choose her bracelet before the event start at 8 PM.

As Kim concluded her presentation and the women began to disperse, Lisa turned to Bella. “So, gonna do it?” Lisa asked, a playful glint in her eye.

Bella hesitated for a moment, seeming to gather her courage. “I’ll… yeah, I’ll try it. It’s still insane though. But when am I going to get a chance like this again? I think I’ll stick with yellow though,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I’m not sure I’m ready for anything more than that. Even that feels like I’m pushing my luck.” She suddenly looked stricken, and added, “But you’re coming too, right?”

Lisa nodded, a surge of admiration for her friend’s bravery swelling within her. Going from nothing to running topless and letting strangers touch you was quite a leap. “Yes, I’m definitely coming too. And yeah, picking yellow is totally fine,” she said warmly. “It’s better to start simple than to dive into the deep end and get overwhelmed. You’re already being incredibly brave.”

“What about you, though?” Bella asked, her eyes searching Lisa’s face. “What bracelet are you going to go with?”

Lisa took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. “I think I’ll go with Purple,” she said, her voice steadier than she felt. “I want to try something new, more than I’ve done before, but I’m not sure I’m ready for anything beyond that.”

As they left the conference room and made their way back to the resort, Lisa couldn’t shake the feeling of nervous excitement that bubbled up inside her. She knew that the run would be a challenge, but she was determined to see how far she could go and see what she was capable of. And if she was lucky, she might even find a little pleasure along the way. Like Matt said – orgasms help.

Meanwhile, in another conference room, the men listened to a burly presenter named Jake, who was going over the same rules Kim had explained to the women: the different colors for the bracelets and their meanings, time limits, and the strict prohibition on electronic devices or anything that even looked like it could have a camera. The room buzzed with excitement.

His warning was somewhat more explicit than Kim’s veiled comments, though. “On the remote chance that some of you are thinking, ‘Surely I can push this woman’s boundaries since she’s tied and gagged and can’t even say no,’ let me be very clear. We are monitoring the entire course, the entire time. Security is all throughout the woods. Step out of line, and they will tase your ass.”

As the men murmured at the threat, Jake continued. “Remember, when you’re naked, ‘tase your ass’ could mean literally that.” The room fell silent as he paused to let that sink in.

As the afternoon sun dipped towards the horizon, Lisa and Matt walked hand-in-hand along one of Elysium Retreat’s winding paths. The air was thick with the scent of blooming jasmine, mingling with earthy pine undertones. Lisa’s mind raced, replaying the morning’s events and anticipating the evening ahead.

“You’re awfully quiet,” Matt said, squeezing her hand gently.

“Just thinking,” Lisa replied, her voice light, but her thoughts heavy. “About tonight. About the bracelet.”

“Ah, the infamous bracelet,” Matt teased, his tone playful. “Have you decided yet?”

“Maybe,” Lisa said coyly, peeking up at him through her lashes. “I think I’m leaning towards Purple.”

“Purple?” Matt stopped walking, turning to face her. “That’s a good choice – just enough adventure without diving into the deep end.”

“Yeah,” Lisa nodded, feeling a bit more confident. “I want… I know we’ve been to a couple of parties, and I’ve let people touch me. I always wondered, what would it be like to have them in my mouth, to have that power. I know, it’s weird to talk about having power when you’re tied up and their dick is in your mouth but –”

“No, no,” Matt laughed. “As someone who has had his dick in your mouth while you’ve been tied up – several glorious times, even – I’ve never been under any illusions about the power you have over me in that moment.”

Lisa stuck her tongue out at Matt as they walked. “Well, I’m glad you know what I mean, at least.”

“Remember,” Matt said, pulling her into a warm embrace, “I’m here for you. Whatever you decide, I’ll support it.”

“Thanks,” Lisa murmured against his chest, feeling the reassuring thump of his heartbeat. “I know that. And I still need to hear it.”

“Besides,” Matt added with a mischievous grin, “I get you all to myself at the end of this, and I’m pretty sure you’ll be on fire.”

Lisa laughed, smiling at the memories of some of their private after-party celebrations.

“You’ve never regretted trying something new,” Matt said, suddenly serious. “You’ve regretted not trying new things, but never trying it.”

“Fine, yes,” Lisa laughed, playfully swatting his arm. “But yeah, you’re right.”

“Of course I am,” Matt said, his voice dropping to a tender whisper. “You always come out stronger and happier on the other side.”

“Okay, okay,” Lisa conceded, stepping back and taking a deep breath. “Purple it is.”

“That’s my Lisa,” Matt said, his eyes twinkling with approval.

They continued their walk, the path leading them to a small clearing where Bella and Luke were waiting. As they strolled, Lisa glanced up at Matt with a playful grin. “Looking forward to some fun yourself tonight?”

Matt chuckled, giving her a mischievous look. “I’m sure I’ll find some way to pass the time. But don’t worry, I’ll save plenty for you.”

Lisa laughed, feeling her excitement build. “You better,” she teased, giving him a light shove.

As they approached their new friends, Bella looked nervous, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her sundress. Luke stood beside her, his arm around her shoulders, offering silent comfort.

“Hey, you two,” Lisa called out, waving as they approached. “Ready for tonight, Bella?”

“Not really,” Bella admitted, her voice shaky. “But I’m going to do it anyway.”

Luke squeezed her shoulder gently. “I’m so excited for you, Bella. This is a big step, and it’s awesome to see you trying something so different. We’re breaking out of our shells together, and I know you can do this.” He gave her an encouraging smile, his excitement evident.

“That’s the spirit,” Lisa said, giving Bella a reassuring hug. “We can be brave together.”

“Thanks, Lisa,” Bella said, her smile returning, albeit tentatively. “I’m glad you’ll be with me.”

“Anytime,” Lisa replied, feeling a surge of camaraderie. “So, what color you thinking?”

“Still thinking yellow,” Bella said, glancing nervously at Luke. “I do want to break out of my shell – I think? A little? But not all the way out just yet.”

“Great!” Lisa said, giving Bella’s hands a reassuring squeeze. “One step at a time, right? We’ll do this together.”

“Deal,” Bella agreed, her voice growing more confident.

“Alright, ladies,” Matt said, clapping his hands together. “Let’s get ready for tonight. We’ve got an adventure ahead, and everyone probably needs some dinner first.”

“Indeed we do,” Lisa said, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. “And I have a feeling it’s going to be unforgettable.”

As they made their way back to their rooms to prepare, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. The sun set slowly, casting a golden glow over the retreat, and the promise of the night’s activities loomed enticingly on the horizon.

Bella turned to Lisa with a hesitant smile as they stepped into the locker room. “Last chance to back out,” she said, her voice wavering slightly. The room was filled with the scent of lavender and the sound of rustling fabric.

Lisa laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Not a chance. Matt will never let me live it down.”

The two women began undressing, the rustling of clothes and click of locker doors echoing in the tiled space. Bella slipped out of her sundress, revealing a lacy yellow thong that hugged her curves. She glanced over at Lisa, who had stripped completely nude, her athletic body on full display as she stretched languidly.

“Damn girl, I hope I look half as good as you after popping out a couple kids,” Bella said admiringly, taking in Lisa’s full breasts and toned tummy.

Lisa chuckled and gave a playful twirl, her hair cascading around her. “You’re a total smokeshow yourself, B. Luke is one lucky man.”

Lisa noticed the blush rising to Bella’s cheeks at the compliment, but also the spark of excitement in Bella’s eyes as she got closer to really doing this – pushing her boundaries, being spontaneous and daring.

The women selected their bracelets from the display – a sunny yellow for Bella, a rich royal purple for Lisa. The thin bands locked around their wrists with a soft, satisfying click.

“So, you ready for this?” Lisa asked as they made their way to the waiting room, hips swaying.

Bella took a deep breath. “As I’ll ever be. I trust Luke…and I trust myself. At least I think I trust myself,” she laughed. “Either way, it’s going to be a night to remember.”

Lisa squeezed her hand supportively just as they entered the waiting area. About two dozen other women milled about the space in various states of undress, a mix of nervousness and anticipation charging the air. The soft hum of conversation and occasional nervous laughter filled the room. Bella’s eyes widened slightly as she took in all the naked flesh of all kinds of body types and ages on display.

The doors clicked shut behind them with a note of finality. Moments later, the event staff emerged, crisp and professional in their black uniforms. They began making the rounds, speaking with each participant individually.

A petite brunette approached Bella and Lisa, tablet in hand. “Good evening, ladies. I’m just here to confirm you understand the parameters of your bracelets and answer any last minute questions before we begin.”

Lisa nodded, her voice taking on a confident tone as she straightened her posture, hoping to psyche herself up and calm her nerves. “Yup. Purple means the dude can touch any part of me, outside or in, and ask for blowjobs but no fucking anything but my face, yeah?”

The staffer smiled at her brazen description. “That’s pretty much it. And for you, miss?” she asked, turning to Bella.

Bella licked her lips, her mouth suddenly dry. “Um, yellow means my partner can touch above the waist, but not below it. Right?” she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

“Correct,” the woman confirmed.

“And I can still safeword anytime to get him to stop, right?”

The woman nodded. “Absolutely, at any time at all, even the first instant he approaches you, and it ends the encounter immediately. You’re always in complete control. Now if you’ll just turn around…”

Turning quickly as though to get it over with before she thought better of it, Bella presented her back to the staffer. In a practiced motion, the woman drew Bella’s wrists together, securing them snugly with a length of soft rope. The position thrust Bella’s firm, round breasts forward, and she inhaled shakily at the combined sensations of vulnerability and arousal. The cool air caressed her exposed skin, heightening her awareness.

Beside her, Lisa submitted to the same bondage, looking like a goddess with her taut body on display. She caught Bella’s eye and winked saucily. “Showtime, girl. Let’s knock ’em dead.”

The doors opened with a pneumatic hiss, unleashing a wave of crisp night air that pebbled Lisa’s exposed skin. Beyond lay a meandering path that twisted through the verdant woods, bathed in the warm glow of festive lanterns. The effect was magical – a hidden wonderland beckoning them forward. The scent of pine and fresh earth mingled with the distant sound of crickets, adding to the ambiance.

Lisa bumped her shoulder playfully against Bella’s. “You ready for this?”

Bella took a steadying breath, testing the bonds on her wrists. Lisa noticed how the soft rope bit gently into Bella’s skin, and she could see a mix of excitement and apprehension in Bella’s eyes. “As I’ll ever be,” Bella exhaled. “Let’s do it.”

Side by side, they stepped out to join the gaggle of women assembling at the trailhead. There were at least twenty of them, a tantalizing array of bare skin and skimpy attire. Bella felt electrified, hyper-aware of every brush of the night breeze and each quiver of anticipation.

A staffer’s voice cut through the excited murmurs. “Ladies, on my count! Ten, nine, eight…”

The gathered crowd of men lining the path ahead began to cheer and whistle their encouragement. Lisa caught a glimpse of Matt and Luke among the crowd and smiled at the thought of hearing later of Matt’s adventures.

“…three, two, one, GO!”

They surged forward as one, a tide of bared flesh and bouncing curves. Whoops and catcalls chased them as they entered the woods, a gauntlet of masculine appreciation. The pace was easy, a jaunty trot that had Bella’s breasts jiggling with each step. Beside her, Lisa jogged along with an easy stride, grinning at the shouts of admiration.

“Bella, you’re doing great!” she enthused breathlessly. “God, what a rush, huh?”

Bella nodded, and Lisa could see the mix of exhilaration and effort on her face. In that moment, jogging naked down a woodland path lined with ogling men, Lisa felt wild. Unleashed. Free.

Then a tall figure stepped out from the shadows ahead – her giddy euphoria shifted to anticipation mixed with a little trepidation. He had broad shoulders and a confident stride, and it seemed he was looking directly at Lisa.

Lisa noticed the nervousness return to Bella’s expression. Guessing that Bella’s worried look was at the prospect of being alone, Lisa bumped her shoulder gently against Bella’s. “You’ll be fine,” she whispered. “Get going and make ’em drool over those gorgeous tits of yours. I’ll catch up!”

Bella’s cheeks flushed, but a small smile played on her lips as she turned to continue down the path, looking back occasionally at Lisa until the curve of the path took Bella out of sight of her.

“I’m Nick,” the man said. “Very nice to meet you…?” he trailed off.

“Lisa,” she replied, grinning as the two of them stepped off the path together, the soft crunch of gravel underfoot soon replaced by the whispering caress of grass. Her heart gave a flutter as a black bracelet on Nick’s wrist sprang to life, displaying a countdown timer set at 20:00. She knew hers was displaying the same timer. The numbers seemed to glow softly in the twilight, marking both time and anticipation.

Nick’s touch was like an electric current – starting at her neck, his lips brushed against her skin, warm and inviting. He worked his way down to her arms, fingers tracing delicate lines that sent shivers up her spine. Her hands remained bound behind her back, adding a delicious edge to the sensations rippling through her body. Lisa’s breath hitched, her heart pounding with anticipation.

“You’re so beautiful, Lisa,” Nick murmured, his voice a gentle rumble. She half-shivered, half-laughed, feeling the warmth of his breath against her ear. His hands moved to her breasts, cupping them with reverence before kneading them gently. As he played with her nipples, Lisa felt a familiar flush of pleasure, and a surge of gratitude that Matt’s obvious lust for her breasts hadn’t waned a bit over the years. Even now, she still sometimes found herself surprised by how much men admired her breasts, slightly saggy though they were from age and from nursing two children.

“Ready for more?” he whispered, eyes gleaming with mischief. As Lisa nodded, smiling, Nick guided her to her knees. The world around them felt distant, a mere backdrop to their intimate tableau. She glanced at his wrist – 17:34 left. Plenty of time.

With trembling hands, Nick unbuttoned his pants and guided himself towards Lisa’s waiting mouth. The scent of his arousal filled her senses, making her head spin with desire. She eagerly took him in, relishing the weight and warmth of his cock on her tongue.

“Your mouth feels incredible, Lisa,” Nick groaned, his hands resting at his sides as she expertly pleasured him. With her own hands bound, she focused solely on the rhythm, starting slow and teasing him with gentle licks and swirls of her tongue. As he grew fully erect, she heard his breathless moans, each one sending a surge of pleasure through her.

“Just like that,” he encouraged, his voice thick with desire. Lisa picked up the pace, bobbing her head faster now. Thoughts of Matt flickered in her mind – how many times she had performed this very act with him, and yet how different but still exhilarating it felt now with Nick. She shifted slightly, adjusting the angle and taking him deeper into her mouth, feeling the satisfying stretch as he hit the back of her throat.

“You’re amazing,” Nick managed between gasps, his eyes locked onto hers. With each movement, her breasts bounced enticingly, adding to the erotic tension between them. Unable to resist, Nick hunched over, his hands reaching for her breasts. His fingers pinched and kneaded as she continued to suck, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through her. She moaned around his cock, the vibrations adding another layer to his pleasure.

Nick spent a couple of minutes playing with her tits, tweaking her nipples in a way that made her both shiver and burn with need. The sensation was electric, pulling her focus away from her mouth’s rhythmic motion to the incredible stimulation on her breasts.

Finally, he straightened up, his hands moving away from her tits to gently grasp her head. He let out a guttural moan, completely absorbed in the sensations of her mouth on his cock. Lisa redoubled her efforts, determined to bring him even more pleasure.

Despite the presence of other women walking along the path nearby, Lisa remained completely focused on Nick’s pleasure. They paused as they caught sight of them, some with knowing smiles while others looked on with longing admiration before continuing on their way. But within their bubble, only the two of them existed.

“You’re driving me wild,” Nick groaned out in disbelief and desperation. Every wet gagging noise she made seemed to intensify his arousal, and Lisa’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she intensified her efforts, determined to make every second count.

“Lisa,” he moaned huskily, reaching his peak. “I’m so close.”

Feeling a rush of exhilaration at his words, she locked her lips tightly around his cock and sucked hard. Nick’s grip on her head tightened ever so slightly, his fingers threading through her hair but still allowing her to control her movements. Lisa relished the feeling of his thickness on her tongue, the salty taste mingling with her own arousal.

“Yes, just like that,” he groaned, his eyes rolled back in ecstasy. With a final shudder, he began to release himself into her mouth. Lisa opened wide, making sure Nick could see every drop of his cum landing inside and pooling on her tongue. He grabbed his cock, pumping jet after jet of hot semen into her waiting mouth. The taste was different from Matt’s – slightly saltier and more potent – but no less arousing.

“God, you’re amazing,” Nick gasped, watching her intently. Once he finished, Lisa closed her mouth with a smile. As she did, Matt’s teasing comment about her “protein snacks” flashed through her mind, and she suppressed a giggle, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Still smiling up at Nick, she made a great show of swallowing before opening her mouth again to reveal it was all gone. She couldn’t help but think about how much she enjoyed this moment of intimacy, fleeting though it was.

Nick’s face broke into a warm smile, and he helped Lisa to her feet. As they both caught their breath, he glanced at the countdown timer on his wrist – it showed just over seven minutes.

“Still a little time left,” he murmured, reaching into a small bag he had brought along. He pulled out a bright red ball gag and held it up for her to see. Lisa’s eyes sparkled with excitement; she loved being gagged, the added layer of restraint only intensifying her pleasure.

Nick’s voice was a hushed caress as he murmured, “Ready?” Lisa nodded eagerly, her heart fluttering with excitement. The ball gag, cool and smooth against her tongue, was carefully inserted into her mouth and fastened firmly behind her teeth. She savored the familiar taste of rubber and leather, feeling the pressure of the straps against her cheeks as Nick buckled it securely behind her head. Her tongue instinctively tested the gag, even knowing it wouldn’t budge. A soft moan escaped from between her stretched lips, muffled by the gag but conveying her contentment.

“You’re perfect,” Nick said appreciatively, his hands moving to her breasts. He played with them expertly, his fingers teasing her nipples until they were hard peaks. Lisa’s moans grew louder, distorted by the gag into soft, eager whimpers, as his skilled hands worked over her breasts, sending pulses of pleasure radiating through her.

“Now, let’s see how sensitive you are,” he whispered, his voice thick with desire. He gently guided her to lie down on the cool grass, her bound hands making it slightly awkward but thrillingly restrictive. Nick knelt beside her, his eyes drinking in the sight of her restrained, gagged body glowing in the soft lantern light.

His fingers trailed down her belly, tracing delicate patterns that made her squirm with anticipation. Reaching lower, he began gently feeling between her folds, exploring the wet heat of her arousal. His fingers slicked with her moisture, he circled her clit with just the right pressure. Lisa’s hips bucked reflexively, her muffled cries growing more insistent as the sensations built.

Occasionally, Nick bent down to suck on her nipple, his mouth working in tandem with his hands to thoroughly overwhelm her senses. The wet warmth of his mouth combined with his deft fingers sent shudders through her body.

As she grew wetter and more pliable, Nick slid a finger inside her, followed by another, and another, stretching and filling her as his thumb continued to play with her clit. The dual stimulation sent waves of pleasure through Lisa’s body, her muscles responding eagerly to his touch. She could feel her arousal building steadily, her body sensitized and primed.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying this,” Nick murmured, observing her reactions keenly. He increased the tempo slightly, his fingers moving expertly within her, eliciting deeper moans and shivers from her bound form.

Lisa’s body trembled, her muffled moans growing louder as the sensations intensified. The pleasure he was bringing her was undeniable, each touch and stroke winding her up more. Just as she was beginning to sink fully into the rhythm, the timer on Nick’s wrist began to beep, signaling the end of their allotted time.

He stopped at once, gently withdrawing his fingers as Lisa’s muscles instinctively clenched, trying to keep him inside. Her moans turned into a muffled sound of grumbling disappointment, her body still humming with unresolved need.

“Time’s up,” he said gently, a rueful smile on his face. “I would like nothing more than to see you finish, but I have no desire to get tased by the guards.”

As he helped her to her feet, Nick left the ball gag in place. “You were incredible,” he commended, his eyes warm with gratitude and respect. Lisa felt her frustration mingling with a deep sense of accomplishment, even as her body hummed with the lingering need for release.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

With a last, lingering look, Lisa turned and made her way back to the path, her body still humming with the aftershocks of their intense encounter. As she rejoined the world outside their bubble, the sounds of the forest and distant chatter of other participants filled her ears. She couldn’t help but smile, a sense of accomplishment mingling with anticipation for the next encounter.

Lisa’s breath caught as her eyes settled on Bella stepping back onto the path ahead. The gentle sway of Bella’s hips drew Lisa’s gaze to the intricate chest harness hugging Bella’s curves. Each step made Bella’s breasts dance, straining against the confines of the tightly woven ropes. Lisa’s eyes lit up with a smile as she admired the delicious bondage framing Bella’s assets. The cool night air heightened her awareness of every sensation. Bella, looking around, saw Lisa and waited for her to catch up.

“Lisa! Wow, what happened with you?” Bella asked, her eyes sparkling as she took in the sight of Lisa’s ball gag and the lingering flush of her recent encounter.

Lisa tried to respond, but her words came out as muffled sounds through the ball gag. Bella quickly realized she wouldn’t be able to make out anything Lisa said. Despite this, Lisa could see curiosity and excitement in Bella’s eyes.

“You should have seen Sam work his magic,” Bella continued with an impish grin, her initial nervousness replaced by a burgeoning confidence. She gave an exaggerated wiggle, making her breasts jiggle enticingly within the harness. “I can’t believe how good this feels,” she marveled, gesturing to the snug ropes. “Every movement sends shivers down my spine. I can’t wait to see what happens next.”

Lisa could only nod appreciatively, her eyes tracing the intricate patterns of the rope. She wondered if she too would end up with her breasts tied later. The sight of Bella’s newfound confidence and the tantalizing bondage spurred her own excitement, making her eager for what lay ahead.

They walked on, side by side, Bella excitedly telling Lisa about her adventure. Their attention shifted as moans carried through the garden. Nestled between the vibrant blooms, a woman Lisa remembered meeting earlier in the day, Claire, straddled a man, her wrists bound and a bit gag held firmly between her teeth. Her lips stretched over the smooth metal, and her eyes were half-lidded with pure ecstasy. The man’s hands roamed roughly over her bouncing boobs, squeezing and groping with fervor, and her whole body undulated as she impaled herself over and over on the thick cock buried inside her slick depths.

“Quite the exhibitionists, aren’t they?” Bella’s voice lilted with a mix of amusement and curiosity.

As the pair rounded the next bend, two imposing figures emerged from the tree line on the other side of the path. The taller of the men, all chiseled muscle and smoldering eyes, sauntered over to Lisa. Without preamble, his hand found the swell of her ass, giving it an audacious squeeze.

“Name’s Jack, gorgeous. Let’s get better acquainted, shall we?” His deep timbre reverberated through her core.

Meanwhile, the other stranger, Tom, approached Bella with a heated gaze. A long finger hooked into the rope just above her breasts, tugging her closer by drawing it tight between her cleavage. “You’re a stunning little thing,” he purred, leaning in until his lips brushed the delicate shell of her ear. “I can’t wait to unravel you.”

Bella’s breath hitched visibly at his molten words, her excitement and arousal evident in the flush spreading across her cheeks and the tremble in her knees. Seeing Bella’s eager response and newfound confidence made Lisa feel an unexpected rush of pride for her friend.

Lisa shot Bella a look, brimming with shared excitement, as Jack, still gripping Lisa’s ass, led her toward the far side of the clearing. Her mind raced, aching to be brought to climax after being so close with Nick. The dominance in Jack’s stride and touch left her breathless, hungry for what was to come. The sounds of the night mixed with the moans she could still make out from Claire, a little ways up the path, heightened her anticipation. Whatever happened next, Lisa knew they were in for a wild ride.

“Let’s get started,” Jack’s voice was low and commanding. He reached up to unbuckle Lisa’s ball gag, the leather slipping away from her lips with a soft click, leaving her mouth feeling suddenly empty. “Before I put another one in,” he smiled, “mind sharing your name?”

“Lisa,” she smiled.

“A beautiful name for a beautiful woman,” Jack replied. He brought forth the ring gag, letting Lisa catch a glimpse of its smooth, leather-wrapped surface. He carefully positioned the ring between her teeth, nudging her lips into a wanton, ready ‘O’. The cool leather of the straps pressed against her skin, a stark contrast to the warmth radiating from her flushed cheeks. Lisa’s tongue instinctively explored the inner surface of the ring, grazing the supple leather and feeling the contours. The thought of Jack’s cock sliding down her throat, the ring rendering her powerless to stop it, sent a thrilling jolt through her body.

Jack’s fingers lingered as he adjusted the gag, his touch sending delicate shivers across her skin. “Perfect,” he murmured, his breath warm against her ear as he tightened the strap behind her head. His eyes roamed appreciatively over her body, taking in every inch of her. “I have an idea to make you look even better.”

Lisa’s heart raced as Jack produced a set of elbow cuffs, the patent leather gleaming from the light of the nearby lanterns. He moved behind her, his hands brushing against her skin as he expertly secured the cuffs, pulling her elbows as close together as her flexibility allowed. The positioning created a mild but electrifying strain and made her already prominent breasts thrust out even more.

“How does that feel, Lisa?” Jack asked, his voice a mix of authority and tenderness.

“Mmhm,” Lisa managed to respond through the ring gag, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She couldn’t wait for what was coming next, knowing how much she loved being at the mercy of a skilled partner.

As Jack began running his hands over Lisa’s skin, she peeked at the other side of the clearing, where she could see Tom busy with Bella. He had taken a long length of rope and hitched it to the center of her chest harness. One part was already coiled snugly around one of Bella’s tender breasts, and Bella was looking down with wide eyes, as he wrapped the other end of the rope around her other breast. The rope looked snug but not too tight, making Bella’s tits swell slightly. Bella’s expression was a mix of awe and arousal, and Lisa was guessing that Bella had never imagined her breasts looking like this.

From this distance, the words exchanged between Tom and Bella were inaudible to Lisa. She could only observe the interaction, seeing Tom’s fingers graze Bella’s nipples as he tugged at the rope. Bella’s earlier nervousness seemed long gone now, a look of eager excitement in her eyes.

At that moment, Bella looked up at Lisa and their eyes met. The silent exchange between them was filled with shared excitement and curiosity. They were both on the brink of something new and exhilarating, and neither of them wanted to turn back.

“You’re doing great, Lisa,” Jack said appreciatively, bringing her focus back to him as his hands palmed her breasts. She closed her eyes to soak in the sensations as he continued, “Now, let’s see just how much you can handle.”

Jack’s hands were steady but insistent as he guided Lisa to her knees. Her heart pounded in anticipation, the cool forest air mingling with the warmth of her skin. She glanced up at him through thick lashes, a mix of curiosity and trepidation in her eyes. Jack unbuckled his pants, revealing a long, thick cock that made Lisa swallow hard. It was an impressive sight that made her both apprehensive and eager.

He began to push his cock into her mouth, each inch filling her more than she expected. With the ring gag in place, forcing her mouth wide open, Lisa had no choice but to accept his cock. The stretch was intense, and she fought the urge to pull back, knowing she just had to take it and get used to it. As he pressed deeper, she felt the tip hit the back of her throat, making her gag slightly. The sensation was overwhelming, but she tried to relax, letting herself adjust to his size.

“That’s it, Lisa,” Jack murmured, holding her head gently but firmly. “You feel amazing. Jesus, your tits look incredible all pushed out like that.”

Lisa eyes briefly darted to Bella, who was watching her with a mix of concern and fascination while Tom stood behind Bella, his hands roaming over her chest, squeezing her tits and nipples as he nuzzled her neck.

Lisa gave a quick wink to Bella to reassure her that she was OK, then her concentration quickly shifted back to Jack, as she struggled to take more of his cock. He kept telling her how sexy she looked, how warm and wet her mouth felt, how great it felt to fuck her face through the ring gag. She tried to relax, to let herself go and enjoy the sensations, but it was still a challenge. Jack’s hands lightly guided her movements as he began to thrust slowly, allowing her to adjust. Lisa’s eyes watered slightly, the stretch and fullness overwhelming but intensely erotic. She focused on her breathing, finding a rhythm that let her take him deeper with each thrust. As he hit the back of her throat again, she felt her throat convulse as she momentarily choked.

Jack pulled all the way back out and paused, looking down at her. “You okay, Lisa?” Jack asked, his voice low and concerned. “Do you want me to stop?” Lisa shook her head vigorously. “OK,” he smiled, “Nod if you want me to keep trying to push a little more or shake your head if I’ve gone deep enough.”

Lisa nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with determination. She wanted more, despite the strain. Jack smiled, his eyes sparkling with desire.

“Alright then, Lisa,” Jack encouraged, his voice soothing as he inserted himself back through her gag. “You’re doing fantastic.”

Finally, Lisa managed to take all of Jack’s cock, her nose brushing against his pubic hair. He let out a low groan, his grip tightening slightly on her head as he began to pump in and out of her mouth. “God, that feels incredible,” he murmured.

The sound of jingling bells broke into Lisa’s consciousness, and she spared another quick glance in Bella’s direction. Bella’s nipples were now adorned with clamps attached to small bells, and she was jumping up and down, her bouncing breasts causing the bells to jingle

“Jesus, Lisa,” Jack groaned, increasing his pace. “Keep going, just like that.” Lisa’s world narrowed to the sensation of Jack’s cock in her mouth and the sound of Bella’s jingling nipple clamps. Everything else seemed to fade away, leaving only the raw, exhilarating experience they were sharing.

Throughout the encounter, Jack kept encouraging her, telling her how beautiful and sexy she was, how incredible it felt to have her mouth on him. His words and touch created a powerful feedback loop, amplifying her arousal and making the experience even more intense.

Jack’s thrusts became more urgent, each pump sending a fresh wave of drool spilling from the corners of Lisa’s mouth. Her throat produced wet, guttural sounds that echoed in the clearing. She focused solely on the cock in front of her, feeling a rush of satisfaction knowing she was the center of Jack’s world at this moment. The sounds intensified as he went faster, blending with the rustle of leaves as the wind gently blew. Lisa’s eyes watered slightly as Jack’s pace quickened, but she embraced the overwhelming sensation, losing herself in it.

Lisa felt Jack’s cock twitch inside her mouth, signaling his impending climax. The anticipation built within her, knowing she was about to taste him. With one final, powerful thrust, he exploded into her mouth. Thick streams of cum flooded her throat, and she struggled to swallow it all, feeling it was almost more than she could manage.

“Holy shit,” Jack exclaimed as he finished. “God, that was — You’re amazing, Lisa.” He pulled out enough for her to catch her breath, then allowed her to capture the tip of his softening cock in her mouth, letting her gently tongue him clean. Lisa savored the different taste, noting how each man’s essence carried its own unique flavor.

Finally, Jack withdrew for good, helping Lisa to her feet. She wobbled slightly, her legs tingling from the intense experience, her body still humming with the aftershocks of their encounter. As she caught her breath, she noticed Bella watching her with a mixture of awe and pride, her own body glistening with sweat and arousal. Just then, both Bella and Lisa’s bracelets beeped simultaneously, signaling the end of their current encounters. The sound was a stark reminder of the structured nature of their wild escapade.

“Until next time,” Tom said, giving Bella a parting kiss that left her breathless.

“Keep that smile – or should I say, that O, Lisa,” Jack added, giving her ass a playful squeeze.

The two women rejoined on the path, their bodies still tingling with pleasure. They exchanged a look of mutual understanding and excitement, knowing that their journey at Elysium Retreat was far from over. As they continued down the winding path, the scent of blooming flowers and fresh pine filled the air, adding to the heady ambiance that surrounded them.

Lisa and Bella stumbled out of the clearing and onto the winding path, their aroused bodies constrained by the intricate bondage adorning them. Lisa’s ring gag stretched her lips, rendering speech impossible, while the elbow cuffs pulled her shoulders back, thrusting out her ample chest. Each awkward step jingled the clamps on Bella’s breasts, adding a musical accompaniment to their journey through Elysium’s seductive gardens.

As they rounded a bend, a lewd tableau greeted them – a woman bound in a strict hogtie, writhing on a bench in ecstasy, inhuman-sounding cries escaping her gagged mouth. Behind her, a man plunged his fist deep into her slick folds while the buzz of a vibrator against her swollen nub filled the air. The woman’s eyes were squeezed shut in bliss, and Lisa imagined that she could smell the scent of Claire’s arousal.

Bella’s eyes widened, cheeks flushing crimson. “Oh my god, that looks…I can’t even imagine! Crazy intense but…wow. Just, wow.” She turned to Lisa, eyes sparkling with excitement. “This place is blowing my mind in the best possible way.”

Despite the gag, the corners of Lisa’s mouth turned up in a smile, happiness for her friend bubbling up inside. Seeing Bella embrace this new world, glowing with joy and awakened desire, filled Lisa with pride and satisfaction. She knew firsthand the thrill of shedding inhibitions, of surrendering to pure sensation. Bella was blossoming before her eyes.

They continued down the lamp-lit path, Bella chattering away breathlessly while Lisa listened, the ring gag reducing her replies to enthusiastic nods and mumbled acknowledgments. The sweet scent of night-blooming jasmine mingled with the heady aroma of feminine arousal that clung to their skin.

A tall, broad-shouldered man suddenly emerged from the shadows. “Hello lovelies, I’m Frank.” His wolfish grin raked over their bound forms appreciatively, his eyes dark with desire. “Mind if I borrow you for a bit, sweetheart?” He extended a hand to Bella, his fingers brushing hers as he took her hand.

Bella bit her lip, glancing at Lisa uncertainly before squaring her shoulders and placing her hand in his. “I’d like that very much, Frank.”

As Frank led Bella off the path and into the trees, Lisa couldn’t suppress the slight twinge of nervousness on her friend’s behalf. But she had to trust that Bella would speak up if needed – and she knew that the monitors ensured everyone’s safety and consent. This was all part of her journey.

Alone now, with only her increasingly lustful thoughts for company, Lisa continued down the winding trail, wondering what delicious torments and raptures might await her next in the depths of Elysium’s erotic paradise — and if she would finally get that orgasm she’d been waiting for all night.

Lisa’s pulse quickened as a figure detached from the shadows up ahead. A man with chiseled features and piercing blue eyes approached, his smile confident and slightly mischievous. “Hello, beautiful. I’m Ben.” His touch was gentle as he caressed her cheek, fingers trailing down to trace the ring stretching her lips. “Gorgeous. Tell me, sweet thing, how do you feel about a strappado? Maybe even you impaled back and front, trembling on the edge for me?”

Lisa’s breath hitched and she nodded fervently, trying to convey her enthusiastic consent around the gag.

“Great.” Ben looked behind her to check her bracelet, and said, “Ah, Lisa. Now I know what to call you.” He grabbed a coil of rope. “Spread your legs for me if you would, please, Lisa.”

The fallen leaves crunched under Lisa’s feet as she widened her stance. Ben looped the rope through her wrist tie and tossed the other end over a sturdy tree branch. When he pulled, Lisa gasped as her arms were hoisted up and back, forcing her to bend at the waist. The strain in her shoulders mixed deliciously with the vulnerability of her new position.

Ben circled to admire his handiwork, one hand lazily palming the bulge in his pants. “Would you like a nice big dildo to fuck this pretty pussy of yours?”

Lisa grunted her assent, her eyes wide with anticipation. The hum of a motor filled the air, making her tense with expectation. Ben’s cool fingers parted her slick folds, exploring her tender flesh before the blunt pressure of the dildo nudged against her entrance. She inhaled sharply, trying to relax as it slowly invaded her, stretching her open inch by inch. The relentless rhythm of the fucking machine set her nerves alight, each thrust sending jolts of pleasure through her body.

“And here?” He tapped two fingers against her hood, making her jolt. “May I tease your clit with a vibe until you soak my toy?”

“Mmhmm!” Lisa nodded so hard the ring clacked against her teeth. Maybe this time she’d finally be able to cum.

“Since you asked so sweetly…” The dildo began to saw in and out, achingly slow, as he extended a second mechanical to nestle a buzzing wand just above her opening. Lisa sagged in her bonds, lost to the dual sensations working her so intimately.

Ben chuckled as he toyed with the remote. “That’s it, just enjoy. You’re doing splendidly.” His rough hands kneaded her dangling breasts, rolling and lightly pinching her sensitive nipples.

Lisa panted harshly through the ring, drool pooling on her swollen lower lip before trickling down her chin. It was almost perfect, the dildo pumping steadily into her greedy cunt, the vibe dialed precisely to the setting that made her toes curl. Her body trembled with each thrust, the relentless pleasure building to an unbearable crescendo. If only he’d clamp her aching nipples too…but gagged as she was, all Lisa could do was hope Ben would somehow read her mind.

Ben circled around to stand in front of Lisa. He took his rigid cock in hand and slid it into her mouth through the ring gag holding her lips wide open. The thick shaft filled her mouth completely, pressing against her tongue and hitting the back of her throat.

Lisa struggled to breathe through her nose as Ben’s manhood invaded her mouth. She focused on licking and sucking his hard flesh, swirling her tongue around the sensitive head. But the intense sensations emanating from her clit and pussy were incredibly distracting. The vibrator buzzed relentlessly against her sensitive nub while the dildo pumped in and out of her slick channel.

Ben smirked down at her as he cranked up the speed of the toys with the remote. “That’s it, that feels incredible,” he growled, thrusting his hips to force more of his cock past her stretched lips.

Lisa’s body responded to the relentless stimulation. The vibrations on her clit grew more intense, sending waves of pleasure through her. Her muscles tensed as she tried to focus on the rhythm of Ben’s thrusts, but the dual sensations were overwhelming. She could feel the tension building inside her, coiling tighter and tighter with each passing second.

Her moans grew louder around his shaft, her body writhing with need. Ben’s hand gripped her head, holding her steady as he continued to thrust. The relentless buzz of the vibrator and the deep penetration of the dildo drove her closer to the edge. Her hips bucked involuntarily, her body chasing the elusive peak of pleasure.

Finally, the sensations became too much to bear. The combination of Ben’s cock in her mouth, a fake cock fucking her pussy, and the relentless stimulation on her clit pushed her over the edge. Ecstasy rolled through Lisa’s body, her muffled cries reverberating around his shaft as the orgasm crashed over her. Her entire body trembled with the force of her release, her senses overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment.

“There are few things more wonderful than watching a beautiful woman cum while your dick is inside her,” Ben groaned, savoring the feeling of her mouth working his cock.

After a moment, he dialed back the intensity of the vibrator and dildo. But he started fucking her face harder, driving his shaft deeper into her mouth with each thrust. Lisa gagged and sputtered but took it eagerly, completely at his mercy.

The respite was short-lived though, as Ben soon ramped the toys back up to their earlier intensity. Lisa’s eyes rolled back as she felt another orgasm rapidly building. The overwhelming fullness of his cock stretching her lips and pounding her face combined with the relentless buzzing on her clit was almost too much to handle.

But beneath the onslaught of sensation, a sense of deep fulfillment glowed within her. This was what she had craved, what she had been yearning for. To be filled and used, to surrender all control, while still wielding the power to bring Ben to the brink. Even bound and gagged, she held a unique power over him; his pleasure was intimately tied to her actions and decisions. Her body was both a vessel for her own pleasure and a tool for his. The delicious paradox heightened her euphoria. She was so glad she had taken the plunge and allowed herself this indulgence.

“Look at those perfect tits bouncing as I fuck your pretty mouth,” Ben growled approvingly. “You’re such a marvelous little slut.”

Lisa’s eyes sparkled with delight at his words, even as drool leaked from the corners of her stretched mouth and ran down her chin. Her body felt like a symphony of sensation — her heavy breasts swaying beneath her, the strain of her arms lifted behind her, the relentless thrusting of the dildo into her sex, the vibrator, the feel and taste of Ben’s thick cock as he pistoned it in and out of her ring-gagged mouth. It was almost too much stimulation to bear, but Lisa reveled in it all, pushing her closer and closer to another mind-blowing orgasm.

“I’m gonna cum soon,” Ben grunted. “Hold up one finger if you want it in your mouth, or two if you want it on your face.”

Through the fog of lust and pleasure clouding her mind, Lisa struggled to process his words. Her body was on the verge of exploding, every nerve ending lit up like fireworks. With a trembling hand, she managed to raise two fingers from her hands, elevated behind her back, indicating her desire.

Ben pumped into her mouth a few more times before suddenly increasing the speed of the vibrator and dildo. Lisa cried out, the sound muffled by Ben’s cock. He pulled out, fisting his shaft furiously, and with a low groan, began to ejaculate all over Lisa’s face.

Thick, creamy ropes of cum splattered across her cheeks, nose, and forehead as Lisa was pushed over the edge into her own powerful orgasm. She screamed in euphoria, her entire body convulsing and shaking uncontrollably. Wave after wave of pure bliss crashed over her as Ben’s hot seed coated her face.

Lisa rode out the intense climax, barely aware of anything else except the exquisite sensations radiating from her core. Gradually, the spasms subsided, leaving her limp and sated in her bonds. Ben turned off the fucking machine and carefully removed the dildo from her sensitive pussy.

“Perfect timing,” he remarked, glancing at his bracelet. He began untying the ropes that held Lisa in the strappado position, allowing her to stand on wobbly legs. “Let’s give that mouth of yours a rest, shall we?”

Ben unbuckled the ring gag and eased it out of Lisa’s aching jaw. She worked her mouth a few times, stretching her lips and savoring the relief. Then she smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling with satisfaction. “Thank you, Ben. That was absolutely incredible.”

He chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “No, thank you for letting me do this. It’s been my pleasure. You truly are magnificent.” Ben used a finger to swipe a glob of cum from her cheek, bringing it to her lips as her tongue snaked out to greedily lap it up. “Want me to clean you up?”

Lisa shook her head, her voice husky with satisfaction. “Not yet. I kind of like it.” She licked her lips, tasting the salty tang of his seed.

“Want to be gagged for the rest of your walk? I have a bit gag that will be much easier to wear than the ring.”

“Mmm, yes please.” Lisa’s voice was husky with satisfaction. “I do love a good gag.”

Grinning, Ben produced a shiny leather bit gag. He placed it between her teeth and fastened the buckles snugly behind her head just as their bracelets chimed, signaling the end of their time together. Lisa’s bracelet turned green, indicating that she was off limits, having hit her limit of three encounters.

“Off you go then, my naughty girl. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” Ben gave Lisa’s ass a playful smack.

She stumbled away on shaky legs, the delicious ache between her thighs a reminder of the mind-blowing pleasure she had just experienced. The cool night air caressed her flushed skin as she made her way down the softly lit path, still wearing nothing but the wrist and elbow cuffs, Ben’s cum on her face, and the bit gag in her mouth. Lisa grinned around the gag, already thinking about capping off her night in bed with Matt and what she would make him do to her.

Lisa walked slowly along the winding forest path, her steps slightly ungainly due to the bondage restraining her arms and the bit gag filling her mouth. She could feel Ben’s sticky cum drying on her face, a lewd badge of her recent adventure. The peaceful sounds of the woods enveloped her but were soon interrupted by passionate cries of ecstasy coming from just off the trail.

Curious, Lisa turned her head and spied quite the scene – a woman wearing a blue bracelet was sandwiched between two men. One was eagerly thrusting into her mouth while the other was buried in her ass. The woman’s keening moans spoke of rapturous bliss even as she was pushed to her limits. The air was thick with the scent of sex, and the sounds of their combined pleasure filled the night.

“Mmmph!” Lisa couldn’t help but whimper softly into her gag. The sight ignited an ember of arousal deep in her core. What would it feel like to be so utterly filled, stretched, and used like that willing woman was? Delicious tremors ran through her at the thought.

Shaking her head with a wry grin, Lisa continued on. The end of the looping trail finally came into view, marking the spot where the naughty race had begun.

Standing there waiting was Bella. Lisa took in her friend’s appearance – Bella was still tightly bound, her pert breasts jutting out obscenely around the cords coiled around them. The jingle bell clamps on Bella’s tender nipples rang again as Bella bounced with delight at seeing Lisa. But there was a new addition – a red ball gag now muted Bella as well, her lips stretched around the shiny rubber.

“Mmm mmm!” Bella’s eyes went wide as saucers as she took in Lisa’s cum-drenched face and disheveled hair. Amazement and shock were clear in her expression.

Lisa merely smiled warmly around her gag and walked up to bump shoulders with Bella – about all she could do with both of them still bound. Bella seemed to understand, mumbling an appreciative noise.

Side by side, the two gagged and bound women headed back towards the locker room, both deep in their own thoughts, their steps slow and measured due to the restraints still binding them. Lisa felt exhilarated and emboldened as never before.

Two attentive staff members, both women, stood ready to assist. They greeted the adventurous pair with professional courtesy, their expressions warm yet neutral. “Let’s get you ladies out of those ropes,” the first attendant said kindly, gesturing for them to come closer. “We’ll take good care of you.”

Bella nodded gratefully. The attendants worked with deft fingers, carefully unwinding the intricate knots and loops that crisscrossed Bella’s body, their movements practiced and efficient. As the last of the ropes fell away, Bella let out a soft gasp, drawing Lisa’s attention.

Bella was staring down at her newly freed breasts, transfixed by the faint marks left behind by the snug bindings. The rosy impressions stood out against her creamy skin, a temporary tattoo of her daring escapades. Lisa recognized the expression on her friend’s face – a potent mix of surprise, pride, and undeniable arousal.

“Quite the souvenir, huh?” Lisa quipped impishly after her own gag was removed. “Don’t worry, I’ve ended up with those sexy little rope kisses plenty of times. They’ll fade, but for now, flaunt it. It’ll make Luke go wild,” she grinned.

Bella blushed, but her eyes sparkled with a newfound sense of sensual empowerment. “I never knew something like this could feel so… electric,” she admitted. “Like every nerve is awake and singing. And the ball gag… I was so scared to try it at first. But he let me take my time and was so gentle. Once it was in, it felt… oddly comforting? Like it made everything else more intense, like turning the volume up. Well,” she paused, seeming to realize what she’d just said. “I mean, it obviously turned my actual volume way down – lots of muffled mmmphing,” she laughed, “but it turned the volume up on everything I was feeling.”

Lisa grinned, thrilled to see Bella embracing this intoxicating world of erotic exploration. The attendants finished freeing Lisa from her cuffs, and the two women thanked them before entering the sanctuary of the locker room.

The space was invitingly warm and impeccably clean. Lisa and Bella wasted no time stepping into the spacious communal shower. As the steamy water cascaded over their sensitive skin, both women let out appreciative moans. The warm water soothed their sore muscles and washed away the remnants of their wild escapades, leaving them feeling refreshed and invigorated.

Lisa focused on meticulously washing away the sticky remnants of Ben’s enthusiasm from her face and hair. There was something deeply satisfying about this act of cleansing – it felt like a symbolic fresh start, washing away any lingering tension.

Beside her, Bella luxuriated under the spray, her eyes closed in blissful contentment. Lisa took a moment to appreciate the sight – her reserved new friend looking so free and at peace with her own desires.

Clean, refreshed, and more than a little giddy, Lisa and Bella eventually emerged from the shower’s embrace. As they dried off and slipped back into their regular clothes, Lisa felt a sudden surge of affection for her companion. She pulled Bella into a fierce hug, pouring all her joy and gratitude into the embrace. “You were so brave today,” Lisa murmured into Bella’s damp hair. “I’m so glad we got to share this wild ride together.”

Bella hugged back just as tightly, her voice thick with emotion. “I couldn’t have done any of this without you, Lisa. You make me feel… fearless.”

Lisa smiled at the admission. Together, they had unlocked new depths of pleasure and forged a new bond. Whatever delicious trouble the rest of this retreat had in store, Lisa knew they would savor every moment of it together.

Lisa and Bella made their way back into the main lodge, their steps filled with anticipation and excitement. The warm glow of the interior lights welcomed them, casting a cozy ambiance over the rustic decor. As they entered, they found their partners, Matt and Luke, waiting for them near the grand fireplace.

Bella practically launched herself into Luke’s arms, pressing her body tightly into him and kissing him with a fervor that spoke volumes about the depth of her experiences that day. Luke quickly melted into the passionate embrace, his hands roaming her back as he returned the kiss with equal ardor.

Lisa, on the other hand, approached Matt with a more measured pace, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. Her hips swayed seductively, and her eyes sparkled with mischief. Matt quirked an eyebrow at her, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. “I know that look,” he teased, his voice low and playful. “What trouble have you been stirring up, my little minx?”

Lisa closed the distance between them, her body pressing against his as she leaned in close. Her warm breath blew into Matt’s ear, sending a shiver down his spine. “Let’s just say,” she purred, “For your sake, I sure hope you saved some for me, because if I’m not tied up with you nailing me to the fucking wall in the next 30 minutes, I may file for divorce.”

Matt’s eyes sparkled at her bold declaration, and he threw his head back and laughed, the rich sound echoing through the lodge. “Well, far be it from me to disappoint my insatiable wife,” he replied, his hands coming to rest on her hips, pulling her even closer.

Lisa’s grin turned positively wicked as she felt the evidence of his growing excitement pressing against her. She had no doubt that Matt would rise to the challenge she’d laid out – in more ways than one. She pressed her body closer to his, feeling his heartbeat quicken in response to her touch.

Turning to Bella and Luke, who were still lost in their own heated reunion, Matt cleared his throat. “We’ll see you two lovebirds tomorrow,” he announced, his tone laced with barely restrained desire. “My wife has made me an offer I simply can’t refuse.”

With that, Matt took Lisa’s hand and led her towards the stairs, both of them giggling like mischievous teenagers as they made their escape.

As Matt and Lisa disappeared from view, Lisa heard Bella’s voice. “Oh my God, Luke,” she gushed, the words tumbling out in a breathless rush. Her voice was filled with excitement and wonder, the emotions of the day still bubbling to the surface. “You won’t believe what all happened to me! I can’t…”

Bella’s voice faded into the background as Lisa and Matt made their way through the main lodge, their steps echoing off the polished hardwood floors. Several couples nearby were clearly reuniting after the run, and the air was thick with the heady scent of desire, mingling with the faint traces of pine and wildflowers that drifted in through the open doors. Lisa’s heart raced, her skin tingling with the memory of the night’s exhilarating events.

As they reached the grand staircase leading to their suite, Matt suddenly swept Lisa into his arms, his strong hands gripping her thighs as he hoisted her up against his chest. Lisa let out a surprised gasp, her arms instinctively wrapping around his neck as she met his smoldering gaze.

“Thirty minutes, huh?” Matt growled playfully, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin of her neck. “I bet I can make you scream in half that time.”

Lisa shivered at the promise in his words. She tightened her grip on him, her nails digging into his broad shoulders as she leaned in close, her breath hot against his ear.

“Prove it,” she whispered, her voice low and seductive.

With a grin, Matt carried her up the stairs, his strides purposeful and eager. Lisa clung to him, her body already humming with need as she imagined all the delectable ways he would fulfill her challenge.

As they disappeared into their suite, the door slamming shut behind them, the main lodge seemed to pulse with the collective energy of countless couples, each lost in their own private worlds of passion and pleasure. The air crackled with the electricity of love and lust, a testament to the transformative power of this hidden haven of uninhibited desire.

Lisa lay naked on the plush king bed, her wrists tied above her head. Her legs had been pulled apart and up, ropes from each ankle secured to the sturdy wooden headboard behind her, spreading her wide and lifting her hips up. Her lips were stretched tightly around a large red ball gag that muffled her moans. Silver clamps bit down on her stiff nipples, connected by delicate chains that attached to each side of her ball gag, stretching her breasts and tugging on her sensitive nubs with every subtle shift.

A smile played at the corners of her gagged mouth and her eyes sparkled with mischief and deep contentment. This is exactly where she wanted to be – tied up and offered to her husband like a gift waiting to be unwrapped. The thrill of surrender, of placing her pleasure entirely in his capable hands, set her heart racing and her pussy throbbing with need.

Matt stood at the foot of the bed, drinking in the erotic display before him. His cock jutted out hard and ready, a pearl of precum glistening at the tip. “Damn, you look good enough to eat,” he growled appreciatively. Lisa waggled her eyebrows and made a show of testing her bonds, emphasizing her helplessness.

He crawled onto the bed, fitting his hips between her splayed thighs. The broad head of his erection nudged insistently at her slick entrance. “Is this what you wanted, baby?” he purred, rocking his hips to slide his length along her slit without quite entering her. “Will this be enough for you to stop threatening me with divorce?”

Lisa’s eyes crinkled in amusement above the gag, and she nodded vigorously, enthusiastically agreeing. She wriggled her hips, trying to get him to just enter her already.

He notched the tip of his cock at her entrance and pushed forward slowly, savoring the velvety glide as her tight heat enveloped him inch by delicious inch. Lisa’s eyes fluttered shut in bliss and she let out a garbled moan around the gag, arching to meet his steady invasion.

When he was buried deep inside her, they both stilled for a moment, lost in intimate connection. Then, with a wink and a roguish grin, Matt adjusted his grip on her hips and began to move, building a rhythm as old as time. As he picked up speed, Matt leaned in closer, his eyes locked onto hers. “I love you, Lisa,” he whispered. “More than anything.”

Tears of joy welled up in Lisa’s eyes, her heart swelling with love for the man who knew her so completely, who cherished every part of her. She nodded, her muffled moans conveying her own deep feelings as their bodies moved in perfect harmony. She writhed joyfully in her bonds as he took her higher, counting herself the luckiest woman in the world.

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