Naked without a Cause

An adult stories – Naked without a Cause by TheLobster,TheLobster This story was originally written for the Literotica Nude Day Story Contest 2024 in June/July 2024.


Trevor Jones was many things. A twenty one year-old CS student at Carnegie Mellon. A five-foot-eleven, fit and handsome guy with an easy smile and a short mane of chestnut hair. A player and a frequent heartthrob, sometimes hooking up pretty much just for sport. A great and caring lover according to some of his more serious partners. An asshole and a fuckboi, according to the less serious ones. Either way, he didn’t care much about any of these labels.

But woe betide anyone who dared to call Trevor a nerd.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are beginning our descent to Jacksonville. Please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts –”

He put on his headphones and gazed through the airplane window. He groaned as he quickly pulled down the plastic curtain, blinded by sunlight reflected off of the turquoise ocean. He fiddled with his phone and played some music; old-school heavy metal had recently become his new favorite. Leaning back in the chair and closing his eyes, he gave out a contented sigh as he let his ear canals be assaulted by savage drums and sundering guitar riffs.

As his thoughts wandered, he remembered bits and pieces of the past three years. It sure had been an eventful period for the young man.

In particular, his first year at the university was a time of great change. After years of suffering through high school as a social outcast and a weirdo, Trevor had a firm conviction to reinvent himself as a new, better man.

He started out, sensibly, by doing something about his shaggy appearance. Though not exactly ugly, traces of acne, greasy hair, unflattering clothes, and too much fluff around his midsection weren’t doing him any favors. Once he had dealt with most of this baggage, it became quite a bit easier for him to engage with other people.

Including, most importantly for the then-virgin Trevor, the people of the opposite sex.

“Sir,” someone said, as his shoulder was gently shaken, “would you mind keeping the window open for landing?”

Grumbling, he frowned at the flight attendant, though his expression softened when he saw her young and pretty face. He let the sunlight in, followed the enticing sway of the woman’s butt in a tight blue miniskirt, then closed the curtain again when he was sure she couldn’t see him anymore.

Trevor would still sometimes think of his first girlfriend. Jessica was a cute, mousy little thing, wearing loose woolen sweaters and thick-rimmed glasses that thankfully didn’t hide her beautiful hazel eyes. She caught his eye in the second week of his freshman year, blushing profusely when he eventually mustered the courage to ask her out. Their first time was predictably awkward, partly because she had quite a bit of trouble taking in his wide, seven-and-a-half-inch cock.

It took Trevor the better part of the year to realize the full extent of her crippling insecurity, and how damaging it was to their relationship. It had led her to sabotage most of his attempts at self-improvement, all because she feared he’d soon leave her for someone better. When he understood this dynamic, leaving her was exactly what the clever boy did, in part because he was feeling like he could be doing so much better at this point.

The wheels roughly touched the tarmac, shaking the aircraft as its brakes pushed Trevor to sink into his seat. The playlist served him some shrill, throaty vocals about touching the sun and wings turning to ash, which he thought was rather appropriate as he cursed the pilot for the unpleasant landing. He smirked then, thinking back to his second year, which was really when his student life took off and flew to dizzying heights.

Free of the ballast that Jessica turned out to be, he started to explore the college dating scene with uncanny fervor. With his new style, combed hair, clean skin and toned body, he was often just one well-placed smile away from charming whichever girl struck his fancy. Most of these quick relationships didn’t last long, and it was because Trevor didn’t want them to. He treated those fleeting connections as little more than stepping stones, rungs on a social ladder that he rightfully deserved to climb. At the top, there must’ve awaited some well-deserved compensation — a just payback for all the jeers and rebuffs he had to suffer through in his high school years.

Whether Trevor had reached this goal was debatable at best. He certainly didn’t want for attention, and he really enjoyed all the sex he’d been having, but the allure of these largely meaningless flings was fading pretty fast. It didn’t help at all that he was developing a reputation on the campus, and it wasn’t one that he’d like to precede him. Sure, he could still pick up girls who were up for some no-strings-attached fun, but few of them, he realized, were worth the effort to get to know them outside of the bedroom.

“Come on… Pick up your bags, and your fat asses, and move,” he mumbled to himself quietly, tapping the phone while he waited for other passengers to disembark.

Then came the summer of the previous year, when he took a breather and came back home for a few weeks. While there, he managed to clear his head and break the cycle of constantly seducing new girls and dumping them almost as fast as he’d fuck them. He did so by channeling his inner nerd again, and thus remembering that he used to have other hobbies beyond chasing pussy. One wouldn’t think that a better balance in life could be achieved by playing more video games but, in Trevor’s case, this was more or less exactly what happened.

Returning to the campus, he adopted a novel strategy: honesty. With every new chick, he was now very upfront as to what he was looking for — which, in most cases, was friendship with a side of sex. Though this approach would torpedo his chances with quite a few girls he’d love to get in bed with, he was surprised at how effective it was with many others.

Before long, rumors about him started to turn around. He was now this rare guy who was smoking hot, mostly respectful, great in bed, and fun to be around. He didn’t need to go on a prowl anymore: his circle of friends with benefits was more than enough to provide him with all the companionship he needed — platonic or otherwise.

“Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh…” he muttered, looking at the baggage claim info screen. “Ah, belt 5.”

There was one particular girl, however, that Trevor had trouble staying on friendly terms with.

“Well, there you are finally! What took my douchebag brother so long?”

His younger sister Lila.

“Great to see you, too, Deli,” he said, using the short form of Delilah that he knew she hated. “How’s the house? Or is it already just a pile of rubble?”

She scoffed. “I wish. At least then I wouldn’t have to suffer your presence in it!”

“Oh please! I know you secretly adore me,” he said, looking at her with a teasing smile as they walked through the arrival area. “Aren’t you relishing this opportunity, to show your big brother what an responsible adult you’ve become?”

“Yeah, right,” she said, rolling her eyes hard. “Sooo ecstatic! I can’t wait for him to play video games all day again, just like last year…”

He bristled at this remark, but restrained himself enough to reply in a calm manner. “Hardly, sis. Our folks asked me to come down here to keep an eye on everything, including you, so that’s exactly what I’ll be doing.”

She scoffed again. “Right, like I need a babysitter to watch over me… I’m nineteen years old and in college, dammit!”

He laughed. “Okay, maybe you don’t, but it’s an entire month and a large house that wasn’t built yesterday. They wanted a peace of mind — that if something suddenly breaks then I’ll be there to fix it, while they are kicking back in Tobago, or Tuvalu, or wherever it is they went to for this ‘second honeymoon’ thing…”

“Thailand, you dummy,” she corrected him with a self-satisfied smirk. “But yes, I very much appreciate having a man in the house. When a water pipe bursts, then it’ll be on him, and him alone, to save the day by calling a plumber. My silly woman brain is unable to handle something so complicated, after all.”

He only chuckled at that, shaking his head as they continued the jaunt through the crowded airport.

Lila was usually like this around Trevor: disagreeable, snarky, outright snappish at times. She hadn’t liked him much in high school, when everyone she knew thought of him as a dork and a loser. Her nerdy older brother would cramp her style whenever she had friends over, adding to the gnarly mess of world-ending problems that every sixteen year-old girl was convinced she was facing.

But Lila also didn’t like this new and allegedly “improved” Trevor. His confidence annoyed her. She’d say he treated women too instrumentally, which was just a polite way of saying she considered him a misogynistic asshole. In her book, this was one of the high crimes a man could commit, because she prided herself in her sensitivity to mistreatment of the oppressed.

“Here,” she said, unlocking the trunk with a remote key fob. “Load your junk and let’s get out of here.”

“Want me to drive?” he asked with a grin, knowing the mere suggestion would irritate the hell out of her.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”

“Suit yourself,” he said, shrugging as he got in the passenger seat. “I just wanted to make sure we get back home in one piece.”

She rolled her eyes. “You know it’s men who drive much more recklessly, right?”

“Oh, I do. That’s why I’d never let my little sister drive among those dangerous men,” he retorted, buckling up with a purposely loud click. “But hey, she said she’s an adult now, so –”

“Oh god, would you just shut up? I do have to focus on driving, you know, at least until we get to the freeway, so…”

He heeded her request and sighed, realizing he might’ve ribbed her too strongly this time. He couldn’t help it, though. It was his way of dealing with the fact that his sister could get a rise out of him in a rather different way, too.

Which was to say that Trevor thought his younger sister Lila was totally drop-dead gorgeous.

It was last summer when he noticed this for the first time. She had just graduated from high school, and she was spending her long, well-deserved summer break enjoying the sunny weather at home. While their house didn’t come with a pool, it had a cozy, sun-bathed backyard surrounded by tall hedges. Lila would use it when she didn’t hang out with friends at the beach, wearing boldly cut bikinis that exposed much of her smooth skin.

He didn’t think much of it at first, as the siblings were used to mostly ignoring each other for the past several years. But as the days dragged on, and Trevor’s self-imposed celibacy started to take its toll, his gaze would occasionally linger on his sister’s surprisingly developed curves. Only a few inches shorter than him, Lila’s young body was clearly transitioning away from her previously slender form and into a fuller, almost voluptuous physique.

His extensive experience with breasts of various sizes told him she was at least a C cup, and the lovely pair was also very round and shapely. The firm butt he could spy whenever she turned around on the chaise longue was also large and very enticing. Because she appeared to have gained no fat in other places, it gave her an alluring hourglass figure that, Trevor had to admit, was starting to cause a major stir in his pants.

“So, uh, how was your first year, Lila?” he decided to break the silence.

Her eyes flicked to him for a moment, fingers curling tighter around the wheel.

“It was fine.”

“Anything fun?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe the protest against police brutality? Or perhaps fundraising for the DNC? How about a march in support of reproductive rights? I doubt any of these would sound like fun to you,” she emphasized, and it sounded like an accusation.

“I meant something fun that you’ve done for yourself, sis,” he said, suppressing the impulse to shake his head. “You don’t have to try and save the world every day, you know…”

“Easy for you to say, douchebag brother,” she said calmly, as if this was his given name. “When was the last time you’ve done something for the greater good, huh?”

He sighed. Yup, this was typical Delilah. Always concerned for the downtrodden. Always on the lookout for the latest just cause. It didn’t surprise him much when he learned she wanted to study political science at Duke. Honestly, such a degree was comparatively more sensible, given that he’d expected her to pick some useless major whose name ended in “studies.”

“You should relax, Lila,” he tried to appease her. “Enjoy your summer break. I can tell you it’s always over too soon, as your older and experienced –”

“And douchebag,” she threw in.

“– and occasionally a little self-centered brother, yes,” he finished with a smile. “Gotta find the right balance, as they say…”

She smirked now, slacking the iron grip she held on the steering wheel. “And you’ll be the one to tip me towards said balance, I’m guessing?”

“Something like that, yeah…”

“Well, as long as you don’t get in my way, I suppose we might get along somehow,” she ventured. “Might.”

Trevor didn’t feel the need to press the issue any further. Instead he just looked at Lila, and he saw her glance at and give out a brief eye roll. Yet, at the same time, he also caught a small dimple in her cheek, almost obscured by the wavy tresses of her blond hair.

His eyes lingered on it for a moment, until he felt like he was losing the battle not to gaze further down. He looked away, whipping out his phone and pairing it with the car’s stereo. He hesitated for a moment, before queuing up his metal playlist, but he soon found out that Lila didn’t seem to mind an odd guitar riff or two.


The few days that followed passed uneventfully, with no major incident between the quarrelsome siblings. It probably helped that they largely stayed out of each other’s way.

Trevor was actually quite busy during this time. He was working on a portfolio of contributions to various open-source projects, because he thought it would bolster his chances when applying for internships at major tech companies next year. He’d usually work in the comfort of his air-conditioned room with a large computer screen, though he’d sometimes choose to soak up the sunshine in their cozy backyard instead.

In those times, if his sister happened to be around, Trevor was really glad that he had his laptop with him. Not only it presented him with something to allegedly focus on but also covered the annoyingly persistent erection in his trunks.

“Whatcha playing, nerd?” she teased him one day, looking giddily over his shoulder. “Ah, it’s just some boring code stuff…”

The reason for his frequent hard-ons was currently bending down, her bikini-clad boobs hanging just to the side of his flustered face.

“Ugh,” he groaned, trying to keep his eyes away from the luscious globes, “what do you want?”

She pouted at him. “What? I can’t simply say hi to my brother?”

“That’s not what you –”

“Alright, alright, I’m sorry,” she said, her tone a bit whiny but apologetic enough, Trevor thought. “Force of habit, you know. It’s just that seeing you like this, hunched over the screen, reminded me of the old times, before my brother turned into”–she bit her tongue before saying the d-word–“hmm, the handsome hunk he is now…”

He blinked, flabbergasted by Lila’s strange overture. What had gotten into her, he wondered? Trevor wouldn’t even dare to think this but he could swear that his sister sounded almost like she was… flirting with him?

“Oh really?”

“Yeah,” she practically whispered. “Anyway, I need your help, bro,” she added in a normal voice.

Bah! Of course.

“Okay, what is it?” he asked, mildly irritated, as he closed the laptop but left it to cover the half-chub in his trunks.

Smiling, the scantily clad beauty moved quickly to sit on the long chair nearby. Trevor caught a glimpse of her scrumptious butt, covered in orange sarong that didn’t quite conceal the thin straps of her very skimpy bottoms. She faced her brother and leaned forward, elbows resting on the knees while her substantial breasts practically spilled out of the azure bikini top.

“Well… you know what month it is now?”

He swallowed — not because this was a tricky question but because he had real trouble maintaining eye contact with Lila. “Uh, it’s June, sis…”

“That’s right: it’s Pride Month!”

“Oh? Sure, yeah, I suppose it is…”

His shoulders almost automatically rose to a shrug but, thankfully, he caught himself at the last second.

“Yup! And there’s this new initiative that’s gonna be kinda big this year. Wanna know what it is?”

He couldn’t resist a sigh. “I feel like I might not have a choice…”

“Oh come on! This could be your chance to finally do something for the greater good,” she said, grinning sarcastically for just a moment before going back to an innocent, pleading smile. “And you’d also get to act all manly, and protective, and chivalrous, and all that jazz! So? How about that, big brother?”

“Okay, fine!” he said, waving his hand in defeat. “Just tell me what this is about…”

Lila beamed an even wider smile, clearly undeterred by his lack of enthusiasm. “So! The idea is that, as an ally to marginalized groups, you are encouraged to try and empathize with their lived experience of discomfort of just, like, being their true selves in public spaces and getting harassed for it…”

“Uhm, right, okay,” Trevor said without much conviction, all but lost in the obscure jargon and rhetoric. He nodded along, mostly just trying to avoid stealing glances down his sister’s ample cleavage. It wasn’t easy, for her perky boobs jiggled rather prominently when Lila engaged in her animated explanation.

“But you’re probably wondering… How can you empathize like this when you’re all privileged and comfortable, right?” He didn’t, in fact, wonder about that at all. “Well, guess what? It might still be possible to experience similar discomfort, if everyone who sees you disapproves of your appearance. Worth a try for sure!” He wasn’t sure about that at all. “So, this is going to be a day where you should go out in public and have everyone look at you in a way that makes you very uncomfortable… It’s called the Nude Day!”

He gasped. “The what day?”

“The Nude Day…” she began, then burst into a fit of nervous giggles. “Well, it’s exactly what it’s called, silly! Don’t make me say it again.”

Lila’s brother stared at her blankly. “A nude day,” he said flatly. “Like, no clothes? In public?”

“Exactly! It’s supposed to be uncomfortable, maybe even shocking,” she spoke with uncanny zeal. “You know, just like when people who don’t conform to societal norms –”

“And you want to, uh, to celebrate this… holiday?”

She nodded. “Well, yes! And that’s why I need your help, bro.”

He blinked. “My help?”

“Uh, yes… Because, you know, I’m not stupid,” she said with pointed emphasis. “I am well aware that when I go out naked in public, it won’t be just that I’ll be a little uncomfortable. It may actually get straight-up dangerous, especially in this backwards state that’s so full of intolerant people…”

For a moment, Trevor wanted to chime in with a sensible correction — that it wasn’t just prejudiced bigots who’d frown upon someone going out and about without a stitch of clothing. But as the thought formed in his mind and the words started to make their way from the brain to his vocal chords, he stopped abruptly when he fully grasped what Lila’s crazy idea meant.

She wanted to go in public without a stitch of clothing.

His own sister intended to go about her day in the nude.

His beautiful, smoking hot, stunningly gorgeous sister would parade around completely naked.

Totally insane or just slightly crazy, there was absolutely no way Trevor was going to talk her out of this wonderful idea. Instead, he’d make sure that Lila goes through with it, and celebrate this ‘Nude Day’ to her heart’s content!

“Yeah, I guess it could be that some people wouldn’t like to, uh, to see you nude,” he said, being someone who definitely wouldn’t include himself in this category. “I really wish I could do something about it, sis…”

“Oh but you can! If you could like, keep me company, just to scare off all the creeps that’d get funny ideas, then I would feel so much safer with you!”

Did he hear that right? Did she really ask him to hang out with her while she’s completely in the nude, for an entire day, all because of some ludicrous social cause? Hot damn! He would gladly beat up every creep and pervert within a five mile radius if it meant that he would be the one to steal as many glances as he wanted at Lila’s bare naked, incredibly sexy body.

“So, uh, you really want me to go with you?” he asked, feigning hesitation as best as he could.

“Yes!” she said immediately. “Please, bro! It’s only one day. I don’t wanna ask Jack because he’d probably say that I’m nuts, and afterwards he’d definitely want to fu… well, you know,” she added, painting an unflattering picture of her ex-boyfriend from high school.

Trevor let out a long, drawn-out sigh that he deliberately dragged on until he was almost out of breath.

“Okay, okay, fine… I’ll hang out with you if you insist so –”

Lila jumped to her feet and leaned down to give him a very tight hug. Her large, perky, barely concealed breasts pressed into his chest through the thin cotton shirt he was wearing. He gasped, feeling a rush of blood that made his already engorged cock rise to its full, throbbing hardness.

“Oh my gosh! Thank you, big bro! It really means to me a lot,” she cooed, then gave out a girlish titter. “Hey, maybe you’re not such a bad guy after all?”

Knowing what his true motivations were, Trevor wasn’t sure he would agree. He obviously would’ve helped his little sister regardless, even if it didn’t involve a whole day of staring at her jaw-dropping figure in its fully nude glory. At the same time, though, he’d be lying through his teeth if he said it didn’t make the deal so much sweeter.

“Uhm, yeah, I do have my moments I guess,” he said with a nervous chuckle, sighing inwardly, as the lovely weight of Lila’s pliant but firm tits was lifted off of his chest. “So, when is this Nude Day, exactly?”

“Oh, right! It’s actually tomorrow,” she blurted out. “A short notice, I know, but I only found out about this now! You aren’t really doing anything, right?”

He would’ve canceled any and all plans. “No, just chillin’.”

“Great!” she beamed a wide smile, then leaned down and gave her brother a quick peck on the cheek. “Thanks again, bro!”

He watched his sister sashay inside, her wide hips swishing as she slowly walked towards the patio door. For a moment, he wished that the knot which held a large piece of fabric draped over her hips wasn’t so securely tied. He wanted to see her smooth, sleek thighs. He wanted to check how much of the round spheres of her asscheeks was covered by the daring bikini bottoms she wore. He wanted to see it all.

Then he realized: tomorrow, he actually would. Trevor audibly gasped at the thought, his full erection turning into an almost unbearable, raging hard-on. He felt dizzy, not only from the rush of blood but also from something else, something that he couldn’t deny to himself anymore…

Lila turned him on. His sister was turning him on. His hot, nubile, downright voluptuous, nineteen year-old sister had unwittingly caused him to get hard like steel. She did so by innocently strutting around her stuff and promising that, very soon, he’d actually see her completely naked. The boy’s rebellious cock had been responding to her feminine charms before — but now, so was Trevor himself.

“Fuck,” he let out quietly, his boner now strong enough to lift the laptop covering it. “This is crazy…”

Perhaps just as shockingly, he couldn’t bring himself to be ashamed of this incestuous lust. His younger sister was such a spectacularly sexy woman that even he, her brother, was finding it nigh impossible resist her undeniable allure. Even the allegedly “reformed” Trevor couldn’t help but to come up with ideas how he’d take this breathtaking beauty to bed.

Indeed, the more he thought about it, the less insistently his conscience would gnaw at him for even entertaining the very notion. Why would it? Lila was very clearly grown up. It could be seen, clear as day, just by taking one glance at her splendidly developed body. If they weren’t related, if she was just a regular girl he saw at a student union or a downtown club, he would be putting the moves on her from the very moment their eyes met!

“Nude Day, huh?” he said, smirking, as a brilliant plan crystallized in his mind. “Sure, sis. Let’s celebrate!”


Delilah Jones had a secret. She had buried it very deep, for no one else had it ever been revealed to. Not to her boyfriend, not to her parents, and definitely not to her older brother. So deep, in fact, that she’d often hide it even from herself.

It wasn’t enough to merely act as though she cared. To be convincing enough, she had to banish the doubts from the surface level of her mind, permitting the truth to linger only at the very bottom of her consciousness. Anything less and the facade could crumble, revealing her true attitudes for all the social media to see.

What was this repugnant truth, though? It was the fact that, despite the carefully cultivated outward appearance, her heart of hearts decidedly wasn’t of the bleeding kind.

“Seriously, what the hell am I doing this for?” she asked the naked reflection in the mirror. “Do I really care so much what those purple-haired weirdos think about me?”

She sighed. The answer was clearly no — but also very obviously yes. Sure, Lila didn’t actually care about the opinions of her social circle back in Durham. Yet, at the same time, she very much had to care.

To stay afloat in the sea of trigger-happy offense vigilantes, you had to do the right things and say the correct words. Doubly so for someone like her: a tall, attractive, blond-haired white girl from a red state, whose sins included having a great figure and a likable personality. She was immediately suspect, so she had to try even harder to fit in. It was inevitable that, every now and again, she’d have to pay the extra tribute just to be left alone.

And today, she was going to do exactly that.

“Well, at least I should look good when I post the photos,” she said to the bedroom mirror, running a hand down her sleek thighs. “Maybe I’ll ask Trevor to help me blur out the naughty bits? He’s about to see them all anyway…”

Lila chuckled at the idea. Would it be right, to make this strangle ordeal even more awkward for her brother? On the other hand, what could be more awkward than hanging out with your naked sister, ostensibly for some ridiculous social cause?

She smiled. Yesterday, Trevor really came through. She had totally expected him to ask for something wild in exchange for this favor but he didn’t even hesitate much before agreeing. Perhaps he really bought the whole gimmick about empathy and solidarity?… Nah, he was probably just trying to be nice for once, by indulging the latest wacky scheme conjured by his crazy sister. Perhaps it should be one reason less, for her to habitually call him a douchebag, but it didn’t mean she wasn’t going to do so anyway.

With a sigh, she grabbed the purse and slung it over her bare shoulder. The leather strap felt cold on the bare skin between her ample breasts, and so did the bag that rested on her bare butt. Cocking her hip, she tried to strike an elegant and dignified pose, only to laugh at how ridiculous it looked with her body all exposed and, well, bare.

“Should’ve shaved it all,” she mused, her finger running through the thin patch of hair right above her pussy. Dipping lower, Lila gave a little shudder when she ventured beyond the outer lips and touched the dampness around her pink labia. She shrugged, chalking it up to the nervous embarrassment. No way she was actually aroused now, was she?

“Okay! Good! You look great, girl!” Lila gave herself a stilted smile, matching the forced pep talk. “Well, I guess it’s finally time to shine!”

She slipped on a pair of sandals and walked out of the room. Trevor was nowhere in sight but she heard the clattering of plates and silverware down below. Sighing once more to steel her resolve, she trudged through the corridor and quietly descended the stairs.

Before entering the kitchen, she slowly peeked inside. Her brother was sitting there, just as she’d expected. He was slicing off a piece crispy bacon, before dipping it in egg yolk that was slowly creeping over the surface of his plate.

What Lila didn’t expect, however, was for Trevor to also be naked.

The surprised gasp, that she let out at this shocking sight, immediately betrayed her presence. He turned, noticing her head poking from behind the door frame, the rest of her nude body still hidden from view. “Morning, sis,” he said, giving her a friendly smile.

“Trevor! You… you are…”

“Yeah,” he said, beaming a rather wider smile now. “You said it’s Nude Day, didn’t you?”

“But… I-I didn’t mean… that y-you should –”

He shrugged. “Why not? I figured it’d make it easier for you, if you are not the only one, you know… showing everything.” He pointed at his plate. “Want some?”

From her current vantage point, Lila couldn’t actually see all of her brother’s naked physique. What she did see was the complete curve of his back, as it segued into a nice and firm butt that pancaked slightly on the chair he was sitting on. The most salacious part of his body was obscured by the tablecloth, allowing the girl’s imagination to wander for just one, brief moment…

She shook it off and gasped, uncertain what to do. She was now very self-conscious about showing off her own nudity to Trevor. And she knew it was going to be even more awkward when she sees his fully naked body, complete with what she already pictured was a large —

“Lila? Do you want some breakfast?”

“I… I’ll get it, thanks,” she stuttered, then took one last breath and exhaled very, very slowly.

Here goes nothing, she thought.

The effect on her brother was instant. Trevor’s eyes immediately bulged out when he saw his hot sister stroll through the kitchen. Her head held up high, despite trepidation, delightful curves on full display as she crossed the short distance between the entrance and the refrigerator.

When she opened the fridge and bent down to rummage through the selection of low-fat yogurts, he was treated to the sideways vision of her luscious butt cheeks. They flowed seamlessly into the smooth expanse of her well-toned thighs, sleek muscles peeping out whenever she shifted her weight from one leg to the other. He was disappointed that he only saw a flash of her large and pert breasts, since they were now obscured by the fridge door, but what he saw had already pumped a lot of blood into his rapidly hardening manhood.

“I can make you some eggs, if you want,” he offered, putting in quite an effort to keep his voice steady and confident.

“Thanks but I’ll just have some oats and yogurt,” she said, raising a cup of the dairy product overhead and waving it at her brother. “Just looking for iced coffee now…”

“Uh, no idea. We might be out?”

Lila sighed. Well, that was as good an excuse as any, to hide away just a little bit longer… With no other choice, she finally straightened up, closed the fridge, and opened the nearby cabinet to grab a tall cardboard tube of oats. Trevor watched her every move and she knew it, intentionally looking straight ahead and trying to avoid his piercing gaze.

Truthfully, though, she was getting tired of these childish games. All she was doing now was delaying the inevitable for a few more pathetic seconds. So, rather than loiter by the counters, or awkwardly hug the cabinets, or resort to any other weird maneuvers, Lila decided to just face him — head on.

She smirked. Yup, she totally caught him staring. Trevor loudly gasped at her sudden one-eighty, scrambling to appear more interested in his meal than his naked sister. He wasn’t fooling anyone, though.

“You can look,” she said boldly. “I mean, that’s kinda the point…”

Knowing the jig was up, Lila’s brother tried to look as casual and indifferent as possible, while at the same time he took in every bit of the glorious view before him. He failed rather spectacularly there, for his sister was just way too hot to look at!

“Huh,” he let out, awestruck.

Both hands full, the beautiful nude girl hid nothing, her nubile body leaving Trevor with an unforgettable impression of youthful sexiness. He couldn’t help but to stare, ostensibly looking at her face but constantly straying downwards, to the enticing mounds of her full breasts. Her rosy nipples were hard, no doubt just from the chill of the A/C and the refrigerator, topping off the perfect spheres that stood high and proud upon her chest. Every step was causing the amazing rack to sway and jiggle, inevitably drawing his attention back to it — if he even managed to tear it away, of course, for she almost hypnotized him by simply walking up to the table.

“Look doesn’t mean stare, though,” she chided her brother playfully, sitting across from him and smiling. “How will you defend me from creeps when you are all distracted like this?”

He shuffled awkwardly, his face getting quite flustered. Under the table, the boy’s straining cock was now fully hard and pulsing to the hastened rhythm of his heart. He’d known that Lila’s stunning form would have an effect on his virile loins — he was counting on it, in fact — but he had no idea that seeing his sister in the nude would leave him almost speechless.

And he hardly even had time to look at her pussy!

“Sorry, sis. I just have to get used to it, that’s all.”

She chuckled, stirring some oats into her yogurt. “Used to seeing a naked chick? Mmm, and I thought my brother was all worldly and experienced now!”

“You know this is different, Lila,” he said, finally paying more attention to her face rather than boobs. “If I were naked with a hot chick, we wouldn’t be just sitting here and talking…”

Heat began to grow between Lila’s legs, a reaction to Trevor’s alluding that he found it hot to look at her naked body. A rather unusual response, for something that was surely just an innocuous compliment from her brother… She figured her body must be reacting in all sorts of strange ways to the sensation of being completely exposed. While it made her a little uncomfortable, she was certain she could power through it with some conscious effort.

After all, it was just her doucheb– uhm, her surprisingly helpful, if a bit pervy brother.

“Tough luck, bro,” she teased him, mostly to cover her own nervousness. “You’ll just have to bear with me!”

“Well, I kinda did,” Trevor said with a momentary grin. “Bare it…”

His sister stared at him blankly, before rolling her eyes once she got the joke. “Okay, I take back what I said. You are still mostly a dork!” she said with a cute smile. “Did you really think it would make it easier for me if you were also, you know –”

“I thought it would be really weird if I were fully clothed next to you,” he said with a shrug. “Now, though? I suppose we can just pass as a couple of regular nudists who get a kick out of showing up naked in public. Still weird, but maybe a little less so…”

“Right. Makes sense, I guess.”

They ate in silence for a few minutes, with Trevor stealing glances at Lila’s spectacular tits whenever he thought he could get away with it. Most of the time, he didn’t, but his sister didn’t seem to mind. He once even saw her bite her lip and smile, as her normally creamy cheeks gained a touch of a reddish pink hue. She certainly didn’t try to hide her heavy bosoms, even though some careful maneuvering of the yogurt cup and the spoon would probably allow her arms to cover at least part of the indecently exposed skin.

What her brother didn’t know was that Lila found it increasingly exciting to feel his gaze roam over her naked body. It was a mischievous kind of excitement, of doing something forbidden and naughty, not necessarily an erotic one… This was what she told herself at least, despite the steadily growing heat and moisture in the most intimate place between her legs.

“Gonna grab the coffee,” Trevor then said, looking at the French press pot that had been brewing on the counter. “Want a cup?”

Before she managed to answer, he slid the chair away from the table with a loud grating noise, then stood up and walked over somewhat awkwardly. There was a reason why his gait was different, and it had to do with a very prominent protrusion that was located just below his torso.

Lila noticed it immediately, shocked eyes going big like saucers. Her brother’s question was now forgotten completely: all she could pay attention to was his cock.

His big, fully hard, thick, slowly pulsating cock… Wow, it was definitely a large one! No wonder, she thought, that my brother had so much success with the ladies. Even her ex, whom she remembered feeling very tight inside her then-virgin pussy, looked smaller than Trevor’s formidable manhood. For the briefest of moments, she shuddered at the idea of this impressive specimen going inside her, before banishing the forbidden thought and rubbing the scarlet blush on her face.

“Lila…?” he asked again, then noted with a smirk what his sister was looking at so intently. “Oh, this, huh? Well, it does happen sometimes… So, coffee?”

She blinked. It was only now that it dawned on the rapt girl that she wasn’t just seeing her brother’s penis. What she was looking at was his completely engorged and very erect dick, swaying obscenely as he walked. Oh god, it was so hard! How come he had a full boner? Did he actually get excited, staring at his sister’s nakedness? Or was it just an involuntary reaction of his testosterone-fueled body? He seemed so casual about it, too, so maybe it really was the latter, but Lila couldn’t shake the feeling there was more to it than just the bodily reflex…

“Uh, yes, please,” she finally answered, averting her eyes for a moment but then straying right back as he poured a second cup.

“So, have you decided what we are going to do today?”

“Do what?” she repeated unthinkingly. “Oh, right. For starters, I thought we might just do a grocery run but, uh…”

He turned to look at her. “But what?”

Lila let out a heavy sigh, once again compelled to look at Trevor’s throbbing hard-on. Fuck, it just wasn’t going down, was it? She found herself increasingly distracted by this lewd display of her brother’s shameless virility. Down below, her glistening slit was now slick with flowing juices, slowly trickling out of her gently quivering pussy. At this rate, her own arousal would soon be visible to anyone who dared to look — which, considering what they were about to do, was going to be a lot of people.

“Lila?… Earth to Deli! Come in!”

She was blushing profusely now, mortified that he had caught her again, dazed and confused, as she stared at Trevor’s big cock.

At her brother’s big cock!

What was he going to think about her? This wasn’t at all appropriate, for a sister to get all but hypnotized by the mere sight of her brother’s penis. It would be embarrassing and wrong on any other occasion, of course, but especially now, especially today… It was Lila, after all, who had asked Trevor to treat her complete nudity in a casual manner. Yet now it looked like she would be the one to have major problems with someone else baring it all.

The whole endeavor was now seriously in question — but only from the girl’s point of view. As far as her brother was concerned, things couldn’t really get any better right now. He set the coffee cups on the table, with a deliberately loud thud that came close to spilling the hot liquid. He quickly sat down and picked his cup, almost managing to take a sip before Lila spoke at last.

“Ugh, sorry, I’m just… a little nervous and distracted…”

He smiled, kindly, resisting the urge to grin from ear to ear.

“No worries, Lil’. Look, If you don’t feel you can do shopping like this –”

She interrupted him with a heavy sigh. “Yes, you’re right, this was a bad idea –”

“– then we’ll just go somewhere else, where we won’t stand out so much.”

She blinked. “Oh! Really? Where?”

“The beach, obviously,” he said with a shrug. “A regular beach, not a nudist one. I know a spot where I’m sure there won’t be too many people around. We’ll hang out there for a bit, and once you feel more comfortable we can stop by Whole Foods, or wherever you think there might be other people celebrating this Nude Day… How about that, sis?”

Lila considered it for a moment. She was still very uncertain but her brother’s erect dick hiding out of sight was making the decision so much easier. She let out a soft sigh. Eventually, she nodded.

“Okay. Let’s do that…”


By the time they had packed their beach bags and thrown them in the car, some of Lila’s doubts returned. Whenever she thought he wasn’t looking, her gaze would drop to Trevor’s crotch. Every time, she’d find his cock just as hard as it had been when she saw it for the first time. She quietly hoped that her brother would take care of his “problem” while she packed the towels and the sunscreen but he clearly didn’t have the mind to do so. It would appear that his swaying boner didn’t bother him much; certainly less than it bothered her.

In truth, Trevor didn’t consider his ongoing erection a problem — quite the opposite, really. Whenever he was sure that Lila wasn’t looking, he would give his cock a few quick pumps, just to make sure it remained hard all throughout the morning. He was acutely aware that his sister was giving it furtive glances, so he often pretended to focus on something else, just to see if she’d resist taking another look at his persistent hard-on. Many a time she couldn’t, and it was precisely what the crafty boy was hoping for.

“I’ll drive us there,” he said, expecting at least a little bit of pushback from Delilah. But she only muttered a quiet okay and took the passenger seat without a fuss. She fumbled a bit with the seat belt, wincing when its coarse texture touched the delicate skin between her boobs, before clicking it shut and turning to face her brother. He was, of course, watching her the whole time.

“What?” she asked, a little irritated, and in more ways than one. “Never seen a girl buckle up?”

“Not a naked one,” he answered teasingly as he started the engine. And not one as hot you, he thought.

“Be happy that you’ve got it easier, as a guy,” she said with a pout, eyeing his nicely built chest. “No stupid bags of fat that always get in the way…”

He smiled. “I don’t think they are stupid at all.”

“Wow, okay. Try not to get too distracted by them, would you?” She rolled her eyes.

“Don’t worry, sis,” he shot back, backing up through the driveway. “I know how to keep my eyes on the important stuff. As do you, from what I’ve noticed…”

Lila gave out a surprised gasp. “Huh? What to do you mean?” He answered by briefly glancing at his crotch, where the ongoing erection was poking from under the bottom strap of the seat belt. “Oh… Well, it’s kind of hard not to notice it, you know?”

He shrugged. “Maybe…”

“Why didn’t you, ugh, you know… make it go down?”

“I can’t exactly control it,” he said, pressing the button to remotely close the garage door. “It’s just an involuntary reaction.”

“Yeah, sure, but you could’ve… ugh, take care of it…”

“But why? I don’t mind it. Do you?”

The girl sighed in exasperation. That was the issue, wasn’t it? She just couldn’t figure out, much less convey, the confused mess of feelings that she was experiencing right now. Her brother’s nudity shouldn’t bother her, and yet it did. Her own nudity shouldn’t be significant either, and yet she felt much more exposed before Trevor than before anyone else. The symbol of this awkwardness and discomfort was only three feet away, standing up almost defiantly, its wide tumescence crisscrossed by a lattice of pulsing veins…

“It’s fine,” she lied, forcing herself to smirk. “Just keep your eyes on the road.”

Her brother couldn’t help but to smile, too. Lila was clearly distracted by his stubborn hard-on: despite the repeated denials, he could see in the rear-view mirror that her gaze wandered to it pretty much all the time. But that was just part of the picture, for Trevor had also noticed what his sister’s total nudity couldn’t hide. It wasn’t just nervousness and discomfiture that she was experiencing right now — it was arousal.

Topping the luscious mounds of her breasts, a pair of darkly pink nipples was standing at attention. Each suckable nub was half an inch long and very, very stiff, protruding from her small areolas and practically begging to be touched and squeezed. He had deliberately kept the car A/C at a balmy eighty degrees, so he knew it wasn’t chill that caused his sister’s nipples to harden.

To the contrary: he reckoned Lila ought to be feeling quite a bit of heat right now, in a very particular part of her body. Judging by how often she rubbed her thighs together, it had to be hotter and damper than the Amazonian rain forest. Trevor didn’t want to be too obvious, so all he managed to catch was a short glimpse, but he was quite certain that his sister’s pussy lips were completely drenched with moisture.

Gee, no wonder his cock was so hard! All he could think about was sliding his rigid manhood between those juicy folds, feeling her tight love canal clamp around the engorged rod and draw him deeper into her slick wetness… He wanted it so much but he knew he had to be patient. Even though Lila’s body was responding exactly in the manner he’d been hoping for, it didn’t mean that she’d be up to fool around with her own brother. That barrier was gone in Trevor’s mind — was it ever there, really? — but it was probably still very much intact in hers.

“So, wanna know how I found this spot on the beach?”

Lila was somewhere else, staring outside the window at the glittering surface of the ocean lit by the late morning sun. She was startled by his question, her meandering thoughts a largely incoherent mess of undecipherable emotions. Most of it was just a mix of embarrassment and trepidation but there was also something else — something she was ashamed to admit…


“The beach we’re going to,” he repeated. “It seems to be a bit of a secret spot.”


“Yeah. I learned about it two years ago, when I was, uh, getting over Jessica,” he said, grimacing as he thought of his first girlfriend. “I met this hippie girl at the mall, Alex, she was protesting against… I don’t know, the climate maybe?” That earned him a disapproving look from Lila. “Anyway, I talked to her and we exchanged contacts. The next day she says she’s going to the beach with some friends and asks if I want to come, too. I thought why not? So she texts me the location, I go there, and her friends turn out to be a guy and another girl. A couple.”

“A surprise double date, eh?” Lila said with a laugh. “Damn, my brother just can’t get a break, with all those chicks falling over –”

“Chill, that’s not the point. What I’m saying is that when I came there, the three of them were sunbathing. Alex had a bikini on but those two? They were naked.”

“Oh wow! But you said it was a regular beach?”

“Yeah but it’s pretty secluded. Sure, I saw several people looking at us funny, but Alex said they only got told off a few times. It’s pretty chill,” he said, then added with a grin, “And in case you’re wondering: yes, she did take off her suit soon enough.”

Lila rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t but thanks,” she said sarcastically. “So, what happened to you and this Alex?”

He shrugged. “We had some fun. It didn’t work out.”

“Classic,” she ribbed him.

“Yup.” He chuckled.

They arrived a short time later, leaving the car at a mostly empty parking lot, away from the few other vehicles there. Other than a handful of signs and a couple of benches, the place was basically devoid of any kind of tourist infrastructure. They slung their beach bags over their shoulders and walked towards the sandy shore, seeing only a few other people in the distance, too far for them to notice the siblings’ lack of clothing.

“Alright, sis, this is it,” Trevor said, as they emerged from the shrubbery. “Not much but it has the bare necessities…”

It was a good way to describe it, as the beach was really just little more than a narrow strip of sand. It was maybe a hundred feet wide and appeared practically untouched by civilization. The only signs of it were a few portable toilets to their left and a lifeguard station to their right. Looking in either direction, they could see perhaps half a dozen blankets spread over the small dunes, but maybe just one or two groups of people in the distance had even noticed them coming.

“Sand and water,” Lila said with a chuckle. “Good enough!”

She was starting to think this wasn’t the worst idea. Perhaps all it’d amount to was a few hours of head start on her an all-over tan? While part of her still hoped she’d eventually build up enough courage to show up naked in some actually public place, another part wanted nothing more than to retreat home and never speak of this Nude Day thing ever again. In between, there was the third option: to simply wait and see, and try not to worry too much about certain things…

Things such as, say, her brother’s obnoxiously hard cock.

“Let’s set up shop here,” he decided, already dropping the bag and pulling out the blankets. Moments later, Trevor was lying on his back, the sun on the cloudless sky forcing him to squint as he looked up at his hesitant sister. “Come on, Lila, it’s a nice spot!”

“There’s almost no one around…”

“Yeah, so?”

“If I wanna get used to, uh, being naked in public, then someone should see me, right?”

“Nah, it’s still early,” he said, sneaking a peak at his sister’s pink pussy through the narrow slits of his squinted eyes. “I’m sure more people will come around soon.”

She sighed. “Alright, whatever…”

As they settled down, so did the awkward silence. Pretending to be perfectly casual and unbothered, the nude siblings looked at each other much more frequently than any two people would in a truly casual situation. Every time they did so, their eyes would linger for just a little bit longer, then return for another look just a little bit sooner…

After a few minutes of this game of cat and mouse, the pretenses were all but gone, yet neither of them wanted to be the first to admit it. Lila in particular was still in deep denial, even as her gaze would hardly ever leave her brother’s obscenely throbbing erection. Unsurprisingly, with his totally hot and fully naked sister lying right next to him, Trevor’s large and stubbornly stiff cock was only getting harder. It would now twitch from time to time, particularly when the boy’s gaze fell upon his sister’s heaving breasts, still very round and firm even as they sunk slightly into her chest.

“Didn’t you bring a book or something?” she finally spoke, uncertain if she was more aroused or annoyed by his increasingly shameless staring.

“I’ve got my iPad,” he said, grinning, “but this is way more interesting.”

“Really?” she asked incredulously, her eyebrows rising as she actually looked at his face for a change. “You’re just going to blatantly ogle your own sister?”

“No,” he replied with a smirk. “I’m going to keep admiring a beautiful woman next to me.”

“Your sister,” she reminded him.

“My beautiful, naked sister,” he corrected her, “who’s likewise admiring her handsome, naked brother…”

“I…” she tried to protest, then gasped as she realized she’d been looking at his thick cock right this very second. “Fuck, I… Ugh! Seriously! It’s not like I can ignore it when it’s so… so…” Big. Hard. Tempting. “So… in my face! What the hell, bro? Why can’t it just, like, go down?”

He let out an amused chuckle. “Like I said, I’ve got a beautiful woman right next to me,” he said, deliberately sweeping a gaze all over her luscious body. “How could it go down when she’s been looking at it all morning?”

She gasped again, knowing it’d be futile to argue. Her cheeks were burning and it wasn’t just because of the summer sun, beating down on them from the perfectly clear sky. “I… I’m sorry…”

“Sorry? But why? Did I say I didn’t enjoy it?” he asked with a lewd grin. “You can look all you want, Lila, though I’d prefer if you also did a little bit more…”

She blinked. “What do you mean, more?”

Her question hung in the air for a moment, as Trevor let her mind wander. Not too far, though, only a little bit beyond what’s appropriate and acceptable… The sly boy knew that this was a critical juncture. If he could convince his sister to do this one thing for him, it was only a matter of time before all his deepest desires would be fulfilled.

He took a deep breath.

“Well, this is all a completely natural reaction so it doesn’t bother me at all,” he said, twisting the truth slightly because he absolutely did want to cum as swiftly as possible. “But if it distracts you so much then I won’t mind if you do something about it…”

She blinked again, not quite believing what she was hearing. “You want me to… to touch your dick?”

“No,” he said instantly. “I said that you can do it, if you want to,” he added with a shrug, “if you’d rather that it wasn’t, well, hard…”

“That’s ridiculous!” she clapped back. “I’m not doing it!”

He shrugged again. “Fair enough. I can’t say I blame you, that you prefer looking at it when it’s hard….”

“What! That’s not what I meant!”

“No?” he questioned, a raunchy grin appearing on his face. “Lila, do you realize that you are naked, too? Just like I cannot hide certain things, neither can you…”

Her face, crimson from the embarrassed blush, was now quickly being drained of its color. “W-what… things…?”

“Come on, sis, don’t make me point them out,” he said, physically pointing at her very erect nipples. “The reason I asked you to do something about this”–he motioned to his equally erect cock–“is because I can easily tell that you want to do it, Lila…”

She swallowed. “I… I can’t…”

“Sure you can,” he insisted, moving his hands away to present his huge boner in all its throbbing glory. “It’s right here! And there’s no one close enough that could see anything, so…”

Trevor’s sister was frozen still — but only for a moment. Whatever mental battle she was having inside herself, it was merely a formality at this point. All she had to do was finally confess, to herself of all people, that she was definitely attracted to her douchebag older brother. No, scratch that — she had promised she wouldn’t call him that anymore. It was her handsome, well-hung, surprisingly cocky and only somewhat annoying big brother that Lila was attracted to.

And she wouldn’t deny it anymore.

“Fine, I’ll do it!” she practically whined, reaching out with both hands and grabbing her brother’s thick cock. “Oh wow, I’ve never felt one that’s so hard!”

His surprised gasp quickly morphed into a satisfied chuckle. “Yeah, it’s been through a lot today…”

“All because of me, huh?” she teased him, giving his rod a gentle tug. “Now that’s really ironic. isn’t it?”

“Uh,” he groaned softly, “what is?”

An impish smirk showed on her face. “Well, weren’t you the one to protect me from all the creeps? Turns out, you are the biggest creep and pervert here!”

“You sure about that, sis?” he retorted, feeling his dick release a surge of pre-cum. “Me? Not my sister who’s stroking my hard cock?”

“Oh, shut up!” she shot back, still smirking, just as she sat up and really got to work on his rigid manhood. It quivered in her hands, slick from its own fluids, as she felt the ridge of its bulbous head and the lines of bulging veins across its vast surface.

Yes, this cock was definitely bigger than that of her first boyfriend. Lila didn’t have much to compare against otherwise, as the few one-night stands she had over her first year in college never involved a careful examination of the guy’s instrument. She was making up for it now, by watching intently how the fleshy pillar gently throbbed between her fingers, a steady trickle of pre-cum coating her hands with some extra lubrication.

She gave it a slightly more forceful stroke and heard its owner let out a moan of pleasure. His voice was very familiar, and it dawned on her that this was her brother’s cock she was stroking. It made her gasp and pause for a second, before a surge of heat in her already-dripping pussy quelled the last shreds of doubt she had about touching Trevor’s rock-hard manhood.

Yes, this cock was her brother’s — so what? Was there anything actually wrong with what she was doing, or was it just another one of society’s irrational whimsies? For once, Lila was inclined to take a page out of the playbook of her activist-minded college acquaintances, and to give a middle finger to the old societal rules they universally thought as oppressive. It was Pride Month, after all — wasn’t incest just another form of love?

“Lila, I… I won’t last much longer…”

Her convictions now firm, she simply kept stroking. Trevor’s warning was barely heard by the determined girl, much less listened to, as she continued to jack off her own flesh-and-blood brother with a fervor of a new convert. Only a few moments later he gave out a strained groan, just as the first powerful volley of pearly white cum jetted out of the wide slit, reaching the crevice between her perky breasts and all the way up to her neck and chin. Startled, she took another hit that coated her left boob with the creamy substance, before gathering her wits and doing the only logical thing she could think of in the heat of the moment.

She bent down and jammed her brother’s spurting cock into her wide open mouth.

“Oh fuck!” Trevor grunted, as a hot and wet orifice now engulfed his rampant manhood. “Sis, what… Oh shit! Aaaah! Yes!… Fuck, you’re the best!”

He came and came, his orgasm longer and more blissful than he could remember — even from all his previous, rather numerous sexual encounters. Although he had saved his cum from yesterday, even edging himself for an hour to make sure he’d easily stay hard in the morning, he was certain this wasn’t just the case of unusually bloated, sperm-filled balls. His discharge was not just plentiful but almost overpowering in its intensity, leaving him gasping for air as he unloaded what felt like ounces of his virile seed down the throat of this desperately swallowing cocksucker.

“Oh god, are you just…? Fuck, you are… swallowing… Aaaah!”

No, it was obvious why he was coming so much and so strongly. It was because his wildly erupting cock was currently inside the mouth of his super hot, totally naked, and very eager sister!

And she was swallowing it, as quickly and greedily as she could, savoring the salty taste of his brother’s thick spunk. The palatial sensations were radically enhanced by both the taboo nature of their activities and the semi-public place they were engaging in such lewd practices. Swiveling her head around Trevor’s spurting man-meat, Lila spied several onlookers staring at them with keen interest. Thankfully, though, no one had pointed any cameras at the naked, incestuous couple.

The boy’s copious load would eventually peter out but his sister was still swirling her tongue around the head of his slowly softening dick. He lay there catching his breath when the girl carefully straightened up, looking around the beach to see a handful of people, adults young and older, either quickly looking away or smiling and giving her a thumbs-up. Clearly, the unwritten rules of this beach were even more relaxed than Trevor had made them to be…

“Wow, Lila…”

She looked down at him, smirking, a small trickle of cum running out of the corner of her mouth. “Yeah? What’s up, bro?”

He jerked his head, as if recovering from a blow. “I didn’t… Uh, I mean… You… you gave me –”

“I did something about it,” she said teasingly, glancing at his deflating cock. “Seems like it worked, huh?”

He chuckled. “Yes… For now.”

She lowered her face to his, as if going for a kiss, but instead she only said in a hushed whisper, “Don’t look. It appears we had an audience…”

He swallowed, somewhat disappointed. “We did?”

“Yes. So, tell me, what happened that day, when what’s-her-name… Alex? When she took off her bikini,” Lila asked, a mischievous grin adorning her face. “Did you two do it?”

“Yea… But not here. Her friends… They fooled around but they didn’t fuck either,” he recalled, sensing his cock already stir again as she felt his sister’s hot breath on his face. “I… I think people might actually start reacting if they saw someone just, you know, actually go at it, all the way…”

“Hmm, I see,” she said, slowly rising up but not breaking eye contact with Trevor. “So…”


“That was… interesting.”


“I still have your cum on me,” she said, swiping a finger through the valley between her heavy boobs. “And quite a lot of it, too…”

Gaze following her finger, Trevor let out a quiet gasp when he saw his sister pop the jizz-coated digit in her mouth. He came close to suggesting that she could take a dip in the ocean, to wash off all that copious spunk, but now he was very glad that he didn’t. The sight of his sexy sister, with abundant streaks of cum clinging to her smooth skin, was more erotic than anything the fairly experienced young man had ever seen.

“You have some on your chin, too…”

“I know,” she said, rubbing the spot on her face before bursting into a fit of giggles. “Okay, this is all pretty crazy! I can’t believe we just did that.”



“So, uh, what now?” he asked hesitantly, hoping his sister wasn’t going to have second thoughts. “It seems we may have deviated from your plan for the Nude Day…”

To his relief, Lila only chuckled. “You think?”

“Well, we are still nude and outside, so I guess that checks out,” he joked. “We may have gotten a bit carried away but I don’t think it was bad at all… What do you think, sis?”

There was a soft sigh from the girl, followed by a mild scoff.

“Hmm, you know what? I might still be in the denial stage about all this but I think I’m gonna skip ahead and go straight into acceptance,” she quipped, looking at her brother who had an expression of a mild shock. “Do you know why?”

He shook his head. “I… I don’t.”

“Because it’s just not fair,” she stated, a sultry grin creeping over her face. “You talked me into getting you off but what did I get from that, huh?… So, if we are to fix this grave injustice, then I’m gonna need to accept that from now on, I’ll be much closer to my douchebag brother than I ever thought I’d be.”

He blinked. “Wait, are you saying that –”

“Yea,” she whispered, leaning in. “But not here. We were naughty enough for one day, don’t you think?”


“And I mean, naughty in public,” she clarified with a smirk. “Back home, though? Mmm, that could be a totally different story…”

It only took a moment for Trevor to take the hint. Another moment and their blankets were already folded and put back in their bags. Less than a minute later and the boy was pulling out of their parking spot, his sister biting her bottom lip as she spied a rise between his legs.


“Keep your eyes on the road, will ya?” Lila scolded her brother. “This day is already crazy enough, so let’s not add a car crash to the mix…”

Trevor let out a heavy sigh. This wasn’t going as well as he planned.

They were now about halfway into their drive home, and his sister was in a much more dour mood than she’d been back on the beach. It would seem that those twenty minutes in the passenger seat — when she was left mostly to her own devices, and all the second thoughts that could then race through her mind — had made her reconsider whether or not she was actually okay with what happened on that sandy shore.

“I’m trying, sis, but it’s really hard,” he replied, glancing meaningfully at his renewed erection; it earned him an eye roll from his naked sister. “Besides, didn’t you say you wanted to wait and let me –”

“I’m not letting you touch me!” she shot back, running a finger along the wet, puffy lips of her pussy. “Not when I’m this stupidly horny… I mean, for fuck’s sake! I jacked off my own brother, swallowed his cum, and had to soak a towel to wipe the rest of it from my breasts! That’s kinda fucked up, don’t you think?”

Trevor had two answers to this question, and he carefully chose the one he wanted his sister to hear. “I’m sorry that you feel this way, Lila, but…” He paused, long enough for her to look at him expectantly. “Do you really think this was such a big deal?”

She scoffed. “Maybe not, but I don’t want it to become an even bigger, ah, deal,” she said, inserting about half of her index finger into the dripping slit of her pussy. “I need to… oh! I need to slow down…”

Although he was concerned where this was going, he couldn’t resist a chuckle. “So, that’s why you’re gonna… touch yourself? To ‘slow down’?”

“Shut up,” she jabbed. “This is just… the lesser of the two evils… Yeah, you’re gonna see me cum… but I’ve seen you cum, too!… Better that I do this now… and clear my head… than let you… ooh!… that let you… talk me into something even worse…”

He gasped. “Worse? Sis, I’d never –”

“SHUT UP!” she burst out. “Stop talking, watch the road… and just let me do this!… Oooh!”

Rebuffed, Trevor did as she asked, or at least tried to, as best as he could. It would be unfair to blame him, for stealing a glance every chance he had, because his sister gave him a front seat to the most lewd and erotic spectacle imaginable. He thought she might’ve been joking, that she wouldn’t actually get herself off in the car like this… But no. She was doing it, right next to him, and the boy was about to witness his very hot sister touch and finger herself to orgasm.

“Fuck,” he said quietly, slowing down and swerving to the rightmost lane. “Talk about risking a car crash…”

Responsibly, he still paid some attention to the road. But most of the time, Lila’s brother was pretty much just staring at her.

She was draped over her seat, obviously still naked, with two and sometimes three fingers going in and out of her soaking wet snatch. She closed her eyes and her breath became ragged, soft grunts and moans escaping her throat as she slowly built herself up to a powerful release. One hand between her legs, she pinched her nipple with the other and groaned lustfully, squirming and writhing in her seat. That damned safety belt, which irritated her skin before, she was now deliberately rubbing against her stiff nubs, relishing the coarse sensation and gasping from the rough pleasure.

She spread her legs even wider, unwittingly giving her brother an almost perfect view of her cute little pussy. It was very shiny and engorged, with just a short strip of messy pubes that pointed right at her swollen clit. With the seat belt stimulating her hard nipple, the horny girl put both hands between her legs and worked every major spot in her glistening nether regions, all at the same time. Within seconds a small orgasm struck her, wringing a breathy gasp from her lungs, but it only spurred her to keep going.

She touched, rubbed, caressed, and thrust: fingers inside her gaping snatch, thumbs poking and prodding her pink nub. She had never masturbated with such wild abandon, completely oblivious to anything and anyone around her… Deep down, she knew that her brother was watching her with almost unbroken attention and awe, but that only fueled her delirious pleasure. She howled in ecstasy, as another climax racked her sexually charged body, and it only made her redouble her feverish efforts.

Two feet away, Trevor was now fully erect and terribly horny. He was very close to stroking his own rock-hard cock with one hand. He even wrapped it around the thick rod, before chastising himself and placing the hand back on the steering wheel. It was enough that he was almost fully focused on his gorgeous and naked sister, while she squirmed and moaned in the throes of self-inflicted bliss. Her final wail, heralding the arrival of a truly great climax, startled him so much that he veered over the dividing line; he quickly steadied the vehicle and growled at his own carelessness.

“Mmm…” his sister purred, opening her eyes and exhaling deeply. She followed it with a shocked gasp, as though it was only now that she realized she’d been masturbating next to her own brother. She felt a momentary flush of embarrassment at what she’d done but she shrugged it off rather quickly. It was just another crazy part of this utterly surreal day.

“So… better now?” Trevor asked with a smirk, watching his sister’s large breasts rise and fall to the rhythm of her heavy breathing. “Not afraid of your big bad brother anymore?”

“Hmm, maybe… maybe not as much,” she said between breaths, shooting him a glare when she noticed him staring. “Still watching the road, huh?”

He scoffed but let her be, focusing on the drive and only glancing at her from time to time. Meanwhile Lila turned to look out the window, avoiding his gaze and sighing softly. The reflection in the glass showed her with a quizzical expression on her face. If you squinted hard enough, it could perhaps pass for a smile.

Trevor drove in silence for a minute or two but his impatience eventually got the best of him.


“It didn’t work,” she answered immediately.

“What do you mean?”

Lila gave out a sigh. “I was hoping I might start regretting what happened on the beach,” she said, as she turned to face him. “I hoped that I’d find it sick and disgusting, and that I’d force you to swear that you never, ever mention it again. I wanted to believe I was just under your evil influence, and that it was all your doing…” She sighed again. “Like I said, it didn’t work.”

“So it didn’t…” he repeated, trying to make sense of what she said. “Okay, look, if you want me to never mention it –”

“How long until we get home?” she asked suddenly.

“Eh?… Oh, hmm, well… GPS says maybe ten minutes. Why?”

“Can you answer me something? Like, totally honestly?”

For a moment, his face contorted in an involuntary grimace, but he got a hold of it and nodded. “Sure.”

She took a breath before asking, “Did you plan this?… I mean, when you agreed to help me with this Nude Day business, was this what you wanted all along? Is this the real reason why you are naked, too? Not to make it easier for me but actually the opposite?” she asked all these questions, looking at him accusingly. “So? How is it? Honest answer, Trevor!”

“I…” he began but then stopped, reconsidered, and allowed himself a deep breath. “I… was hoping something like this would happen. But I never wanted to force you to do anything, and I’m pretty sure I didn’t — did I?”

“No. But you were way too fucking persuasive, you know that?” she said, throwing her head back and sighing as she stared at the ceiling. “Enough to make me… touch your cock… and take it in my mouth… and –”


“What? It’s true. And you know what’s the worst part?”

He slowed down, enough to make it safe, then turned his head and faced her. “N-no…”

“I liked it.”

He blinked, looking straight ahead again. “Really?”

“Yes. It was naughty, in so many ways… But I liked it,” she said, a slight smirk appearing on her lips. “So, what’s next?”

He blinked again. This ride was just full of surprises. “Huh? You’re asking me?”

“Of course I do,” she threw back. “You are the guy who has hots for his own sister! And guess what? The sister is curious what you’re going to try and talk her into doing next…”


She didn’t say anything more. Instead, she slid her hand over his thigh, gently brushing against the hard rod of his erect manhood. It made him gasp but he kept the wheel steady, a million thoughts racing through his head as he tried to figure out just how far his sister would allow him to go.

“So, what would it be?” she asked seductively. “Will we get naughty back home?”

A grin started to form on his face. “Well, do you want to?”

“Maybe,” she said, the dainty hand wrapping around the solid shaft. “I could definitely be persuaded to do more…”

His grin was wide now. “Then take your hand away, sis.”

She stared him, surprised. “Huh? Why?”

“Because we are five minutes from home, and I have a better idea how to use this cock on my horny little sister!”

To that she purred, leaving his twitching rod alone for the time being. Although he didn’t tell her, Delilah was quite certain that she knew exactly what her brother had in mind.


“Yours or mine?”

“Yours,” Lila said decisively. “You’d have to be my boyfriend to go to my bedroom!”

He chuckled, following his naked sister upstairs and watching the luscious sway of her heart-shaped ass.

“Of course. It makes sense,” he teased her. “I’m only your brother, after all.”

“Exactly,” she played along. “I’m glad that for once I don’t have to argue the obvious!”

She sauntered through the corridor and invited herself to Trevor’s bedroom. The mess inside, which made her eyes roll, included clothes strewn on the floor and a crumple of tissues on top of a stack of Red Bulls in the garbage bin. She cleared her throat and pointed at nowhere in particular, looking at Trevor and making a face.


She shook her head. “Tsk, tsk! Really, bro? This is where you invite your girls?”

“Hey! I’m on vacation,” he defended himself. “I didn’t expect, uh, you know…”

She giggled. “Relax, I’m just messing with you! Maybe I’m trying to make it just a little less weird, huh?”

He walked up to her, his hard cock pointing straight ahead. Needless to say, they were both nude. They left the house nude, they spent some time outside also in the nude, other people had seen them nude, and now they were back home, still nude.

And yet, Trevor knew that none of it was the weird part that Lila was talking about.

“It’s going to be weird, sis,” he said, smiling as he eyed her completely exposed body. “But this is why it’s so hot, isn’t it?”

She smiled back. “And what is this ‘it’ there, dear brother? What dirty thing are you going to convince me to do now?”

He laughed. “I don’t think I need to do any convincing,” he said.

“Oh yeah?” she managed to say, right before her brother’s lips met hers.

The kiss was like a jolt of electricity to Lila. A surge of heat went straight to her moist pussy, raising goosebumps along the way and hardening her already stiff nipples. She moaned into her brother’s mouth when one of his strong hands cupped a meaty butt cheek, squeezing the pliant flesh while his tongue pushed against and wrestled with hers. He was forceful but not overpowering, insistent but not aggressive. Demanding to be sure, yet patient enough to give her a chance to reconsider.

But of course, she didn’t. It never even occurred to her. When his lips joined with hers and his hard cock pushed into her abdomen, she knew immediately where this large pillar was going to go next. She wanted, nay, needed to have it in her, to let it lodge itself inside her soaking wet hole, and to sate the deep-seated craving that she had for this mighty tool, from the very moment she saw it.

She was desperate for Trevor’s thick cock, for that annoying piece of hard meat that had been distracting her all morning long. She didn’t care in the slightest that it belonged to her older brother. She didn’t even care that he’d paraded it before her for this exact reason: to drill the image of its turgid hardness deep into her mind, to make her desperate and horny enough to submit to his whims and desires.

In fact, it was all of that which made it even hotter. Delilah didn’t think she was a slut. No, not at all. Except now, she totally and obviously was. She was an incestuous slut, a slut for her own brother, and she wasn’t ashamed of it in the slightest. Maybe it was the fact that she’d been naked and vulnerable, that she fell so easily for Trevor? And yet, all that he really did was to whip out his hard cock, and simply wait…

And he didn’t even have to wait for long. How slutty of her! How very, very naughty. And how incredibly hot, exciting, and deliciously forbidden. She knew then that she was his, a sexy sister offering herself to her hunky brother, succumbing to her newfound desire that not only went against the taboo of incest but also ignored all the many reasons she’d had for disliking him.

Her douchebag brother was going to fuck her — and Delilah couldn’t wait.

“I want you, sis,” he said huskily, his chiseled face only inches away. “I want to do all the dirty things to you…”

“This is so bad…” she breathed, then pulled him into a kiss again.

Trevor’s hand found her sister’s secret place, the one that she had touched and strummed only minutes ago in the car. It was still so wet, maybe wetter than before, as though there was only one thing that could quench her pussy’s insatiable hunger. He slipped two fingers inside the steamy hot depths, sounding and probing, looking for that elusive spot. But no matter what her brother did, his every touch was sending shivers down her spine, weakening her knees as she melted into his broad arms.

Still kissing Lila, her brother led her to his bed, pushing her onto the springy mattress and letting her gently fall on her back. She gasped as their lips parted, and she saw the tall, naked, athletically shaped figure of her handsome brother looming over the bed. His huge manhood throbbed with urgent need, yearning for the treasure between her legs, but the savvy young man resisted the primal impulse.

He smirked instead, appraising his stunningly hot lover-to-be. His gaze traveled from her pretty face marked by excitement and trepidation, over the ample mounds of her bountiful breasts, down the flat abdomen and finally to the slick, darkly pink, very engorged lips of her horny and impatient pussy. He noted her smooth and sleekly muscled legs, already spread lightly in anticipation, the narrow triangle of white sheets between them pointing straight at his long-awaited prize.

“I want you, sis,” he repeated, a sly smirk still riveted to his face as he gripped his hard shaft and presented it to his sister. “But what do you want, Delilah?”

“I…” she croaked.

“I can’t hear you,” he tormented her.

“I…” she tried again, then groaned as she cleared her throat. “Fuck!”

“Huh? What’s that?”

“Fuck… Fuck me!” she practically yelled. “Just fuck me already!”

There was now a wide grin on his face, and yet the boy wanted to savor this moment for a little while longer.

“That’s not very nice, sis,” he teased. “What did Mom teach you about politeness?”

She groaned, almost fuming, and somehow it only added to her soaring arousal. “God, if you weren’t my fucking brother…”

“Nuh-uh,” he stopped her. “I am not your fucking brother! Not yet. Not until you say please.”

She rolled her eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled it over many long seconds. She had a brief impulse to try and offer a witty retort but she realized she didn’t have one, and she was too horny to come up with one. Her annoying, and annoyingly sexy brother, really had the upper hand here. She wasn’t about to fight him anymore.

“P-please!” she uttered. “Fuck me, Trevor! Fuck me already, with that fucking cock of yours!”

He chuckled, slowly climbing onto the bed. “What a dirty mouth you have, sis…”

Once his hands touched the mattress, he was upon her in moments. His rigid cock found the entrance to his sister’s love canal, like it was always meant to find it, and the mushroom head parted the puffy labia as he come up face to face with Lila. He could see her deep emerald eyes, no longer glaring at him; instead, she was looking at her brother with a mixture of lust and genuine sisterly love. Her eyes locked with his and she bit her lower lip, bracing herself for the inevitable, delightful invasion of Trevor’s rock-hard manhood.

He thrust in, just once. In one deep stroke, he sheathed himself fully inside his sister’s quivering snatch. One thrust and he took her breath away, and she moaned out her brother’s name as she gave in to the pent-up desires. Nothing else mattered now: just the pure, unadulterated lust between the two loving siblings.

“I love you, Lila,” he said, smiling, “and I love this tight little pussy of yours!”

The girl’s giggle turned into a lustful moan when the thick, snugly lodged dick of her hunky brother started gliding in and out of her clenching pussy. Slowly at first, the boy thrust into his sister’s soaking wet snatch, comfortable and relaxed, for she really was his to make love to now. Hugging the long shaft tightly, her steaming hot glove felt exquisite around his straining rod, massaging it with every little quake and shudder of its slick, slippery walls.

“Huh… Oh wow…” She breathed heavily. “Trevor… oooh! This feels… amazing!”

He gave out a soft sigh, and it was one of both pleasure and relief. He was relieved that Lila was enjoying their intimate tryst just as much as he was.

It wouldn’t have happened, were it not for him shrewdly seizing the opportunity; for nudging her in just the right way. He was glad that his younger sister didn’t regret having been lead this path. He was glad that she gave in to her own budding desires, which needed only a gentle encouragement to bloom into a thicket of incestuous lust. And he was grateful to whoever came up with this odd Nude Day, for making it possible to add this new dimension to the siblings’ familial relationship.

Most of all, though, he was just glad to be fucking his drop-dead gorgeous, cute and sexy sister.

“You’re so hot, Lila,” he said huskily. “So hot and wet…”

Their eyes met again, and the boy stole a quick kiss between the pleasurable gasps and whimpers. He was speeding up now, the joy of fucking his beautiful sister growing too great to exercise more than a modicum of restraint. He felt her arms wrap tightly around him, sleek legs hooking with his and drawing him ever deeper.

She threw her head back on the pillow, lidded eyes half-shut, yelping and mewling breathlessly. Her big, strong brother plowed her swollen pussy with his rock-hard manhood, faster and faster, filling her repeatedly with his lust and love.

“Ooooh… Brother, you’re… getting in… so deep… Yes!… Fuck me, Trevor! Fuck me!”

Delilah was really into it, all doubts and caution thrown carelessly to the wind, as her body instinctively tensed and braced itself for every deep stroke from her older brother. Every thrust lit up the wound-up nerve endings in every inch of her shuddering womanhood, setting off firecrackers of pleasure whenever Trevor’s ruthless piston bottomed-out inside her warm sheath. One hand still on his back, she pressed the other onto the rough oaken headboard, feeling the unvarnished surface with her fingers as she held desperately against his inexorable advances.

He was really just fucking her now, driving his throbbing cock into this hot naked chick who, amazingly, was no one else but his sexy younger sister. Low grunts and groans punctuated his long strokes, the boy’s heart racing as he felt the first tingles of a powerful orgasm build in his loins.

Excited though he was, however, Trevor didn’t forget all the little tricks he’d learned by fucking his way through a large number of college pussies. He slowed down just a touch, listened to Lila’s frantic breathing and sensed she was getting close, too. He reached to cup the bouncing globe of her breast and rolled the hard nipple between his fingers, eliciting a surprised shriek of totally unexpected pleasure.

There was a brief thought in the boy’s mind, to maybe pause and switch positions, but it felt contrived and unnecessary. This was their first time, and he was already praying it would be just the first one of many. They’d have time, he hoped, to fuck in a plethora of different ways and places. Now, though, in this moment, they were joined in a simple union of sibling love and lust.

It was perfect, just the way it was.

“Trevor, I…” his sister croaked, her breath stolen by her brother’s deft but relentless thrusts. “Don’t… ooh!… Don’t stop… I’m so close!… Ooooh! Oh god… Yes! Don’t stop!… Keep… keep fucking me, bro!”

He was close, too, and he obliged his sister by fucking her even harder. She was moaning and wailing in urgent desperation, tenuous words trailing into gasps and whimpers. Her whole body was already shaking from the overstimulation of her every nerve, a massive climax just around the corner…

“Lila, I won’t… I won’t hold it much longer…”

Only a couple more strokes and it finally arrived. She managed to blurt out only the last few words before it exploded with its full, mighty force.

“Cum… cum with me, bro! Oh fuuuuck! Yes! Cum inside… your sister’s pussy! OOOOOOOOH!”

She cringed hard, her back arching suddenly as the rush of intense ecstasy coursed through her sweat-slicked body. It shook it from the very core of her being and immediately radiated outward, to every trembling extremity and to every electric inch of her skin. She held on to her brother’s back for dear life, as the surges of bliss coursed through her repeatedly, rending loud, almost feral groans from her tired throat. She let him go as her arms flailed, eventually spreading out to tightly grip the sides of the mattress. She lay like this and held on fast, riding the incredibly intense orgasm while her brother’s ceaseless thrusts magnified it even further.

Meanwhile, down below, Lila’s spasming pussy kneaded her lover’s long, pulsing shaft. Her sleek walls were urging him fervently, to join his sister at the crest of her delirious pleasure. Trevor held on valiantly, drawing on his vast sexual experience, but even his iron resolve couldn’t last any longer. It buckled when faced with undeniable sex appeal of his lovely sister and the illicit, utterly taboo nature of their steamy session of lewd, incestuous passion.

“Sis, I’m… I’m cumming too! Aaaaah!”

With only this scant warning, the rising tide of his own release burst forth from him in a massive spurt of hot white cream. It coated the quivering walls of his sister’s tight vagina, and the next volleys were splashing and filling it to the brim with her brother’s potent semen. Again and again he blasted her womb with his virile seed, groaning with each plentiful wave, as carnal sensations shot up his spine and sweet pleasure cloyed his airways.

“Yes! Fill me up, bro! Oh fuck, I can’t believe you are actually cumming inside me!”

Recovering from her own breathtaking climax, Lila locked her eyes with Trevor’s. She bit her lip as she smiled in loving adoration. She felt her brother unload wad after wad of his warm goo, adding to the heat that still emanated from her thoroughly churned pussy. It was the most primal and beautiful feeling, to receive his abundant essence in this way.

She felt blessed, once: to be seeded by this strapping and handsome young man. Twice: because it was her own brother, filling her up with the nectar of his incestuous passion. And thrice, she thought with a slight smirk: because she still had, out of a pure habit, taken the pill over these last few days of summer holidays at home.

Down to the last few wads now, Trevor gasped and inhaled sharply, the tense muscles eventually relaxing as the wonderful feeling of total satisfaction spread to every fiber of his body. He looked at his lovely sister and returned her radiant smile. Their lips joined again for a spell, before the spent young man rolled over and lay beside his lover, breathing heavily and contentedly.

There was a precious moment of silence between the siblings, now lovers, as they both stared at the ceiling and reveled in the joy of their coupling. Thought it didn’t last very long, they knew they would remember it forever.

“This… was not what I expected,” Lila then spoke.


“You were supposed to do something dirty to me,” she purred, rolling on her side to face him, “but this, brother… this was beautiful.”

He chuckled. “Yeah…”

“I still think this is crazy, though,” she said teasingly, “and you are a total perv for going after your own sister!”

“Yup,” he agreed with a laugh. “And you still love me anyway.”

She giggled. “More than ever before, bro,” said Lila, giving him a quick peck. “After all, you did help me with this Nude Day thing. Well, a little bit, at least…”

“Heh, right,” he concurred, staring shamelessly at his fittingly nude sister. “I guess we cut it a little short, though.”

“Yes, that’s a bit of a shame,” she said with a soft sigh. “I was hoping to snap some quality pictures, of people looking at me and shaking their head, or yelling, or you know, just making outraged faces. It would look so good on my profile!… Well, once I masked out the naughty bits, of course.”

He blinked. “Huh? So that’s what the fuss was all about? To brag on Facebook, or whatever you kids use these days –”

“Oh look, here’s my older brother doing his regular thing again,” she said with a chuckle, “and right after he came in my pussy, no less!”

“Uhm, sorry,” he said, to which she only responded with another laugh.

“It’s fine, big bro! I understand that you elderly people have problems keeping up with all the newfangled technology.”

For once, it was Trevor who rolled his eyes. “Very funny. But seriously: you wanted to go out naked for likes?”

Lila snorted a laugh, then patted his chest playfully. “Well, duh? Obviously! Did you really think I believed in all that fashionable political mambo-jumbo, and especially in this ridiculous Nude Day business?”

“Huh! I’ll be damned…”

“Yup,” she said with a sly wink, grinning as she glanced at his semi-hard erection. “Anyway, since you clearly owe me a favor, for letting you fuck me silly –”

“What? I bet you never came so hard!”

“– then perhaps you could help me take those pictures after all?… Please?”

He let out an amused chuckle. “Feeling courageous enough to go outside again, huh?”

“It wouldn’t be the naughtiest thing I’ve done today,” she purred. “Not even close…”

“True enough,” he said, turning to his side and reaching with a hand to casually tweak her nipple. “Tell you what, I may have an idea how we could do it… But there’s no rush.” He glanced at the nightstand clock and grinned. “First, we’ve got a good few hours to get used to being naked in private…”

Lila let out another giggle, as her brother was upon her once again.


Trevor moved the mouse rapidly, clicking and dragging over the brownish beige and dark pink pixels in one particular region of a large, zoomed-in photo. Wherever the cursor touched, gradually the image became more and more blurry, until only an indistinct jumble of colors could be seen in place of the original shape.

That shape being the prominent, slightly engorged and bruised lips of his sister’s young pussy.

“Wait, you are only touching it there?” she asked incredulously. “That’s not really hiding anything!”

“Nah, I’m blurring out the most important bits,” he said with a cheeky grin. “Didn’t you say you wanted to appear very, ahem, committed to the cause?”

Lila rolled her eyes. “Right, because that’s exactly how it works,” she said sarcastically. “No, my pervy brother, more pussy does not equal more clout!”

“It sure does in my book,” he quipped, earning himself another sideways glance from his sister. “But okay, fine. I’ll paint over the lines if you want…”

The photo he was editing on his desktop PC was that of Lila, nude like she was now, currently sitting next to him on his bed. The picture showed her jogging on a flat concrete trail in the local park, wearing nothing but her fancy running shoes. Trevor, who had joined her for this late afternoon run, recorded a video and snapped several dozen great shots of his bare naked, nubile sister.

On this particular photo, her medium-length hair was beautifully spread out in a halo around her face, as she appeared to hover mid-air, pendulous breasts still on the upward bounce. Behind her, the shocked faces of an elderly white couple could be seen in all their righteous indignation. They were doubtlessly muttering something about youth these days, and how this once-great state was going to the dogs after all these godless West Coasters had invaded it and callously decided to stay.

There was also a fit guy who looked to be in his early forties, running just a few paces behind Lila and pretending not to ogle her flawless bubble butt. Next to him were two girls about her age — not entirely unpleasant to look at, Trevor noted — standing by their bikes and either covering her mouths or grinning from ear to ear. The scene was completed by an obese woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties, staring daggers at his stunning sister while wrestling with a tiny chihuahua that would certainly murder whomever it was barking at if it weren’t for the short leash that restrained it.

All in all, it was a marvelously appropriate picture for showing off the wanton distress he and Lila had caused in the local park. Surely it would contribute to smashing the patriarchy and ending all oppression nationwide — or at least signal to the social media crowd at his sister’s college that she practically oozed all the expected virtues, from every pore of her duly exposed skin.

“There you go,” Trevor said, adding the last finishing touch to the blurry miasma that concealed his sister’s crotch. “This has to be enough for Instagram because I’m pretty sure I’ve seen even more raunchy photos there…”

She giggled. “Oh, I’m sure you have, creep!”

“Hey, you know that I don’t have to edit that video for your TikTok, right?” he huffed in mock resentment. “Imagine all those likes and follows that you’ll be missing out on!”

“Chill! This is already awesome,” she said, rubbing his thigh and, maybe accidentally, brushing against his semi-hard cock. “I just need to take this photo and post it with a few sappy paragraphs, on how this raises awareness about all those super important issues and yada yada…”

He chuckled. “I still cannot believe you are doing this just for show! Don’t get me wrong, you are super convincing,” he admitted, “because, if nothing else, you have certainly fooled me!”

She tittered, slowly reaching out for his hardening shaft. “And you probably would’ve remained oblivious if you were still only my brother,” she said seductively, grasping it and grazing the swollen head with her thumb. “But lovers don’t keep secrets like this from each other…”

He let out a pleasurable groan. “So, this is what we are now, huh? Lovers?”

“Well, yeah? In one sense, at least,” Lila purred, giving a gentle stroke to her brother’s rising cock. “It remains to be seen if my douchebag brother and I can connect on a deeper level…”

“Alright, that’s it!” Trevor stood up suddenly, seizing his sister’s hand and pushing her to fall on the bed behind him. “I’ll show you, brat, just how deep I can go!”

Before her gasp turned into a giggle, she felt the solid rod of her brother’s large cock spear her well-used yet still very eager pussy. As he started to vigorously fuck her again, wringing moan after moan of pleasure, a funny thought raced through her mind before disappearing into a soft mush of sensuous bliss.

It had been a very good idea, to celebrate the Nude Day. Until their parents come back home in a few weeks, maybe Trevor and her should continue the joyous festivities?

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