A Good Man 9 by pars001

A literotic sexstories: A Good Man 9 by pars001 ,

Finally the bad guy loses

A Good Man 9


Tom had waited a whole day not talking or saying anything, he didn’t have much faith in

the fact that hardly any of the Centaurs could stand to be near him, let alone like him. Sighing,

Tom was making ready to get started, when he heard the familiar sounds of hooves in his living

room. Stepping out he saw the king Tonk and about 30 warriors waiting for him, the king nodded to

him and in turn each warrior pledged their skills to Tom, a little confused Tonk took him aside

after and explained. Many had heard that Tom had gone with the Queen to rescue the king. They,

though not impressed had wished to go the next time to battle with Tom and the king.

Tom layed out his full plan leaving out almost nothing, Tom told Frilly that the warriors

were going to one spot and he was going to the tower again as he felt that Malamon would be there

this time. The warriors were going to check out another place he felt Malamon might be. Frilly

became worried, “Tom sir, if you’re caught there with no one to help you, Malamon could kill you.”

Frilly was extremely worried now, how could he endanger his self like this!?

Tom just shook his head, Frilly was being over cautious alot more these days Tom was

begining to wonder just what was going on with her. First flashing the king and the warriors to

where he was going to send them, Tom was about to leave when Frilly rushed to him and begged him

to be careful. Staring at her for a moment Tom could get nothing from reading her it was like she

had triple mind protection, hmmmmmmmm he’d have to check into that when he finished this. With

that Tom flashed out and was near the tower, linking with the king he asked him to keep his eyes

and mind open in case he saw something or needed to bring them to where Tom was. Looking around

Tom checked on everything that he had planted the week before.

A hour later after telling Frilly he was going to search the tower more, Tom felt a major

jump in power flashing in nearby where he was. Contacting Tonk, he was about to flash them in when

Malamon attacked. Letting Tonk and the warriors know, Tom froze all Malamon’s cronies sending them

on the outskirts of the amusement park, directly opposite of where he was. Malamon began to laugh

when he saw all his men had vanished, “so you’re concerned about my men? HA! you’re softer than I

thought, now you know why you’ll never beat me.” Tom just smiled at this, confused a moment it

only seemed to enrage Malamon more. Smiling more, Tom felt the final piece move into place,

laughing Tom knew now that he’d won no matter what.

Red faced, Malamon screamed at Tom, “why are you so fucking happy? You can’t defeat me!”

Malamon, getting madder and madder didn’t notice the activity on the outskirts of the park. Tom

reached in and ripped another power strand lose, causing a high pitched scream from Malamon.

“You stupid fool!” Tom shouted at him, “I don’t really have to defeat you! You and I are trapped,

there’s only 3 people that can release us and only I know who they are!”

Malamon screamed again shooting more bolts of electricity and fire at Tom, easily moving out of

the way Tom ripped another lose from him. Malamon reached to all his men and pulled them to him

but nothing happened! “What have you done!?” reaching for his safe house Malamon flashed and hit a

wall that almost knocked him out! Appearing next to him Tom laughed.

“I told you we are trapped I assume that as old as you are, you have heard of the enrapture

stones?” Tom thought the look of horror and shock on Malamon’s face was priceless.

“No, they don’t exist! I know, I destroyed them 4500 years ago!” Malamon was screaming in

a fever pitch now. “There’s no way you could have resurrected them! No mage has ever been granted

the power to do that!”

“You’re right, I didn’t resurrect them, it was a combination of almost all the magical races. This

is between you and me, if you kill me, you die here locked in forever. If my plan works, then you

live, as do I and your reign of terror will be over.” Tom smiled wide at Malamon his eyes wide and

a look of pure terror and hatred on his face. Taking a step forward a needle shot out of the

ground deep into Malamon’s foot. Yelling obscenities at Tom, he tried to back up but Tom had

stripped another power, then it was just Malamon screaming. Laughing Tom advanced, and was caught

unaware from a ball of fire that nicked his arm.

Damnit he’d forgotten to watch this wasn’t some weak lackey he was trying to defeat. His

arm now half numb, Tom watched Malamon limp away. Following Malamon, the 5000 year old flashed in

behind Tom, forgetting again the needle he’d stepped in before with a scream he shook off the

clamps that tried to hold him in place. Tom again ripped through Malamon’s mind ripping his

defences apart before the evil man flashed out again. Tom knew he was getting closer but his arm

was starting to distract him, he really didn’t have the time to heal completely. Malamon was

panting his power was severly weakened how did the little prick do this? Remembering 1500 years

ago he thought this little prick would probably fall for the same trick.

Sending everything at Tom at once almost all missed but one, the electric bolt barely

grazed Tom’s arm. Shit! The same arm! Now the damn thing WAS numb, watching Malamon step into a

pitfall his yell distracted Tom from the pain. Popping back out Malamon tried to collapse a

building on Tom with no sucess, damnit but his power was seriously depleted. Flashing out to the

other side of the park Malamon saw that the Centaurs had completely defeated his men, cursing he’d

stepped into a hidden patch of cacti, why couldn’t he feel them? Tom was trying to follow him but

the pain had increased, taking a moment to partly heal it, Tom watched Malamon carefully so he

didn’t get too close.

Malamon was actually worried, his powers were over half gone, he’s tried to reopen them

but somehow that little prick had sealed them after he’s removed them. Fearing he might lose he

rested a moment feeling his power barely recover, watching Tom as close as Tom was him, for a

moment they were in a staring match. Flashing out Malamon tried again to get near Tom, barely

surprisied, they both fired at the same time, Tom hit Malamon’s leg, Malamon barely brushing the

shoulder Tom’s numb arm was on. Both yelled in pain with both flashing out to opposite sides of

the park. Tom knew that now he was in trouble, the shoulder was cut and burned the arm wasn’t as

numb as before he had been able to move it a bit, now though, it was a limp piece of meat. Malamon

fell as he emerged, damn that ass! His leg was broken in two places, his hip had been wrenched out

of place the pain was worse tham the last time they fought. Both in serious trouble they each made

plans to end this on the next and possibly last battle, smiling Malamon thought he had a way to

beat Tom.

Tom could sence that Malamon was planning something, he felt the other’s power shift. Both

were breathing hard barely able to move, they prepared to flash out for the last battle. As they

emerged near the center of the park, they both began firing, Tom’s aim slightly off he caught

Malamon on the same leg again rendering it completely useless, dropping and firing he went just

past Tom’s head. Tom’s vision blurred, he reached out finding Malamon, ripping his energy magic,

he pulled as violently as he could, screaming as if he had been knifed Malamon tried to shoot

cursing when nothing happened. Bringing up his sheilds as high as he could Malamon shot another

fireball finding he no longer could shoot fire by it’s self, trying to avoid it Tom was brushed

near his chest, desperate to end this Tom drew in all the energy he could diving as hard and as

fast as he could he knew if this didn’t do it then he was dead.

Releasing everything he had, he aimed directly at the center strand, sensing something was

different Malamon tried to shield him self but was quickly overwhelmed. Tom prayed this worked

cause if it didn’t, he might as well kiss his ass good-bye. Hitting the center strand Tom felt it

give way but not break, damnit! With that he put the only energy he had left into it, his life

energy. Malamon was shrieking, the pain was horrible, trying to attack Tom, he found that his

power was way to low too make a difference. Hitting Tom with what he had left, he crushed both of

Tom’s legs, Tom still refusing to stop ignored the pain, finally after 15 minutes he felt it start

to rip lose. Malamon was screaming and cursing sending everything he had after breaking Tom’s

legs, he couldn’t let him win. Damnit! his life and magic almost gone Tom reached as deep as he

could and with a last huge push the main strand ripped lose, screaming Malamon fell grasping his

head blood flowing from his ears and nose.

The pain finally too much Malamon passed out, Tom feeling weak, crawled the best he could

to Malamon, reaching out he no longer felt magic but with his own failing he wasn’t that sure if

what he felt was right. Trying to contact the Centaurs not far away he swore he could see

representatives from at least 6 or 7 races. He could hear the Centaur King Tonk screaming to an

older Centaur to get the stones moved, within moments there were Faries, Pixies, Sprites,

Brownies, Centaurs hell even the Trolls were there but at a distance. He could hear a few females

screaming as they drew closer, damn but the noise was hurting his head. The Centaurs now well over

a hundred bowed to him as he was lifted and Malamon was bound and lifted.

Passing in and out of consciousness Tom was carried to his house, which seemed to him to

have been enlarged greatly on the inside. Tom was a little surprised that the Centaurs were there

in great number but remembered that the king was there this being his last thought before the

world went dark. The gray mists were a welcome sight when he drifted into them, feeling tired so

bone weary, was a first for him in this dream realm. Laying down Tom didn’t want to go back

anymore after all he had done for so many people, he felt that more than half really didn’t want

him there. Maybe it would be best if he just remained here, even if he was alone, hell it wasn’t

different than out there in a room full of people and yet he felt so alone.

Myria felt Tom the moment he entered the mists, strange but something was most definitely

wrong. Appearing next to Tom, she saw that his energy was extremely low, only one thing could

cause that. Tom looked over and saw Myria a look of concern on her face, what happened appeared

between them. Tom started into the story, everything that had happened since the last time he had

seen her. A strange look spread over her face, then she was staring off into the distance,

suddenly a huge smile also spread across her face. For the first time since he had been where she

was prisoner, she spoke, a familiar voice though one he couldn’t place.

“I can feel him Tom, he has no powers now, you’ve done it!” Kissing his face, she hugged Tom

fiercely and tightly feeling how weak Tom was she backed up feeling him more.

Looking as deep as she could Myria could see how badly he had been hurt from the battle

with Malamon. “Tom, you can’t give up! Please for me, for us if you really believe that you can

get me out of here. The only problem I see is the fact that many have tried over the years,”

sighing she looked down, “no one has even come close to releasing me, I am afraid I will be here


Tom suddenly looked up a little miffed, he couldn’t release her? The hell he couldn’t! “When I get

out of here I will find a way to release you, I love you Myria, I WILL RELEASE YOU!”

Taken aback Myria smiled a saddened smile, she hoped he could release her but she didn’t have a

lot of hope she’d been so disappointed before and didn’t want to get her hopes up.

“I hope you can Tom, I so hope you can, please don’t stay here for long, you need to be out there

to heal faster.” Myria begged of Tom.

As Myria drifted away, Tom still miffed began to claw and stratch his way to the surface

it was so tiring and difficult. The closer he got to the surface the more the pain increased,

shit, it was getting intense. Almost there, the pain was almost unbearable, opening his eyes he

let out a low moan causing everyone in the house to rush to his side.

The king of the Centaurs, the leader of the sprites, the Queen of the Pixies and the Queen of the

Faries, lastly the leader of the Brownies, all yelled in joy when he opened his eyes. All excited

at once there was shouting as many healers moved forward taking up positions putting their

energies at full the pain began to fade slightly. He felt some of the injuries inside begin to go

right but there was still alot wrong inside but he might have a chance now. Fighting to stay awake

he knew the longer he was up, the longer and more they could heal.

Almost all the internal injuries were healed and he actually felt better inside. Still his

vision was a little fuzzy and his arm, shoulder and both legs still wouldn’t respond, though at

least the pain was less finally, a half hour later, his vision started to clear. Many were smiling

now, though Tom Knew he had a long way to go at least he’d live if he slept, smiling at Talinda he

let the darkness take him. There were no dreams this time and all he could think of was ways to

free Myria. The next time he awoke it was a week later, his shoulder was better but his legs still

throbbed badly. Hell at least now he could move them with alot of pain but he could at least move


Trying to sit up, pain shot all up and down his spine, crap this sucked, his powers were

only about half what they were usually. Trying to heal what he felt was wrong with his legs, he

only felt the left starting to right it’s self, though the pain in the right was less. After 30

minutes he felt the pain ease in his back, the left leg felt almost right but his right was just

starting to begin to adjust right. Damnit! It was going to be a few more days before he’d even

begin to be right. Sighing he fell asleep under the watchful eyes of Talinda and a dozen other

healers from numerous other races. Entering the mists he felt for Myria, there was no sign of her

but he went deeper looking for anything even a glimmer of her energy. Finding that his energy was

indeed stronger he looked for a path she had left but that had faded away outside of the mists in

his mind. Sighing he went up and opened his eyes, Talinda was there as she had been from the time

he’d been brought in.

“Well, it’s about time you woke up!” Talinda said a wide smile on her face, “I wasn’t sure

when you healed your self days ago that you’d have enough, your left leg is good now almost

normal. The right was actually 10 times worse, you barley managed to heal the bones and blood

carriers but the bones aren’t straight and there is still damage there. Except for your legs

you’re almost normal. It took a week for 12 of us to do what you could in a few hours, all of us

were needed to heal the inside damage and that took a day to start. Luckily we were nearby because

of the battle, you obviously don’t remember much of the battle there wasn’t anything left alive or

whole after you two finished. Using the enrapture stones was brilliant, saving the magical world

from any destruction has gained the thanks of every race, yes including the Centaurs.”

“What of his troops? the ones I sent to the Centaurs when it started?” Tom asked.

“They were easily defeated, the Centaurs were joined by the Trolls, then the other races joined in

it was unusual to see and glorious at the same time. This was all due to you Tom, you have united

the races.” Talinda smiled looking slyly at him.

Again he healed his leg this time with his power increase he felt it quickly going

straight. That finished he felt his power increase almost to where it had been when he started the

battle with Malamon. Reaching out in all directions he once again felt for Myria though this time

he had almost his full power. At first there wasn’t anything, then a faint power trace of her

pulled him in that direction. He’s only walked a few feet when confused he found where she was,

holy shit! No wonder no one had found her in so long, damn this was going to be hard, sighing he

had to do some more research before he did anything. Going back into his livingroom he sat

thinking over who he might have to talk to. Frilly flew in a moment later a serious look on her

face, “sir, I have a small favor to ask you. I was punished a long time ago I was a mage long ago,

I thought I could do anything, I was wrong and hurt a few people. The mage council sealed my

powers and made me a spirit locking me into the horn.”

“Ok, so what is it I can do?” Tom asked not sure what she wanted.

“You are the only one that can release me, I have been in this horn for many, many years, the

council cleared me to be released 500 years ago and Myria and the other mage like you, were going

to do it but she disappeared the day before. Please mage Tom sir, I have done my punishment,”

Frilly begged almost in a little girl whining voice.

Sighing Tom now knew that things were getting complicated, “you’ll have to give me a few days I

have to research this, so I do it right, I need to talk to the two members who remember how you

were banned to the horn.” Tom replied.

Frilly nodded her acknowledgement, Tom was starting to wonder if this was going to be as easy as

he thought it was going to be.

Almost a week later, Frilly stood before Tom, everything he’d learned had him a little

worried. In order to bring Myria back to her former self, was going to require that someone almost

die if not just out and out die. Frilly’s condition required a massive amount of energy which he’d

been storing all week. Sighing Tom went over everything that he would have to do, damnit he wished

there was some other way of doing this.

“Frilly I have worked on this all week, from everything I found this will almost kill you, I

wanted you to know in case you wanted to back out.” Tom said.

“Tom sir, I have waited a long, long time for you to come along, if there is any chance any at all

I will take it, I was in love at the time, I want to be again. So to ask me if I wish to remain

like this the answer is a resounding hell yes!” she almost shouted.

“Alright, I just wanted you to know if this doesn’t work, I’ll feel guilty for a long time,” tom


“No Tom, if I die then I’ll still be free, know that one way or another I won’t be in this prison

anymore.” Frilly said a smile on her face.

Tom started the long process, Frilly shook when the power hit her, a smile plastered to

her face. 10 minutes later Frilly started screaming it felt as if she was being ripped apart. Tom

tried his best to not let the magic waver, Frilly was in extreme pain the spliting was becoming a

more and more real feeling. Time seemed to almost stop when Frilly noticed her body was glowing,

it was getting harder and harder to breathe, looking at Tom she saw he was concentrating as hard

as she had ever seen him. Passing out, Tom was grateful as her body suddenly split as it also

started to grow. Almost 45 minutes after he’d started, two bodies were on the ground beside each

other. Finally he’d done it! Leaning over both of them Tom saw that the second was ok but

unconscious, Frilly had stopped breathing and lay still. Damnit! He wasn’t going to lose her!

Reaching out her started her heart then let go, nothing, again he started her heart it

beat on it’s own for a minute, then stopped again, Tom growled and hit her chest pumping her heart

and breathing for her. He’d learned this when he was in the military, he hoped it worked as well

as he remembered. Feeling her heart finally beating on it’s own he breathed a deep sigh. Many

races had appeared most with their mouths open no one had ever seen this done before. The mage

council came forward, Azel yelling in joy as he hugged his unconscious daughter Myria, Tom sat

wore out again damn, he swore, he felt a hundred right now.

Myria opened her eyes a few minutes later or rather squinted wondered where the hell she

was now. For a minute she was still confused till she saw her father Azel.

“Papa!” she shouted, “how? when? who?” Azel looked over her shoulder at Tom, Myria followed his

gaze and her eyes flew wide, “you’re… you’re real! I thought I was dreaming again!” flying over

to Tom she hugged him and deeply kissed him.

Tom was happy as could be, she was finally here, checking on Frilly he saw her finally open her

eyes. Her mouth wide open she screamed, “you did it! Thank you so much!” looking closer her mouth

dropped open again, “Myria? is that really you?” Myria just nodded as the two women embraced.

Tom shook his head, damn just out and the whole world was happy now, hmmm Tom wondered would they

let him have two wifes? Both women turned back and smiled at Tom, hmmm ok they can hear me now.

Both women laughed and nodded yes, nice thought Tom this was going to be interesting. Elsewhere in

a cell Malamon screamed feeling the last of his energy fade with no powers now, he had no way to

recharge, with a scream his body began to shrivel and turn to dust, the guards smiled finally the

bastard was dead.

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