Wife fucks shy guy from the bar Our first time by cjhopper

Wife fucks shy guy from the bar Our first time by cjhopper

wife gets massaged by husband.

Wife is exhibited by husband and fucked by husband and shy guy from bar.

window open , A little background on us……………..

For our 15 years of marriage J has tickled the good parts in my pants and mind. I have had a nagging fantasy of sharing her with a guy. She knows of my fantasy and tells me “you’re nutz”. J on the other hand has a need to help what she sees as socially limited guys. She tried all sorts of strategies over the years. J believes these guys basically need socializing help. The night I introduced her to Shy Stanley she had fun teasing him, then she got ideas! I now live with the knowledge I changed our marriage forever. She used her god given ass-ettes on him with my help.

She sees guys hanging in the shadows of public places. Afraid to make contact with a female thinking the girl will not talk to him. It is sad to watch this happen for no reason other than his opinion of himself. My wife has always felt sorry for them. She often will smile or say hello when opportunity presents itself just to make his day. J wants to help in a meaningful way, being a guy I offer my thoughts on the matter. Those usually gets me in “trouble” in a fun way. I believe she took my suggestions to heart but never acted on them. J is not a slut or hotwife… yet.

As I was saying my wife J has always had a soft spot for guys that are innocent and shy. Not the posers!

The wallflower.

The sad sack.

The Introvert.

The computer geek.

The ________ fill in the blank.

My favorite is the chess club geek.

I just never knew her soft spot had a soft spot.

J sees the shy, insecure guys asking for help, needing help, and wanting help.

She has attempted to fix shy guys, making them her personal rehab projects.She wants to help. She tries to be close to her new project. J will be the girl next door to get him comfortable around her. I see the wallflowers horny thoughts often go directly to her boobs. Interesting times!

Trying to show a guy he has as much chance as the next she will accompany him to a public place getting the social juices flowing. I have watched her teach a guy to interact in public. J tells him how to act, how and what to say, be clean, dress nicely and how to smile. The classes continue till she see “improvement”. She will go to a coffee shop or other public place to role play a female alone. The SG (shy guy) approaches her with a smile to try one of the opening lines she teaches, his opening line and her friendship is guaranteed, making the guy feel a little more at ease. J smiles at him and begins the social banter. She uses leading answers to keep him open to the encounter. Her body language is large and easy to read. The shy one usually opens up to her as time passes. At times I got the feeling her project was wanting to do more than talk, her shapely MILF body is exciting. J plays the interested lady and will take the interaction to a level she believes he can handle, even a little touching? Sure thing! She teaches light touching of hands, arms,or lower back. Even upper leg touches are not unheard of if it seems appropriate. The leg touching usually surprises him little at first, but smiles always follow.

I often wonder/fantasize how far the touching could go? Would I be able to handle the class then?

J has always been good in the roll play game, whether playing shy or sexy she has great confidence and body language. I will vouch for her use of body language on me.

Lucky guy when she decides to take him on as a project. The many things she will teach him are exciting to imagine.

That leads me to the story of our 1st wife sharing experience. I should say she did the sharing. I was the audience/participant.

This is a true, real story, it is what was in my head as things happened and what I thought she was thinking.

I will fill in facts to correct the order and time line and things said and done.

We were sitting around our Cleveland hotel. I had put on the loose shorts and an old t shirt, the blinds turned mostly open. She also had her bra off, light white T-shirt on and night shorts(no panties)under the shirt. I had started to rub her back under her shirt and rubbing her tits from behind. I was again working her shirt up with the intention of showing her to anyone outside our hotel room.I had worked it up to her neck in back and pretty far up in the front, I think the bottom of her tits where showing. That is how I lift her shirt higher and higher, up the back first then over her head so it looks like a shirt bra in front. I keep rubbing her back and shoulders, then s l o w l y move around as she gets worked up and ready for more…….

Then there is a knock at the door (end back rub) J got up to answer the door(In that shirt!). A friend we met the night before was at the door. He came over to visit and have some fun. He was trying to get us out and about. I was really hard from the back rubbing. He could see we were not thinking of going out this night. I could see that every time J would move around her tits were jiggling around. She finally turned to come back to into the room. Wow! I wonder if J knew just how see through the shirt was. I know he could see this happening. This is why I believe he kept talking and finally followed her in and sat down to talk. He was a little shy and didn’t get many dates to hear him tell it in the bar the night before. J told him we would all go out on the town one night while we were in town, so he could have some fun and maybe get a date. AND Here he was wanting to go out…..and look at J’s tits…….. I told him not right now, but maybe he would like a wine like we have been drinking tonight and we could talk about going out and stuff like that. I did this knowing he was watching her tits through the shirt. This gets me going like nothing else!

J offered to get wine. As she was walking back to us, he was looking at her nipples through the shirt, trying to be discrete about it. I started thinking…………Then after awhile I just lightly started rubbing her back with one hand outside her shirt while we all talked and laughed. Then my hand started moving around under her shirt. A little wine and more laughs. After awhile by reaching around more and more, I found I could jiggle her more for him, he tried not to make it obvious. Every joke also made her jiggle. A little more back rubbing one handed while we enjoyed the wine. After a long while I had her leaning a little forward and against me on the couch. (more wine?Yes)My hand now had very good access to all of her back and the front also from around behind. I would slowly rub her back and get a little toward the front, top to bottom while talking. She started to bring her arm down on my hand, not enough to stop me but to slow me down. While this was going on I could see the jiggle in front when I rubbed a little fast. I was getting in a feel on the far side every so often, I know my friend saw or had a good idea of what was happening because he was distracted. I now began to believe he really didn’t get many dates. This made me want more, so I would rub and move around to the far tit area. Not all the way around…….Just a little on the side and under her breast. I knew if i went to fast she would stop me. I now saw she had her headlights on. I love this. Boy was our friend liking this, but I don’t know how much of this was evident to my wife at this point! More wine dear? OK I’ll get more for us. our friend had stopped trying to get us to go out that night. He was talking about the kind of women he liked and what kind of bodies he liked the most. I told him J had the best of anyone. talk wine talk wine talk. About an hour into the talking and wine I started to work her like we had a window open and we were by ourselves.

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