An Instructional Video on Chastity by CyborgFairy

An Instructional Video on Chastity by CyborgFairy

As the video started, I saw the two individuals mentioned in the description and immediately pressed pause. The camera focused on Alice, a young woman, who was standing in front of a naked man lying on a pink-sheeted bed with his wrists and ankles tied to the bedposts. The man wore only a transparent plastic chastity device and a gag, while staring up at the ceiling. I studied his body and face, making mental notes of every detail. He was visibly aroused in his restraints. I resumed playing the video as Alice, with her prim and proper demeanor, introduced the topic of penile hygiene and maintenance. Her appearance and the way she carried herself hinted at her dominant nature, noticeable only to those familiar with the lifestyle.

Alice continued, “My boy here has been getting erect in his cage a record number of times this week, and with very little visual stimulation on my end, he has reported more frequent and longer periods of being erect in his cage throughout the day in his diary, and random checks on him support that information. You may find these reports linked on my page.

“In his reports, he has included details regarding what aroused him, and sadly, it wasn’t always thoughts of myself that had had the effect on him.”

Other than that last part, all had been said with a slight smile, with the occasional widening of her eyes and lilt in her voice that suggested she wanted to do more than smile.

Alice reached beyond the camera and tilted it down, revealing a sensible black skirt and black hose. She stepped behind the bed that was now in the center of the shot. The bound and gagged young man struggled in his restraints.

The extent of their relationship wasn’t fully clear from the description, only that he was her boyfriend in some way, that he had once chosen this, and that he did in fact have a safeword and safenoise. From Alice’s other, more safe-for-work posts on her profile, it was clear that she cared very deeply about him, and perhaps loved him.

“You need cleaning,” she said, in a sharply more serious tone. “It’s already been over twenty-four hours, and I’m not going to let you go any longer without being cleaned.”

The combination of heavy looking testicles, his erection in the cage, the excitement on his face, and how he occasionally shifted on the mattress and pulled on his restraints suggested that he’d been in chastity for a while.

Alice sat down on the bed, her knees together.

She placed a small white towel over his pelvis and held up a key, which immediately had his attention.

He looked between the key, her face and her generous chest. In this lightening, that chest was apparently being held by a red bra.

Swiftly, she slid the key into the padlock that kept the chastity device sealed, twisted it until there was a pop, and removed it. As she touched the chastity device, he moaned, legs straining harder where they were held down, his hips trying to buck up.

She was gentle in removing the cage, taking it slowly, with his penis trying very hard to get erect inside it, with he moaned louder, his gaze wandering. As it came free, his moans became whimpers.

His penis didn’t waste time now that it was free. It swelled very quickly, rose into the air and came to stand over his pelvis, precum glistening on the head.

“Did I give you permission for that?” Alice said.

He shook his head immediately.

“No, I didn’t. That’s why your next release is getting pushed back by another two hours, bringing it to nine P.M. on the twenty-seventh.”

She took off the ring from around his parts.

“No cock control. So sad.”

Alice dismantled the device into pieces without looking at it, placed them aside, then retrieved a box of wet wipes to place beside her.

She addressed the camera again, “Some people like to do the cleaning in the shower – hopefully with the slave restrained – but in our case, I prefer this and would recommend it. It guarantees a good boy, and when they’re out of their cage, you don’t want them free to do anything, not even speak.”

She touched the base of his penis and testicles and began wiping around him, all to which he gave his excited reaction. As she lifted his testicles to wipe under them, he was especially vocal. His hips didn’t buck too much, but he looked like he wanted to move around.

Alice paused, gave a smile, looked at him.

She began wiping the shaft of his penis with more wet wipes, and suddenly he was squealing, loud, and struggling. Through the gag, every sound was muffled.

Her touch was gentle, but her hand enclosed his member as she wiped up and down.

Though he was tightly gagged, words like ‘please’ and ‘more’ may have been audible.

Alice was careful to wipe all the way around his shaft. With two fingers against the head, she pushed the solid sex organ to either side so she could clean every part of it.

The blood-red lips smiled wider, eyes shining, and she wiped up and down further, past the point that his shaft was obviously clean. Always her touch was slow and soft. She took pauses.

He yanked hard at his restraints, his backside squirming, back arching as much as it could with how he was splayed out, and his hands grasped at nothing. He looked to her with eyes that matched his squeals in how desperate they were.

There may have been sweat on his forehead, and he was certainly breathing deeply.

“This is why you’ve got to tie them down,” she said, her voice hard as she continued with her barely existing strokes. “They’re a nightmare if they’re allowed to do what they want, and it’s easier to remove the temptation and punish the insolence if they struggle. They might learn eventually.”

A loud squeal interrupted her. During the pauses where she wasn’t touching him, his member twitched in the air. It bobbed for more.

His needy eyes were all over her face, hands, chest and hosed thighs.

“Really you want to clean your slave everyday and not put it off. If you think they can go for a couple of days without cleaning, know that it’s not recommended by healthcare workers or professional keyholders. The cock is what controls the boys, so taking good care of it as part of a regular schedule really helps to cement that it’s yours and not theirs. Something that this slave has yet to learn.”

He let out a loud whimper through his gag at that.

Her eyes gleamed as she replaced the wet wipes on him.

“It’s also an excellent opportunity to edge them.”

He jerked his head up and sharply inhaled.

The red lips were in a wide smile.

“And I might.”

He gasped, and all four ropes were pulled taught. He shook his head, again tested the full limits of how much he could move, which was very little, and moaned what had to be a ‘no’. Begging.

She made a clear effort to control the smile.

“But for my boy here, that’s not necessary at this point. He’s so backed up with cum that his brain is rotting away already, and edging sessions I only use when I need the guarantee that he’ll be on his best behavior.”

His head fell back onto the mattress.

“Take especially good care of the head of the cock under the foreskin. It’s the area for problems.”

Thumb and forefinger enclosing his shaft, she wiped the head of his penis, getting all around it, and his squeals, bucking and protests against the restraints became a lot more serious.

This time, she took longer pauses, giving him seconds at a time where neither she or the wipes touched him, leaving his throbbing member alone in the air for her to look down and smile at.

He looked up at his bound wrists and pulled, twisting the ropes, all pointlessly.

By the time Alice had finished, his squeals were dissolving into cries, and there were tears in his eyes.

Finally, she moved onto wiping down the pieces of the chastity device.

His head dropped back to the mattress and he relaxed some, his gaze skyward.

“You poor boy,” she said, giving his bare thigh a reassuring squeeze.

His poor erection stood to attention over his pelvis, going untouched, begging for stimulation through its hard rigidity. It jerked, hard, bobbing from a contraction in his pelvic muscles, and a drop of precum leaked out. He moaned loudly and twisted his body as it happened, and it dripped onto the towel.

Alice finished cleaning the instrument of his anguish and walked off-screen.

His eyes went to – presumably – her pleasant backside she left, and he took deep breaths, which then suddenly turned into gasps, his eyes widening and fixing on something else.

He shook his head, struggles renewed, the ropes pulled very tight.

Alice reappeared with a bag of ice in hand.

“Ice can be essential in getting a boy back into chastity. If you’ve had a boy who’s been without orgasm for a long time, he may stay hard for a very long time when let out of his cage. Usually with my boy without ice, around a half an hour wait does the trick, but for the purposes of this video, I’m going to use ice and give him five minutes with it.

“This can be another really important reason for the restraints.

“Now when I like to use ice on my slaves, I like to use it on them twice. Once to make them flaccid, then I let them warm up again, and then I edge them. I love that. Edging boys is the best, and when they don’t know it’s coming, it’s better than ever. I have other tutorials on edging, but we’ll be going over my favorite techniques again later in this video.”

He fought on the bed, barely able to move, the ropes going from tight to slack to tight again, penis bobbing as he did so, tears running down either side of his face. He might’ve thrashed if he could have.

“Pet, are you going to be a good boy and accept this ice, or am I going to have to add time to your lock-up?”

That caused him to stall. He went from pulling seriously against the ropes to feebly tugging on them, panting and his backside moving on the mattress. He looked scared for the first time.

She lay another towel over him, covering his penis, then placed the ice down.

He squealed a very high sound through the muffling gag, and his body’s protests matched the sound. There was a weeping in his pleas that wasn’t there before.

Seconds passed, and his cries devolved into plain gentle sobs. Still he tugged at the restraints, but with no strength in it.

“And then you simply wait. Go get a drink, tend to another slave’s cleaning if you have one, take the time to instruct the slave on what he could be doing better…”

He took deep breaths as she spoke.

“If you’re not edging them like I do, you want to get them back into chastity as soon as possible. It’s not recommended to leave them like this, as fun as it may be. There is a lot of fun you can have with them like this, but I won’t be going over that in this video – I’ll be doing other things.”

She stood up, his eyes staying on her.

“I’ll be back in five,” she said, and promptly walked off.

He gave another loud and gagged squeal, struggling more against his bonds and crying louder once she was apparently gone. It clearly took great mental force to resist moving the bag of ice and keep it where it was as it worked on him.

I tapped the spacebar, pausing the video, which had a lot longer to go, sat back in my chair.

“She is far too nice,” I said. “I’d sooner turn her into a sub than let her domme anyone – the little darling doesn’t even know what she’s doing.”

And your squeals of disagreement were loud behind me.


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