Coming In Ep. 04Coming In Ep. 04 by Kae_BrightComing In Ep. 04

An adult stories – Coming In Ep. 04 by Kae_Bright

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When Ro woke up the next morning, they wondered about the Doctor Who poster hanging on the wall above the bed. Only gradually did the memory of last evening’s events set in, along with a headache and burning thirst.

They turned their head and caught sight of Laura, apparently still sleeping off her bender. She was lying on her side, facing Ro, and the blanket had slipped half off her. They enjoyed the sight of her once more. The pretty round face, its forehead slightly furrowed in sleep, the full round breasts with the dark aureolae, the curved line of her side from ribs to hip and the flat stomach. Then the thirst became overwhelming. Ro needed water. And a coffee afterwards.

As quietly as possible they got out of bed and put on the boxers that were still lying on the floor. Then they slipped out of the room and into the hall. The house was silent. The door of Alina’s room was slightly ajar. Apparently she was up already. They went briefly into their own room, grabbed a T-shirt and put it on on the way downstairs.

Downstairs they looked around for Alina, but couldn’t spot her anywhere. With a pang of worry, they wondered if she had even come home after the party. But their mobile phone was still in Laura’s room, so they couldn’t check now whether Alina had texted or called.

Ro went over to the kitchen counter, filled a glass at the tap and emptied it in a few gulps. Then they filled the kettle and put coffee powder in the French Press. When the water boiled, they poured the coffee and sat down at the kitchen table. The sound of bare feet on the floor echoed, then Laura came into the living room. She was wearing pyjama bottoms and a T-shirt and looked like someone who had just woken up hungover does.

“Morning,” Ro said.

“Morning,” she groaned, rubbing her face. She came over, sat down at the table and put a packet of headache tablets on it.

“Water?” asked Ro.

She nodded.

They went to the kitchen sink and filled another glass. “Coffee?”

Laura nodded again and Ro returned with a cup and the glass of water.

“Thanks,” Laura grumbled, gulping down a tablet with half the water and pouring herself some coffee.

“How are you?” inquired Ro.

She shrugged and sipped her coffee. Then her eyes widened in horror and she looked at Ro. “Oh God, we didn’t-”

Ro shook their head. “No.”

“Thank goodness,” she sighed in relief.

“Well, thank you,” Ro replied dryly.

She buried her face in her hands. “I don’t mean it like that.”

“I know,” Ro said, “I’m just teasing you a bit. It was just…”

“Not the right time,” Laura finished the sentence.


She took another sip of coffee and set the cup down. “All right. What happened last night?”

Ro gave her a brief rundown. When they recounted what she had said on the way home, she blushed, and when she heard what had happened when Ro had put her to bed, she buried her face in her hands again. “Well fantastic. So I completely embarrassed myself. At least you didn’t take advantage of me, Ro. Thanks.”

“I never would have thought of that!” they protested. “And as for the rest, I thought it was rather sweet and very flattering the way you confessed your feelings to me.”

“For heaven’s sake,” she groaned, “Well, done is done. What are we going to do now?”

“Netflix and chill?” asked Ro.

She shook her head with a slight grin. “You’re impossible.”

“I mean hang out and wait for the hangover to pass.”

“I know, but that’s not what I mean. What is it between us?”

“What’s supposed to be between is? Nothing happened, did it?”

“Well. But you know now that I have a crush on you.”

Ro was silent for a moment. Then they said, “It’s not like we have to sort it out today.”

Laura nodded.

“Have you heard from Alina?”, Ro changed the subject.

“No. Is she not there?”

“It doesn’t look like it. Did she come home yesterday?”

“Don’t ask me. I didn’t notice anything.”


Laura got up, went to the entrance hall for a moment and came back. “Her shoes from yesterday are there, but another pair is missing.”

“That means she’s out of the house again,” Ro said. “Do you have any idea where?”

“Nah. Maybe to the library?”

“On a Sunday?” asked Ro.

Laura shrugged, then refilled her coffee. “So. Netflix and chill?”

They sat down on the sofa, and Laura started a silly series they could run without having to concentrate much on it. It was a grey autumn Sunday. The sky was covered in clouds that wouldn’t go away all day, and it barely got really light. The perfect day to hang out on the sofa with a hangover and watch mediocre series.

Laura sat at first with her legs drawn up at the opposite end of the sofa, but then slid over and snuggled into Ro’s side. After a brief moment of hesitation they put an arm around her.

“I’m glad you brought me home yesterday, Ro. Thank you.”

“That goes without saying.”

“For you, maybe. That’s why I feel safe with you.”

“That’s what you said last night.”

“Well, look at that! Then there seems to be something to it.”

The day progressed as they sat on the sofa, nursing their hangover. Ro improvised a hearty breakfast from eggs, potatoes and a few vegetables, which Laura gobbled down hungrily. Later they went to get their mobile phones, but there was no message or call from Alina on any of them. At some point Laura sat up.

“I’m going to take a shower.”


“Do you want to come?”

“What?” asked Ro, completely caught off guard.

“Do you want to come?” repeated Alina in the same casual tone.

“I thought we had come to the conclusion that this wasn’t a good idea right now,” Ro said.

“It wasn’t yesterday,” she replied, “but today is today. I’ve been thinking about it. I really like you. And I could use something good in my life right now.”

In Ro’s mind, the image of Laura sitting naked on the bed and looking up at them rose again. They swallowed. “But that’s the point. If you’re only sleeping with me because you’re in a bad mood…”

“Then what? What’s wrong with seeking a little comfort in the arms of someone you like? There doesn’t have to be anything to it!”

“I slept with Alina,” Ro interrupted her.

All of a sudden there was silence.

“I see,” Laura said slowly, nodding. “You could have told me right away that you had something going on. Then I wouldn’t have gotten in the middle of it at all.”

“It’s not like that!” exclaimed Ro. “We don’t have anything going on! It’s just sex! I think,” they added much more quietly.

“If it’s just sex, why did you hide it from me?”

“Because Alina thought it was better that way.”

Laura’s eyes narrowed. “Why is that?”

“She… she told me that you were together until recently. Or tried to be together. Whatever. She said there were still a bunch of feelings between you, and if you found out I was sleeping with her, it would all come up again.” Ro fell silent and looked at the floor. Their face was burning. Had they just made a huge mistake that would undo all the good that had come out of the last few weeks? But they couldn’t hide anything from Laura. That wouldn’t be fair!

Laura massaged the root of her nose with her thumb and forefinger. “I understand,” she said again. “That… I understand what Alina was thinking. I probably would have done the same in her place.” She sighed. “Still…”

For a few moments they sat in silence. Then Laura took Ro’s hands. “Ro, listen. What was… or is between Alina and me, that’s Alina’s business and mine. And what’s between Alina and you, that’s Alina’s business and yours. And none of that changes the fact that I want to fuck you. Now.”

Ro swallowed. Right now they wanted nothing more than to accept Laura’s invitation. Still, they couldn’t shake the feeling that it was a shitty idea. They had finally found a place where they could feel comfortable, where they were liked and appreciated. Should they jeopardise all that for a bit of sex? Was it right?

“I don’t give a rat’s ass about right!” they groaned and stood up. “Let’s go.”

Laura smiled slyly.

They went upstairs to the bathroom. Laura took off her pyjama bottoms and T-shirt, turned on the water and got into the shower. Ro followed her. Laura stood under the spray and smiled broadly at Ro. They smiled back.

“I didn’t get a good look at you yesterday,” she said, looking at Ro’s naked body. She looked ostentatiously at their semi-hard cock and licked her lips, which only increased Ro’s arousal. Then she turned around again. “Will you wash my back?”

They squirted some shower gel from the bottle into their palm and rubbed it on Laura’s back. They started between her shoulder blades and worked their way down.

“Your touch is so gentle,” Laura said. “It feels good, but you can go ahead and squeeze a little. Go ahead. Further down.”

Ro massaged her buttocks and gripped a little harder. They liked having their hands full for a change, hot as Alina’s slender shape was. Fascinated by Laura’s backside they continued to rub and squeeze.

“Mmm, you like my ass, don’t you? As thoroughly as you take care of it. Do you still want to wash my front too?”

“Turn around then.”

Laura giggled and turned around. She raised her arms above her head to reveal the full glory of her sight to Ro. They took more shower gel and lathered her cleavage and then her breasts. Laura’s nipples quickly hardened. “Go on,” she whispered in a slightly husky voice. “Reach out and grab them. Like you did before.”

Ro obeyed and kneaded her breasts. Her pupils dilated with arousal and she shuddered. They devoted themself to her breasts with at least the same devotion and thoroughness as they had to her buttocks before soaping her belly. When they let one hand wander down over her pubic mound and slid between her legs, she shook her head. “Now it’s your turn.”

She rinsed off the soap foam and then Ro stood under the stream of water. Laura began soaping their back, using not only her hands to spread the shower gel, but, judging by the way it felt, her breasts as well.

“You have such a cute little bubble butt,” she purred, “I’ll have to deal with that a bit too.” And she kneaded their buttocks, just as they had done hers. After she had also washed Ro’s chest and belly, they were so hard that it hurt.

After Ro had also washed off the foam, they got out of the shower and dried themselves. Laura took Ro’s hand and led them to her room, where they sat down on the bed.

Ro caressed Laura’s thighs, which she had bent and stretched out to the side. She bent over and kissed them passionately. Ro put a hand on her hip and kissed returned the kiss. She opened her mouth and they gently probed with their tongues. Little electric jolts seemed to twitch through Ro’s entire body as the tips of their tongues touched, danced around and played with each other. Laura sighed softly.

Ro pushed her gently so that she sank backwards onto the mattress. They kissed the inside of her thighs and then her labia before spreading them slightly with their hands and letting their tongue wander up and down between them. Laura moaned and twitched briefly. Ro continued to let their tongues move slowly back and forth between the top of Laura’s vulva and her entrance until she was wet with saliva.

“That’s it,” she whispered, “make me nice and wet all over.”

They probed for her clit with their tongue, found it and began to lick it. Laura’s moans became louder and throatier. Ro reached out and groped around. Laura understood, grabbed their hands and brought them to her breasts. Licking her and kneading her breasts at the same time, Ro had her heading unerringly for an orgasm, but then she put a hand to Ro’s cheek and said, “I want to come when you’re inside me.”

Ro looked up and said, “I don’t know if…”

She smiled gently. “Let me worry about that. Kiss me.”

She sat up and Ro slid up to kiss her. She reached out a hand and slowly rubbed their cock. “Laura…”, Ro moaned. She giggled, took a condom from the drawer of her bedside cabinet and slipped it on Ro. Then she straddled them. Ro kissed her breast and let their tongue slide over her collarbones. Laura grabbed their cock again and guided it into her while she lowered her pelvis. They both moaned loudly as Ro slid into her.

Laura began to rock her pelvis back and forth and Ro grabbed her buttocks again and squeezed and kneaded them. Laura was obviously already very aroused by the oral treatment earlier, because her moans quickly increased to full-blown cries of pleasure. “Oh, Ro,” she gasped as she rocked back and forth faster and faster. “Finally.”

They took a hand from her bottom, placed it on her breast squeezed.

“They say some people like ass, others like tits,” Laura purred. “But you don’t want to commit, do you?”

“I’m nonbinary,” Ro grinned, “Not going along with either-or decisions in the first place is right up my alley.”

She laughed and gave them a wild kiss that involved a lot of tongue.

Laura’s movements became even faster and Ro could feel their glans swelling. They were sure they could not hold out much longer. Maybe Laura had noticed that too, because she slipped a hand between her legs.

Ro couldn’t see what she was doing, but was sure she was massaging her clitoris to hasten her own orgasm. A twitch went through her whole body, then another. Her eyes rolled back in their sockets and a tremor ran through her body in several waves.

The sight of Laura’s orgasm, her yips and gasps, and especially the feel of her warm wet insides tightening around Ro’s cock, was too much for them. They pulled her against them, sinking their face between her breasts and drinking in her scent, feeling her hot body so close to their own that for a moment they couldn’t have told where Ro ended and Laura began. Laura continued to ride them as she jerked all over her body and then Ro moaned loudly and felt their cock empty into the condom in several violent outpourings.

They let themselves sink back on the bed, and Laura followed, lying on top of them. She didn’t move her hips so Ro was still inside her, and so they lay still connected for a few moments. Then Laura rolled off them. Ro pulled the condom off their now flaccid cock and knotted it shut. Laura kissed them. “I’m glad you said yes.”

Ro smiled. “Me too.”

They lay on the bed for a while, Laura in Ros’ arms, enjoying each other’s presence. Suddenly they heard the front door. Laura’s eyes widened. She jumped out of bed and hastily got dressed. A moment later Ro did the same. Their hearts raced. Where had Alina been?

They went downstairs and found Alina in the kitchen, pouring herself a drink. “Alina!” called Laura joyfully. “There you are!”

Alina didn’t return the smile, but nodded with a neutral expression and said only, “Hello.”

“We were getting worried,” Ro commented, “Where have you been?”

Alina crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked at them with a stony expression. “I could ask you the same thing.”

Ro was perplexed by Alina’s behaviour. “What do you mean?”

“You know exactly what I mean.”

“No, I don’t! Alina, what did I do wrong?”

She took a deep breath. “When I got up this morning, I saw that the door of your room was open. Your bed was empty.”


“You slept at Laura’s, didn’t you?” said Alina, now a wrinkle of anger between her eyes. “Ro, we offered you to move in with us because we trusted you! And then you screw Laura the first chance you get! You may not be a man, but you’re obviously as cock-driven as all cis men!”

Ro felt a mixture of shame, anger and fear burning hot inside themself. Alina’s accusation hurt, not only because it amounted to a kind of quasi-misgendering, but especially because it happened to be true. They wanted to answer, but Laura beat them to it: “Alina, nothing happened last night. I had too much to drink, Ro walked me home and put me to bed. I tried to persuade them to have sex with me, but they refused because they didn’t want to take advantage of my intoxication and emotional state. However, I asked them to sleep in my bad because I didn’t want to be alone. We didn’t have sex last night.”

It didn’t escape Ro’s notice that Laura stressed twice that they hadn’t slept together that night, which was of course true, but still misled Alina. Her angry expression smoothed out a little. “Oh, I see,” she said, “That’s different, of course. I thought… I’m sorry I reacted that way. I should have trusted you, Ro.”

Laura visibly relaxed at these words. Before Ro could think about it, however, they blurted out, “Laura and I just had sex.”

“What?” they both exclaimed in unison.

“I knew it!” exclaimed Alina.

“Why did you tell her?”, Laura wanted to know.

Ro squirmed under the angry stares of the two. “It would have been unfair not to tell her. You saw how it upset her. And you knew about Alina and me, after all. There are no secrets now.”

“You told her about us?” groaned Alina, incredulous and angry. “What were you thinking? I told you not to!”

“Why not?” demanded Laura, who was now beginning to get angry too.

“Because I wanted to protect your feelings!” exclaimed Alina. “You haven’t been well lately and I didn’t want to hurt you.”

“You didn’t want to hurt my feelings, did you?” shouted Laura. “Well, my feelings are my responsibility! It’s not your fucking business to decide what I need to know and what I don’t. What I’m allowed to feel and what I’m not!”

“Yes it is!” roared Alina now.

“Oh yeah, and why is that?”

“Because I still care about you!” screamed Alina out. “I can’t bear to see you miserable! After we decided that we should just be friends, it tore my heart apart! And this morning when I thought you slept with Ro, I was so angry and sad, I felt like you cheated on me, Laura. I got out and walked around all day trying to figure out how I felt. I realized I still want to be with you Laura!”

She slapped her hands in front of her face and burst into sobs. Her opening broke the tension that had prevailed during their shouting match. With a few quick steps, Laura overcame the distance to her friend and embraced her. For a few moments Alina cried in Laura’s arms while Ro stood there uncomfortably.

Then Alina broke away from Laura, took her hand and said, “I think we owe you an apology, Ro.”

“For what?” they asked, completely surprised.

“For taking advantage of you,” Alina explained.

“Yes, I think we both used you to get over each other,” Laura added. “That was unfair of us. Sorry, Ro.”

“Well, I could have refused. I don’t think your accusation was entirely unfounded, Alina. I screwed you both at the first opportunity and didn’t think about the consequences.” They felt a thick lump in their throat. “You know, I’ve never been particularly happy until now. At school, most people weren’t very nice to me. I didn’t understand why at the time, but in hindsight I think they realised I was different somehow. I never felt comfortable with the whole masculinity thing, but I also didn’t know that there was an alternative to it for me. The result was that I never had many friends. Not to mention relationships. And then I meet you, and suddenly I have a home where I feel comfortable and two friends who like me, and then two beautiful women who throw themselves into my arms…” They broke off and looked down at the floor with burning eyes.

“Oh Ro…” said Laura softly.

And then a thought occurred to Ro that scared them so much that they felt as if the floor had been pulled out from under them. “What’s going to happen to me?” they murmured.

“What did you say?” asked Alina.

“What will become of me if you both…”, they broke off and made a vague hand gesture. Shame filled them as they thought of themself while Alina and Laura confessed their feelings to each other.


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“Oh Ro…”, Laura repeated, letting go of Alina’s hand, coming over to Ro and kissing them on the cheek. Then she turned around. “Alina, I have feelings for you. But also for Ro. I liked them from the beginning, and I don’t want to give up what’s between them and me.”

“What does that mean?” asked Alina.

“It means that I want to be with you, Alina. But also with Ro.” And at those words, she grabbed their hand. “Would that be all right with you?”

Ro could only nod with her throat tightened, anxiously waiting for Alina’s reaction.

“I don’t know,” she said, “I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“Me neither,” Laura replied. “But what if that’s exactly what we need? Remember why we decided not to have a relationship?”

Alina nodded. “Somehow things were never in the right balance between us.”

“Exactly,” Laura agreed. “What if Ro can provide that balance? What if they are exactly what our relationship needs? Think about it: a stool can’t stand on two legs, but with three it’s stable.”

“Then our relationship is a stool?” asked Alina, amused, but still looking indecisive.

“I want to be with you two too!” gushed Ro. “I like you a lot, Laura. But Alina, I like you too. Not just sex with you, I like being with you.”

“I don’t know,” Alina repeated.

“Oh, please!” exclaimed Laura. “Let’s give it a try! It was a bit of a bumpy start, but look at how good it’s done us all to be honest with each other. If we can manage to keep that up, we’ll make a great throuple!”

“A throuple?” asked Alina.

“You know. A couple, but with three people.”

Alina seemed to waver for another moment, but then she smiled broadly and came over to the two of them. “All right, then. Let’s try it.”

She wrapped them both in her arms, and so they stood there in a tight embrace, the three of them, full of joy and excitement about what the future held for them.


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