House Slut in the Bahamas – part 6: Equipe de tag by phenylalanine

House Slut in the Bahamas – part 6: Equipe de tag by phenylalanine

Tegan and Sarah get a taste of France as the social mixer heats up , At the indoor bar Sally grabbed herself a drink and Tegan grabbed two, assuming Jennifer would appreciate a refill.

“Rose and Jake huh.” Sally observed.

“Yeah, she said she…” Tegan caught herself before she repeated exactly what Jennifer had intimated to her “…was pretty into him.”

“So you more into Hugo or Alex?” Sally asked, confirming that she’d reached the same conclusion as Tegan, and more importantly, was ready to pair off with one of them.

“I don’t know anything about them.” Tegan mused.

“So?” Sally asked, seemingly reflexively, then paused. “You’re not really used to the casual hookup thing are you?”

Tegan hesitated. That was a loaded question. Nearly all of her encounters in the last few months had been casual, or with anonymous strangers. But she typically wound up just doing whatever she was expected to, or enduring what was being done to her. She hadn’t really had to make a lot of decisions.

“It’s more that I’m not used to having to choose.” Tegan capitulated, then glanced over Sally’s more athletic, toned, tanned body in all it’s glory, with her perky incandescently pale torpedoes jutting from her chest. “Besides, they might not even be into me.”

“Violet. Vi. Veevee.” Sally put a hand on her shoulder. “I don’t know what your dating scene is like back home but here and now? One of those dudes will stick it in you. I promise.”

“Do you have a preference?” Tegan asked, trying to buy time as she mulled it over.

“Nope.” Sally took a sip of her drink waiting for Tegan to answer. When she didn’t, Sally continued. “Look if you don’t want either I’ll go be the meat in their baguette sandwich. I’m just trying to give you a chance.”

Sally picked up a cardboard coaster from the bar and held it up.

“Heads, Hugo. Tails, Alex.” Sally showed her the label side then the blank side. “Call it in the air.” Sally flipped the coaster off her thumb like a giant coin.

“Heads.” Tegan replied without thinking, then realised what she’d done.

“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Sally said as the coaster tumbled off somewhere, never having intended to catch it. “You get Hugo.”

“Shit.” Tegan conceded.

“Good girl.” Sally gave her another friendly pat on the shoulder then they returned to the beach.


Back on the beach Alex and Hugo were leaning on an improvised beach table watching as Jake and Jennifer vaguely swayed to the music together, Jake blatantly rubbing his half-chub against Jennifer’s bare ass, occasionally kissing her neck. The brothers acknowledged the return of the two not yet spoken for women as they set down their cocktails.

“She’s cute.” Sally observed. “You boys jealous?”

“Oui.” Hugo admitted, unabashed by Sally’s challenge. “I too would like to be dancing with a cute girl. Unfortunately… it seems she is spoken for. At least for now.”

“Shame there are no other cute naked single girls around.” Tegan shook her head sadly.

“Yes. Unless…” Alex turned to Sally and gestured to her with a thoughtful expression.

“Sorry, I don’t know anyone.” Sally clicked her tongue apologetically then took abruptly took Tegan by the hips and pulled her into a kiss. Surprised, but happy to go with the flow, Tegan put her hands on Sally’s shoulders and reciprocated the kiss as Sally grabbed and squeezed her ass. Their tongues began to explore each others’ mouths and they went on with their performance uninterrupted for what seemed like a minute or two before Sally finally released her then turned back to the table, casually picking up her drink. Tegan, slightly more flustered, tried to mimic Sally’s cool demeanour despite her flushed cheeks and erect nipples. She casually glanced down and was unsurprised to see that thanks to their performance Hugo was already sporting a full erection.

“Can you guys beat that?” Sally asked, looking pointedly at Alex as she gave her drink’s straw a vigorous suck.

“Why don’t we go somewhere private and find out.” Alex suggested.


Further along the beach, on the fringes of the perimeter of the party area, where some small pavilions that presumably were set up intentionally for partygoers to get some space and seclusion from the crowd. There were pool lounges set up like makeshift beds, with huge beach towels piled in the corners and strewn on the floor presumably as a barrier against the sand, though there was no stopping sand getting wherever it pleased.

As soon as Hugo swept closed the flaps of the pavilion behind them, Sally dropped to her knees in front of Alex, sweeping down his boxers in the same movement. Mystique aside, there was nothing remarkable about his cock, particularly with his brother as direct comparison having been swinging freely for some time already. Not that Sally really seemed to care, as she eagerly took him in her hands and began to use her mouth to get him warmed up.

Opposite them, Hugo looked expectantly at Tegan and she gave him a shy smirk as she slowly sank to her knees as well and Hugo sat on the end of the lounger with his thighs apart and cock pointing skyward, inviting her to commence.

As she nestled between his legs she saw Alex sit on the adjacent lounger, Sally quickly retaking her position, her blonde head bobbing in his lap as he let out a sigh of satisfaction. Tegan took Hugo’s erection in her hands, gently caressing it as she took the tip in her mouth and began to gently bathe him with her tongue, gently easing back his foreskin with her wet mouth before taking more of his length. He tasted vaguely of sweat, or maybe it was seawater. She used her hand to follow her mouth as she slowly worked his hardening shaft, taking a more leisurely approach to Sally’s more frantic effort beside her. Hugo placed his hand on the back of her head, trying to guide her to a more urgent pace and taking him deeper and while she wanted to spite his continued presumption, she was nonetheless happy to oblige as he tickled her tonsils.

After a few minutes of tandem fellatio, Hugo took Tegan by the shoulders and switched places with her, pushing her back onto the lounger. Thrown into a prone position her legs parted almost out of trained reflex as she anticipated him mounting her, but was surprised when he instead dove between her thighs face first, reciprocating the oral ministrations. He lapped eagerly at her slit, quickly finding her clit with his tongue and plunging a finger inside her wet hole. Tegan arched her back in pleasure, a quiver running through her and she placed a hand on the back of his head, gripping his curly dark hair with her slim pale fingers as a breathy moan of pleasure escaped her. She realised that the thin cloth walls of the pavilion were not going to block any noise she made, but at this point the whole party could come in and watch for all she cared.

Next to her Alex had thrown Sally down on all fours and was orally attacking her from behind. From Tegan’s angle it wasn’t clear if he was eating her pussy or her ass. Either way, Sally seemed to be enjoying herself. After a few minutes of oral sex, by some unspoken fraternal bond, it seemed like Hugo and Alex had finally had enough foreplay. No objection from Tegan as Hugo climbed on top of her and pushed his fat cock inside her, she clung to his shoulders and hooked her knees over his hips as he drove himself in and then began to piston in and out with a powerful, deliberate rhythm. She looked over and made eye contact with Sally, who was grinning a wicked grin as Alex held her by the hips and pummelled her hard from behind.


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