New Beginnings – Part 1 – The Aftermath by NCfan

New Beginnings – Part 1 – The Aftermath by NCfan

This narrative is the initial part of a trilogy. It focuses on the struggles of individuals and groups, who ally or battle each other for survival. The protagonist, William Stevenson, embarks on a weary climb up a hill, crossing the ravaged terrain of his former home in western Massachusetts. His backpack contains canned food, sterilized water, and his dependable Weatherby.

He also has a few handguns he found in an abandoned sports shop. Most places he visited were empty. Known as Will to himself and Billy to his father, they were hunting in the Green Mountains, bordering Massachusetts, when disaster struck. They witnessed the shock waves and the ominous sky glow signaling Boston’s demise. Their radio informed them that World War III had finally erupted, a result of escalating tensions during the 2040s and early 50s. “The bastards have finally done it,” his father had commented. For several weeks, it was just them, surviving off the land.

His father tried to impart any survival skills he might have overlooked during their years of hunting and living mostly off-grid. After the death of Will’s mother, he and his father increasingly distanced themselves from a society that Mr. Stevenson deemed a misuse of God’s creation. Will was taken out of school at a relatively young age. He was neither unintelligent nor slow, being sharp-minded and adept at learning new tasks. However, he struggled with reading and writing. His father decided that a life in the countryside, away from societal judgment, would be more beneficial for him.

Then one morning just a week ago Will’s father had said to him over breakfast,

“Son, this may be wrong of me and unfair to you, but I can’t go on like this. I’m getting older, and I’ll slow you down. You’re best chance to go on is to move around, look out for yourself, only yourself.”

“What do you mean? You can’t stay here alone.”

“My time is done. I’d, I’d like to be with your mother.” Will caught on quickly,

“Dad, you can’t. I can’t be alone. What will I do?”

“You’ll do what I’ve taught you. You’ll survive. The world isn’t for city dwellers and soft people anymore. It’s your world. Be good to those who deserve it, but remember, the old ways are done. Defend yourself. Now, I gotta go.”

Will hugged his father. Then he sat and waited. He heard the gunshot. And waited a bit longer. Then he got the shovel from his pack and found a piece of clean land beneath a dying tree and dug a grave. When he had finished his last chore for his father Will sat and took stock of his situation. He was 5-10, solidly built from an outdoor life. He was also 17 and on his own in an unsure world with unknown troubles waiting. He decided that he would attempt to make it and if worse came to worse he had his rifle.

He decided he’d keep to the high country on the western slope, which seemed less affected. He could avoid what was left of civilization other than times he might go into a town for supplies. It was a plan at least. He’d followed that plan for the next few days, visiting a small deserted community for food and additional weapons and ammunition. Now he was back up in the higher elevations. There was still game for food, he was an excellent shot so that wasn’t a concern. To this point he’d seen no other people. Then as he came to a clearing he saw a small group trudging along a path. Three men and three women. They didn’t look dangerous and information could be valuable. Will walked out of the woods and called to them, his rifle held across his body. One of the men held up a hand gun. No match at this distance for his Weatherby. Also, the man didn’t look very comfortable holding the gun.

“You stop right there. These are our women and we’ll protect them.” Will held up his hands.

“I’m not lookin’ to take anything. Maybe get info if ya heard anything?”

“What we heard is we’re all fucked. Millions dead. All over.”

“Any safe places?”

“Kid, the only safe place is at the end of your rifle there.” One of the women spoke quietly to her group, then to Will.

“Well we did hear there was people moving south. The higher mountains in West Virginia maybe. Are you a good hunter?” The man shushed her.

“Don’t be inviting people along. We got little enough.”

“I just thought. If he can hunt, maybe.” The man looked from the woman to Will.

“I think she’s offering to fuck you if you give her a meal.” Now Will didn’t know the first thing about fucking. Sure he knew it’s what animals did and people did, but he’d never been alone with a woman.

“I have some food left over from last night. But nobody needs to pay or anything.” Now the group of six were looking around at each other. Apparently they hadn’t had a good meal in days. They waved Will over towards them. The one who seemed to be their leader suggested,

“Maybe you want to walk with us aways. Safety in numbers?” Will thought that he was probbaly safer alone. But a little company over a meal would be a change.

“I think I’d rather go it alone, no offense. But I can share some venison. If you start a fire.” They pretty much stared at him. He realized they were really out of their element. Will set down his pack and showed them how to start a fire. He also suggested, “You should just take some things in the next town. Matches, cans of food, a can opener.”

“Kid, towns aren’t safe for groups with women. Lots of men out there who will kill to take your women. That’s why we held you off.”

“Just so you know, from where I was I could have shot you through the head before you could have hit me.”

“You getting wise with me?” Will realized he shouldn’t push the leader of the group.

“No sorry, just sayin’ rifles have a longer range.” Will made coffee and cooked some food. As they were finishing the woman who had been talking earlier moved over by Will.

“Thanks for the food. And the advice. Aren’t you lonely out here? I’m Rachel.”

“I’m Will. Nice to meet you. I’m ok on my own.” Rachel sat closer to Will, then whispered so just he could hear,

“My man Greg”, she said nodding towards the group leader, “says I can give you a thank you. If you want. We just can’t fuck cause I’m his.”

“Why are you his? You married or something.”

“More like, or something. It’s a dangerous world now for women. We’ve heard groups of men are taking young women and using them.”

“Using them? Oh.”

“Yes. You’re so…innocent for someone on your own out here in a dangerous world with just your rifle.” Now Will was trembling a little as this woman sat next to him. She touched his arm which send shivers through his body and oddly, right to his cock. He’d rubbed his cock at night and seen the cum shoot out, but he’d never gotten that feeling sitting next to someone. “Come on, let’s take a little walk for privacy.

Will picked up his rifle and followed Rachel. When they were out of sight of the others, they sat on the ground. Rachel touched his smooth face.

“Oh god, I might be old enough to be your mother. But these are different times.” Rachel opened Will’s jeans. She found a hard cock in need of attention. “Nice.” Will gasped when she place his cock between her lips and began bobbing her head on it, licking it and stroking with her hand. He was surprised by the feelings from his first sexual contact,

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