Anger – For lack of a better title for now by Mystress_Carlie

Michael returned to the truck. He knew Silk would recognize the bag so he tossed it the bed. When he climbed in, he noticed Silk looked terrified.

Suddenly there was a thump in the back of the truck. She jumped against the door sure that Jon had followed then and was going to get her. Then the driver’s door opened and Michael jumped in. Relief flooded Silk and it showed on her face as she relaxed.

Michael would have laughed but Silk looked so scared. “What is your problem?” He asked.

“Nothing,” she mumbled, “You just startled me.”

Silk let it drop, but Michael knew that look. She was terrified. Knowing what she had been through that night, he let it ride for now. She would tell him later. He would make sure of if.

They drove over to Silk’s apartment in silence once again. When they pulled into the parking lot, Silk opened her purse to find her keys. Michael stopped the truck and shut it off.

Silk started to tell him that he didn’t need to see her in, but Michael cut her off, “Your barefoot remember.”

Having forgotten momentarily, Silk looked down at her feet and then back at Michael, “Oh,” was all she said.

“I’ll carry you in,” He said and got out of the truck and pocketed his keys.

He grabbed the bag out of the back of the truck and went around to Silk’s side. He sat the bag on the toolbox and opened her door. She turned to him wondering how he was going to carry her. She hadn’t noticed the bag.

“Stand on the running board and I’ll lift you over my shoulder so your cloak will stay in place. Wouldn’t want to flash your neighbors,” He laughed.

Silk did as he asked and once her cloak was in place, Michael hoisted her over his shoulder. He shut the door and turned to grab the bag. Silk finally noticed he had her duffle bag.

“Why do you have that bag Michael,” she asked dumbly.

Michael finally laughed, “You owe me big time little one and tonight you will pay.”

Pay, Silk thought. How? She felt like she had jumped for the frying pan straight into the fire for a moment.

Michael entered the covered area that led to Silk’s door and Silk began to struggle begging to be put down. She reminded Michael that there was carpet so she could walk. Michael swatted her ass with his free hand.

“Stop,” He ordered. She ceased all movement, “Give me your keys.”

She handed him her keys, which she still held in her hand. Michael took them and opened the door while balancing her one his shoulder and the bag in his other hand. Once in side, he shut the door and locked it, then sat the bag over the couch. Finally hands free, he sat her down on her feet. Silk looked at him as he removed her cloak and laid it over the back of the couch.

Once the cloak was off, Michael studied her for a moment, taking in the marks on her neck and the bruise on her face. He could kill Jon for this. Then he was reminded that she went out with Jon of her own free will. This thought hardened Michael once again.

Before she could argue he ordered, “Shower now.”

She started to argue anyway then remember what had just happened to her. She did want a shower. She wanted to scrub her self and remove any traces of Jon and her evening. With this in mind, she turned to obey. She stopped at the closet to grab some fresh towels.

Michael noticed her collar in the bar and walked over to it. He picked it up and fingered it feeling his heart tear just a little at the sight of it thrown down. He looked up and saw her watching him at the linen closet. They starred at each other for a moment. Finally he tossed her the collar and said, “Have it on when you come out.”

Silk caught it, but she still wanted to fight with him, “And if I don’t,” She challenged.

Michael sighed, “This is not a matter of your will. Only mine matters tonight. You will do as I say. As I said, you owe me big time. You are going to pay the piper tonight with that sweet little body of yours.” At her shocked look Michael added just to rub it in, “This will not be like rape either, you will simply submit to me.”

She starred at him for a moment more and Michael took a step towards her, “Now get in the shower or else. Don’t make me come help you, I don’t really feel like getting wet,” He told her and took another step.

Silk ran into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. She leaned against it and wondered at what he had just said. Would he really make her submit to him tonight? After all they had said to each other, she was surprised. She thought on this as she took her shower. By the time she was finished, she was ready to face him again. She got out and toweled herself off then gave her hair a good scrubbing with the towel to dry it. Then she gave it a good shake to be sure the water was out as much as possible.

As she buckled her collar into place, she thought to herself, yes she would submit to him. She knew she could trust him and that he would not hurt her. She was also feeling pretty horny and knew that Michael would and could satisfy her. Finally she resigned her self and opened the door.

While she was in the shower Michael grabbed the bag and went to her room. Once there he laid out a few things he knew he would need on her dresser then sat the bag on the floor by the end of the bed. He then sat in her desk chair and turned to face the bathroom noticing that she had put the arms back on the chair. They had removed them one night so they could have sex in the chair. He wondered if he would have to go get her or would she come out on her own. Just as he decided to yell for her, the door opened and she stepped out naked. Michael’s eyes flew to her neck and he was pleased to see His collar once again around her neck.

She stood there for a moment and then Michael motioned her closer. She came closer and stood before him. He looked up at her and she felt like she was being studied.

Michael looked up at her and saw the marks that Jon had put on his property. This pissed him off greatly and he thought that he had let Jon off lightly. His eyes traveled up to her eyes and he saw lust in them. Really, Michael thought and cocked his eyebrow, she wanted him as bad as he wanted her.

“Kneel slave,” He finally barked.

Silk jumped to do his bidding and dropped smoothly to her knees. Once there she dropped her eyes to the carpet.

Michael noticed he was over dressed and remedied that fact as he pushed back from her to remove his shoes and socks. Next as he pulled the chair back up next to her, he removed his shirt. Leaving his pants for her to removed he fished in his pocket for the leash he always kept there.

Once clear of his pocket, he reached for her neck and snapped the clip to her d-ring. He gathered the slack in his hand and tugged on it to pull her up to his lap. When she was over his lap, he asked in a gentle voice, “Are you going to submit to me little one?”

In a clear voice Silk said, “Yes Master.” Michael didn’t know that his gentle voice was her total undoing.

Michael reached back behind him and grabbed her wrist cuffs off the dresser and turned back to her. She lifted her hands and allowed him to place them on her wrists. Next he reached back and grabbed the leather bat, which he sat on the bed so he could reach it. It resembled a large leather slapper only it was solid. Oh how Silk hated that thing. It hurt more then the flogger or the riding crop because it had a thud to it when it struck flesh. The other two just stung. Silk prayed he would not use it too much.

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