Anger – For lack of a better title for now by Mystress_Carlie

Michael knew she hated the bat, which was why he chose it to use. He gave a jerk on the leash to reclaim her attention, “Remove my jeans,” he ordered.

Silk reached up to pull his jeans off and Michael lifted his ass to help her by lifting himself on the arms of the chair. Once the jeans where clear of his hips and ass Michael dropped back down and aided her in getting his jeans down his legs and off. Silk then folded them up and laid them next to the desk. She then returned her attention to Michael. His desire was evident as he pulled her up into his lap again.

“Hands behind your back,” He told her as he turned her collar around so he could use the leash to clip her cuffs together. When they were clipped, he grabbed a handful of ebony hair and pulled her directly over his erection. Knowing she hated to suck him without aid of her hands, he said, “Suck me slave,” and pushed her mouth down.

Silk took him in her mouth and sucked him for all she was worth, trying to please him. She hated to do this without her hands, but tried to make the most of it. She was glad that Michael held her hair and head to help her. She really tried hard to please him.

Michael watched her; he loved it when she went down on him. Liked the way it looked, the way it felt and the way she sucked on his cock like a pacifier. He held her hair in his hands to help her but soon he was holding her head also. She had worked him all the way down her throat and this caused him to groan deeply.

“Oh Slave, you are so good at that. Would you like a reward?” Michael asked her.

Silk moaned a yes and Michael thought for a moment about cumming in her mouth but knew he wanted to fuck her too. Then he thought that he could just cum in her mouth then tease her until he was hard again, but couldn’t decide. Finally with the decision made, he grabbed her head and helped her to suck faster.

“Would you like me to cum in your hot little mouth slave,” he asked a little out of breath.

Silk whimpered a yes and applied more suction.

After about ten more strokes he shot in her mouth. When the first wave hit him, he pushed her head down till he was gagging her. He felt her try to push back but didn’t allow her to until his last shots where done. He then let go of her totally.

Silk fell back away from Michael when he let go. She swallowed without thinking and tried to keep from choking on it. She glanced up at Michael and saw him watching her so she quickly dropped her eyes to the floor again. She knelt there, eyes down waiting for his next order.

Michael watched her swallow. It turned him on when she swallowed his cum without him ordering her to do it. Sometimes he would have her hold it in her mouth to play with for his amusement but if he didn’t say anything then she would swallow. She swallowed like it was a gift or something and Michael really liked that about her.

Deciding what to do next, he turned and began to remove the arms on the chair again. They were put on with a simple bolt and nut so it was nothing for Michael to remove them. Once off, he tossed them to the side. He then grabbed her by her hair again and pulled her over his lap face down. He then reached back and grabbed the leather bat.

Silk didn’t see him actually grab the bat, but instinctively knew what he was doing. She started to struggle and tried to cover her ass with her hands. She knew what was coming and dreaded it greatly.

Michael laughed at her struggles as he slapped her ass just under where her hands could reach. He used enough force to get her attention but not enough to really hurt her. Once again he slapped her ass and this time he made sure he got the tips of her fingers too.

“Move those hands slave or else,” He laughed when she jerked.

Silk kept her hands in place, “Please Master, not with the bat. It hurts.”

Slapping her open palms this time, he laughed, “I know, now move them, last warning.”

Silk jerked her hands up her back where they belonged but continued to struggle with him. Michael held her in place with his free hand but after a few more swats she kept fighting him so he let go and she fell to the floor. She caught herself on her knees.

Silk jerked her head up to look at him and was greeted with a big smile. She gritted her teeth against the pain her behind and glared at him.

Michael threw back his head and laughed at her. Once he recovered he grabbed her arm and stood up pulling her to her feet also. “Since you wish to fight me, we’ll continue this on the bed,” he told her as he pushed her face down on the bed.

Silk tried to fight his again by rolling over on to her back and trying to scoot away. With her arms pinned behind her back it made it hard and Michael caught her easily. He grabbed her ankle and turned her back over. Silk continued to struggle until he had finally had enough.

“Enough slave,” Michael, barked. He swatted her ass again with the bat, a little harder this time. “You earned this and you will bear it like a good slave. Now stop fighting me or it will be worse.”

Silk froze and gave up her struggling when Michael spoke. When he said that she would bear it, it was on the tip of her tongue to yell her safe word, but she knew that would be the chicken shit way out. After what seemed like minutes Silk decided she would take it. She just didn’t have to like it. With this decided, she relaxed her tense body. This showed Michael she was ready to behave.

Michael watched her weigh his words carefully and even half expected her to yell red and stop everything. Then she relaxed her body and Michael felt a shift in her. Testing the waters he asked, “Are you ready to submit for real this time?”

“Yes Master,” She answered in a ragged voice.

Michael liked her when she got like this. He knew she had resigned herself and could now just about take all he was willing to give. With his present mood however that was dangerous. He could really dish out a lot in this mood. Stepping back for a moment he told himself to go easy and be careful. He didn’t want to hurt her. He almost thought about ending it now, but then he remembered everything else.

He swatted her ass again, “Then kneel up on the bed.”

Silk did as ordered and once she was up, she turned to look at him again. He swatted her ass again and caught the tips of her fingers once again. She had them too low and jerked them up her back again.

Laughing at her, he said, “Get those hands out of the way,” then swatted her again, this time low enough to catch her thighs.

Silk jumped at the last swat but remained in place. She gritted her teeth and steeled herself.

Noting the look of determination on her face, Michael surprised her and swatted her pussy. Not hard like he did her ass, just enough to get her attention. He then turned and grabbed something else off the dresser.

The swat on her pussy stung but it did more then that. It renewed her lust for Michael. It also caused her to get really wet.

Michael hadn’t noticed yet her wetness as he showed her what he had grabbed. Showing her the nipple clamps he then used the bat and slapped her nipples then clamped them on to her hardened nipples. Silk moaned a low moan and Michael’s attention was brought to between her legs. He could see the wetness forming there so he reached out a finger and slid it between her lips. He grazed her clit when he did this and it caused Silk to hiss a labored breath.

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