Birthday with the Bikers by Konokoz D.

“Yeah, not gigglin’ now, are ya bitch!” He laughed and slapped my ass with his huge palm. I sure wasn’t laughing. I was sweating hard, my breathing was fast, and my asshole was getting a good breaking in from his mammoth cock.

“Tank…” I kept mewing his name. I had never had my asshole stretched this much before, and it was grueling, but I didn’t want him to stop. His fat cock head kept pressing hard against my prostate like an elevator button, and it was making me scream, moan, and groan uncontrollably like a mad man.

“Yeah, take my cock you 5th Street Jackal Bitch.” Tank growled angrily at me and snatched my hair.

While he was fucking me, people would still pass by and yell into the room at the men.

“What’s up, Tank!” A group of men came to the door. “Who you fuckin’ this time?”

Tank didn’t respond or stop fucking me, instead he yanked me back by my vest, revealing it to the men. I was now sitting up on my knees and he was fucking me up at such a good angle. My stiff cock flopped up and down shamelessly, as our spectators hooted and hollered and congratulated Tank on his trophy. I wondered if they were gonna join too, but they all left. Tank pushed my head back into the blanket and crouched over me, his whole frame eclipsing mine.

He wrapped his forearm around my neck and flexed, cutting off my airway then he started back his powerful thrusting. I gasped and hiccupped as he fucked me and the feeling of being choked while his cock rubbed incessantly against my sweet spot and heavy balls slapped against my sensitive asshole was indescribably amazing. My head was tingly and the slow feeling of passing out was starting to hit me. When Tank sensed me starting to go limp, he’d let go and let me suck in air for a second then he did it again and again. He grinded his hips into my ass and his cock churned up my insides. It was so overwhelming and my dick was pouring out precum.

“You like gettin’ choked out, you little fucker?” He flexed his arm harder. I could only gasp.

As my vision was starting to get blurry again, he suddenly let go and pulled out of me, leaving my asshole so empty and loose. He told me to get on his cock and ride him, so I positioned myself on him and tried to lower down slowly so I could catch a breath, but he grabbed my hips and thrusted up into me, and I loudly cried out.

“You thought I was gonna let you take a break?” He laughed, “Nu-uh, you’re gettin’ all this thick cock up in you.” He thrusted into me angrily and ruthlessly.

Now I wasn’t a big guy, but I wasn’t no tiny little twink either, but Tank’s thrusts were powerful enough to toss me around like a ragdoll. My head was already dizzy and him bouncing me around made it worse. He grabbed me roughly by my neck and pulled me down and gave me a harsh slap to my face. I whimpered and groaned as his big dick stretched my asshole walls, and wrecked my prostate even more. It felt like I was being impaled on his cock, but it felt insanely good and I was crying from both feelings.

“Ah fuck! It hurts! Please, please…don’t stop! Fuck! Fuck!” I kept screaming and screaming, fueling him to go faster and harder. “Oh god daddy!” I sniveled and dug my nails into his chest. “Fuck! I can’t take it anymore!”

“Yeah, keep cryin’ and callin’ me daddy, you little slutty fuck.” He snarled and hawked a warm glob of spit in my face and rubbed it in.

“Daddy!” I cried out pitifully. “Fuck me daddy!”

“Your daddy know you’re out here callin’ other men daddy?” He smiled and grabbed my ass and slammed me harder.

I just whimpered more and shook my head. I felt like I was gonna cum in seconds.

He laughed at me. “You slutty piece of 5th Street shit. Who’s your daddy now, bitch?”

“You are.” I answered breathlessly.

“Say it right!” He took a hard grip on my jaw.

“You’re my daddy now, Tank! You’re my daddy!” I panted like a dog in his face and he hawked out another glob of spit in my mouth, made me swallow it, and then pushed my face away. I wailed as my orgasm started to quickly swell up from my asshole, and the base of my cock was starting to tingle. “Oh god daddy! Oh fuck! Keep poundin’ me! I’m gonna cum on your cock!”

“Shit!” He groaned. “I’m about to cum in your ass, you nasty bitch!”

He grabbed my hips and violently started pounding away at my asshole, making me clinch up on his cock. I let out a mad, guttural grunt and cum gushed out of my cock and all over his abdomen. I watched his abdomen contract hard and he grunted like a beast then I felt the hot flood of his cum release in my asshole. He kept roughly pressing himself into my ass and my body couldn’t stop convulsing while my cock continued to release itself all over Tank. When I finally was able to catch my full breath, I looked down at Tank who looked equally out of breath and relieved.

Then everything went black.

I woke up with the most splitting headache I had ever had in my life. It was quiet and dark all except for the slithers of sun peeking through the curtains which was still too much for my god awful headache. For a moment, I had no idea where I was then I remembered when I looked down at my body and realized that I was naked except for my vest. My whole body was excruciatingly sore and felt like it had been ran over. I groaned in pain as I slowly tried to move, but something heavy had me pinned to the bed – it was an arm. I painfully turned around to see who the arm was connected to and saw it was Tank’s arm. He was lying next to me, staring at me, with one sleepy eye half way open.

“Hm..hello.” I groaned awkwardly.

“Hey.” He said coolly. “How you feelin’? Couldn’t handle the shots, huh?”

“No,” I grabbed my head. “I feel pretty shitty, and I can’t move. What happened last night? I don’t remember anything.”

“We fucked.” He stated plainly.

I snorted, “Yeah, I remember that part. I don’t think I could ever forget that. I mean after that.”

He smirked and reached over me to grab his cigarettes off the nightstand. “Well after we fucked, you passed out.” He said then lit his cigarette and dragged on it. The smoke was not helping my nausea, and his deep voice was ringing in my ears. “Then I wanted another go at you, so I fucked you while you were sleepin’, but you woke up, ran outside, and threw up on the breezeway, then passed out for the rest of the night.”

“Oh,” I covered my face in embarrassment. “Sorry about all that.”

“You’re fine. I had fun, I wasn’t expectin’ to bring someone back to the hotel with me while I was in town.” He smiled. “I definitely didn’t think it would be Big Dawg’s boy either.”

“Ugh, why do you keep mentioning my dad so much?” I grimaced in annoyance. “Damn, I mean I know ya’ll don’t like our club too much but geez stop talking about him so much.”

“Well I don’t think I could ever forget the guy who pulled a knife on me.”

I gave him a questioning look then it starting clicking. “Oh shit. That was you? You’re the Road Captain my dad got into that fight with?”

“Yep.” He raised his eyebrow at me. “You didn’t know this whole time?”

“No.” I said, feeling stupid.

“Oh, you’re kinda slow, aren’t ya?” He said and dragged on his cigarette more. “Yeah, I was pretty pissed about all that shit for a while, and I thought about gettin’ back at him, but I’m over all that now. Its water under the bridge.”


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