Confessions of a Slave Girl Pt 04 by Psyche90

Confessions of a Slave Girl Pt 04 by Psyche90..,

I wasnt too happy with how part 4 came out so i went through and edited it, changing some things, bringing it closer to what I wanted. I much prefer this version. it doesnt feel as rushed and feels more in tone with the rest of the story. So this is what I now consider the canon Part 4, enjoy.

Ali slept very well that night, having all sorts of pleasantly naughty dreams. She didn’t know what Kat looked like, but she knew the figure who appeared in her dream was her. She was a tall figure whose face was hard for her to really focus on but whose hair draped down from her head in tangles that caught at Ali, pleasantly at first, like a gentle embrace. Then as it fell on her shoulders, her arms, her legs and her stomach they started tightening around her, constricting her. She saw her Mistress smile, “Ready for more, pet?” She whispered as the pressure rushed through her as warmth that started burning through her. When she shot up from the bed she felt like she’d been touching herself, though she didn’t seem to have been. Her hand soon saw to it though. She closed her eyes, trying to keep the image vivid in her mind and found herself cumming in record time as the dream had already done most of the work.

Her eyes glanced at the alarm clock to tell her it was six am. Early enough that she’d feel terrible later if she didn’t get more sleep, but… she figured she wasn’t going to get much more sleep anyway. Swinging her legs out from the bed and into a pair of slippers she found her way to the computer, a part of her wishing desperately to see Kat online, which of course she wasn’t. The last messages she’d sent were a series of instructional videos, with almost a full review written for each. Mistress Kat had to be intimately familiar with these videos herself, it had everything but a star rating from the older domme. Ali took a deep breath, realizing she’d been holding it since the moment she made her way to the computer. She clicked the links and started going through them. She watched each one once, getting a sense for the style and technique. Then she went back to the first video, skipped the intro and went through it again, doing the same with the second video pausing and paying attention to how the ties looked, wanting to make sure she would do it right.

Truthfully, Ali was a bit nervous, she felt she would like shibari but she was unsure of her own skills for it and so she wanted to go over the videos with a fine toothed comb. Once she finally finished and looked up she realized it was already almost ten. The adult store would be opening soon and she needed to get that rope as soon as possible to follow Mistress Kat’s instructions. It didn’t even occur to her that only a month ago she had told the woman she wasn’t looking for any sort of long distance relationship, and now she was following the woman’s every order to a “T”.

Getting up from the computer chair she kicked off her slippers and slipped out of her bathrobe, walking naked to her bathroom and jumping in the shower. Stepping under the nice hot water Ali let out a soft sigh, her eyes fluttering closed as she felt the water run down her nude body. Her cunt felt hot from the use she had put it through both yesterday and just that morning, there was a pleasant ache emanating from it and her hand slid down to it again, rubbing it gently. Not looking to start anything but not opposing if something should happen. She felt the water mingle with her juices, not allowing her hand to grow sticky. Idly, without really thinking Ali brought her hand up to her mouth and slowly sucked a finger into her mouth, tasting herself for the first time. A soft hum of pleasure escaped her lips. It tasted…she wasn’t quite sure. The closest she could describe was maybe…salted caramel, but she wasn’t sure that taste fully described it, but it was the closest she could come.

One by one she placed each finger into her mouth, swirling her tongue around each digit, slurping and sucking as much of the juices off as she could. Ali didn’t cum again while she was in the shower. Stepping out of the shower she took a towel to wrap up her hair and another towel to wrap around her body. She padded back into her room, drying off her body as she went, knowing Mistress Kat would want to check in with her soon to make sure her instructions were being followed. Walking back to her computer she saw that there was indeed a message from the woman. “Pet have you followed my instructions?”

Reaching out the young woman typed her response. “Not yet Mistress Kat, the store just opened and I need to get dressed before heading out.”

“Remember pet, no bra or underwear.”

“Yes Mistress.”

“And I want you to wear a very short, billowy skirt as well as a tight button up shirt.”

Ali could feel her heart thumping in her chest as she read the last part. She had known she would not be able to wear underwear but thought maybe she could get away with jeans and a loose shirt that would make it harder to see what would be going on but it seemed Kat had other plans for her. Swallowing hard she typed out. “Yes Mistress Kat.”

“Purr~ Good girl, now get dressed and get going, your instructions were to wear the harness and rope all day.”

Ali made her goodbyes and signed out before quickly getting dressed as Mistress Kat had instructed, putting on a short black skirt that didn’t even reach mid thigh and billowed and swirled around her, Ali knew that an errant breeze would kick it up. She bit her lip sensually as she imagined it, feeling her nether-regions grow increasingly warm. Next she put a dark green button up shirt on. Her breasts were not large, fitting perfectly with her petite frame, even still they almost seemed to make the fabric of the shirt stretch around them.

Once dressed Ali exited the apartment and walked to her car, one hand on the skirt hoping the wind wouldn’t blow it up. The adult toy shop she went to wasn’t far, only a ten minute drive from her home and traffic was light so she got there in what felt like no time. Parking her car she got out and paused at the entrance, taking a few deep breaths before opening the door and stepping inside.

A woman, taller than Ali by almost a foot looked up from behind the counter. Her eyes gave the young red head the once over, a sly smirk crossing her lips. It was obvious she was older than Ali, in her mid thirties at least, there was a sort of mature, almost matronly look about her, though her body looked very good, curvy and much more buxom than Ali could ever hope to be. She wore her brunette hair up in a bun and her long sleeved shirt seemed to flow around her as she moved, the plunging neckline bringing immediate attention not just to her ample cleavage but to the necklace she sported, two cuffs locked around a feminine symbol. Of course Ali had seen her before but she had been in such a hurry those times she had never really stopped and…appreciated her. “Oh, its you again,” the clerk said with a smile. As she began moving out from around the counter she said. “Im Kim, by the way, I don’t know that we’ve been actually introduced.”

She held out her hand to Ali, clearly expecting her own introduction and after a moment of awkward silence as Ali tried to grasp for words she asked. “So was the wand just as magical as I said it would be?”

Finally Ali found her voice. “ALI!” She almost screamed before clearing her throat and saying much more quietly. “I…I mean that’s my name, its Ali and umm…yes the…the…it worked very well.”

Kim almost giggled at the outburst but managed to keep it at a knowing smile. She didn’t want to embarrass the girl further. Granted, she’d shown up wearing no underwear and seemed the type who would want to be humiliated. But Kim could tell that she was already close to her limit for embarrassment. Knowing that line, knowing when to cross it or push it, and importantly, when not to. That was Kim’s favorite part of the game. She met Ali’s eyes, the redhead’s pupils were darting all over, unable to hold contact with the older woman for too long. Kim gave her a soft, reassuring smile, “So, what can I help you with today?”

Ali’s voice left her again and she only nodded making a small sound in the affirmative. Licking her lips she said. “I…I need rope…the video’s said treated nylon rope…Do you have any?”

Kim’s smile broadened to reveal her white teeth behind the lipstick red lips. “Of course.” She stood and got out from behind the counter, taking Ali to a section filled with different types and lengths of rope. “So, are we planning to do the tying ourselves?” She asked with playfully teasing eyes, taking down a length of rope, tied in a sailor’s knot and started slowly unraveling it. It was so black it was almost hard to make out the detail of the rope.

The young red heads eyes locked onto the rope as Kim took it down, a Cheshire grin on her face and Ali felt herself take a small step back. She nodded her head at the question. “I want to…I mean…I havent really before but…y-yeah, I want to be t-tied up…” she trailed off continuing to look at the rope, an almost longing lust filled look in her eyes. “I- I was gonna try to do it myself.” A tiny smile slipped on her lips, as if asking approval from the experienced woman. Needing someone to tell her that she could.

“Oh?” The teasing tone was becoming more overt as she slid the rope between her hands. “If you’d like, I can give you a few pointers?” Having unravelled it, she stretched out the rope showing its strength. “It’s quiet right now, and I think it’s in my best interest to make sure you have the most pleasant experience you can. Wouldn’t you say?” Whatever facade of professionalism Kim had adopted was quickly washing away to reveal a sadistic desire in her eyes. “Besides. Playing with a cutie like you… It would be such a treat.”

Ali felt her back press up against a rack as Kim moved closer toward her, keeping Ali’s eyes on her, drawing her in. Reaching up Ali tugged nervously at her frizzy mane of hair. She was breathing hard now, her pupils dilated with arousal as the older woman came close enough that she could feel the woman’s breath against her skin. Ali saw Kim lift her arms and felt the rope drape behind her neck and across her shoulders. There was a sharp tug and she was pulled scrambling forward into Kim’s arms. The taller, dominant woman pressed her forehead against Ali’s. The redhead felt their noses touch and saw Kim’s eyes finding hers, so close she could practically feel her eyelashes against her own. “So, tell me. What do you really want?” Kim asked playfully, moving her lips slightly closer.

Ali realized what she was doing. Giving her a chance to say no, to back away. Follow that tiny voice in the back of her head that said she should run for the hills. A shuttering breath went through her as she pressed her lips forward the last few inches and kissed Kim softly. She broke the kiss quickly, looking up at her with barely contained desperation. “I- I want everything you can give me.” She whispered.

The older woman pressed her lips to Ali’s and the young girl was lost in the passion of it. She was unaware of how long they stayed in that kiss, but eventually Kim broke it and Ali was left clinging to her, her legs shaking weakly. “Oh you are going to be so much fun,” Kim said, a small laugh escaping her.

Ali’s breath shook as the soft lips of the older woman began pressing against her skin again. “I want you-” the woman said between kisses. “To strip, right now,” she finished by nibbling on Ali’s ear causing the girl to moan loudly.

“S-someone might come in,” She said quietly, trying to turn toward the door.

Kim caressed her cheek. “You’re right.” Her smile grew almost wicked. “Someone might come in, see you acting like a cheap slut for a woman you don’t know at all.” The woman’s hand moved down Ali’s cheek to her neck, brushing against her sensitive skin. “If someone comes in I might have to show you off. Let them play with you too.” She chuckled as an image flashed through her mind, “Perhaps you can be a permanent feature?” She said jokingly. Her eyes became more serious, almost sympathetic, “Or you can walk away. It’s okay, I won’t be mad. Maybe we can pick this up again more privately another time.” She brushed her thumb gently against her cheek. Kim leaned closer to whisper her seductive words directly into Ali’s ear. “But I don’t think you want that.” Ali shivered as the hot breath coated her ear which had to be glowing red at this point. “You want to experience this world. Want others to see you as you take your first steps. You want to be brave for once, and let yourself do what you really want. Don’t you?”

Ali gave a quick nod of her head. “Yes Miss,” she responded quietly.

“I see no collar on you and this is my shop, you call me Mistress in here.”

“Yes Mistress.” That wonderful heat was spreading out from her cunt again as Ali, hands trembling as she slipped off her skirt and let it fall to the floor.

“My, my, no underwear, you certainly are a naughty little bitch, well no matter I know how to deal with nasty little girls like you. The top too, take it off.”

A small whimper escaped Ali’s throat but she did as she was told, pulling the top off over her head. “Very nice,” Kim said as she circled to young woman. “You say you watched videos?” She asked as she looked over the petite young woman. Ali nodded. “Very well pet what videos were they for?”

Ali opened her mouth. “A…A b-breast harness and a c-c-crotch rope,” she stammered out.

“Well you’re in luck slut, I can show you how to tie those better than any video can.” Taking the first length of rope Kim stepped up behind Ali and began wrapping it in a manner similar to what Ali had seen on the video except as she went she talked Ali through it all while using Ali as the model and it actually did make more sense. Soon the breast rope was tied off, leaving Ali’s tits nice and swollen and super sensitive.

Next came the crotch rope. Kim was extra cruel, putting three knots into it that rubbed against Ali’s clit and dug against her cunt and asshole. Kim pulled it tight causing Ali to squeal as the knots burrowed against her skin. “Not quite done I think, if you’re walking away with that rope we need just a bit more payment from you.” Ali’s arms were jerked behind her back, folded at the elbows and another rope tied them tightly together. Pulling harshly on Ali’s hair the clerk got the young red-head to scream, opening her mouth a ring gag slipped in and was buckled on tightly.

“Lovely, just lovely,” Kim said with a mischievous smile as she stroked Ali’s cheek. Pressing down on the young woman’s shoulders she indicated Ali was to kneel. Doing so another rope was wrapped loosely around Ali’s neck and she was pulled in a shuffling crawl behind the counter. Sitting on a barstool Kim gripped Ali’s cheeks and tilted her head up. “Here’s the deal little one. You are going to eat me out, you will not be released until you make me cum, but once you do I will allow you to walk out with everything on your body.” There was a pause there as though Kim were waiting for something, her grip had loosened and her eyes had gotten softer. It was then Ali realized what she was waiting for. “Yeth Ithreth,” Ali tried to respond through the gag, giving her consent to the woman.

Patting Ali’s cheek rather roughly Kim reached up for the last little bit of bling and clamped Ali’s nipples making the young girl cry out once more, drool was already falling from her mouth onto her breasts and abdomen. “Get to work.” Kim whispered as she pulled Ali into her waiting cunt.

It felt claustrophobic. The desk around her blocked her off on all sides as she was pulled against Kim. The world disappeared, no real light managing to come down to her, making her perception only the feel of the hairs against her lips and nose, the smell of excitement, sweet and almost acidic, burning in her nostrils. Ali hadn’t really done this before, but she’d imagined it a million times. She closed her eyes, trying to concentrate fully on her task. Her tongue slipped out to meet the soft folds, diving into her as the taste washed over her. It was surprisingly subtle, in spite of the heavy scent. But the slightly salty, slightly sweet taste was in no way unpleasant and she found herself pressing her mouth against the slit, trying to drown herself in the lewd act.

Kim’s hand stayed against the side of her head, wrapping into her tangled hair. Her thumb brushing at her brow. The domme soon started filling Ali’s ears with soft, encouraging gasps. Far too soon, though, she pushed Ali’s face away. Ali looked up in confusion and shrank as she saw the bit of disappointment in the woman’s face. “New to pleasuring women?” She raised an eyebrow at her.

Ali shrank further, feeling like a child being caught in an embarrassing lie. She nodded, the ring gag made it too hard for her to speak to explain, but the look in her eyes was enough that Kim understood. The girl truly was a newbie.

Kim grabbed her hair again, forcing Ali to look at her, the young slut also had problems meeting a dommes eyes. When they did meet though Kim made sure to give her a gentle smile. “It’s okay. Just follow along.” She pulled Ali by her hair back against the waiting cunt, though this time the Mistress gave her light instructions as she went. She used the grip on her hair to steer her, tell her when to push harder, when to pull away, where she wanted her to go. “Flick my clit with your tongue, wrap it around my love button. Don’t just focus all your attention on my folds, you’re barely breaking the surface there. Push into me, don’t be afraid, I want you to tongue fuck me, slut.”

It felt like the day was speeding by, but in reality maybe only 20 minutes had passed and Kim kept up a slow pace, more instructing Ali than actually expecting the girl to succeed in making her cum, the few times Ali had tried to move faster, to do just that she felt the grip in her hair tighten until she slowed down. Over the course of an hour a few customers came in. And everytime they did Kim would get up to help them, making sure to keep Ali out of sight. But the clamps on her nipples and the crotch rope digging into her pulled small squeaks and squeals out of her each time she was left alone.

Of course it was only a matter of time before Ali’s became noticed, after all her clothes had been left in a heap on the floor. The first person to spot them picked them up, asking Kim if maybe someone had dropped them there instead of putting them back on a rack.

There was a brief pause from Kim and Ali’s heart raced before she heard. “Oh no,” there was a light laugh to Kim’s voice. “Actually they belong to a young slut that I currently have tied up under my counter. Would you like to see her?”

Ali heard a sound in the affirmative and soon a dark skinned woman joined Kim in looking down at her. “Ooh, she is lovely,” the other woman said, her eyes traveling up and down Ali’s body before she knelt next to the red head. Reaching out a hand she stroked Ali’s face. “How did you ever get so lucky Kim.”

“Its because my heart is pure,” Kim responded with a wink. Turning to Ali she said, a tone of impatience in her voice. “Well? Introduce yourself, slut. Tell her what you’re doing.”

The ring gag was still in place but Ali did her best to answer. “I ane i Ali, Ithreth In is eahin e.”

Rolling her eyes Kim reached down and unbuckled the gag. Ali stretched her jaw as it came free of her mouth a long trail of drool following it. “Care to repeat that slut?”

“Looking up at the dark skinned woman she said. “My name is Ali, Miss. And Mistress Kim has been teaching me.”

The other woman crouched down next to her. “Teaching you what?” She asked with a mischievous smile.

Ali’s face turned bright red. “How to…to pleasure a woman.” The customer leaned forward and ran a hand along the rope that was biting into Ali’s crotch, the young woman moaned at the contact, squirming as the other woman pulled her hand away. “She’s fucking soaked, oh please let me play with her for a bit Kim.”

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