Entrapped Enslaved 11-13 by bav86

The girls did as he told them. With their panties on their feet he pulled their skirts over their back uncovering their bare bottoms. After the initial inspection he started to spank them and made them count. 10 swats on each cheek, first Bambi and then Candy. “OW! 5, sir. Ow!, 6 sir”. He found the sounds of their cries very satisfying. He then ordered them to turn around and display their tits. After another quick, short inspection of their breasts he continued their punishment by slapping their breasts. He was pleased to see that all four breasts now had a light shade of pink. “show me your cunts!” He ordered. The girls obeyed and he inspected their lovely hairless crotches. He finished the punishment by giving their cunts 10 slaps each. He didn’t slap them on his hardest as his hands started hurting a little. But it was hard enough to make them moan a bit and turn their cunts slightly pinker too. When he was finished and the girls were standing in front of him, he noticed that they still looked relatively unshaken.
“Hmm, I can see that spanking you no longer works. I guess I’ll have to make more of an impression. Take a chair, take off your clothes, spread your legs around the sides of the chair and put your hands behind the chair.”

The girls took their slightly uncomfortable, but incredibly revealing position. The position forced them to obscenely thrust their tits and pussies in the air. The headmaster grabbed some rope and tied the girls to their chairs. Once he was sure that they were secured tightly and couldn’t move out of the way of his cruel punishments he grabbed a bag of clothespins. They were of the strong variety, if you used them in strong winds they would still be able to hang onto their clothes. Anxiously the girls awaited his intentions. They already knew what he was going to do, but they hoped he would change his mind. He looked at his watch.
“Hmm, the next lesson has just started. I guess you’ll have to miss that one. But I will have to ask you to be quiet. We wouldn’t want to disturb the other classes.”
With that said he grabbed the nearest nipple and attached a clothespin to it. Bambi gasped and bit her lip to avoid making a sound. He continued with the other breasts. With the fourth clothespin attached he looked at his handy work: four nipples being painfully squashed by some very strong clothespins. He decided that it was not enough. He added four more clothespins to each breast. By now both girls were heavily panting and muffling their screams by biting their lips. Silent tears were running from their faces. Still thinking the girls really needed to learn their lesson he added some pins on their stomachs. He noticed that the girls were started to get used to the crushing sensations all over their breasts and nipples and began breathing more evenly. Well, in that case it couldn’t hurt to finish the basket of clothespins, he thought. He added a few more pins to his students labias. He then moved his second to last clothespin to Bambi’s clitoris and attached it. She yelped, which earned her a stern look from the headmaster. He then moved over to Candy who had her eyes closed and was moaning and said: “No no no, please! No no no, I’ll be good, I promise!”. As he clamped on his last pin to her clit he said: “That’s the correct mindset, please remember it next time. Now, I’m going to get a cup of coffee. Use your time to think about your sins.”

He left them for five minutes. The girls were slowly getting used to their clamps again. After a while it didn’t even really hurt that much anymore. They started discussing their predicament:
“Wow, he’s really strict today don’t you think?” Candy asked Bambi.
“Yeah, I’m sure I will study much harder next time.” Bambi answered.
Right at that moment the headmaster returned.
“Sir, I would like to thank you for our strict punishment. I think it will really help our academic accomplishments.” Bambi told the headmaster.
“You’re more than welcome. But don’t think I’ll let you get off easy. We still have to finish this.”

The girls gave a solemn and understanding nod. The headmaster took his riding crop and starting probing the attached clothespins. He softly wiggled the pins up and down causing some pain with his students. “I can’t leave them on there forever, let’s get them off.” He said as he gave one of the pins on Candy’s left breast a slap with his crop. Unfortunately it didn’t fall, but merely clamped a thinner layer of her skin. Another slap and the pin flew away. The pin left a nice white impression on her breast. It would soon start filling with blood again, which is when the real pain would start. He continued slapping away the pins from Candy’s tortured body. She remembered she was supposed to be quiet and did her best to do so. Only the occasional soft moan when another pin caught stuck on a thin piece of skin. Every moan earned her stern look from the headmaster. Finally only three pins were left: one on each nipple and one on her clit. The rest of her body was covered with angry red marks.

The headmaster moved over to Bambi and repeated the clothespin removal process with her. Soon both girls only had 3 clothespins left. Both had been good girls and kept quiet. He was looking forward to punishing them a bit more however. So he decided to try to make them scream by slowly wiggling off the last of the pins until it was only hanging by a thread. He would then slap it off with a big swat at the base, probably slapping their nipples or clits at the same time the pin would fall off. His plan had the intended effect. Both girls were absolutely howling by the time he started on their clits. Finally he used two fell swoops in quick succession to dislodge their last pin. Both girls were absolutely broken by now. Oblivious of anything except their tortured bodies the girls didn’t notice their headmaster went away.

The cameras zoomed in all over their bodies. Carefully registering each welt, each mark left by the clothespins. After a while the headmaster came back again. The girls had recovered again. He had brought some ball gags with him: “It’s a pity you couldn’t be quiet. I got quite some complaints from other classrooms. I’m sorry girls, but that will not do! It seems to me you still haven’t learnt your lesson. To help you with your next lesson I’ve brought these.” He showed them the ball gags and put them in their mouths. The gags were way too big to be comfortable, the girls had to stretch their jaws to the limit.

The headmaster then took a match and lit a few candles. He waited a few minutes using this time to grope the girls bodies. Sometimes this elicited a moan, especially Candy’s right breast and nipple were very sensitive. He had some fun flicking it with his right middle finger. Once he was satisfied he grabbed the red candle and started to slowly drip some wax on Bambi’s breasts. She responded immediately by starting to moan and heaving her breast up and down. He took another candle, a blue one this time, and did the same with Candy. The girls were both moaning quite loudly now and continuously trying to move their bodies out of the way. Their sensitive skin reacted strongly to the wax, by sending wave after wave of pain to the poor girls heads. He moved on to their genital area, this made both of his students squeal as the drops of wax rained on their labia and clitoris.
It took about 5 minutes to color the front of their bodies red and blue. Once done it looked exquisit. He ran his hand of their waxed bodies and was fascinated by the contours of their skin in the wax. He looked closely at the wax covered clit of Bambi as he pressed it a little. When he was done he went and got a flog. The girls started panting again as they knew what was coming. He had chosen a soft flog, one which wouldn’t break skin no matter how hard you tried. But it probably would be enough to remove the wax from their skins.

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