Harem House – Selene Pt. 09 by SirAeghann

“Yes, Master.” Selene moaned. “I’m sorry for forgetting. I obey, and thank you for my punishment.”

Arthur patted her on the head. “I’ve started the recording. You may begin now. I’ll see you when Kat and I are done with lunch.” He watched as she hopped up to grab the vibrator, shoved it in, and then started going through her poses while reciting her mantra. He opened the door wide, exposing her to the empty landing as he did so, and then closed and locked the door behind him. He paused for a moment and pressed his ear against the door. He could hear she was still reciting her mantra while the buzz of the vibrator hummed away between her legs.

He moved away from the door and had to sit thinking about schoolwork until the erection faded. Then he went down the stairs, across the parking lot, and knocked on Selene and Kat’s apartment door. The door opened quickly.

“You’re late.” Kat frowned as she let him in.

Arthur checked his watch. 12:02. “Sorry.” As he stepped through it, he gestured to the door, and Kat closed it behind him. “Traffic was a real bear.”

She didn’t laugh at his joke but shook her head. He stood in the center of her living room now. Her and Kat’s apartment was the mirror image of his, with their tv and living room area to the right of the door, an open space bordered by three doors to his left, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. The kitchen was in the nook of the reverse J-shaped apartment to the right, with a small dining area.

“Selene said you wanted to order food?” Arthur asked.

“Yeah. I thought we’d order from The Sandwich Shop. Something light?” Kat asked as she looked up at him. She was a few inches shorter than Selene and usually wore heels to make up for it. Right now, she was barefoot and more than a foot shorter than Arthur at 5’1″ to his 6’4″.

She’d changed clothes from the baggy shirt and pajama shorts she’d worn at his place and was dressed in her usual clothes again. A casual pair of black slacks, with a pink blouse, tucked into them. She had a blazer by the door, but it was on its hook for now. Both were a little tight on her, showing off her body’s curves nicely. She was thicker than Selene, rounder, and more voluptuous for it. Selene was right, she was more Arthur’s type physically than Selene was, but Arthur wasn’t sure he liked her very much. He’d never know how she and Selene got along as well as they did. He assumed it was because they were sisters and had no other choice.

“That okay with you?” Kat asked as she crossed the room to the sofa, where she picked up her laptop and put it on the small round kitchen table. She opened it up and pulled up the website while she waited for Arthur’s answer.

“Yeah.” Arthur nodded. “That’s fine with me. I’ll take a turkey club with mayo.”

Kat nodded. “Fries?”

“Of course.” Arthur smirked and watched Kat enter the order. He had some cash in his wallet, so he wasn’t worried about paying the delivery guy, but Kat had already paid online.

“Did you want some cash for it?” Arthur asked.

“No.” Kat answered. “You can cover it next time.”

“Okay…” Arthur said. He wasn’t sure there would be a next time. Kat and Selene kept acting as though they were confident about things they hadn’t even talked to him about yet, and he was starting to wonder exactly what it was that Kat wanted to discuss. “So… while we wait. What was it you wanted to talk about?”

Kat gestured to the sofa. “Take a seat.”

Arthur took the corner seat and expected her to sit down, but she remained standing. The coffee table that separated the couch from the TV didn’t leave much room, but she stood between it and the TV as she talked, gesturing with her hands while she spoke and occasionally clasping them together. If Arthur didn’t know better, he might have thought if this were some kind of rehearsed speech or presentation. He’d seen enough of them in his business classes to know when someone was trying to hit all their speaking points without memorizing something verbatim.

“First, I wanted to apologize again.” Kat nodded. “For how I treated you when I walked in on you and Selene. I was just… surprised. And a little frustrated.” She looked at him as if waiting for him to respond or say his line. He wasn’t sure what to say, so he said nothing at first but nodded.

“It’s okay.” He said when she didn’t pick back up. “Like I said before, I understand. I’m not mad at you or anything.”

“Good.” Kat’s mouth grew into a thin line as she nodded. “Because… I wanted to ask you for something like a favor.”

“A favor?” Arthur prompted.

“Selene and I have been talking a lot over the last few days. And I mean a lot.” Kat informed him. “And most, if not all of it, is about you. She raves about you. She worships you. And I…”

Arthur waited as she seemed to wrestle with the words.

“I’m worried about her and you, in a way.” Kat confessed. “I’m worried that if you’re just using her and toss her away at some point, she’s going to be devastated, as in, beyond repair.”

“I would never do that.” Arthur shook his head.

“You say that, and she says that, but I want to be sure. I want to know you. I want to trust you. And…”

“And?” Arthur asked.

“I want in.” Kat finished.

“In?” Arthur was confused. “In what?”

“In. With what you two have. Kind of. I want to watch you and Selene sometimes, and I want… private lessons. I want you to give me the same deal you offered Selene at the outset. Not what it’s turned into. But the idea of getting together once in a while as friends with benefits and you helping me explore some of those things that I’ve never done before but wanted to try. I want you to teach me everything you know about… well, about everything you know about sex.”

Arthur paused for a moment. “Uh…” His brain short-circuited. Selene had tried to prepare him for something like this, he thought, but there was a difference between the girl you were fucking teasing you about fucking her sister and her sister telling you that she wanted to fuck you and wanted in on it. He was half blown away into a fantasy world and half still in the real world, disbelieving it. He almost wanted to check for the prank cameras. Before he realized it, nearly a minute of silence had passed between them, and Kat felt smaller with every passing second.

“I know I’m not as skinny as she is.” Kat said quietly. “And you have your pick of women right now. But… I don’t have anyone else I can do this with, and I need it. I need to get laid. I need to have some fun sometimes and just cut loose. I need to push my boundaries and figure out what I like and don’t like. And you’re someone safe, hot, and knowledgeable. Selene trusts you, and she’s told me how you’re always looking out for her and not just abusing the power she gave you over her. I… I understand if you’re not attracted to me, but maybe….”

Arthur held up his hand in a stop signal and Kat fell quiet.

“First of all.” Arthur started. “I don’t know if Selene has told you this, but I like curves. You’re not fat, you take care of yourself, you’re just a little curvier than your sister, but that’s a good thing, at least in my eyes.”

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