Harem House – Selene Pt. 09 by SirAeghann

Kat laughed. “Yeah, not when you’ve got my sister eager to suck you off every chance she gets.”

Arthur shook his head but couldn’t hide his smirk. “Well… yeah. That helps.” He laughed. Kat laughed too.

“No comparisons.” Kat added suddenly.

Arthur looked up. “What do you mean?”

“I mean no comparisons between Selene and me. No telling us which one is the better cocksucker or whatever. It’ll cause problems.” Kat assured him.

“Okay.” Arthur nodded. “Makes sense, I guess. Sibling rivalry is probably best left out of sex.” He tried to make a joke, but Kat didn’t join him in his chuckle that time. “Alright, let’s see… How should we schedule these sessions? Google calendar?”

“Works for me.” Kat nodded. “That’ll be good for automatic reminders too.”

“Alright and-” Arthur stopped when there was a knock at the door. For a moment there, he’d thought it was Selene. Then he remembered that they’d ordered food. He was here for lunch, after all.

Kat hopped off the sofa and looked out the door’s peephole. She opened the door, took the bag of food from the old driver, and thanked her before turning and putting the bag on the coffee table between them. Then she sat back down.

“And-?” She prompted.

“During the sessions, you will obey my instructions to the best of your ability and keep an open mind.” Arthur added. “You will always communicate with me and tell me the absolute truth any time I ask about your physical, mental, or emotional state.”

Kat nodded as she opened the bag and started taking out the food. Two styrofoam containers, one for her and one for him. She placed his in front of him and opened it, then placed hers in front of her, opened it, and started eating. “Makes sense.”

“You will complete your assignments every week.” Arthur informed her. “Promptly. You will accept your punishments for missed deadlines or for other reasons given to you by me.”

Selene frowned but did not protest. Well, not quite. “Deadlines?” She asked. “Assignments?”

“I’m going to give you homework.” Arthur told her. He’d been thinking about this for the last few minutes now, and ideas were starting to come to him just as they’d come to Kat when she first started proposing this. “There has to be some motivation to complete it on time.”

Kat frowned. “Fine. I guess. But nothing too ridiculous or unreasonable.” She warned.

“Nothing that violates your limits, obviously. And I’ll do my best that you have time to complete your assignments within your schedule. Which reminds me – you should just share your google calendar with me. That way, I know how much free time you have and can determine how reasonable the deadlines are.”

Kat frowned again but shrugged. “Okay.” She bit into her wrap.

“If you need to cancel, you will give me as much forewarning as possible.” Arthur added. “It’s only polite.” He smirked. Kat smirked too and nodded as she ate. He set the notebook down and started to eat. He didn’t realize how hungry he was until the first mouthful hit his stomach. Then it woke up with a vengeance and demanded more. He ate as quickly as he could to satisfy it.

“So, how much experience do you have, sexually speaking?” Arthur asked between bites.

“Not a lot, honestly.” Kat shrugged. “I had my high school boyfriend, and we had sex a few times, and a bit of foreplay, handjobs, oral, that kind of thing, but that was pretty much it. Other than that, I’ve just been masturbating to imagined scenarios.” She shrugged but blushed as she said it. She was doing her best not to be embarrassed by her sexuality or lack thereof, but it was still something she wasn’t used to talking about.

“Do you watch porn?” Arthur asked.

“No, not really.” She shook her head. “I’ve… watched some, I guess, but it doesn’t really do it for me. It’s too unrealistic, and there’s no good porn for women. I read erotica sometimes, though. Stories tend to draw me in more, as long as they’re well written and edited.”

“Makes sense for an English major, I guess.” Arthur shrugged.

“Ha. Yeah, I guess so.” Kat laughed. “Hadn’t really thought about it that way.”

“What kind of erotica do you read?” Arthur asked.

“Uh…” Kat started, then hesitated. She looked like she was having trouble figuring out how to answer. “All kinds, I guess.”

“Is there a particular aspect of sex you’d like to explore first? A particular type of erotica you’d like to try and emulate?” Arthur was curious, and his sandwich was finished, so he was just picking at the fries.

“Whatever you think is best. Sir.” Kat smirked, but Arthur frowned. Her answer was decidedly unhelpful.

“Okay. Well, let’s see what we’re working with.” Arthur gestured. She’d finished her sandwich but still had some fries left. She looked up at him mid-bite, and her eyes looked surprised.

“What?” She asked.

“Strip.” Arthur ordered and gestured to the coffee table. “Sexily, if you can. Maybe stand on the coffee table and give me a show?”

“Are you asking me or telling?” Kat asked.

“Telling.” Arthur decided. “I want to see how you do at embracing your sensual side and how comfortable you are being naked around me.”

“Are you going to take off your clothes too?” Kat asked.

“No.” Arthur answered. “I think it’ll help establish the student/teacher dynamic if I stay clothed for now.”

“Oh. Okay.” Kat sounded disappointed, but she still shifted to stand up and then climbed up until she was standing on the coffee table. She awkwardly crossed one arm across herself and hugged her elbow with it.

“Do you want some music?” Arthur asked as he looked up at her from his seat on the couch.

“I’m not… I’m not a stripper, Arthur.” Kat frowned.

“Consider this your first lesson in foreplay.” Arthur instructed her.

She frowned. “See, this is why I wanted a lesson plan. I didn’t have time to prepare myself for this, and I feel….” She trailed off.

“You feel.” Arthur prompted.

“Silly.” Kat shook her head. “I’m not a dancer. I’m not a stripper. I don’t feel particularly sexy at all right now.”

“Okay.” Arthur relented. “Come down.” He reached up to help her step down from the coffee table, only partially rising from the sofa as he did so. “Let’s go over today’s lesson plan. Let’s make it.”

Kat nodded silently and sank into the sofa. He could tell she was still a little off about it, but he hoped to bring her back quickly.

“First thing, draft a contract. We’ve done that.” He showed her the paper where he had his notes. “Your first assignment is to type this up and then send me a copy. We’ll both sign and have Selene sign it as a witness.”

That sounded formal, but she approved of the formality. She could appreciate someone who kept records.

“Included in this draft will be your list of limits. So let’s get started on that.” He flipped the page and started writing some things down. “Now, for every limit you give me, I want you to take off a piece of clothing.” Arthur informed her. “Because after this, we’re going into your evaluation. I will evaluate you sexually, on multiple fronts, and determine your base scores. From there, I can see where you need improvement, and that’ll give me an idea of where to start for lesson plans. Okay?”

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