HELL HATH NO FURY (Revised story list) by Karl555

HELL HATH NO FURY (Revised story list) by Karl555

Explore the depths of desire and betrayal in “Hell Hath No Fury” by Karl555. This riveting adult erotic story delves into passion, revenge, and the complexities of love, leaving you breathless with every twist. Indulge in a tale where every encounter ignites raw emotions and unforgettable experiences. Don’t miss this exhilarating journey!

This story is based on the X-Men movies. If you are not at all familiar with the X-Men, you might enjoy reading about the sex, but there will be much that you will find puzzling. Fair warning! , This is the sixth story of a much longer story arc, which is best read in the order of the List at the end.

Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I have tried to make the meaning fairly clear in context.


With many thanks to Stefani, who not only proofreads my German, but also comes up with helpful comments and suggestions. Vielen Dank, meine Freundin!

PRELUDE: Happily Ever After?

If this had been a fairytale, we should by rights have reached the part where Logan and I would live happily ever after. Somehow, as the fog clears from my mind and I open my eyes, I get the idea that is not what is going to happen.

Last thing I can remember, we were sitting at our usual table at the local mutant-friendly bar. I was about to order another half dozen beers for Logan. (Yes, I had been foolish enough to take him up on one of his bets again. Someday I will learn not to do that.)

In any case, there was a subdued “poof” and the air was filled with a thick, choking cloud of some kind of gas. Before I could even grab Logan and teleport us outside, the world was already going black around the edges and the floor was coming up to meet me fast.


Groggy and still half out of it, I force my eyes open. I am in a small room with bright lights, stark white walls, no windows,
and only one door. I can see the back of a rather bulky man standing near one of the walls, looking at a computer screen. Above his head there are six large monitors, which are all blank. He has not yet noticed that I am conscious, so I remain still and quiet in order to evaluate my situation.

I am lying on my back on a firm but padded surface. Glancing down, I can see that I am totally naked, with some sort of restraints around my wrists and ankles, which hold my hands down by my sides and my legs straight but slightly spread apart. My tail is pulled down between my legs, with something clamped around the narrowest part, just before the arrow-shaped end. Worst of all, there is something tight and hard fastened around my neck. Lieber Gott, let it not be one of those devices that prevent mutants from using their powers! I try very slowly to raise my head, but I cannot. Concentrating, I can feel that the device does not encircle my entire neck, but only holds me down. It is not a collar, then.

I start to smile. Whoever has tried to trap me in this way apparently does not realize I can easily teleport out of such restraints. Perhaps he does not even realize I can teleport at all. That would be nice. I could be free in an instant, either way.

Yes, but that only gets me off of this table, or whatever it is. I am not now aware of where this room is located and what surrounds it, and thus have no idea what is behind any of these walls. If that one door is locked in such a way that I cannot open it from the inside, I would still be trapped in this room, unless I am willing to teleport blind and take my chances. Not a good bet, even under the best of circumstances.

And where is Logan? What has been done with him? That thought is enough to send a pang of fear through me. Has he been captured also? Or is it just me? Has Logan perhaps already been killed somehow?

The man at the computer turns around. I have never seen him before and have no idea who he is, but in some ways, he resembles Logan. Obvious muscles, dark hair, dark eyes. He even has the same kind of extravagant sideburns that almost but not quite come together at his chin, but they are perhaps trimmed just a bit shorter than Logan’s. His hair is also shorter, and it has begun to recede slightly at his temples. His face is more squared off, with heavier jowls. His nose is straight, but prominent.

He grins at me, which is not a pretty sight. There is nothing but cruelty in his smile.

I give him a level stare, waiting for him to say something first.

“I know you’ve been awake long enough to realize that teleporting might be a mistake, since you can’t get out of this room like that without taking a big risk. Smart boy. I was almost hoping you’d try it, so that I’d have an excuse to beat you up, assuming you survived.” He shrugs sarcastically. “Oh well, guess one can’t have everything.”

He comes over to the table and stands there looking down at me. “You’re probably asking yourself why I haven’t fastened one of those collars around your neck that are supposed to be able to prevent a mutant from using his powers, aren’t you? The answer is simple: the technology just hasn’t been perfected enough. I find that most of them work some of the time, and some of them work most of the time, but they don’t all work all of the time. Besides, being myself a mutant, I just have this aversion to the damn things. I’d rather do it the old-fashioned way and figure out how to capture and hold the particular mutant, or mutants, that I’m after. Makes for more of a challenge. Don’t you agree?”

“Uh – yes, I guess so.”

He gives me that nasty smile again and his voice turns hard. “OK, boy, I’m going to lay down the rules of this game, so listen carefully.”

“Just tell me vhere Logan is,” I interrupt.

“As it happens, I can do better than that. I can show you.”

He raises one hand and points a remote control device toward the blank monitors. All six screens come to life, showing me images of Logan from different angles and at varying distances. He is standing spread-eagled and stark naked in the middle of what looks very much like a duplicate of this room, held in place by a curiously-designed system of heavy restraints and metal bars. He is bleeding from numerous cuts and slashes and assorted other wounds, but they are clearly in the process of healing. His head sags forward on his chest.

“Logan!” I shout.

“Save your breath, baby. He can’t hear you. The video is on both ways, but the audio’s turned off right now. Here, I’ll turn it on, but only so that he can hear us, not the other way around.” He aims his remote and clicks again. “That will save me from having to recite the rules over again to him.”

Logan is obviously conscious, since he raises his head and looks around as he hears our voices. I can see his lips move.

“Forget it, Jimmy. We can’t hear you.”

For a moment, Logan and I stare at each other’s images in the monitors.

“It’s rather a nice touch that he’s spread out into a neat X like that, don’t you think? Quite appropriate, considering.

“I gave a lot of thought to designing restraints that would hold Jimmy, since his claws can cut through damn near everything. However, even if he can extend them, he can’t get loose unless he can use them to cut whatever’s holding him in place. It would have been easy enough to simply secure his forearms and hands back flat against a wall, so that he couldn’t use his claws to cut himself loose, but I wanted him in a position that gave me access to his body from all directions, not just the front. If you take a look at the crossbar that runs between the metal restraints that enclose his arms from above his elbows to the ends of his outspread fingers, you’ll notice that his claws, if he bothers to extend them, would angle slightly outward and away from both the crossbar itself and the vertical bar in the middle that runs up to the ceiling supporters. That supporting bar can be lowered or raised so that the crossbar can be held at whatever level I want it. Right now, I’ve got him essentially hanging from the ceiling, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. I could let his toes touch, or even allow him to stand for a while, if I felt merciful. There’s only a short chain connecting the cuffs around his ankles to the floor, so even if he were standing flat-footed, he still wouldn’t be able to reach far enough to kick me. On the other hand, I can do anything I want to him and he can’t do anything about it.

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