HELL HATH NO FURY (Revised story list) by Karl555

But now he is running his claws down the under surface of my tail, which is turned upwards due to the way it is restrained. I do not like anyone to touch my tail, especially underneath. It is truly no more sensitive than most of the rest of my body. After all, my tail can hold my weight and do lots of other fairly strenuous things, so how sensitive could it be?

However, to be handled like this makes me feel very vulnerable. It is so easy for someone to grab me that way, as I cannot see what is happening behind me.

“You don’t like this much, do you?”

“How vould you know?”

He taps a finger against his nose. “Same way Jimmy does. I’ve got that enhanced sense of smell also.”

I was afraid he would say that. The best I can do is try to explain away my fear as something else, if I want to throw him off the track. Whether it is physical or psychological, it is not good to let a sadist know you have a weakness.

He is still intent on handling my tail, much to my dismay. It is only restrained at the far end, so he can easily reach around it, bend it a little, whatever he wants. My hips are also not restrained, so I can move around to an extent, to take some of the tension off if he pulls too hard.

“I think I’ll try a little experiment here, fairy boy. I just happen to have this nice leather blindfold in my pocket. Maybe you’ll enjoy things more if you can’t see what I’m doing.”

As he fastens the blindfold around my head, he continues cheerily, “It’s a shame this will keep me from seeing your beautiful glowing eyes, but it should be well worth it.”

The blindfold is all too effective. I can see nothing, even if I try to peek out underneath it. I know the sort of apprehension this creates, as some of my childhood customers did it to me. Since one cannot see what is actually being done, one tends to assume it is worse than it truly is, especially if your tormentor deliberately tries to make you think so. However, knowing this does not make me feel a whole lot better about it.

I feel a sharp prick down near the end of my tail, just above the metal band that holds it down.

“How would you like another fancy scar, baby? I could use this scalpel to make one right here.”

I seriously doubt he has a scalpel, but it is impossible to tell just from what I felt. Another light prick, this one further up my tail.

“Or maybe here? Or here?”

Again, further up, maybe half way. It is getting harder to hold still, as my natural reaction would be to whip my tail away and out of danger.

“Maybe you’d prefer something more dramatic than a thin scar, since you’ve got lots of others. How about if I slice off a bit of skin instead?”

Whatever he has in his hand, he scrapes it along my tail, again closer to my body. I whimper, hoping to make him think I believe him.

“Since your tail is so skinny and bony, maybe I need to move to the thicker part, where there’s more meat to work with. How about this? Is this a good place?”

Now he is right up near where my tail begins. It truly is more sensitive there and the poke he gives me this time hurts.

“You know, I could start here and scrape off a layer of skin all the way down to the tip, maybe an inch or so wide. How about that? I think it would look real pretty, don’t you?”

There is no answer I can give him, other than to swallow nervously. Surely, he is not going to do that. Is he?

“Yeah, I think you’d enjoy that sort of thing.”

Whatever he has in his hand, he presses it down against my skin in a horizontal line across my tail.

“Hold real still now. I’d hate to slip while I’m doing this. After all, we want a nice straight line, don’t we?”

I tense against the anticipated pain, even though I doubt he will do what he threatens to do.

“Kurt, don’t believe him!” Logan’s voice shouts from the speaker. “It’s not a scalpel! It’s just a needle of some sort!”

Rather as I had expected, but now I am sure. Victor, however, is not happy.

“Jimmy, you just spoiled my little game. Not only am I turning off the audio on your end, but now you’re going to watch me use this needle on your blue friend here, in a nastier way than I had originally planned.”

He turns his attention back to me.

“I don’t have just one needle, fairy boy, I’ve got a whole selection of them. Various lengths and various gauges. You do know that the higher the number, the narrower the diameter of the needle, right? And vice versa?”

I do not trust my voice just now, so I nod my head.

“I’ve been using a 14 gauge, but I think we’ll begin with something smaller, since I’ll be starting near the end of your tail and working my way up higher as I go. I promised you something pretty before Jimmy spoiled things, so I’m going to use the fancy needles that have decorations on them.”

“Decorations?” This concept is new to me.

“Yep. They’ve got things like – no, I won’t tell you. It will be a surprise when it’s finished.”

“I do not like surprises.”

I hear him laugh. “Oh, you’ll like this one. It will mean I’m finished.”

I hear faint jingling noises, as if he is sorting through a collection of small metal objects, as he doubtless is.

“Ah, here’s the one I’m looking for. This is a 25 gauge needle, baby, the smallest size I have.” His fingers move to the very end of my poor tail, where it comes to a fairly sharp point. “Hold still now. There’s not a lot of loose skin for me to work with.”

A small prick, magnified by a scrape against the underlying bone, then another prick as the point of the needle comes out again. It does not hurt very much, but it is not comfortable either.

His fingers move past the metal band that secures my tail, but only by a centimeter or two. Again the double prick of a needle.

“Oh, yeah. This will look real sweet. The next few will be 23 gaugers, baby.”

Like I really want to know that.

A little more painful, but certainly nothing to scream about.

He works his way slowly up the length of my tail, informing me each time when the diameter of the needle gets larger. By the time he is close to the place where my tail meets my body, we are up to the 18 gauge ones. By now it definitely hurts, but that may also be due to the cumulative effect of all those other needles that are still in place.

“Last one for your tail, fairy boy. This is a 14.”

Well, at least he is almost done.

“I’m starting to really enjoy this little game. How about you? Having fun?”

“Vhat do you think? Are you finished making a pin cushion out of me?”

“Oh, no. The best is yet to come.”

He takes hold of my penis, pinching the skin along the top of the shaft, just above the scar. “This is an 18, but it has a very nice decoration on it.”

“Verdammt! Der Teufel soll dich holen!”

“Call me whatever you like, baby, but your prick is hard.”

I clench my teeth firmly as the needle goes through the skin held between his fingers.

“Same thing below the scar. Got to be symmetrical, you know.”

I do not open my mouth, but I cannot keep back a groan.

“Now we get to the really fun part.”

His fingers hold me just before the edge of my glans, and I know already what is coming. I shake my head in negation, but I will not beg.

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