HELL HATH NO FURY (Revised story list) by Karl555

“Don’t worry, boy. It’s only a 25 and it’s very short. You’ll hardly feel it, even though I’ll be sticking it straight in.” I hear a low chuckle. He continues on, and I realize he’s only doing it to make me wait, while I anticipate what is to come. “I’m very good at knowing exactly when erotic pain turns into real pain, so don’t bother to try to deceive me. I’ve learned to judge that edge very closely, because I can smell the difference. With you, I intend to stay pretty close to that edge, although I may cross it now and then.”

He drives the needle into me, just above my slit. And leaves it there, as he removes the blindfold.

“See, baby? I told you it would be pretty.”

Tentatively, I open my eyes and look down at Victor’s handiwork. There are indeed decorations attached to each of the needles. Two shiny red hearts grace the top and the bottom of the scar, while a short string of pearls dangles from the tip of my stiff penis. All the way down the length of my tail there are other similar things: the image of a tiny cat, several kinds of flowers, a fleur-de-lis, a few small feathers, a rainbow, a butterfly. And in the very tip, an iridescent peacock feather!

I am well and truly flummoxed!

“Well?” Victor asks impatiently.

“Umm – Es ist sehr schön. I mean, it is very pretty.”

I glance at Logan’s image on the monitor. Even though he saw Victor doing it, he still appears somewhat dazed.

Victor’s eyes follow mine. “What do you think, Jimmy? Didn’t believe I had an artistic streak, did you?”

Logan just shakes his head.

Victor snaps his fingers and exclaims, “Oh darn! I forgot the finishing touch!” He picks up what looks like a small blowtorch and lights it.

“Uh –it all looks just fine the way it is.”

“No, no. Just one more little thing.” He starts heating up a very thin metal rod about three centimeters long, which is attached to a wooden handle. “They have a new name for this, but I prefer the old name. Devil’s fire. Watch. I’ll show you how it works.” The metal is red hot by now. He touches the point very briefly to the back of his hand. “It burns, but not much, because it’s done fast. Hurts a bit more if you do it this way.” Heating the rod again, he touches it sideways against his hand, instead of just the point.

Why do I think it is not going to be that easy for me?

“Holding it against the skin just a little longer makes it worse. Doing it in a very sensitive place makes it a lot worse.” He rubs a finger over that spot between the base of my tail and my anus.

“No! Victor, please!”

But the rod is already glowing hot in the flame. “How about a nice V? Does that sound good?”

It is not a question. He touches the side of the rod to my flesh. Not very long, but long enough.

“That’s the first half of the letter. Now we’ll do the second half.”

I clench my teeth and try not to flinch.

“There. Not nearly as impressive as those scars down your back from Jimmy’s claws, but maybe this will leave a scar for you to remember me by also. That is, if you live long enough for it to heal.”

He runs a finger slowly up my tail, flicking each little decoration as he goes by. I am still trying to become accustomed to the pain of the needle in my glans, not to mention the burns he just created, which I cannot even see from this angle.

Take a deep breath, Kurt, I tell myself. Exhale slowly. You have been hurt far worse than this in your life. Let it go. Better yet, toss it into that basement in your House of Pain, as Herr Grüber taught you to do as a child.

Victor has reached that sensitive spot now. Placing his fingertips on the burn, he rubs the entire area in a circular motion, as if he knows that this stirs up a perverse mixture of pleasure and pain throughout my entire groin. I cannot help but groan.

“You like that, fairy boy?”

I shake my head, lips still clenched tightly.

His hand shifts to my cock, holding it near the base and rolling it slightly between his fingers. Another mixture of pain and pleasure, as my penis hardens more, increasing the pressure on the needles. As he continues to do this, I can feel the twitch of heightened desire begin to make itself felt deep inside me. No! Not now!

Victor evidently decides that this would be a good time to begin a conversation, as he asks, “Does Jimmy ever let you fuck him, fairy boy? Or are you always expected to be on the receiving end?”

When I do not reply, he takes my scrotum in his other hand and squeezes tightly. “Answer me when I ask a question, baby.”

“It is my preference to be fucked. However, there have been times vhen I have been the one doing the fucking. Recently, he let me do much more than that.”

“Oh, yeah? How recently?”

“Just after he came back to me almost a month ago,” I reply, fixing him with a look designed to infuriate him over my gloating tone. I simply cannot resist goading him like this.

It seems to have worked, as his lips contort into a snarl. “And exactly what did he let you do, you little slut?”

“You vill have to ask him that.” I know full well that I will suffer for this, and I am not proven wrong.

“Don’t play games with me. You’ll find I’m much better at them than you are.” He releases me, walks over to the counter, opens a drawer and takes something out, then comes back to me. He holds up a butt plug the like of which I have never seen in my life. It is way too long and much too wide and does not narrow very much before the flared end, as it should.

I whimper as I feel the tapered end pressed against my opening, without even the benefit of lube.

“Let’s see you relax and enjoy this, smartass.”

Automatically, I struggle to pull away, but he grabs my tail near the base, holding me in place. “Hold still, dammit! Don’t give me a hard time, fairy boy, or you just might get my hand up your ass instead of this nice smooth dildo. I know an interesting little variation on the usual technique of fist-fucking. Maybe you’d like for me to show it to you.”

He clenches one hand into a fist and holds it up in front of my face. Then he opens his fingers, claws extended as far as possible, and shoves it up in the air, mimicking what he would do once inside me.

Just in case I did not get the picture, he elaborates.

“Your scream of ecstasy would very quickly turn into a scream of agony, as I sliced you open from the inside out and twisted your guts around my fingers.” He glances over at Logan’s image. “You look as if you’ve got something to say, Jimmy. Here. I’ll switch the audio back on, if you promise to be polite.”

“Victor, no!!”

“No what, Jimmy?”

“Please!! I’m beggin’ you! Do what you want to me, but don’t do that to him!”

“All right, but only because you asked so nicely. But he’s still going to get this butt plug up his ass far enough to remind him to be more respectful.”

He grinds it against me, beginning to spread me open. “Now, I’ll ask you that question again. What did Jimmy let you do to him?”

I shake my head. He smiles and forces the plug harder against my distended sphincter. I am desperately trying to relax and accept what he is doing, but I cannot do it fast enough.

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