HELL HATH NO FURY (Revised story list) by Karl555

“Nice cock, even if it is blue and kind of on the skinny side.” Then he looks a little closer. “What’s this? A fancy little scar. You’ve even had it decorated. Was that Jimmy’s idea?”

“Most certainly not. I did that many years before I met him.”

He runs the tip of one finger over the scars. “You did that to yourself?”


He narrows his eyes slightly. “All the rest of these too?” He gestures at my body.

When I nod, he looks closer. “Very neat and pretty. How did you make them come out so precise? Scars can heal in sloppy ways sometimes.”

I shrug. “On me, they are very consistent, as long as I take care vith the cutting. Even scars from injuries do not make too much of a mess.”

“Hmm. If you have the guts to slice yourself up like this, maybe I’m underestimating you a little, fairy boy.” He looks again at my poor bewildered prick, which still has not made up its mind whether to just lie there or get hard. “Especially this one. You know, I prefer uncircumcised cocks like yours. More to play with. And speaking of playing, let me show you a unique feature of this table you’re lying on. Like Jimmy’s restraints, yours are also very adjustable, but in other ways.”

Much to my chagrin, I discover that the table is made so that my feet can be slid back and forth along the sides, restraints and all, then refastened wherever Victor wants them. The restraints even adjust the angle while they move, so that the soles of my feet come down as he bends my legs. He leaves me with my knees bent up sharply and my feet almost next to my buttocks. It occurs to me to wonder what else this table can do.

“There. Much more convenient for me now. In fact, I rather like this view of your ass.” He runs one claw gently around my anus, which is now more accessible than it was before.

“This’ll be easier if you relax and enjoy it, baby. All I’m doing is trying to get some idea of what you can take without incurring any serious damage, in order to get a better idea of what I’m going to do to you later on. See? I’m even putting a little lube on the dildo, just to show that I mean no harm.” Another vicious grin. “Not just yet, anyway. You should really be grateful that I’m taking the time to do this. Don’t want you to die too soon. That wouldn’t be much fun, now would it?”

As he presses the smaller tapered end of the dildo against my opening, I find myself at a loss for words, which is quite unusual for me. Probably just as well. A smart remark at this time could be something I would regret later on.

He goes slowly, pushing in a little, then backing up, twisting, moving the glass shaft around, then edging further, retreating, advancing bit by bit. At this point, it feels good and I know he is correct about relaxing. All right, I will cooperate, to an extent. But if he truly is just trying to measure me in this way, it would be better to have him underestimate what I can accept, rather than overestimate it.

All the while he is doing this, he is talking, as if he enjoys the verbal torment as much as the physical. I have barely been able to get a word in edgewise, which is unusual for me.

“By the way, I recognized those claw marks on your back, fairy boy. Jimmy may think you’re his, but right now you’re mine.”

He goes on to tell me how he tracked Logan to his campsite, leaving him to his own devices for a time, but keeping tabs on him from a distance. Just when Logan began to pack up his things and hike back to the nearest town, he waylaid him, convincing him to stay a little longer by offering to tell him about his past.

“He’s a sucker for anyone who says they can fill him in on what he’s been and done. It was easy to convince him I knew what I was talking about, because I do. All I had to do was tell the truth most of the time and bells started ringing in his head. He was glad to do anything I wanted so long as I kept on reminiscing about our past.”

The words hurt much more than the dildo does, at this point in the proceedings. Much to my shame, my penis decides it just might enjoy the feeling, and I can tell that my eyes are beginning to glow. Yes, they are surely glowing now, since he is staring at them. I turn my head as far away from his gaze as I can and squeeze my eyes closed. But this displeases Victor. He grabs my chin and turns my face back.

“Open your eyes, fairy boy,” he orders me. “Do it, or Jimmy will pay the price later on.”

I obey. Victor makes the connection between my eyes and my hardening cock. He takes hold of it, moving his hand relatively gently up and down. My glans is just beginning to work its way out of my foreskin by now. I am overwhelmed with shame, not because of my body’s natural reaction, but because I hate that he can do this to me. I will not let it happen. I will fight it, even if it is a losing battle.

“Just as I figured. Your eyes get brighter as I work your cock,” he concludes. “Very interesting effect. Now let’s try something else.” Forcing my partially retracted foreskin forward over my glans, he pinches the end tightly together. “You see? I told you there was more to play with on an uncut penis. I’m going to keep this dildo right here for a while but move it around, just to see what happens.”

I know what will happen. My penis will continue to become engorged, trying vainly to push the head free of my captured foreskin.

“This would be a good time for me to tell you how much fun Jimmy and I had together, wouldn’t it, fairy boy? You’d like to hear all about that, wouldn’t you? Especially now.”

That is about the last thing I would like to hear, for it would continue to arouse me. But Victor knows that. He describes some of the things he and “Jimmy” did, mostly rather brutal things, while I lie there trying hard not to squirm in pain as my cock stiffens further. I cannot imagine that I will get hard enough to actually tear my foreskin, but that is how it feels.

“I’m being very kind to you, you know. I could just as easily have sewn the end together and done this same thing, but simply refused to cut the thread no matter what happened. Think about that for a while, fairy boy.”

I do, and I do not particularly enjoy the images it conjures up. He goes back to telling me about all the activities he and “Jimmy” shared, while I go back to thinking of anything I can that might decrease my arousal.

Finally, Victor has mercy on me and lets go. One sort of pain stops, while another resumes, as he pushes the dildo further into me with a sharp jerk.

“Shall I tell you how very angry Jimmy made me when he said he was going back to be with you?” Another sharp push. I am beginning to approach my limit, as far as the width goes. In order to make him think I have already gotten there, I tighten my sphincter, no longer yielding so easily to the relentless pressure. I clench my teeth and wince. He smiles.

“It hurts now, does it? You can take a lot, fairy boy, I’ll give you that. I’ve never found anyone who’s gotten so far in taking this little baby here.” He twists it, pulls back, then pushes forward.

“Gaahh! Bitte, Victor, nein! Es tut verdammt weh!” I gasp, feigning more pain than he is actually causing.

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