I Bought a Slave by Bubbablaster

I Bought a Slave by Bubbablaster

Explore the provocative journey of desire and power in 'I Bought a Slave' by Bubbablaster. This gripping erotic story delves into the complexities of obsession, submission, and passion. Discover a world where fantasies come alive—perfect for those seeking an enthralling read that challenges boundaries. Dive in for an unforgettable experience!<br/>

I Bought a slave at auction. I hope you enjoy , I bought a Slave

I’m wealthy, own several businesses and get all sorts of invitations from the mundane “Please come to our VFW Fund Raiser” to some really bizarre and inappropriate stuff. The worth while and charity ones I either accept, the VFW is usually fun, or send a check and a apology letter. The inappropriate ones get a little more attention.

A sales guy from a supplier I don’t use asked me to a slave auction. This company has always been a little sketchy and since I care about my customers, I haven’t been buying their lower quality crap.

So I asked around in the fringe community near what I call my estate.

What I heard back was, yes this was real, and did I want to attend? I knew this particular couple was kinky but a slave action they could invite me to? OK. So I asked for an invite and told the salesman I was already attending.

Definitely don’t want to owe that guy anything.

So on a grey Saturday afternoon I took my Lincoln out of the barn where I keep my seldom driven vehicles and off I went for dinner and an auction.

At $1000.00 a plate the food better be frigging awesome.

The address wasn’t revealed to me until a half hour before start of event, I had been told what town it was to be in a few days before. Sketchy sales guy is based there, big surprise.

I could have made it from the estate but got a coffee at Dunk your Donut in Town. Yes, its a ripoff copy, just different colors on the cups and building.

When the address came in by text from an unknown # I just about spilled my coffee laughing. I own the building, a warehouse on short term lease to a Reputable Auction company. Gonna need to check that.

I also know what supper is as I own 33% of the catering company. That makes me wonder if the 66% owner and manager knows what the event is. He was so excited to get a big sale so soon after opening. Supper is really good local BBQ and local organic veggies.

I finished my coffee and made my way over, aiming to be at least 15 minutes after opening so as to blend in as much as possible.

There was a sign at the entrance that said private function and as you pulled in a guard in a black suit that asked to see my ID,

There was thirty or forty flashy black cars already there. More than half were Chauffeur driven.

Parking was laid out for maybe 200, maybe more. I parked facing way from the building in the closest available spot.

I could smell the BBQ as I stepped out of my car. Supper is going to be awesome I thought with a smile.

Another black suit on a gorilla with his hand out for my ID, except he asked to see my invite. He had to tell me the text message was the invite. So I showed him my phone. He pulled out a cloth bag with a number on it and gave me a claim ticket. “Sorry sir, no phones or cameras allowed.” and handed me a piece of paper. I had to fight not to smile, 300 Pound Gorilla with a high voice like a little girl. He could break me like a tooth pick.

I was glad I put on my good wedding and funeral suit. When I stepped through the door I stepped into a room with a stage and many wealthy people from our area. I do business with about half the guests in the room. Slaves don’t get counted as guests I found out.

One of those people was a big noise developer that had me buy into several projects and even borrowed several million from me occasionally.

He blushed and looked worried when I saw him.

His wife had him on a leash, in skin tight spandex speedo kind of things and a ball gag. His knees were filthy because he was crawling as his wife mingled. When they moved away from me I realized his shorts had an opening to expose his ass hole as he crawled. I wondered if he was for sale.

His wife and I spoke for a few moments, both ignoring him. Just as she turned to move on she asked “What do you think of the sale items?”

“I haven’t seen them yet”

“Behind that curtain are the pens, your sheet has specs and reserve amounts, if there are any, enjoy” she said with a little wave turning away.

Pens, OK I can accept what I saw as generically pens. There were about 50 auction items, roughly split between men and women. Some only symbolically tied to a post others in tiny cages.

I started reading the sheet and comparing lot numbers. No pictures on the lot sheet seemed strange until I remembered the secret nature of this undertaking.

There were several notable lots. 1st one I noticed was a Just graduated high school football player displayed naked. Nice body if you like jocks. His lot listed him as bi and here by his own choice, looking for a no limit ownership. Payment would go to his family. I asked one of the auction house employees what no limit sale meant.

Apparently this kid was selling himself to be used in any way possible including cannibalism. Ouch, he could play too.

There was a former local criminal, he was displayed naked as well. Mid thirties, nice shape if you like men. His lot said gelded. So I bent over to look and he obligingly lifted a leg. Clean castration. His lot also listed a recommended testosterone replacement if yo wanted his dick to function properly.

Some of the women were pretty used up with bruises, obvious damage from broken bones not properly cared for and so on.

One early forties woman was listed as having born 14 children and no-longer fertile. No Reserve.

As I moved through looking primarily females I came to a small cage and a women curled up inside. She was fully clothed, I thought that might hurt her pricing. She was listed as 19, natural blond, 5 foot 5 small tits, it actually said “small tits”. Admits to 5 lovers. Hetro. Summer contract only. Any use allowed as long as released with no permanent disabilities at end of summer. Needs money to attend University.

I asked what any use with no permanent disabilities meant. The auction employee said: “running her as whore, or beating her every day or just using her as a common servant is allowed under the contract.” “Occasionally these people never come home and no-one goes looking but that’s not what the contract reads.” As he went to turn away he turned back and said “Disease does not count as disability”

I crouched down and said to her “So how much do you need?”

“Sir, you are not supposed to speak to the lots!” the attendant said quietly.

“35,000” she whispered.

The infertile human cow went for $20. Apparently the minimum bid. My businesses friends wife told me the buyer is rumoured to be a cannibal.

The gelding got bought by a local MILF who just got several million in a Divorce settlement. I hope they are happy together.

I got my little 19 year old for $12,000.00 + tax and buyers fee.

Didn’t see it but a famous football coach bought the High School jock. Hammer dropped at $22,000.

I signed a buyers contract acknowledgement, my friends wife recommending I use a false name, so I did. Apparently Kilroy is a common buyer.

The pass over was a little complicated as I hadn’t brought restraints. The auction house sold me collar, leash, and full manacle and hobble set for about three times retail, I thought that was reasonable, considering.


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