Lisa and Mac – chap 4 – by paulb85

“What about offering me another whisky,” he said. I quickly poured generous helpings into our glasses. He sat on the sofa and I took a seat in the chair opposite. We took a sip from our drinks leaving Lisa suspended on the frame, quietly whimpering with occasional louder sobs.

“Well, Paul. I think that the frame and strap is working well. What do you think?”

“Wow. I never imagined….. I must say that I am impressed.”

“Good. We will continue in a minute then afterwards we will take her upstairs and apply the ointment.” He took a sip off his drink before continuing; “A couple of weeks of this and she will be ready.”


“Yes, for a proper caning.” My cock was rigid as he said this.

After we had finished our drinks we returned to Lisa who was still crying quietly. Mac had taken the small tasselled whip which he had used on the previous occasion out of the bag. “This is for the front of her body.” He explained. “It will be less painful than the strap.” He started to gently whip her. First on her stomach, then on her breasts. Lisa was moving around as much as her bindings would allow. Her crying intensified but she did not scream as she had previously. Gradually her stomach and breasts took on a light tinge of red, but here again the injuries were not as intense as last time. After a further couple of minutes Mac stopped. He placed his hands on each breast and twisted the nipples. Lisa squirmed.

He took up the little whip again and stood in front of her. Then with an upward stroke he hit her vagina. Then again and again. Lisa was trying to get out of the way but this was impossible. She was crying loudly now. Then he hit the same target but this time with a downward stroke of his arm. Three more times he hit her pussy.

He dropped the whip and approached her. He leaned close to her body as he tenderly stroked her shoulder then her breast. He put his arms around her and hugged her tightly. He unshackled her wrists and undid the leash. She hugged him back as she sobbed. He bent down and unshackled her ankles and led her back to the sofa. “Good girl,” he told her as he soothed her hair.

As he sat he eased her over his knees. He then proceeded to gently massage her buttocks. “No harm done here.” He told her. I watched fascinated as he continued his massage. He gave her a couple of light spanks with his hand. His hand slipped between her legs and soon he was rubbing her labia. She was whimpering as she raised her bottom to his touch. She was now pushing back against his hand. Two of his fingers went inside her. She pushed, he pushed they worked against each other. Then suddenly she screamed then gave a big shudder. She had come and her juices were flowing down her thigh on to the floor,. “Oh dear. Naughty girl.” he said.

“God, I want it,” she said. “Oh God that was good. You can not imagine…..”

He continued to rub her bottom. “Shall we take you upstairs then?”

“Oh, Master… yes….. er… Oh God….. I mean no. Please no. Please…….”

“What is it, Lisa?” He asked.

“Please…….” She was on her hands and feet over his lap as his hands continued to stroke her buttocks. She stuck her bottom up high to his touch. “Please,” she repeated. She lifted one hand up and grabbed one of his hands on her bottom. “Please…”

“Wasn’t it enough for you? Do you want more?”

“Oh God. Oh Master.”

“Did I let you off too lightly, Lisa?”

“Oh fuck. Oh God. Yes, Master. Please…… please beat me again in front of my husband. Make me a good girl for him.”

“Very well.,” He turned his attention to me. “Shackle her up Paul.”

I took Lisa’s leash and led her to the frame. “Lisa, you do not have to.”

She gave a little cry. “I need it.” She whimpered.

I quickly shackled each leg and each wrist to the frame.

Mac took the riding crop up form the table. Her eyes widened as she saw it in his hand. “Right Lisa. I am going to give you 12 hard strokes on your bottom with the crop, understand.”

“Yes, Master. Thank you Master.”

Mac delivered these slowly and methodically. This time Lisa did scream. She screamed with each strike of the crop. On the twelfth stroke Lisa shuddered wildly and cried out loudly. She had had a second orgasm and her bottom now bore the distinctive marks of the welts of the crop, but her skin had not been punctured.

It was a substantial beating. She was sobbing as she hung from the frame. Mac put down the crop, went in front of her and gave her a hug. He kissed her head and soothed her as her shoulders shook from her sobs.

“Lisa, you did so well.” He told her. “I am so proud of you.” he kissed her cheek which was wet with tears. “You asked for that. And that is what a good sub should do. Now let’s get you upstairs.”

We jointly helped Lisa upstairs to the bedroom. We laid her down on her front and removed the leather cuffs from her wrists and ankles. We then applied the balm to her back, buttocks and thighs, with Mac concentrating on her bottom. As he was working his fingers slipped into the crease between her buttocks. He was playing with her rose bud. “Lisa, have you had a cock in here.”

She didn’t answer at first. His finger, teasing the little brown hole, penetrated an inch. Lisa squealed. “Well?”

“Yes, Master.”

I was absolutely stunned. I had never ever even dreamed of trying to have anal sex with my loving wife. My God, I never thought that Lisa could have done something like that. When, for Gods sake? When?

After a short time we turned her over and carried on massaging the ointment into her breasts and stomach. Mac asked me to get the little whip from downstairs. ‘The breast whip’ he called it.

When I returned Mac had removed his trousers and boxers. Lisa was on her knees with her head in the pillows. Her bottom was raised. Mac got on his knees on the bed behind her. His tool was at full erection pointing up with the mushroom head a deep purple. His hand went into the jar and he took a good dollop of the balm on his fingers which he applied to her labia. Lisa gasped loudly. I put the little whip on the bed beside him. “Thank you,” he said. I watched on excitedly as his enlarged rigid cock slipped effortlessly past my wife’s labia and into her vagina. As I left the room I heard the slap slap of flesh on flesh, then the headboard bang, bang, bang, above the noise of her deep moaning.

I went downstairs. I could still hear the headboard as I cleared the glasses. I picked up the strap and inspected it. I hit my hand with it. I knew that I would never want to be on the receiving end of anything like this and I wondered at how it was that Lisa was so keen on receiving it. I returned the strap and the crop to the holdall and dismantled the frame, returning it to the garage. I managed to get it all put away just as the bang, bang, bang ceased. It was now quiet upstairs as I made my way with my hard cock in my hand to the spare room.


At nine o’clock the next morning I took a tray of tea to them. They were both asleep as I entered and I put the tray on the bedside table beside Lisa.

She stirred. “Oh, thank you, darling.” I kissed her forehead and left them.

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