Salvation Ch. 8 Cruel Pleasures by Zenythmon

Salvation Ch. 8 Cruel Pleasures by Zenythmon

Indulge in the tantalizing world of 'Salvation Ch. 8: Cruel Pleasures' by Zenythmon. This erotic sex story explores dark desires, intense passion, and forbidden encounters that will leave you breathless. Discover the boundaries of pleasure and pain in a narrative that challenges conventions. Perfect for fans of erotic fiction seeking thrilling escapism!<br/>

A dark and sadistic tale set in Victorian England , When her guests had finished their refreshments, Alice escorted them back down to the dungeon, for more entertainments. The light in the dungeon, seemed much dimmer as they took their seats and there was much curiosity about the device, which had now been placed in the centre of the stage.

“Let the entertainments commence,” Alice ordered, a sly smile on her face.

A very nervous little girl was led onto the stage, still wearing her costume from the party. Standing beside the girl Alice Marchant was tall, elegant and an austere figure who towered over the child.

“This is Sarah, who is twelve years old,” Alice announced.

Jenny Richards recognised her as the little girl who had been made to give her pleasure at the party. Alice remembered just how exhausted little Sally became during sexual activity; so she decided to make her swallow some of the special lemonade.

Concocted by James Jones, the special lemonade contained two drugs; the first to ensure the children’s cooperation and the second to build up the stamina needed for them to endure prolonged and rough sexual activity.

“Prepare her!” Alice said, gesturing to Miss Bolton the matron.

Rebecca offered Sarah the drink, but at first she refused. However, a few hard smacks with her trusty strap across the child’s thighs eventually persuaded her to drink it.

Alice smiled, looking around her, unwilling to start the torture of this pretty little girl until all the spectators were seated.

The ladders had been removed and a device called “The Tower” had been placed in the centre of the stage. The device; was a solid column of wood, six feet tall, with restraints hanging from the top.

A porcelain cock was attached to a brass slide, allowing it to be adjusted to the required height and then locked into place. The cock was curved, much like that of a banana and protruded a full five inches from the solid wooden column, three quarters of its surface smooth, the last quarter around its broad base, rough.

The child stared at it, her eyes large and round. Alice drew her over to the tower, measuring her little body against it and adjusted the cock to its most effective height. Relieved when it looked too high for her to mount, she started to giggle, half with relief, half with sheer nervousness.

Max watched Alice stroke the little girl’s face and smiled. The scene was so innocent, yet the woman’s fingers were expertly undoing the child’s costume, loosening it first, then drawing it off her until she stood naked. He couldn’t believe how lovely she looked, so innocent, so young, her skin so pale, so smooth and completely unmarked. He wished he were her master, kneeling beside the child, pinching her nipples and bottom one moment, then sliding his fingers into her sweet little cunt and anus the next.

The girl was young, but there was no denying her sexuality, not with a cute labia like that, so rich and thick, so ready to open at the least touch and expose the little finger of her clitoris to new pleasures.

The drugged lemonade had taken full effect by the time Alice was ready to draw the little girl to the waiting Tower. Unable to concentrate, the girl went where she was led, letting her limbs be moved, her arms lifted and tied, her little body drawn up until she felt stretched.

Max almost stopped breathing as her slender thighs were drawn wide apart and the greased porcelain cock, placed at the entrance of her cunt. One more adjustment and it was parting her lips, slipping into a tender cunt that he hoped would be virginal, but sensed wouldn’t be.

The audience groaned along with him, watching as the child slid carefully down onto the cock, enjoying her screams as a full four inches of the smooth surface was embedded in her cunt.

It wasn’t Miss Marchant who struck the first blow, but Lord Holmes.

Max envied his old friend as he strode onto the stage carrying a wicked looking cane in his hand. Holmes smiled at his audience, no doubt knowing how much they envied him, and took up a position beside the trembling child.

The girl knew what was coming. There was no way that she could have lived her short life in orphanages and not known, yet the terror still showed on her face and the complication of having four inches of solid porcelain cock filling her little cunt was causing her a lot of anguish and awkwardness.

Holmes brought his arm round and whipped the cane down across her delicious little bottom, causing her to jerk forward and impale her delicate cunt still further onto the cock. The girl’s screams were music to everyone’s ears.

“By God Holmes, give her another!” Max shouted.

Richard nodded and complied, the cane landing across both bottom cheeks to make her scream and jerk forward again, screaming as she drove the cock deep into her little cunt again, the tender walls of her sex sliding over the rough part, its bulbous head splitting the lips of her tender little cunt wide apart.

The girl fought hard against the intense pain and pleasure, as all she could do was to hang by her wrists and pant, crying out as Richard brought the cane down again and again across her already bruised bottom and writhe on the unforgiving cock.

They all watched as Sarah frantically rode the porcelain cock; her sex lips gleaming as they responded to her arousal and as she climaxed in a frenzy of wanton lust.

“The little tart!” someone shouted, the remark acknowledged with loud applause.

“She should be severely whipped,” Miss Foulds, remarked.

Alice smiled and nodded to her. Greta Foulds stepped onto the stage carrying her favorite instrument; a French martinet.

The audience quietened, as Miss Foulds moved up behind the girl and loosened her gown, which allowed her to expand her lungs and gave much more freedom to her whipping arm. Greta stood and observed the child, such a lovely expression on her sweet little face as she desperately tried to climax again before the pain returned. However, Miss Foulds was a sadistic governess would enjoy whipping Sarah severely under the pretext of punishing her wantonness.

Greta raised the martinet high above over her head. The girl whimpered and drove her cunt onto the cock again, just as the martinet was brought down with force across her adorable little bottom.

“Oh my God,” someone shouted. The leather strands of the martinet had raised some lovely whip marks. The girl sobbed, a lovely sound to those watching. Greta traced the lines she’d caused with the martinet, squeezing and massaging the child’s bottom for a good few moments, under the pretext of soothing away the pain.

There was a rustling of clothing and the sound of heavy breathing, as the guests discreetly masturbated.

Then, without warning Greta raised the martinet again and whipped it down even harder, catching the girl completely by surprise and forcing her to really start fucking herself, in order to bring some relief from the searing pain.

Once again the child screamed and struggled, the audience applauding Greta’s handiwork.


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