Submissive Cum Laude – Chapter 2 – Goddess Brianna by [James Bondage]

Alex’s heart began beating faster. His palms sweated. Brianna’s hooks were digging into him deep and he loved it. He never would’ve imagined having a conversation like this with a second woman from his drama class. He’d been searching the internet for his next Domina in a twenty five mile radius. It seemed unbelievable that she’d been under his nose the whole time.

Brianna took a few more bites of her salad before setting her fork aside, indicating she was done.

“Do you want to learn some more, Alex? Spend some quality time with me?”

There was no hesitation. “Yes. Very much so.”

“And you’re not seeing anyone else, correct? No other woman has you collared? I’m not someone who likes to share.”

“No. I am one hundred percent unattached and available.”

Brianna emitted a throaty chuckle through closed lips. Her Cheshire smile was wide. “That pleases me. I’m going to enjoy having a white boy to order around.”

It suddenly occurred to Alex that Brianna and Bethany had always been rivals. Brianna was the best singer in their troupe by far, but Bethany had other talents that out-shined the dark skinned diva. It was a constant struggle between them to see who was the biggest star in the school’s theater productions.

Alex couldn’t help but wonder how much of this was her finding him attractive, how much was hunger for a new sub and how much she simply wanted to dominate and leave her mark on a male that used to be Bethany’s. He could hardly contain his curiosity on the subject, but it didn’t matter, ultimately. He would indulge Brianna, whatever her reasons. He needed to be under a woman’s heel again.

She slid out of the booth and grabbed her trench coat. The black beauty quickly wrapped it around her body and tied it at the waist. Her curves were once again covered in the shiny, supple leather. Alex’s breath came fast and his cock began tenting in his pants. He moved to get up so he could say a proper goodbye, but Brianna stopped him.

“No, don’t stand. You haven’t finished your meal yet. I need to get going, but there’s something you’re going to do for me, right now, before I leave. If you’re serious about this arrangement, that is.”

Alex looked up at her anxiously. “Please, instruct me.”

She placed a hand on her hip and shot him a devilish grin. “In a moment I’m going to turn around and you’re going to kiss my ass. Both cheeks, one at a time. No little pecks either. I want a long, sensual kiss on both. Show me that you enjoy it.”

A jolt of nerves shot through Alex. He took a quick look around, gauging their exposure. Thankfully, it didn’t seem like too many people were seated nearby.

Brianna’s grin collapsed into a smirk. “Bitch, you’d do it even if this place was full. Now pucker up.”

She sauntered to his side of the table and turned on her heel. Brianna backed up just slightly, putting her ass just below the level of his face. Her long, luscious coat hung down. It covered her ass in thick, shiny leather, outlining it nicely.

Alex slid over without hesitation and obeyed her command. It was something he desperately wanted to do anyway, so the risk of some stranger catching him in the act wasn’t going to stop him. He placed his lips smack on the succulent leather of her left ass cheek and applied a long, sucking kiss to her posterior. His face came off with a wet smack and he quickly bobbed his head to her right cheek. He planted eager lips on the other half of her magnificent ass, worshiping it eagerly. He inhaled the strong scent of leather deeply as his lips moistly sucked on her curvy bottom before extracting his mouth with a light pop.

He pulled back into his normal, seated position and Brianna turned around. She gazed down at him with a pleased expression.

“You busy on Friday night?”

“Not anymore.”

“Good. You’re coming to my place. I’ll text you the time and address. Be sure to bring a gift worthy of your new Goddess.”

Brianna didn’t wait for him to respond before strutting off. She didn’t need a response and they both knew it. He would be there with bells on, gift in hand and eager to serve. He had no say in the matter.

Alex moved to take another bite of his sandwich when he heard two young women giggling and commenting about him. He looked up and saw them not far down the row of booths. They shot curious glances his way before their faces disappeared and more laughter went up. Thankfully, he didn’t recognize either of the girls from any of his classes.

‘Worth it!’ he decided as he returned to his lunch.

* * * * *

It was early evening as Alex walked down the dimly lit hallway of student apartments. He carried the garment bag with his leather gimp suit over his shoulder and a small gift box in the other hand. Not wanting to deal with an extra set of footwear, he’d simply worn his rubber boots. To prepare for the evening he’d given himself an enema, had a light snack and downed a bottle and a half of Gatorade. He’d learned the importance of being hydrated before extended play in heavy leather over the course of many sessions with Bethany.

Brianna had been fortunate enough to land an apartment in one of the swankier on-campus developments. Students below grad-level weren’t often given the privilege, so it was most likely due to her scholarship. Individuals that a university wished to attract for their talents were often given those kind of concessions.

As he approached the door, he checked his breath. Still minty fresh and he could smell the cologne he’d splashed on himself before leaving. He was ready and extremely eager to get back into “sub space.” Alex reached out and pressed the doorbell firmly.

A few moments later the door opened and Brianna took his breath away. She hadn’t waited for him to get dressed for play time. She was decked head to toe in glossy, freshly-oiled black leather. She wore a black, one piece leather dress that started at her shoulders and covered her arms all the way to her black leather gloves. The thick, sensual material rippled over her bust, showing only a little cleavage before continuing down her hour glass figure, terminating just above her knees. From there, the luscious leather thigh highs took over, slipping down into menacing stilettos.

Light blue eye-shadow set off her eyes perfectly, contrasting nicely with her dark skin. Her lips were highlighted in deep scarlet red. She leaned against the doorway with one hand, the other finding her hip as she struck a pose. She crossed one booted leg over the other, drawing Alex’s gaze up and down her body as he took in her full, leather-wrapped glory.

It took Alex a few seconds of staring, but he managed to pick up his jaw from the floor and conjure something mildly witty.

“Wow! Imagine if I’d been a neighbor looking for a cup of sugar?”

“Get in here, bitch.”

Brianna grabbed the front of his button down shirt and yanked him inward. She closed the door behind him and locked it securely. She turned to meet him with a wide grin and Alex smiled back while holding out her gift. The stylish Sephora gift box was dark blue and wrapped with a yellow ribbon and bow.

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