Submissive Cum Laude – Chapter 2 – Goddess Brianna by [James Bondage]

“Good boy! You didn’t forget.”

She accepted it eagerly and began tearing off the bow. The ribbon fell to the ground and she opened the flip-top of the hinged box set. Her eyebrows raised and her eyes lit up. Inside was a three ounce bottle of “Black Opium” perfume by Yves Saint Laurent along with a matching necklace and earrings.

Brianna pulled the perfume from the box and gave it a spray. The concoction filled the air between them. Notes of coffee, white flowers and vanilla were evident in the classy mixture. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply before emitting a delighted purr and placing the bottle back in the box. She set the gift box on the end table beside the door before turning back to her new slave.

“Impressive. You know how to spoil a woman, Alex.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“I see you came prepared in other ways as well…” she said, nodding toward the garment bag on his shoulder.

“Should I get changed?”

“Yes, immediately. Bathroom is over there” she said pointing to a door in the distance. “Don’t keep me waiting.”

“Yes, Mistress” Alex said reflexively. He offered her a slight bow before turning to depart.


He stopped dead in his tracks, halfway through a turn on his heels. Alex quickly pivoted back towards the dark beauty to see what he’d done wrong.

“You will not use that word. I am not a Mistress. I am not ‘the other woman.’ I am the ONLY woman while you wear my collar and you will call me Goddess.”

Alex’s eyes opened wide in surprise, but he quickly adjusted to the new decorum. “Yes, Goddess Brianna.”

“Better. Now hurry! I have a lot planned for your slutty, white ass.”

Alex headed to the bathroom with a sly grin on his face.

‘I bet you do…’

* * * * *

His Goddess was waiting for him when Alex exited the bathroom in head to toe leather. His gimp suit was just as well polished as her attire, the black leather shining up and down his slim body. Brianna began stalking around him in slow circles, inspecting him from every angle. She’d retrieved a long, thick leather paddle while he’d been changing. She slapped it in her gloved hand occasionally, the threatening sounds exciting Alex as she stopped behind him and let the anticipation build.


The wide paddle belted into both of his ass cheeks and Alex gasped. Her blow stung significantly harder than anything Bethany had delivered in the past. Brianna was strong and not at all hesitant to use her strength. She stalked back to his front, her boot heels echoing on the wooden floor loudly.

“That was for using the M-word. Just one, because you didn’t know better. Do it again and you’ll get ten more. Understood?”

“Yes, Goddess.”

She began smoothing her gloved hands up and down his leather encased form. Brianna traced the length of his chest, groped his ass, squeezed his thighs and felt up his shoulders. She slid behind him and pressed her bosom to his back. Her right hand snaked around his side and reached for his crotch. She grabbed his package, his cock already half-erect after dressing in leather and witnessing Brianna in her gleaming dress and boots. She placed her mouth next to his ear and rubbed him below as she spoke.

“Now, my little white bitch boy, I’m going to watch some TV and you’re going to do everything I say while I enjoy my show. If you perform well, I might allow you to cum later. If you don’t, your sad little cock will be denied. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Goddess Brianna!”

She released his cock and gave his ass a firm swat with her open palm. Brianna circled back to his front and put a hand on her hip. Her other hand was outstretched, her paddle pointed toward the kitchen.

“Get me a Sprite from the fridge. Then join me in the living room.”

“Yes, Goddess” he said with a bow before hurrying off.

He entered her small, neatly arranged kitchen and walked right to the refrigerator. Alex opened it and eventually found her 12 pack of Sprite buried in the back. He extracted a can, closed the door and headed back. As he made his way to the living room, he could see Brianna pushing her coffee table further away from the couch than it normally sat.

It wasn’t a huge apartment by any means, but it was four times as big as any dorm. Brianna had a huge widescreen TV and a plush, brown leather couch that looked heavenly to sit in. Truly, she was a woman with a taste for the finer things in life.

Alex walked in and handed her the drink. She took it and immediately pointed toward the floor in front of the sofa.

“Hands and knees. Flatten your back the best you can. Stay that way until I tell you.”

He dropped to the floor at once and spread himself forward. Brianna walked around him casually. She plopped herself down in the luscious leather and placed her booted feet on Alex’s back. Brianna set her paddle down on the couch before grabbing her remote and a leather crop from a side table next to the sofa. She turned on the TV, opened Netflix and queued up her show.

It was absolute torture to Alex listening to her leather clad body shift around on the rippling sofa as he knelt there, arched under her legs. He’d never wanted to be a couch so much in his life. Ironically, he was a piece of furniture, just not the one he would’ve preferred.


Brianna opened the tab on her drink and took a few sips. She set the nearly-full can down on Alex’s back not far from her boots.

“Don’t spill my drink. You don’t even want to know how many spankings that gets you.”

“Yes, Goddess.”

Alex inhaled slowly and kept perfectly still. He was fine at the moment, but he didn’t know how long he’d be able to maintain this posture without moving a muscle. He couldn’t see the TV, but he heard the intro to Brianna’s program. Alex’s cock twitched in his leather pants as she shifted on the couch again and the leather creaked loudly.

* * * * *

Some fifteen to twenty minutes later Brianna reached down, grabbed her can and finished draining it. She set the empty tin on her side table rather than returning it to Alex’s back. He was glad, because his strength was waning rapidly and his hips and arms had started to wobble. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold out.

Brianna noticed his slight shifting and gave him a side glance. She looked up at the wall mounted clock and noted the time. The dark Goddess nodded, seemingly satisfied with his endurance. The black beauty paused her program, lifted her boots from his back and stood.


Her crop lashed into his leather-clad ass.

“Get up, bitch boy.”

He stood gingerly, his knees and arms creaking as he leaned on the coffee table for support. As soon as he’d risen to his full height, Brianna grabbed him by the back of the neck.

“You make a pretty good table, slave. Now let’s see if you’re a comfortable seat!”

She shoved him toward the couch and gave his ass another sting.


“Lie down, face up.”

Alex lowered himself onto the couch quickly and turned himself over. The wonderful meshing sounds of leather on leather were music to his ears. The sensual embrace of the sofa felt heavenly after his limbs had been put through a harsh stress test. His comfort was to be short lived, however.

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