The Boss’s Toy by Catrat89

“Bad girl, I told you I let you cum when you begged,” he said, his tongue brushing over her clit, just a touch. “Are you ready to beg me now sweetheart?”

Against her better judgement, Alora shook her head.


His finger began to move again and he continued his assault on her. Just light touches, back and forth over her engorged clit, his tongue trailed torturous circle over her pussy. She bucked and writhed and moaned and cursed, but he never stopped, just light licks, keeping her right on the edge. Until eventually, after almost 40 minutes of torture, Alora moaned out a quiet, “Please.”

Daniel smiled. “What was that?”


“Please… what?”

“Please let me cum.”

“Hm, not quite, I guess I’ll have to keep going.”

She writhed. “No, please no more.”

“You know what you have to say to cum Alora.” He turned his finger inside her, beginning to pump in and out again.

She whined. “Please,” she said breathlessly, “Please fuck me.”

“Good girl, that’s all you had to say,” he told her, before reaching down to untie her ankles and spread her legs even wider. He unbuckled his trousers and pulled out his throbbing cock, lining it up with her soaking entrance. “Say it again, one more time,” he whispered to her.

“Fuck me,” she whispered, defeated.

He smiled and thrust inside her in one go. She gasped at the sudden intrusion and moaned loudly when he began to pump inside of her. He reached down, stroking her clit again, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. She held off the rising wave for a few moments, so afraid he’d stop again. But then he whispered “Cum for me,” in her ear, and she surrendered to it, her climax washing over her in waves, lasting longer than any orgasm she’d had before. He didn’t stop when she went limp under him though, he kept going, pumping hard and fast, rubbing her sore clit until she fell into another orgasm, which was almost painful. He finally stopped though, when she was almost on her way to a third orgasm and every stroke of pleasure was too painful. His thrusts became erratic and his hand moved from her clit, until he grunted and she felt his cum coat the inside of her and begin to drip down her thighs when he pulled out.

He lay down beside her panting the same as she was. “So you can be a good girl when you want something.”

She glared at him through her tears. She couldn’t believe she’d begged. She felt so embarrassed, so used.

He pulled her up to the head of the bed, allowing her to bring her hands to her chest and rest her head on the pillow. He rolled her onto her side and wrapped her in his arms. “If you’re good, you can be a little happy here. Maybe I’ll even let you out of these cuffs. But if your bad, I’ll keep having to punish you,” he said, running his hand over her bruising ass. “And I’ll have to keep you tied up here. So are you going to be good for me, or not?”

Alora didn’t answer, but more tears fell on her cheeks. He wiped them away then slid off the bed and walked into the adjoining bathroom. She heard the water running and soon he returned with a washcloth and wiped her down, wiping away the cum dribbling down her thighs and stinging her bruised ass. He left her there, curled up and crying and locked the bedroom door behind him when he went.

He came in the next morning, waking her by brushing her hair out of her face. She flinched away from him, scrambling as far back as the cuffs allowed. “Get away from me,” she told him, and he raised an eyebrow. He looked sinfully handsome today, wearing a crisp black shirt and jeans, his tousled brown hair looking like a model’s.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to fuck you just yet. My people will bring you some food and then we have to go.”

“Go? Go where?”

“My house, of course, I don’t live here, I just like to keep a playroom handy wherever I am.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” she spat, but he just chuckled.

“You don’t have much of a choice, but if you are good from now on, I’ll give you a shirt to wear on the ride over, unless you want to be naked the whole trip?”

Alora didn’t respond, she just looked down.

“Good girl,” he told her before turning toward the door and leaving, letting another man through with a tray of food.

The man left the tray on the bed, and though she didn’t want to take anything he offered, she was starving and gobbled down the eggs and toast in minutes, downing the glass of water. The man returned and took the tray back again, and Alora just sat curled up on the bed, waiting. Eventually, Daniel returned, looking cheery as ever, and leaned over her to unlock her cuffs. Before he did though, he whispered into her ear; “If you try anything, I’ll hogtie you, you’ll travel in the boot, and when we arrive I’ll whip that sweet little ass raw, got it?”

Alora glared, but nodded, she knew it was useless to try anything right now, with his imposing frame leaning on her and his men guarding the doors. He unlocked the cuffs and she rubbed her sore wrists. He gently pulled her off the bed and guided her to the door as she hugged herself. She stopped.

“Wait, you said you’d give me some clothes,” she said firmly, terrified of walking out to the others stark naked, covered in bruises and dried tears.

“Actually, I recall saying I’d give you a shirt if you were good.”

“Was I not good?”

He smirked, “You were, surprisingly. And I’m a man of my word.” He unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it off his sculpted shoulders and holding it out to her, revealing his chest in all its glory. She hadn’t had much of a chance to admire him the night before, but no one that evil should be allowed to be that handsome.

She gulped and hesitantly took the shirt from him, sliding the smooth fabric over her cold shoulders. It was still warm, and it smelt of him, reminding her of last night, and the shame came rushing back. The shirt was far too big for her and covered her bruises, but she could still feel the sting. “Thank you,” she mumbled, then cursed herself for it, she shouldn’t be thanking this man for anything. She wished she could crawl into a corner and cry, and this whole nightmare would be over, but instead, Daniel placed an arm around her shoulder and cheerily led her out of the bedroom back into the office. There were at least five guards standing outside this time, all watching her warily, waiting for her to make her move. She simultaneously wanted to cuddle up to Daniel, use his protective arm as a safety net, and wanted to commit some defenestration (throw him out a window) and then take ten billion showers to rid herself of his touch. But she did neither and she walked warily with him to the lift, standing uncomfortably at his side, hugging herself, inhaling his scent that was both intoxicating and revolting.

When they stepped out on the ground floor, Alora remembered her last escape attempt, wishing she had just run instead of stopping to yell for help. There was no chance of running now, there were another squad of guards lining the path to the dark limo and Alora stiffened at the sight of them, but Daniel just led her straight past them, opening the car door for her, but she froze, unable to bring herself to get in. Unable to give up that easily. If she got in that car, she may never see a city again, she would be submitting to Daniel, letting him win. Again. She almost started to hyperventilate when she felt Daniel’s hands gently pushing her into the car.

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