White slavery or is it Really part 2

So, it was decided that they would return to the states. This would allow her mother to get the needed medical attention, and health care that she would need and hopefully resolve these problems. The thought of returning to the states for Adanna was quite a shock, and very upsetting especially after just loosing her father. She had lived so simply that it was very hard for her to comprehend all the new and frightening possibilities that she would now have to face. She had been born in the states as an infant, but knew nothing of this strange new land that they were about to become part of!.

Her mother tried to explain many of the things she would have to know, and do. Automobiles, trains, bus’s, airplanes and the people! So many of them, especially in the big city where they were going to live. Her mother had home schooled her, as well as many of the other native children, and although she had listened and learned she had not really paid close attention to the details, never thinking that one day she would return and have to live there.

But now, she tried to remember all the things her mother had taught her. It was decided that after they returned to the states she would attend one of the smaller private colleges, so that she would become more worldly, and with the idea of perhaps pursuing some sort of college degree.

Her mother surprised her by suggesting that they bring along one of the native girls so that she, would not have to face all these new things by herself, and also to keep some contact with her past. Samanya it seemed was the perfect choice, she was almost two years older than Adanna, and for some reason had been somewhat of an outcast in their village? She had grown up and developed much faster than the other girls.
She was very bright perceptive, and worldly beyond her years, she had read every kind of book and piece of literature she could get her hands on, about Europe and America and had paid very close attention to what Adanna’s mother had taught her about the wonders of the world and this strange new land. The big cities, and all the opportunities they had to offer, good and bad. Samanya had never dreamed,that this would now be offered to her.
The fact that she, had also been the older girl who had talked the other girls into investigating Adanna’s gentiles and that the results of this had lead to the girls new, stimulating and very pleasurable sexual experience seemed to make this choice all the better. Further because of the personal sexual experience they had enjoyed were now very close friends. Almost like sisters, and they had been spending a lot of time together after her fathers death.

She, had also been one of the girls along with Adanna that had been abducted and had experienced first hand being smeared with this erotic drug that had lead to her and the other girls experiencing uncontrolled sexual desires, as well as having this revelation of men lusting for her! She, much like Adanna had at the time, been very disappointed that they had not deflowered her, a condition she had been looking forward to with some apprehension, and even more anticipation. Samanya had asked Adannas mother many questions about life in the states, about sex, racial discourse, marriage and relationships. The fact that in Africa where they lived almost everyone was black and that during her young life she had seen very few whites the exception of course were several missionaries and Adanna’s parents.

Samanya was told that in America blacks were considered to be the minority, and for many years had been treated badly, and thought of as second class citizens. She was further told that this had been changing for the better over the last dozen years. She had also been told that over 150 years ago there had been a very lucrative slave trade, and that many people had made large sums of money dealing in the slave business. The irony of this, had allowed many black people in the states to benefit from the guilt of whites for the brutal and degrading things that had been perpetrated on these black slaves well over 100 years ago, especially the black slave girls. Adanna was now sixteen years old and after the death of her father, the trauma from that, alongwith the new life changing possibilities of living in this new land had matured her physically. But she was still a very naive and innocent young girl. She did however look somewhat older than her 16 years!

As they packed there belongings Adanna’s mother had a number of clothes that had been stored away for many years as well as some the prudish missionaries had given, in trying to keep the village women from leaving their bare breasts exposed and uncovered. This of course had not worked as the women of the village thought it was silly, so Adanna’s mother had saved many of these clothes and although they were very plain they were at least presentable. She let the girls pick through all these items, and the dresses they picked quickly revealed, that on them, with there fully developed young bodies, left little to ones imagination. Especially because there were no bras or underwear among the clothes they had picked from!.

Money had never been a problem, in the small village where they lived. They had never wanted or needed much. But now they were going to one of the biggest cities in America to live, where money and affluence would be required. Adanna wondered as she finally realized, and started to worry,.. how would they afford to survive?

She had posed this question to her mother, who finally set down with her and in a matter of fact way had tried to explained that they were very well off. This situation had come about by the fact that her grand parents and even her great grand parents had been quite well to do. When they had passed on they had left a rather large sum of money in trust for them knowing that some day they would return to live in the states. Her fathers annual income for the almost 20 years or so that they had spent in Africa although modest had been invested and reinvested wisely. It alone had done quite well. They of course had never needed much, do to their frugal lifestyle and even the subsistence he received was rarely used. The results of all this would allow all three of them to live quite comfortably, and to take care of her mothers health problems, the fact was, that they would not have any worries about money.

Now with there few belongings packed, the local villagers helped them haul it to the only road, a very long trek through the jungle of almost 70 miles that took several days. From there it was on a tired old bus that jerked and bumped along until they finally arrived in the big city of Bangi at this point they boarded a train that took them on to Cameroon.

They both had dressed in identical very plain white cotton dresses that barely covered their breasts, ended at there knees, and were held up by a small cord that was tied behind their necks in a bow.
They were very shapely and beautiful young women. The fact that the dresses they wore did little to hide the shape of their breasts their nipples or the curves of their attractive young bodies, this fact had at first not dawned on any of them including Adanna’s mother. It soon became apparent that most of men in their company and a number of women seemed to be staring at them, no matter where they went. Both had become quite inseparable and in awe of this strange new place Bangi! They, had paid little attention to the strange and interesting looks they were now getting. Samanya was quite amused and really enjoyed this new found attention! Adanna on the other hand was very bashful and naively uncomfortable with the blatant stares, and could not understand why these men were looking at her in this most unusual way, and then remembered the tribes men that had abducted them had also looked at them in this most lustful and unsettling way! .Adanna had very mixed emotions about those that looked her over?

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