Ye Olde Water Faire – 03 The Race by The_Technician

I was hoping that I wasn’t right over one of the cameras when I grabbed his junk. I didn’t know if I could get disqualified or something like that. But then I thought that what I did would look really neat on the video so Herr Dunkler wouldn’t care. He was all about the money and if I did something that helped sell his videos, no problem.

I was swimming pretty well and staying in about the middle of the pack until the last lap. I had just come back up from my turn to start the lap when I felt something hit me really hard on the front of my shoulder. I looked up and there was pepper. She had absolute hatred in her eyes. She didn’t say anything but just swam off. It took me a minute to regain my stroke and then I almost lost my pace again when I realized that she hadn’t intended to hit me on the shoulder. She was trying to hit me in the throat.

There was nothing I could do about it right then, but I decided that I would have to talk to Master about what happened. Her hitting me had cost me some time and now I was starting to worry whether or not I would be out of the pool by the time the shark bell rang.

The winner of the race is pretty clear. It is the person who gets out of the pool on the last lap first. You have to get out of the pool and run across and press a button that is mounted on a tall post. Whoever pushes that button first is the winner. A loud buzzer goes off and a bright rotating red light starts swirling around the tent.

There is only one winner, but there can be a lot of losers. Twenty seconds after the buzzer sounds, a loud bell rings. That bell is the shark bell and no one is allowed out of the pool once it rings. All of the swimmers who were out of the pool move away from the water and several big security guys keep anyone else from getting out of the water.

I heard the buzzer ring and started counting down in my head. I had at least five seconds to spare when I got up out of the water. I tried to move away from the pool, but pepper was blocking my path.

“You’re the reason Master sold me!” she screamed in my face. “Before he got you, he used to share his time between me and precious.” She poked me in the chest with her finger. “Then you came along and he still gave precious her time, but I had to share my time with you. And I know it was you who convinced him to rescue that street slut, puta. When I tried to get back my share of his time, he threw me out.”

I started to explain that she brought everything on herself, but she wasn’t listening. Instead she was pushing me back closer and closer to the pool. Then suddenly the musclebound slave was standing next to her. She turned to him and said, “She’s all yours.”

Before I could do anything, he picked me up and threw me back into the pool. I had just come back up to the surface coughing and sputtering water out of my mouth when the shark bell rang. Slave pepper and the stud slave quickly ran back away from the pool and the security people ran in to keep everyone who was still in the pool in the water. There were about a dozen of us.

Then the sharks came running out and jumped into the water. Supposedly they are all male slaves, but with the big shark head mask totally covering their heads, it was impossible to tell. There could be a couple of Masters joining in the fun. The only thing that was certain was that there were no Mistresses because except for the shark head, all of the sharks were naked… and most were sporting erections.

I was literally screwed. I knew it was going to be rough, but it was going to be rough sex and I am normally up for sex of any kind, so I figured I could handle it.

But this was going to be sex in the water. Despite the daydreams and fantasies of many, sex in the water is mostly terrible. If you are in the ocean near the beach, you end up with sand in everything. And I mean everything.

Being in a pool like this isn’t much better because your natural lubricants are washed away. Some guys like that because it causes more friction, but friction like that will rub a girl sore in just a short time. And this wasn’t going to be a short time. The shark cage buzzer… the buzzer that ordered the sharks out of the water… wouldn’t be for an hour.

I figured my best bet was to get to the finish line end of the pool. There are steps there so the racers can easily get out of the pool. If I could get up on those steps and lay up over the side things would be a lot better. I could hopefully take a couple of the guys while I was out of the water and fill myself up with cum. The cum would act as lubricant and unlike my natural juices, it wouldn’t get washed away as easily in the water.

I almost made to the top of the steps when a burly shark grabbed me around the waist and said, “Where are you going, little lady?”

I twisted around so I could face him and said, “Just let me lay over the side and I will let you do anything to me. I’ll work to make it really good for you.”

He bent down to look at me. I could just barely see his eyes through the eye holes of the shark head mask. Then he said, “Cunt, ass, then mouth.”

Normally I don’t want to do ass to mouth, but this wasn’t normal sex. And besides, with any luck, the water would wash off his prick before I had to suck it. I said, “OK” and flopped over the side.

I really wasn’t ready for him. I was water wet on the outside and dry inside, but he just held me down and started pushing inside me. I don’t know if he was trying to be gentle for me or it was just so dry and tight that it hurt him, but he stopped once he was an inch or so in and then pulled back out just a little. He kept that up for a while, pushing in about an inch and then pulling back out about a half inch. By the time he got most of the way into me, I was starting to respond. My vagina was relaxing to accept him and I was starting to lubricate.

Once he started to slide a little easier, he started thrusting harder. And rather than pulling back just a little, he was pulling back until he was almost out and then ramming himself back in balls deep. I should probably be ashamed to admit this, but I was starting to enjoy it.

I was hoping that maybe he hadn’t had sex in a while and would fire off really fast, but that wasn’t to be. In fact, he was a little Energizer Bunny… he kept going and going and going and going. Master has taught me to control my orgasms pretty well, but there is only so much a girl can do. Pretty soon I was grunting and groaning and rubbing my tits against the hard floor panels which surrounded the pool.

Evidently that is what he was waiting for. He started really slamming into me. My legs were still in the water and he was splashing water up onto my ass and even out of the pool with each thrust. I decided to just let it all go and started yelling and screaming. I don’t know if I was making any sense or even saying any words, but I know I was loud.

Then I felt him erupt inside of me. I don’t always feel a guy spurt. Usually I just feel his prick pulse as he shoots his jism up inside me, but with this guy I could actually feel his cum filling me. That caused a second peak and I really groaned out as he lay down heavy on top of me.

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