The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 53: Rudolph the Red Cocked Reindeer by barbielez
Dive into Week 53 of "The Barbie Lez Fantasies" with "Rudolph the Red Cocked Reindeer" by barbielez. This captivating erotic sex story combines playful holiday themes with steamy encounters, perfect for adventurous readers looking to ignite their fantasies. Discover how holiday cheer meets desire in this unique take on a classic tale. Read more for a provocative experience that will leave you wanting more!<br/>
A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! , Author’s Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all.
Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-52”.
Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now…
December 24th. Christmas Eve. My family had not celebrated Christmas in years and both of my roommates were spending the holidays with their families, so I was all alone. Most people would find that depressing, but not me. I am the type of person who is happiest when alone and that day was no different. Still, I felt a little nostalgic for the good old days when my family and I would get together and exchange gifts next to a roaring fire. However, my childhood was far behind me and being an adult meant taking things more seriously. However, that did not mean I could not have a little fun.
I was planning on spending the entire day on the couch, watching Christmas movies. I had even purchased a fruit cake especially for the occasion. So it was with an eager smile that I cut myself a slice and headed into the living room. There I found a dozen movies waiting for me on the coffee table. I had gone through my quite extensive movie collection the day before and picked my holiday favorites.
After choosing a movie, I inserted it into the Blu-ray player and took a seat on the couch. And that was where I remained for the rest of the day. Well, my body did. My mind had other plans and wandered off halfway through the first movie. Perhaps it was because I had already watched that particular film five times or maybe it was the sight of the studly reindeer in it, but whatever the reason, I soon found myself getting turned on. Of course, it was not long before a powerful fantasy grabbed hold of me. And with that, I was off for another one of my perverse mental adventures.
It happened mere seconds after the fantasy started. I heard bells. But not church bells or an ice cream truck bell. It was sleigh bells. That’s right, I heard Santa’s bells. At least, that was my first thought. But then I realized how silly that sounded and I assumed it was my imagination playing tricks on me.
That was when I heard it. It sounded like hooves hitting the floor. And seeing how the entire apartment was covered in hardwood flooring and the sound was growing nearer, it could only mean one thing. Whoever, or whatever, was making that sound was approaching. Fast. I barely had time to turn toward the doorway joining the living room to the dining room before I saw him enter.
“Oh my god!” I gasped as my jaw dropped open. For you see, before me now stood the largest reindeer that I had ever seen. He was not one of those cheesy Disney reindeer, but rather a full-grown, wild-looking animal. The large set of antlers that stood atop his head made me wonder how he had made it through the doorframe. For that matter, I had no idea how he had gotten inside the apartment in the first place. But if he was indeed a Christmas reindeer, it was not really that odd.
I opened my mouth to ask… Well, I had no idea what I was going to ask, but that was irrelevant, because I never got a chance to utter a word. The large animal had completely entered the living room and now stood before the TV, staring at me with an intense gaze. But the weird part came not from his presence there or those incredibly intelligent-looking eyes of his. The odd part was the fact that a light emanated from between his hind legs. A bright-red light. I focused on the source and, once my eyes had gotten used to the brightness, I saw it.
“Oh my god!” I gasped again. But as shocked as I was, I was also entranced. I could not help but stare at the large cock that stood perfectly erect between his hind legs. The glowing, bright-red cock.
I was so taken aback by this that it me took a few seconds to wrap my mind around what I was seeing. Not only had a massive reindeer appeared out of nowhere, but he now stood before me with a glowing red cock between his legs. That could only mean one thing…
“Are you Rudolph?” I asked. Of course, I knew Rudolph was said to have a glowing red nose, but a glowing red cock was close enough. Plus, the tale of Santa Claus and his reindeer was nothing more than a bedtime story for kids. Still, the reindeer standing before me was all too real.
There were a few moments of silence before the red cocked animal addressed my question. I half expected him to speak, but all he did was nod. At least, I now had a name for my mysterious guest. However, I still had no idea why he was there. Luckily, that question was about to be answered.
Rudolph trotted over to me and lowered his head until it was level with mine. It was not until then that I noticed he held a note in his mouth. I found it hard to believe I had not noticed it before, but I had been pretty busy freaking out about the magical reindeer in my living room. I grabbed the note and read it.
It was composed of three paragraphs and basically explained that Santa had sent Rudolph to cheer me up in this holiday season. And of course, the glowing cock between the large animal’s hind legs was the major attraction. Speaking of attraction, the sight of my lover-to-be’s bright manhood was making me hornier with every passing second.
“What should I do?” I wondered. Fortunately, the massive amounts of arousal coursing through my veins made it impossible for me to refuse the generous offer. And with that, I got to work. Jumping up, I tore my clothes off and was naked in less than a second.
Rudolph just stood there, staring at me with those intelligent eyes of his. I could not help but feel like he was enjoying the sight of my naked body. This was proven correct when his cock started to shine brighter. I assumed that meant he was eager for me to get to work and I decided enough time had passed. So I dropped to my knees and took a seat beneath my large lover. The light was now so bright that I was forced to close my eyes to keep from being blinded. So it was in total darkness that I fumbled around until I located his cock.
“Mmmmm!” I moaned as I wrapped my fingers around the rock-hard spear. The intense heat emanating from it was enough to convince me to get to work. So I leaned forward and parted my lips.
“Mmmmm!” I moaned again as I felt my lover’s schlong slide into my mouth. Believe it or not, his manhood had the faint taste of candy canes. Encouraged by this, I started bobbing my head back and forth while using my tongue and lips to stimulate the shaft.