Cuckolding of our Friends – Part 3 by TheGroover

“Anna was on board I just had to convince Michael. After he had made his admission and we went out the following week I waited until he was drunk again. I told Michael about the BDSM club we had visited and the sissy cuckold that we had seen at the club being whipped and caned, how he had been fucked up the arse with a strap on cock in front of 30 people, how he had sucked cock and swallowed cum. How he had closely watched her masturbate, how he had cum on her face, tits and pussy and then licked his own cum off her. Michael admitted that he would have loved that.”

“I then told him that Anna was not the type of person that could be a Dominant but that Adam and I could be. I told Michael that I was submissive to you, but that I wanted to try being dominant and had been learning how to do it.”

“I explained to Michael that some people were submissive like him and Anna, some were totally dominant like Adam and some were known as switch who would be submissive to some and dominant with others. I asked Michael if he would be prepared to submit to us. He would have to do whatever we wanted and in return I would fuck his arse with a vibrating strap on and arrange for him to suck your cock. To my surprise he agreed. I then told him that Anna had already agreed.”

While she was talking, I had slowed down fingering her and when she had finished telling me what she had said to Michael and Anna I said.

“So, what exactly do I get out of this?”

Julie replied. “Because I really want to do this and so does Anna, both Anna and I will make it well worth your while. Anna and I will do girl-girl, we will do whatever you tell us to do. We will lick your arse, take deep throat, take Anal, I will train her to do those things, you can piss on us and make us piss on each other and anything else you want us to do. When we visit the BDSM club you can dominate all three of us. And at other times I will dominate Anna and Michael’.

Julie continued. “You won’t have to suck Michael’s cock but you will have to fuck his arse, let him suck your cock and tie him up and spank, paddle, strap, whip, cane and use the electro wand on him. I intend to turn him into a sissy cuckold.”

I then slipped a finger up her arse and she jumped, and I said. “So, I get this if I agree do I?”

She nodded. “Whenever you want, and Anna’s.”

“OK” I said. “Let me fuck your arse tonight and I will agree.”

Julie was ecstatic.

She kissed me passionately and said. “Thank you, you won’t regret it.”

I still had my finger up her arse.

“You might regret it.” I said. “Because you will be starting right now.”

‘OK’, said Julie. “What do you want me to do.”

I’m sure she was thinking that I would want a BJ under the table, which I knew she was quite prepared to do as she had done it before.

I told her. “I want you to go to the loo, which is right over the other side of the bar. When you come back, I want you to walk slowly all the way though the bar with your boob hanging out of that dress.”

She blushed. She didn’t mind exposing herself in a sexual situation, dogging, the nudist spa, the BDMS club because everyone was there to do the same. But this would be exposing herself in front of not just strangers but someone she may know. However, she knew she would have to do it.

“OK.” she said.

She got up and walk through the bar to the loo. The bar was very crowded with over 100 people milling around and given what she was wearing she attracted plenty of attention just walking to the loo. There several whistles and wow look at that’s.

She went into the ladies and then stood in front of the mirror and pulled her boob out. Given what she was wearing it didn’t take much for her boob to come out and it would be feasible that it could have fallen out. She knew that her tits were nice and in the dress that she was wearing she looked really sexy anyway.

Her nipple was red and hard due to the attention that Adam had already given them. She wondered if she could get away with no-one noticing. She convinced herself that anyone she knew could have seen her topless at the beach and that if anyone did see her, she could just say it had fallen out by accident.

Her hopes of not being seen were dashed within the first two steps as three guys walked past her to go to the gents. They all stared at her as she walked past and smiled. She pretended she did not know that her tit was hanging out and smiled back.

“Fucking hell did you see that!!” One of them said.

That gave her confidence. She walked through the bar slowly, smiling at guys as they smiled at her. Then with her heart pounding she saw the table where they were sitting and thought ‘I’ve made it’.

But just then one of her neighbours appeared in front of her with a friend and blocked her path. He said. “Hi Julie, how are you.”

“Fine thanks.” she said. “I’m just out for a drink with Adam, he’s over there.”

She pointed and as she did so her other boob popped out. There she was standing in a bar with both her 36DD’s popped out of the front of her dress. She hoped that her neighbour would say, your boobs are hanging out but instead him and his friend kept her talking for fully 5 minutes. Staring at her tits.

Eventually, she said.

“I must go Adam will be wondering where I am.”

When she got back, I told her that I had filmed her walking to the loo and had filmed her walking back. I had capture 3/4’s of her ‘walk of shame’ and the whole of the conversation she had with their neighbour.

As she watched it, she realised how many guys were looking at her as she walked to the loo and how many had moved position to see her more than once on her return. In the five minutes she was chatting with both her boobs hanging out of her dress some guys had walked past three or four times. Some were clearly sporting hard-on’s and had their hands in their pockets!

I had slipped my hand back onto her pussy and she opened her legs to let me get three fingers into her. She was so turned on that I’m sure she would have let me fuck her across the table there and then. Julie was on the far side of me still with my fingers buried in her pussy when our neighbour and his friend appeared at the table. I continued to finger her so she leaned forward and leant her elbows on to the table so that it blocked their view of what was going on under the table.

Our neighbour said. “I want to apologise for not telling you that your boobs had fallen out of your dress. I know it was wrong of me but it was the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me. Julie has always been a wank fantasy of mine.”

His friend said. “And now you are my number one wank fantasy as well.”

Adam replied. “Don’t worry about it, Julie always goes topless at the beach so it’s no biggie.”

A wicked grin then flashed across his face. They were in a quiet corner of the bar shielded from view. He was going to see how far she would go to get him to let Michael suck his cock and for Adam to dominate him.

“So, Julie is your wank fantasy is she?”

“Oh yes”, he said, “I’m not the only one. All of the guys in the neighbourhood have the hots for Julie. If we see her, it’s the highlight of our day.”

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