Darkening of Jim and Lisa by wife4hungblk

Lisa pinches me on the ass saying, “See something you like asshole?”
“Mmmmmm, maybe so”, I reply.

Our hostess stops alongside a table at the edge of the open area and removes a “Reserved” sign from it and says while smiling, “This is your table, Enrico was hoping you’d come tonight. Can I get you something to drink? I’ll be sitting with you to take care of any needs either of you may have tonight.” The way she says that while her eyes roam both our bodies makes me think she means more than just bringing us drinks but I decide it was just hopeful thinking on my part.

She suggests we both have a “Stripper”, but cautions that many people have been known to strip their clothing and lose their inhibitions if too many were consumed.

The thought of my wife stripping here in front of everyone seems so remote but it’s also a nice fantasy which causes an instant throbbing in my loins prompting me to say, “OK, maybe we’ll have just one to loosen up a bit.” Watching her ass wiggle as she walks away while remembering Enrico’s large cock I wonder how many times she has felt him forcing his seed into her depths.

Those thoughts have my cock straining to be loosed from the confines of my pants.

Lisa hasn’t even noticed or commented on my staring and glancing at her I am surprised to find her gazing intently at something across the open area. Looking in the direction of her gaze I see 15-20 very muscular Black men clad only in short loin cloths.

Even in the dim light I can see the redness of her face and the quickness of her breathing as she squirms agitatedly in her seat, crossed thighs pumping rapidly. “See something you like honey?” I ask with a huge grin adorning my face.

Without averting her glance she answers, “My god, look at those guys cocks hanging below their clothes!” Again I glance at the men arranging things across the room and my mouth drops open in awe as I see what holds her mesmerized.

Almost every one of the black men had fat long cocks dangling below their loin cloths. But what really amazes me is that they are all flaccid. The smallest appears to be at least 7-8 inches long and most probably that same measurement around their girth. Needless to say Lisa is as excited as I’ve ever seen her and can’t take her eyes off their cocks. Now I am wondering just what tonight is going to entail? I recalled the bartenders warning about Enrico and his club and a dread fell over me.

I entertained the thought of gathering up Lisa and just leaving but I know she is going to resist that as aroused as she has become.

As I glance around I see many white couples and all the wives and girlfriends seem to be in a highly aroused state of sexual excitement as they all seem to be staring, entranced by the display across the room. Couples are leaning together whispering and giggling as if they are the only ones noticing the men’s dangling cocks.

Many of the women present are trying not to stare but inevitably their gaze returns to those fat black cocks. It is easy to see that the white men know their white wives and girlfriends are throbbing to experience the fantasies that the sight of such instruments of pleasure instill.

I watch as women begin rubbing their men’s cocks beneath the table cloths and the men have their hands between their women’s thighs exciting them even more.

I am beginning to realize what the darkening is that the rite of darkening refers to. Knowing all these women are obviously here to experience that which the Jamaican men are displaying has my dick throbbing. I know that in her aroused state Lisa cannot prevent herself from partaking of whatever they offer her.

I know that she is relying upon me to save her from herself but it is that same excitement that she feels that will cause me to allow the debasement I know she craves. I know there is precum flowing from my tip as I throb and think I am going to cum without even being touched at the mere thought of what I am sure is about to happen to my beautiful wife.

Just then Kim, our hostess, brings our drinks back and sits them down as she asks, “May I sit between you both please?” I pull the chair back and say “Sure”, and rising, I offer her my chair and take the other for myself. Sitting, she places one of her hands on each of our thighs and says smiling, “I’m sure you will be very satisfied with the show tonight.

And you Lisa, you should enter the Queen of Darkness contest, I’m sure as beautiful as you are you will win easily and the queen has more fun than anyone tonight. It’s an experience that you both will remember fondly forever I’m sure.

And Jim, while you can’t be King of Darkness because you’re white, if Lisa is chosen queen you will be treated to”…..and just then Enrico picked up a microphone and boomed “Welcome to the Rites of Darkening…..The altar is in place and the rites will begin now with the election of our new “Queen of Darkness”….All those initiates wishing to compete should now come to the altar area and stand in front of a Jamaican Spearman.

Hurry, because we have only 20 Spearmen so only the first 20 ladies will compete.”

Kim hurriedly says to Lisa, “Go on girl, Jim wants you to, don’t you Jim?” Every ounce of my intelligence is screaming for me to say NO! But the throbbing I feel in my cock as Kim places her hand on my hard dick and says, “You want her to be Queen don’t you Jim?” has me willing to say anything.

The way Kim squeezes my dick causes me to quickly blurt out, “Go on Lisa, hurry, before you miss out!” I see her hesitate for just a second.
The sight of those manly black cocks swaying enticingly seem to beckon her and she rises saying as if entranced, “OK Jim if you really want me to” Enrico smiles broadly as he sees Lisa coming and takes her by her arm and places her in front of the spearman with the lowest hanging, fattest cock of the bunch.

I watch as he kisses her softly on her cheek and whispers something in her ear that causes her to blush and glance behind her and down as if trying to see her spearman’s cock. The man behind her places his hands on her hips and presses against her and I can tell the way her hips move she is feeling his large cock against her ass.

The spearman reaches down and takes her right hand and pulls it behind her and I can see her face flush with excitement and she looks as if her knees go weak as she lean back against him, her eyes close, she swallows hard and her tongue snakes across her lips, wetting them as if she is thinking of mouthing the cock he so evidently placed her hand upon.

“Looks like Lisa is already enjoying herself Jim.

Have you ever seen her this excited before?”

“No I haven’t Kim, and seeing her like this is very exciting to me for some strange reason.

She IS feeling his cock isn’t she Kim?”….I ask.

“Oh yes Jim she is feeling a cock that is as fat as a beer can and at least 12 inches in length, does that bother you Jim?” “Yes and no, it scares me to know she might fuck him and lose interest in me but at the same time it excites me and makes me want to cum badly.”

“Really Jim, thinking of your wife, the woman you love fucking such a stud turns you on…well let’s see how much it turns you on.” she replies, as she unzips my pants and reaches in and pulls my hard cock out.

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