Do I really want to save this marrige? – Chap 3 by Mr Shelby

“Oh my god, that is one of the hottest things I have ever seen.” It was Cindy’s voice right in my ear! The shock snapped my eyes open and I tried to turn my head to look at her. “I bet this is just as hot as watching me make out with a girl, huh?” All I could do was stammer and try and lift my head to see what was going on. “If I help you look, do you promise to not freak out. I really want to keep watching this.

Here, Gloria, help me raise his head.” Gloria and Cindy placed their hands behind my head and lifted it up so I could see what was going on. There, between my legs was a good looking, Latin guy looking up at me. I remember seeing him when we first came in; laying on one of the couches with another guy. Kneeling behind him was the other guy, slowly slipping in and out of him. The man stroking my penis looked at me with a question in his eyes. He was looking to see if I wanted him to stop or not. I looked at Cindy and mumbled to her. I guess I had drank much more than I had thought.

“Y-you really like this?” She didn’t answer with words. Instead, she licked her fingers and slowly ran them down her chest, across her stomach, and the slowly slid them down her pants. I could see that she was rubbing herself. I had never seen her do that before, and it was so hot. “No strings attached, huh?” She wasn’t looking at me… her eyes were transfixed on the men in front of me. I looked back at the man and gave him a smile.

He answered by slipping his mouth over my penis and holding it there. I felt his tongue swirling around the head. His thumb began to play with the skin below my sack again. He slowly lifted his head off the end of my penis, a long line of saliva trailing between his bottom lip and the head of my penis.

He lowered his mouth over my balls and sucked one into his mouth and twirled it around. I could feel and see my penis twitching. I glanced over at Cindy and she was still rubbing herself, eyes glued to the man playing with me. Her mouth was slightly open, a small amount of moisture slipping from her mouth and her eyes almost glazed over. The man let my ball slip from his mouth and I could feel a trail of spit slip slowly down my balls and over my ass. He lowered his hand and started rubbing the spit around my anus. He looked up at me and then over at Cindy.

“Do it. Please do it.” He looked back over at me with a question in his eyes. Before I could even do anything, Cindy responded. “This is my decision… I want this. Whatever makes me happy, right. Do it.” With that, he slid his finger into my ass. I jumped a bit and looked at Cindy. Before I could say a thing, she leaned down and started kissing me – hard. She pulled back a bit and said to me: “I have never been more turned on than I am right now. I know you have wondered about this. Let us explore our fantasies together.” She then leaned in and started kissing me again. I felt a sudden pressure as the man started to slide a second finger in. He slowly started to slide the fingers in and out, deeper and deeper. He wrapped his mouth around my penis and he slid up and down in rhythm to his stroking.

“When he finishes, don’t swallow it.” Cindy leaned in to my ear and said to me: “I want you to come in his mouth. I want you kissing me when you do. You will do this for me.” With that, she pinched my nipple hard. She had never been this forceful before. It was amazing. “Do it… do it now.” With that, I couldn’t hold back anymore. Cindy kept pinching my nipple and kissing me hard. I felt my penis throbbing in his mouth as I shot load after load into it.

Cindy pulled away from me and kneeled down to the man, grabbing his face and pulling him into a deep kiss. She pulled away and looked up at me with her mouth open. I could that her mouth was full. With a sparkle in her eye, she closed her mouth and made a show of swallowing. I have no idea what has come over my wife, but this was one of the most amazing nights of my life. How on earth could she ever think that I could honestly be enjoying watching her do this?

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