Do you really know your wife? by taniadaniels

Do you really know your wife? by taniadaniels

Unlock the secrets of desire in 'Do You Really Know Your Wife?' by Tania Daniels. Explore an intimately erotic journey that uncovers hidden passions and unexpected turns in a couple's relationship. Dive into this captivating tale of love, lust, and self-discovery—perfect for those seeking thrilling romance and spicy adventures!<br/>

My husband Richard is not a writer, and so I decided to write this episode in our life from his point of view. I was the lady involved of course, but the feelings I express on his behalf are what I knew he felt at the time from things he said afterwards, with the spoken words from each participant being exactly as they were spoken at the time. , My husband Richard is not a writer, and so I decided to write this episode in our life from his point of view. I was the lady involved of course, but the feelings I express on his behalf are what I knew he felt at the time, with the spoken words from each participant being exactly as they were spoken at the time. The names, apart from mine of course, have all been changed to protect the privacy of the men involved. This particular situation happened soon after our marriage, when sexual relations with him were perfect, and before Richard’s car accident that rendered him impotent.

Yes guys, do you ever really know your own wife?

A question that most husbands may not think is necessary but, believe me, it definitely is! It had taken me a good year to persuade my lovely wife Tania to pose for me for nude photos, with her seemingly being both shy and prudish – both traits enough to wipe out any possibility of me getting my way in the photographic stakes.

I can’t remember why she eventually changed her mind, or whether she just got fed up of me asking her, but trips to the country soon followed our sessions at home and although she always appeared very reluctant before leaving home, she relaxed enough to strip off when in what appeared to be a secluded and private spot way out in the country away from the madding crowds.

We were always aware that farmers might stumble across us and so a loose dress that could be easily removed and equally as easily replaced at speed, with obviously no underwear at all, was absolutely necessary to spare her blushes.

That was until that fateful day in a small coppice ten miles from home. We were taking photographs and things were progressing well. I was my usual ‘attention to detail’ freak.

“Let’s have one with your legs open love?”

“I don’t like those!” she would snap, but reluctantly still open her lovely legs to reveal her gorgeous hairy kitty.

It was when in such a revealing pose that four men came upon us.

“This is private land, what are you doing here?” asked the elderly man of the four, who turned out to be the farmer and his three grown up sons.

Now Tania, who modestly covered herself with her hands, was never at a loss for words when confronting me at home, and hated bad manners at any time. She reacted quickly. And with a hand over her kitty and an arm attempting, but failing, to cover bare breasts, she replied sharply.

“What does it look like? Stealing your sheep?” she held her arms outstretched to show herself completely full frontal naked to them “does this look like rustling to you?”

I had to smile as all four men stared at her nudity and roamed her naked body with their eyes. I was absolutely amazed at her outburst, which was contrary to her previous reluctance to pose nude anyway, and I immediately admired her stance.

“Just taking a few nude studies of my wife mate!” I told the farmer nervously “I didn’t realise we were trespassing.” I turned to look at Tania, her arms still spread wide and showing herself off “You better get dressed love.”

“You stay as you are young lady!” snapped the old man, looking her up and down from head to foot, or rather from tits to cunt “In that case you might as well carry on, so long as we stay to watch and see that you don’t do anything else apart from taking your pictures?”

I looked at my wife, her arms now by her side but still, surprisingly to me by her previous misgivings, not attempting to cover herself any more.

“What do you think love?”

“I suppose it’s either that or I dress and we go home!” she snapped irately.

“Please don’t go!” pleaded the old man “I’m sorry if I was short tempered with you young lady, but you are incredibly beautiful, and it would be a pity to curtail your activities because of my bad manners and rudeness. I appreciate you may be a little reticent at us watching you pose without your clothes, but we have already seen you haven’t we? So why stop because we are here?”

Tania stood there in front of them looking stunning with the sun shining on her nudity. She shrugged her shoulders, causing her mature bare breasts to quiver erotically and grinned at me.

“OK. I don’t mind.” she smiled “might be nice having an audience, they could suggest poses for me if they wanted?”

“That a girl!” quipped the farmer, who instructed his sons to sit comfortably to watch.

The four of them either stood or sat around and watched as my naked wife Tania, nervously at the start, began posing again. After a few minutes she started to forget that she had a group of strangers admiring her body, or maybe she was just beginning to enjoy them looking at her. The poses became more daring with her legs opening at times. Whenever a glimpse of her most intimate parts were involved I saw the four men whispering to each other.

I was also beginning to enjoy their company and attempted to correct some of her poses manually so they cold see me touching her bare body.

“Have you any ideas for a pose?” I suddenly asked, running out of ideas to make the session more appealing to them.

“How about leaning against the five barred gate?” suggested Neale.

Tania smiled at him and walked to the gate. She leaned awkwardly against it. Neale shook his head. “Your arm on the top rung and a leg on the bottom rung” he told her. She attempted to copy his instruction. “No, not like that!” he snapped.

“Go and show the lady Neale,” I told him quietly.

He got up and walked over to her as she leaned awkwardly and placed his hands on her bare waist and eased her body round. He then took her hand and placed it on the top rung, whilst placing a hand on her bottom and lifting her right leg into position. He patted her thigh.

“Like that!” he said triumphantly and stood back for me to take the shot.

“Any other ideas guys?” I asked.

It was as if a light had been lit around us. Ideas came forth in abundance as the four men realised that they could move and place my naked wife into any position they required, touching her anywhere they wanted. Tania was also quite obviously enjoying this new tack with poses neither of us had either thought of or even dared, and even having instructions like.

“Bend over with your legs open!” instructed Frank “so that he can get a shot between your legs!” which Tania was now obeying without hesitation.

MY lovely completely naked wife was loving this tactile instructing by each and every member of the farm quartet.

“Let your tits hang like this!” suggested the old man, openly grasping her breasts and moving them into position. Likewise her cunt was touched and the labia manually opened with their fingers for open cunt shots.

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