First time cuckold by Haywood72

Arriving at the bar, I looked back to our booth, and saw that Rick was already standing there, with his hand out. This time my shapely wife didn’t even look my way. As soon as she stood up, Rick had her in an embrace and was kissing her. But now, it was a longer kiss, and with far more passion. I saw her accept his advances, and return the kiss in kind. My gut was in knots as I watched them walk arm and arm to the dance floor.

As they began to dance, I witnessed something that almost made me have an orgasm, right there on the spot. She was pressed against him so tight, that the fleshy base of her breasts, was bulging out the sleeves of her top. My god, that looked so hot. There was more of her tit bulging out the side of her blouse, than a lot of other women even have. From time to time I saw Rick’s hand run up her side, and brush against her exposed flesh. But most of the time, he had his hand on her ass.

Just then I heard an older guy, who was ahead of me in line, say to his buddy. “Looks like Rickey is going to bed a married one tonight.” When I looked back out on the dance floor, I saw the bright dance lights sparkling off of my wife’s wedding ring, as she ran her fingers through his hair, and kissed him. I have never experienced emotions like I was having right then. This guy is coming on to my wife, and she is letting it happen. Hell, I’m letting it happen.

Everything was all mixed up inside me, and I felt light headed. Yet, I was experiencing the strongest sense of arousal that I have ever had in my life. I had to admit, they looked good together. Like a cougar who had cornered her cubby. This guy could only be in his mid-20’s at best, more likely in his early 20’s, but he was coming on to my 49-year-old wife. There was a lot of very pretty young girls there around his age, that I am sure he could have had, but he didn’t want them, he wanted my wife. I was so proud of her.

I got back to our booth at the same time the song was ending. After they kissed again, my wife motioned for me to meet her outside the lady’s room. I was almost in a trance as I walked over to the back corner of the club. When she finely came out, she walked over to me, and grabbed my hand. She placed a small silky cloth in my palm, and closed my fingers around it. I could tell that it was soaking wet. “What’s this?” I ask.

“It’s a thong,” she told me. “I wanted to try something new tonight, but it isn’t fit to wear now. Can you keep it for me?”

“Sure.” I said, giving it a tight squeeze, then putting it in my pocket, still in an almost trance like state.

Then she moved close to me, and started rubbing my arm. Her tone of voice changed into that little girl voice, that she always uses on me when she wants something. “Honey,” she said, “I want to ask you something, and please don’t get upset with me.”

Almost afraid to know what she wanted to ask me I replied. “How could I ever be upset with you honey? Go on what is it?”

“Well, Rick just broke up with his girlfriend, and he is really upset about it. He was wondering if I could go over to his place, and talk about it with him. He says I am a good listener. He lives very close to this club, and I shouldn’t be gone very long. What do you think honey? You know what a sucker I am for someone going through a hard time.”

Still in my trancelike state, I nodded my head and said, “Sure baby, I know how you like to help people out. I will wait here for you, while you help him through his difficult time.” Kathy is one of those bubbly, friendly type people, that everyone likes, and wants to be friends with. Being in the state of mind I was in, I really didn’t know if she was telling me the truth, or if this was just a pretense that made it easier for her, and me, to except what was maybe about to happen. She gave my arm a little squeeze, and I watched my sexy wife walk over to Rick. They kissed, and he put his arm around her mature hips as they walked to the exit. I saw her pucker me a kiss over her shoulder, as they disappeared through the door.

I went back to our booth, where there now sat four full drinks. I sat there, put my hand in my pocket, and pulled out her thong. Inconspicuously I put it to my nose, and deeply breathed in her scent. The scent that another guy had caused. I couldn’t drink, or do anything but sit there with a big erection between my legs, and a big knot in my stomach, starring off into the distance. From time to time I would pull out her thong again, and give it another sniff. How long would she be gone? Is she really just talking to him, or are they fucking? I thought about her not having on a bra or panties when they left. If they were going to fuck, it would be very easy.

I concluded that if she was back in an hour, they were probably just talking. If it was longer, they were most likely in bed together. I looked at my watch, and got a sick feeling in my stomach. An hour and a half had already passed. I pictured in my mind what it might look like for that young stud, to be laying on top of my wife, grinding his pelvis into hers. Did she suck him off? Did he go down on her? If he did, was it when she was still in her skirt and blouse, since she didn’t have on any panties? Were they doing a 69? Was his dick bigger than mine? In the front of my mind, I was hoping that they were just talking, and that when I saw her again she would still be mine. But, in the back of my mind, I was hoping she was surrendering herself to him. I looked at my watch again. Over two hours had passed. It was now almost 2 am, time for the club to close.

I was jerked away from my thoughts by the sound of my cell phone going off. I saw it was Kathy’s number, so I quickly answered. “Honey are you ok,” I ask.

“Oh, of course honey, I am fine. Sorry I lost track of time, but Rick is very nice to talk to. Honey since it is so late why don’t you go on home. Rick said he will drive me home later. It shouldn’t be too long.”

What could I say? Was I going to say, “No! get your ass home now.” No way. I told her she could have a fling in no uncertain terms, more than once, and now I had to live with it, whether I liked it or not. “Sure honey, that will be fine, have fun,” I said, and left the club.

Back at home, I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t even watch TV. I was such an emotional wreck. I tried looking at some of my favorite wife sharing web sites, and masturbate, but all I could do was just stare at the screen, and wonder what they were doing. This was the first time in 26 years, that my wife was not at home with me at 3:30 in the morning.

I sat a while, then paced a while. Finely I went up to our bed, and laid down with her thong in my hand, sleeplessly staring off into space and thinking. I was convinced they were fucking now for sure, or she would have been home hours before. I was wondering if she would come right home after they fucked, or if she would sleep with him. My mind was so mixed up, that at different times, I found myself hoping for both.

I must have been laying there a long time in this state, because when I heard a noise outside in the driveway I looked at the clock. It read 6:30 am, and it was beginning to get light outside. I heard the front door jiggle open, and then I heard the love of my life coming up the steps. I was so relieved that she was finely home.

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