Fun at a motel by Yvonne

“Excellent!” my husband exclaimed when he moments later came back into the room. “I asked that guy if he knew of a nearby store, so he knows that I’ll be gone briefly. Hopefully he might come and take a look while I’m gone.

Rob accordingly drove off a minute or two later, leaving me hopefully on display.

It turned out even better than we had hoped for, because, a minute after Rob had driven away, there was a light knock on the door.

I nearly went into shock when I heard it. “Oh my God,” I thought to myself in a panic, “what should I do?”

The events of the evening, along with our mutual excitement, had left me feeling so lustful, and it was that feeling that determined my course. I, blushing profusely, opened the door.

The guy knew that Rob was away, and he had no qualms in looking me up and down with a lecherous grin on his face, all of which made me blush even more.

Eventually, after having had a really good look, he proffered a new toothbrush in a packet.

I stammered as I thanked him for the offer, but told him that “my husband has gone to get some.”

“Yes I know,” he said, looking at my half exposed breasts rather than at my face.

He finally looked me direct in my face, which made me ashamedly lower my own gaze.

“You’re so sexy,” he said, stopping all pretence, and in such a tone as to engender great sensual feeling.

I looked up to his face embarrassed, and murmured, “thank you.”

The guy seemed torn on whether to take things further, but after a pause he muttered, “I wouldn’t be leaving you alone if I had a slut like you,” and he turned and went back to his unit.

I stood there trembling with nervous excitement, thrilled with what had happened, and knowing that my husband would be thrilled when I related the events to him.

Rob indeed was thrilled when he returned some minutes later. “Fuck,” he exclaimed, “how can we exploit this situation?” his brain going into overdrive. “I’ll just play it by ear and see what happens,” he said after a moments thought.

He took out his phone and dialled mine. “You can listen in,” he told me.

Rob went out the door and I excitedly listened to the phone.

I heard the knock on the door, then, after a moment’s delay, I heard Rob saying hello and thanking the guy for the offer of the toothbrush.

The guy sounded to me to be very hesitant at first, no doubt thinking that Rob might have been wild at what had happened. Rob made some frivolous comment though, and his friendly manner seemed to chase the guy’s suspicions away.

“…. damn nuisance having gone for the toothbrushes,’ I heard Rob saying, “I’ve got to go out again and I could have got them then.”

Rob thanked the guy again, and then returned back to our room. “Well did you hear all of that,” he grinned.

It didn’t take us long before I was naked and tied spread eagled to the bed, with a number of pillows positioned beneath my bottom so that my pussy was thrust upwards..

Rob had pushed the bed more central to the window and shone the lamp directly onto me like a spotlight.

“I’ll just go and see what you look like from outside,” he laughed as he went out of the door.

“Perfect,” his report was upon returning.

“OK,” my husband told me, “I’ll drive out but just park the car in the street and slip back in and hide behind the cars opposite.” He prepared to go, and as he was going out of the door he grinned and said, “you never know, you might end up getting fucked,” and the door closed behind him.

A minute later I heard the car start up and drive away. Silence settled.

It was only a couple of minutes later that I heard a soft knock at the door. The guy certainly didn’t waste any time, he must have been listening for Rob’s departure and had come straight away on some new excuse to lustingly look me over again.

“Oh God, what is going to happen now,” I thought to myself. I felt, and indeed was, so totally helpless and vulnerable with my wrists and ankles securely bound and tied so that my body was available to anyone who wanted to do whatever they liked to me. This condition, rather than making me feel scared, had the opposite effect of making me feel so incredibly sexy and lustful.

I held my breath, everything was so quite. There was a pause and then a slightly louder knock on the door.

“Oh my God, he only needs to turn the handle,” the thought ran through my mind. Rob had indeed made a point of telling me that he was leaving the door unlocked.

“Yvonne …… are you there?” I heard him softly call through the door. He remembered my name from when Rob called me out earlier. Oh God, what should I do, should I call back or remain silent.

I chose the latter.

Rob later on told me that he’d only just come back from parking the car in the street, when he saw the guy already cautiously moving along to our door. He’d watched him softly knocking on the door and then calling, then, having got no reply, had seen him go and peer through the window. Rob had been over the moon knowing just what the guy was seeing through our window.

Anyhow, at the time, I had no idea of what was going on outside.

Hearing no further sound after the guy had tried knocking and calling, I assumed that he’d gone away, perhaps thinking that we’d both gone out.

It was only a minute later that I heard the door handle turning, and I twisted my head around expecting to see my husband entering.

The door seemed to open slowly and cautiously, and then I gasped in shock; it wasn’t my husband but the stranger, eyes gleaming as he stared at my nakedness and situation.

“Fucking in-cred-ib-le,” he muttered, stretching out the last word into its syllable parts to stress just how incredible he did indeed find the situation.

He just stood there taking it all in and feasting his eyes on my naked body. “Unbelievable,” he muttered lecherously.

The guy turned and looked back outside, listening and looking. It was getting later in the night by then, and save for the sound of the odd car on the road out the front, everything was still and quiet.

He turned back towards me, grinning wickedly, and took the few steps to be standing over me. His hands went to my shoulders, and then slid lightly down over my breasts, my belly, and to my wet, gaping pussy. A couple of fingers entered and explored my oh so slippery vagina.

I was trembling, not with fear but with sensual excitement. I was wide eyed as I gazed at him. I gave a little whimper as thrilling sensations ran through my body at his touch.

The guy, still grinning broadly, and no doubt still marvelling at the unexpected situation, reiterated the words he’d earlier said: “if I had a slut like you, I wouldn’t be leaving you alone,” and he chuckled out loud.

I was panting with excitement as his hands ran over and over my body. “You really are a slut aren’t you, and your husband treats you like a slut,” the guy sneered.

I felt a little trickle run from my pussy and make its way down the inside of my thigh.

“How long will hubby be away?” the guy sneeringly asked.

I didn’t answer immediately, thinking of how my husband would be outside and wondering what was happening.

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