Inevitable Rape by Jenny_Slut

Over thirty kids, mostly male, but some female, had seen my Pam buck-naked and dancing a slow bump and grind while fucking herself with a hair brush handle or a dildo. Derick was always master of ceremonies and the only one to fuck her cunt. She had her period on time, and was deeply disappointed by it. I was dumbfounded by everything she told me and at her behavior. She still called the activity rape, but it wasn’t rape in my mind. When I asked her how she could act so uninhibited with Derick, she said, “My Dad always said, ‘When rape is inevitable, lie back and enjoy it.'” She obviously took that advise to heart.

That evening, we were at our favorite parking spot. Pam had her panties off and was examining herself between the legs, touching her tender pussy and complaining of a sore asshole. I saw an opportunity to turn our misfortune into an opportunity to broaden our sexual experiences. I gingerly ran my hand up her inner thigh. When it was an inch from her pussy, she said, “Philip, what do you think you’re doing?”

I blushed and stammered.

She acted very upset that I would start treating her like a whore. She made me feel three inches tall and I begged her forgiveness. She sat back against the door and spread her legs wide, fingered her pussy and said, “Nothing has changed between us, Philip. Don’t ever think you can treat me like a whore just because others do.” I just stared in open-mouthed awe as she opened her top and fondled her tits with her other hand, saying, “I may be Derick’s whore, but I’m your fiancee.”

I nodded and apologized again.

My subservient acceptance pleased her. She smiled and said, “I know this might excite you, but that’s your problem not mine. I’m no longer a virgin girl, I’m a woman now, and women have needs that must be met. Right now, I need to cum. You can look if you want to, or look away, but don’t you dare expose your penis to me and do that disgusting thing you do at home. I won’t tolerate that sort of behavior from you either.” I nodded sheepishly. My balls ached.

News of Pam’s rapes eventually got back to her family. I was with her when they confronted her with it. Pam told them, matter-of-factly, that it was true, that she couldn’t stop them, and that it would probably continue. She identified Derick as her principal assailant and reminded her father of his advice. He shook his head, but said, “I still think it’s good advice, but you should go to the police. You do what you want, though. It’s your life and your body.”

Pam’s mom said, “Well, I suppose we should see about getting you on the pill.”

Pam surprised them by saying she didn’t want on the pill. Pam made some lame excuse about reading something that said they were unhealthy. After Pam’s mother suggested other birth control devices, Pam said, “Mom, it’s only Derick that is having vaginal intercourse with me.”

This seemed a strange response to me, but it stopped her mother. I could see her wheels turning. She knew who Derick Dangerfield was. Everybody knew the Nordic football hero. I also knew that her mother’s only misgivings about our getting married had to do with our being a poor genetic match – like mixing shit and ice cream. She told Pam that her kids would likely be short, dark-haired, dark-eyed geeks.

Pam told me this and it hurt. It came as no surprise when her mother said fine, but when you get pregnant, and you will, there’ll be no talk of abortion. Pam told them that I already agreed to accept the child as my own. Her mother praised my good sense and noble gesture. Her younger sister came over and patted Pam’s tummy, saying, “Wow, Pam, you might have Derick’s baby in you right now.”

Pam smiled and patted her tummy saying, “I think I might. I checked my cycle, and I should be ovulating. I told Derick, but he did it anyway. He even said he was going to do me two or three times a day all this week. That should do the trick.”

Her mother came over and said, “It certainly should.” She then cast her eyes on me and said to Pam, “I suppose you two…”

“No, Mother, we’re not. Philip has pledged to come to our marital bed a virgin.”

This news brought a smile to her mother’s face and a blush to mine. I was astonished at the way they were taking this news, like they were all in favor of Pam getting pregnant by Derick – her mother especially. She said, “Well, as your father said, we’ll honor your decision on this matter, but I don’t like the idea of you doing it in the woods. If these encounters are inevitable, as you say, then I think you should bring Derick here. Don’t you agree, dear?”

He agreed. I couldn’t believe my ears. Pam was elated and hugged her mother’s neck, then went over and kissed her dad. When I got Pam alone in the car, I confronted her with what I’d seen and heard. She said, “Don’t act so surprised, Philip. You knew how mother felt, and I told you it excites me to be pregnant with Derick’s baby on my wedding day. I should think you’d want me out of those woods. Does it turn you on or something. Do you masturbate thinking about me groveling naked in the dirt like a cheap tramp?”

I said, “Of course not. But you can’t expect me to jump up and down about your family making getting you pregnant with Derick’s child a family project.”

“Well it is, so get used to it. Let’s swing by the burger bar.”

“The burger bar? That’s where Derick hangs out. Are you crazy? That’s asking for trouble.”

“Philip, I am not going to live in fear of running into Derick. If he’s there, he’s there. Besides, I need to tell him what Mom said unless you want me in those woods tomorrow.”

I drove to the burger bar gritting my teeth. He wasn’t there. She changed her mind and wanted a Pizza Hut pizza. He wasn’t there either. We went to every place Derick was known to hang out, each time, she’d get another craving. We were about to give up, but she insisted we cruise the burger bar once again. My heart sank on seeing his old Buick. She had me park next to it. Derick smiled, got out, and swaggered over. Pam rolled the window down and gave him a warm hello, saying, “Surprise, running into you here.”

Derick leaned into her window and they exchanged a passionate kiss. She practically hauled him in through the window, slobbering all over his face, using her tongue liberally. Derick reached between her legs and tugged at her panties. Pam lifted right up to facilitate his effort and I watched her pink panties come sliding down her legs and saw her frantically kicking them off. She then sat with her legs wide as he fingered her pussy.

Pam raised her skirt so I wouldn’t miss a thing and humped her pussy on his fingers, hugging tightly to his neck and moaning loudly. He broke the kiss and had to push her away. He opened her door and said, “You don’t mind if I borrow your fiancee, do you needle dick?”

Pam reached over to me and cupped the back of my head, saying, “I’m sure he doesn’t, not after the lesson you gave him.” She scooted out and let him lead her to his back seat. He stripped her right in the parking lot and eased her onto her back on the back seat. He opened his pants and climbed in, pulling the door shut. Derick’s buddies gathered at the windows as the car began a steady rocking. I could occasionally see Pam’s right foot in the driver’s window. Other people joined the audience. My dick screamed for release and I rubbed my crotch. When he finished, he flipped her onto her belly and four guys took turns in her ass. He dragged her back, naked, and tossed her clothes in the back seat after she got in. I got out of there fast.

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