Inevitable Rape by Jenny_Slut

This caused me no end of embarrassment and thrilled Pam to no end. After learning that she was pregnant, it was open season on Pam’s pussy for Derick and his pals, even her father. We often drove to the lake with a full carload. Watching her pull a train was especially difficult for me. Pam became a very popular place for young men to deposit their sperm. Her excuse for doing this was that she had needs.

My family was aware of Pam’s reputation and my mother was sick about my pending marriage and about the baby, None-the-less, they treated her respectfully, even though she went out of her way to shock them. Whenever she stopped by, she insisted everyone feel the baby kick. She did not wear panties and merely placed the hand up under her skirt. She told me that my father and two brothers rarely missed an opportunity to play with her pussy.

I once saw her take my mother’s hand and practically jam it between her legs and hold it there. Mom went beet red, but did not jerk her hand away. Pam told me later that she used her fingers to press two of Mom’s into her hole. She held Mom’s hand by the wrist, and Mom toyed with her pussy for several minutes. After that, Mom would not stay in the same room with Pam.

That was fine with Dad and my brothers, because Pam would plop down, spread her legs wide, and lift her dress above her belly. Dad and my brothers made no pretense of feeling the baby kick. They felt Pam’s pussy. I was the only one not invited to play. Incredible as it may seem, I still hadn’t touched Pam’s tits or pussy.

Just before the wedding, she was eight months along and bulging at the seams, a waddling beach ball with legs. She really poured it on then. She’d walkin our house and pull the dress over her head. She’d parade naked, then recline on the sofa with her legs wide apart. Often, she’d go seek Mom out and force an embarrassing scene on her with us guys watching. She could squirt milk from her bursting tits, and Mom usually got a good dousing while being forced to finger Pam. Despite all this, my family attended the wedding.

The wedding was a simple ceremony at the Holiday Inn banquet room. Between her family and mine, a few friends, and a dozen or more of Derick’s friends. In all, we had sixty people. We hired a justice of the peace for a piece of Pam. I watched him get paid the day before the wedding. Derick made a mockery of the wedding. Everyone but his bunch were in tuxes and nice dresses. Pam wore a frilly bright red maternity dress, low-cut and fairly short. She had a pink veil and short train. We used a cloak room in the rear of the hall as the bridal chamber.

All the guests were seated and the organist played the wedding march. Me and Derick were at the alter with her father and the JP. All eyes were on the cloak room door. Derick left the front and walked back to the room. We saw him slip inside. The hall was abuzz when he didn’t immediately return with Pam. Ten minutes later, they were still in there. The wedding march stopped playing. The crowd murmured among themselves. Her father rapped politely at the door. After twenty minutes, Derick emerged zipping up his fly. Pam stepped out looking disheveled. The march began, they advanced on the stage, vows were exchanged, words were said, we were pronounced husband and wife. The JP said, “You may now kiss the bride.”

I turned to kiss Pam, but she turned to Derick as he turned to her. I stood there like an idiot and watched a five minute passionate lip-lock with slavishly working tongues. The wedding party was absolutely stunned into silence as Derick ground his loins into Pam while cupping and squeezing her ass. The JP finally said, “It’s customary for the groom to give the bride the first kiss.” They parted reluctantly and Pam gave me a peck on the lips.

The next insult was the ultimate insult. I was to remove her garter and toss it to the bachelors. Pam and I were up on the elevated stage. A stool was placed off to the right and in front of her. I knelt as Pam gathered her skirts. She gathered them too high, exposing most of her right leg as she placed her right foot on the stool. From my position, I could see the cum slick going from her crotch to her red garter. Pam did not stop raising her dress.

It soon cleared her crotch and everyone saw the mess running down her right thigh. The dress did not stop there. Pam raised it above her belly and was naked below. I groaned as the wedding party made a collective commotion and laughter broke out from several quarters. I tried to ignore everything and gingerly worked the garter down her creamy leg.

The garter had trapped the drooling sperm, acting as a dam. The garter was sopping wet with Derick’s discharge. I plucked it from her foot, pinched between thumb and forefinger. I flipped it to the bachelors. They wisely made a hole and the garter landed with a wet plop on the floor. It sat there in that cleared space like a turd in a punch bowl.

Pam was elated after we got away, headed for the Ozarks. I had given her the wedding she wanted and a memory she’d never forget. She fucked me with little enthusiasm, but we had a great honeymoon anyway. We settled into a fairly normal marital relationship. She gave me straight sex, but passively took it. The baby was born on schedule – a healthy boy that looked exactly like his father. She named him Derick.

I could tell that Pam missed having sex with Derick, but her excuses and games had no underpinning once we were married. If she messed around on me it would be out and out infidelity. She would not do that. At times I could see her mind trying to think of a way to legitimize bringing Derick back into our relationship. A few weeks after the baby was born, I climbed into position between her legs. Pam handed me a condom. I looked at it, then at her and said, “What gives?”

“I want another baby. I want four, remember.”

“So why the condom?”

“Philip, I can’t have four kids with different fathers. It wouldn’t be fair to them. They’d be half siblings. I can’t have that. Derick has to be the father of all my babies. I spoke with him about this and he agrees. He does have a say so in this matter. He is Derick’s father, you know.”

I knew right away that Pam had found her way. In a way, I was happy for her. She had that old gleam in her eye. She noticed my passive reaction and became emboldened, saying, “He has agreed to serve as the stud for this family, but he laid down rather stiff conditions.”

“What are they?”

“First, he demands unlimited access to my body and not just during periods when I’m not pregnant. It is, after all, the incubator of his children. Second, he demands the right to share it with his friends as payment for his services. And third, he demands that you wear a condom whenever I’m not pregnant. I already agreed to his terms. I’m sorry, but there’s no other way.”

“I see. Is there anything else.”

“Yes, you’ll have to hurry. He’ll be here soon. And Philip, you’ll be moving into the baby’s room for a while. Derick will be living here until he impregnates me. Mom is also moving in with us to help out. She’ll take the guest room.”

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