Just Ten Things Pt. 05 by PickFiction

DJ was happy that she had changed her posture, knowing that, had it continued, there might have been a messy conclusion to their evening. But doing what they were doing brought back lots of very pleasant memories for him. He wasn’t sure if she was wearing a bra, but either way, her breasts were swinging and bouncing right above him.

From the corner of her eye, she could see that three people were now standing and watching carefully. She moaned loudly, and her movements speeded up, becoming more intense. Suddenly, her head went back again, accompanied by louder moans, her body trembling and jerking. With a final gasp, she collapsed on top of DJ.

That was one helluva performance,” he whispered.

“Could you see people watching?”

“Yeah, several.”

“When I sit up, reach under my skirt like you’re fastening your pants. And don’t touch anything you shouldn’t,” she added as she sat up.

DJ fumbled for a moment, and Bonnie stood, followed by DJ. They gathered the leftovers from the picnic, folded the towel, and retrieved the phone. They noticed several people watching.

“Thanks, you two. I think that inspired my girlfriend to want to do the same thing.”

“Good luck with that,” DJ encouraged.

“You’re one lucky bastard, buddy. That’s one helluva a babe.”

“Thanks,” DJ answered, taking Bonnie’s arm and heading for the car, thankful that no one followed them.

Bonnie was silent as they walked, her recent pantomime replaying in her head. It had been interesting as she’d tricked people into believing she was having sex with her boyfriend. She wondered what it might have been like had she actually been having sex, mounted on the man now walking beside her and anticipating his orgasm while working to achieve one of her own. She shook her head, tossing aside all of those thoughts.

They drove to Bonnie’s house, and she unfastened her seatbelt and turned toward DJ.

“I assume you have a place to stay.”

“I will as soon as I check in. Where’s the nearest motel?”

“You don’t have a reservation somewhere?”

“I wasn’t sure I’d need one, Bon. I had no idea what might happen. I sort of expected to be told to hit the road.”

“That was my first impulse when I saw you, but I made myself listen to what you were saying, and it made sense. Plus, I don’t think it was a secret that you were very special to me. At least the old you was.”

“I think the new me is better than the old me because of what I learned as the bad me and the recovering me.”

Bonnie didn’t answer as she was thinking, trying to decide,

“Listen, don’t get your hopes too high, but it would be more convenient and would save you a little money if you spent the night here.”

“No shit?”

“It’s just more convenient,” she repeated.

DJ opened the hood of the MR2 and removed a small duffle bag that contained the clothing he had brought with him.

“You were a little pessimistic, weren’t you?” she said, glancing at his tiny bag.

“I admit it. I was.”

“How are you now?”

DJ certainly wasn’t ready for that question, but he had a ready answer.

“Better, I think.”

Bonnie just smiled but didn’t reply.

“What’s your first challenge for tomorrow?”

“I don’t know, and I left the envelope in your car.”

“I’ll get it,” he said and returned quickly with theh big yellow envelope.

Bonnie found the smaller coin envelope numbered five and opened it, taking out the folded paper.

You are to go to a gym and work out, removing articles of clothing as you move from machine to machine, getting to at least your panties or whatever item you are wearing to cover your lower portion. Whether you finally remove that item is your choice.

“Are you a member of a gym?”

“Yeah, but I haven’t been for a while.”

“You’d never know that from looking at you.”

She looked at him carefully for a moment, then smiled.

“Thanks. I think you mean that sincerely.”

“Hey, I’ve been gone almost nine years. Your face has matured a little — still beautiful, but the rest of you hasn’t changed a bit. And I’d examined it rather closely before and also today.”

“Be careful now. You’re drifting a little.” She chuckled.

Bonnie showed DJ to his room, where he dumped his little bag and returned to the living room.

“What shall we do until bedtime?” he asked.

“I’m planning to read my book for at least an hour. Then we can talk some, maybe catch up with each other’s lives.

“What are you reading, if I may ask?”

“The Trial, by Franz Kafka.

“Kind of dismal reading, isn’t it?”

“It has sex in it.”

“Just casual sex, though.”

“So, you’ve read it.”


“Yep. Several years ago.”

“I don’t remember you reading much before.”

“Bon, I had eight years’ worth of time to fill. Reading did a good job of accomplishing that. And I learned a few things, too.

Since the picnic had only partially quelled their hunger, Bonnie prepared some mac and cheese, they read for an hour, and then they talked until time for bed.

Even though they slept in different rooms, sleeping that close after all these years felt strange to both of them. But they did sleep.

In the am, Bonnie tapped on his door. “I’ll fix breakfast while you dress,” she called through the door and headed to the kitchen.

She had her own bathroom, so he had the hall bathroom to himself. In just a few minutes, he was dressed and had his other morning chores completed. Out in the hallway, he could smell bacon flying.

“Wow, fancy breakfast.”

“I have who knows what to do today, so I thought I’d get a bit of nutrition to help me along.”

“Can I help?”

“Just sit down. It’s all ready.”

He sat. “Bacon, fried eggs, and toast. And you remembered that I like the bacon nearly burned and the egg over very hard.”

“Some things just seem to stick with you,” he said.

The smile she received was warm and tender. She re-reminded herself that this was only day two of his being back, and she needed to go slowly. Slowly, she repeated.

Bonnie dressed in her normal workout clothing, something she hadn’t done for a while, and was ready for number five.

“I should drive some, you know,” she said to DJ, who was walking around her car to get to his. The two were parked side by side in her garage.

“If we’re in your car, there’s no chance for you to drive the MR2.”

“I already told you about that.”

“I know, but I like to be ready. You never know what might be going to happen.”


She could certainly give an amen to that. DJ’s being here fit that perfectly.

They left, Bonnie tucking the big yellow envelope beside her seat. Hopefully, she could just keep going after the gym. She was tempted to peek at number six but decided not to. So far, her tasks hadn’t been that difficult, but she wondered what might lay ahead for her. She’d soon know.

At the gym, she showed her member’s card and explained that Damon was there to encourage her.

He frowned at her use of his given name.

The gym was a large room with a wide aisle separating it into two sections. There were five men and two women already there, working out on various pieces of equipment.

“Not counting my shoes and socks, which aren’t coming off, I have on a T-shirt, sports bra, spandex shorts, and red bikini panties. So, this shouldn’t take too long.”

She went to the rowing machine, sat down, adjusted a couple of things, and began to row. DJ took a short video, knowing that the better ones would come later. He watched Bonnie, once again taken by the physical side of her. With her hair in the ponytail and her smooth, coordinated movements, it was nearly impossible not to be taken in by her.

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