Mailgirls Down Under Pt. 13 by MrStill

Mitch turned onto his street. And a certain trepidation crept up on him. He slowed the car as he rationalised it. Was what he had just done with Kimiko that much different from having his fingers and tongue inside Jackson? And what he had down with the others? He remembered Shane’s insouciance when Mitch had caught him fucking Heather. Well, if Shane could manage it…

Mitch stepped inside his house. All was silent. And dark. He went to their bedroom. There was a note on the wardrobe door: ‘Girls are out. Games room,’ was all it said.

Mitch now felt worried as he stripped, knowing Jessica expected that of him. He eased down the hall towards their playroom at the back of the silent house. Before he opened the door he noticed a dim light was on in there. When he opened the door the crisp opening of Prokofiev’s Dance of the Knights warned him that Jessica was in wait and that he was in for some attention. That tune was one of their signals. His wife stood in the semi-dark in her black thigh boots and what seemed like a bondage black bikini. She meant business.

“Where have you been?” Jessica asked sharply.

Mitch took a step into the room. “Mailgirl duties,” he told her, not inaccurately.

“Mailgirl duties,” Jessica sneered back. She did not need to tell her husband what time it was. And that mailgirl duties finished at five o’clock. They both knew that. Whatever his mailgirl duties may be now, since he no longer ran the office. They both knew that she had good reason to sneer. And after those two words, she stayed silent.

Clearly the next move was up to Mitch. He stammered out an explanation. “I’ve been giving the mailgirls support. They’re under attack from Lindsay. And they come to me, sort of as a safe haven and for advice…”

“Safety and advice,” Jessica mocked. “Which ones?”

“All of them… Jackson, Annette, Pam, Kimiko…”

“And what services do you offer them?”

“I talk to them… Kimiko came up to see me, needing some comfort…”

“And you gave her comfort?” Mitch looked down at the floor. Jessica leapt on that. She realised. “Not Jackson then? I always assumed it would be her. I thought she was your favourite?” Her wide-eyed stare drew a silent admission from her husband. “Your fickle affections have shifted,” she sniffed, “and you couldn’t help but be a shoulder for a naked girl to lean on.” Mitch chose to say nothing. “Let’s consider what to do with you. Since you have been a bad mailboy,” Jessica continued.

Mitch felt the urge to try to find out directly how upset Jessica was. It was hard for him to tell, was she treating it as a joke? Before now in their games they had taunted each other about the prospect. But then it was a game. This was real. And Jessica held all the cards.

“On your knees mailboy!” Jessica suddenly ordered, breaking into Mitch’s anxious thoughts. In his role as naked mailboy he obeyed, coming right up close to where his wife stood and then kneeling in that mailboy position, with his back straight which meant that his cock stuck out prominently in front of him. He was so hard, even after what Kimiko had put him through. Jessica reached down with a gloved hand to physically confirm that Mitch was in fact turned on. “What is going on with this?” she sneered, holding his cock disdainfully. “Haven’t you already done enough with this already today?”

“Uhh,” started Mitch before deciding that it may not be a good idea to say anything.

Of course Jessica was not going to let go either of her husband’s cock which she still held between two gloved fingers, nor of the issue of what he had been doing with it earlier in the evening. “Are you getting turned on thinking that you can have your way with one of your mailgirls and then come home to your steamy and horny wife and repeat your performance with her?” Mitch held his tongue. So Jessica continued. “I think you are. I think you think that you can do whatever you want to whoever you want and then come home and everything will be all right.”

Jessica grabbed her man by the back of his head forcing his face into her crotch. To his relief he found that she was already very wet as he worked into her slit with his tongue. Not that he had much choice in that matter. Jessica continued her banter. “So you finally succumbed? And it wasn’t even to your talisman Jackson. Imagine her alone at home all by herself now after a day of trying to please you, again failing to get you to finally take her. All those meetings with you, her there naked and willing and you all buttoned up…”

“Um…” grunted Mitch into his wife’s throbbing pussy. She was getting off on the trash talking. And she was not yet finished. “So the first time this other mailgirl flutters her eyelashes and throws her naked body at you, you forget about your wife… forget about your loyal mailgirl…” For some reason that was too much. It pushed Jessica over the edge. She let out a huge moan, pushing herself into Mitch’s tongue as he kept up his work.

As her orgasm subsided, Mitch reached for his cock. But Jessica reacted straight away. “There’ll be none of that for you,” she snapped pulling his hand away from what he was going to do about his erection. “There is going to be some evening up of the score before that is allowed,” she threatened. Mitch squatted there, erect but unstimulated as Jessica stood a step back to consider what to do next.

She decided to do nothing. Rather she would wait to see what Mitch would attempt. They were silent for a while.

“So…” Mitch started, breaking their silence.

Jessica butted in before he could say any more. “I guess I’ve been expecting it,” she stated. “Sooner or later. I mean you’re a man, the weaker vessel. And you do have these attractive naked women trying to impress you all day.”

Mitch felt relief. Maybe Jessica did see even this as a game. Was she enjoying this? Rather than angry, was she enlivened?

“I am almost impressed that you held back from them so long. But I guess you have rationalised it as a sense of duty. Of course whether that is to Jackson or me. That is the question.” Jessica picked up her riding crop from the sideboard. She swished it playfully near her husband, careful to not actually make contact with him. “Well, I think I would like to meet this Kimiko. Get her dimensions. See what sort of threat she is.”

Mitch loosened up. “Sure, if I can convince her to come,” he answered.

Jessica swished her whip around. “What will it take to convince her?” she posed.

Mitch thought he should try humour. “Well, I guess she will need some assurance that you won’t boil her pet bunny.”

Jessica gave him a dangerous smile. “If she does have a pet bunny I just might.”

Mitch smiled at the thought of Jessica inviting Kimiko around, cooking a meal for her, and sitting down convivially with her, bunny or no bunny. “Well, good luck with that,” he suggested.

He read his wife’s reaction and shuddered. It seemed very much that she indeed did intend to meet Kimiko. And size her up. Jessica swished the riding crop slightly closer to her husband’s cock.

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