Mailgirls Down Under Pt. 13 by MrStill


June Lockhart put aside her HR work and stood up from her desk attracting the attention of her colleague across the desk, Martin Plaza. “I have a meeting with Mitch,” June advised as she stepped away to leave their office.

“Looking for another job?” Martin replied pretty much automatically. He did not see the flash of alarm across June’s face in response. What did he know?

“You’ll be the second person to know,” she joked regaining her composure. She turned and headed for the exit.

Since Mitch’s office was on the tenth floor, one flight up, June chose to take the stairs. Opening the door into the staircase, June found she was chest to chest with one of the mailgirls who had been coming down. The naked woman’s breasts were a breath away from hers. What was her name, June worried, as she stepped back from the tall thin athlete who appeared to be in a hurry. June could not remember. Still, the mailgirl stopped for a moment to smile an apology to her.

“Sorry,” Jan Stephenson puffed, “under the new rules, I have to beat the clock. Delivery on the sixth.” Not getting a response from June, she smiled, stepped aside and went on her way, another three flights down. Was that what she was going to become, June wondered. Well, at least she could do with the exercise. She took the steps up to the next floor trying not to puff herself out and wondering how she would feel doing it nude.

June knocked on Mitch’s office door then went in. Mitch looked up, clearly she had distracted him from something. Although she quickly realised that he seemed happy for her to do that.

“Thanks for seeing me, Mitch,” June started as she sat demurely across from him.

“Always have the time,” Mitch responded. Which he grudgingly admitted, was the truth. Such a change, one that he still had not accepted. Waiting for projects, some which never arrived. He realised that June had become serious, her features tense as she gripped the armrests of her seat.

She bit her lip and then came out with it. “I’ve been thinking about mailgirls, Mitch.”

Mitch was still preoccupied with his own issues and did not fully get her. “Haven’t we all?” he joked. Then he looked at her, realised. “Oh. Sorry. That must have sounded terrible.” Now he focussed. “I would have said it was a bit deal a while ago. To think about your career and all that. But that is not how it seems to have turned out, at least so far.” June nodded. “You know about the pay. And you’re in HR, so I guess you have an idea of the contracts and the conditions. Perhaps we are more enlightened as a society than I thought.”

“You mean acceptance?”

Mitch nodded. “You know about the mailgirls here. We specifically decided not to go for cheerleaders, as they do in The States.”

“Is that a way of saying that I am not attractive?” June felt rude as soon as she said it. But she should not have worried.

“No, I mean there are not same expectations on the mailgirls here.” Mitch got a beep on his phone. He looked, shook his head, then gave June a boyish smile. “This wasn’t planned, but Shane has sent a mailgirl to find me with a message. That won’t be a problem, will it? I mean you can ask her…”

June smiled back at Mitch. “That’s fine.” If she was thinking about becoming one, she ought to be able to talk to them, more than just an embarrassed silence in the stairwell, she reasoned.

“Are there any other questions before…” Mitch asked June. But it was too late.

Annette Kellerman came through the open door. “Hi Mitch,” she started, “Shane asked me to…” Then she realised Mitch had company. She squared her shoulders and so thrust out her tight bust, standing there with her legs just far enough apart. “Bad time?” she asked, hands on her hips.

“No,” Mitch insisted, “In fact a good time. June here has some questions for you.” Annette smiled at June who tried to remain composed.

“You’re not a journalist?” Annette asked, breaking her pose to slink up next to her. As was the habit of all the mailgirls with someone interested in them she stood right near June, placing a hand on the armrest of her chair. June realised that she had clenched her hands together in her lap.

She turned to the mailgirl finding her face close to Annette’s firm breasts. Were all the mailgirls athletic specimens, she privately worried. “No,” she replied, “I’m in HR.”

Annette took a step away. “That’s worse!” she exclaimed. Then she gave June a wide smile. And she stepped forward, placing an arm on June’s shoulder, meaning that June had to swivel her seat to face the naked woman who seemed to be controlling the discussion. Annette read her face. “You’re not thinking of becoming one of us?” she demanded.

“Well, maybe… I was wondering…” June responded weakly.

Matter-of-factly, Annette ran her fingers up June’s arm while looking her over from her close range. Annette smiled. “Why don’t you strip?” she urged.

June recoiled and splurted an obvious rejoinder. “Me? Now?”

Annette leaned down to give June her full attention, breasts lightly swinging. “Being a mailgirl does mean taking your clothes off.” She leant a little closer. “Didn’t you realise?” she teased.

Annette stepped back to give June some room to breathe and to think. “Umm,” she replied. That broke some ice. They all laughed. June looked over to Mitch to gauge his thoughts.

Mitch smiled warmly. “I look at naked mailgirls everyday.”

June sat up straight. “It’s a big deal for me…” she argued.

Annette would not buy that. “It’s not a big deal for me,” she retorted.

June was curious. “But you look so relaxed about it.”

Annette stood there, spreading her legs a little further, placing a finger at her opening, knowing that June was mesmerised and couldn’t look away. “If I wasn’t into it, I wouldn’t be here like this,” Annette pointed out. As the tip of her finger disappeared. Speechless, June managed to look at Mitch. She realised from his nonchalant reaction that indeed having naked women in his office was apparently no big deal. As he said, he looked at naked mailgirls all day. And apparently he was relaxed about them fingering themselves in front of him.

Annette worked that finger across her clit and traced her free hand over June’s shoulder. “You want to be a mailgirl,” she breathed into June’s ear.

Maybe that was the permission June needed. She looked hopefully to Annette then untucked her blouse from the waistband of her skirt and began to unbutton it. Annette stepped away to slouch against Mitch’s desk which gave June the room that she needed. She looked across the desk to Mitch who was trying to look non-committal. So she undid the rest of the buttons. She stopped and looked back over to Annette. “What was the first time you stripped off like?” she asked a bit clumsily.

Annette scratched at one of her breasts. “It was a long time ago in a kingdom far, far away,” she mused.

June had stopped undressing. “Er,” she replied to Annette.

For some reason Annette was not feeling any need to be supportive. Leaning back against the desk, she spread her legs so she could trace a finger along her slit and then, what the Hell, insert it for a moment before adding another finger while making sure that June was watching her. June had paused her undressing, her blouse untidily back over her shoulders, her bra still covering her breasts. Stopping her wanking Annette leaned forward towards her quarry. “Well… Do you want a hand to finish the job?” Annette offered, fully aware of course of where that hand currently was. “And you’ll find it will be easier from here if you stand up. Speaking from experience,” she added.

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