Mailgirls Down Under Pt. 13 by MrStill

“Come on,” Mitch urged, “what’s the point you’re building up to?”

Shane looked away from his screen at Mitch, clearly not able to find the vid. And decided he better spill it. “There was a mailgirl demonstration at the Uni. I think it could be Emily. And The Age have got their hands on it.”

Mitch looked unconcerned, even at that. “Could be? But you don’t know who it is. They don’t know who it is. Ah I see, someone from The Age tried to contact the sole mailgirl office in town?”

“They did,” Shane reported. “This could be about Emily,” he reminded his former boss. “It’s here somewhere. Do you want to see it?”

Mitch was trying to avoid that. He could deny that it could be her so long as he did not have to look and identify her. Anyway, did he really want to see her like that? He had his answer for Shane though. “Oh, Emily wanted to be a mailgirl. A phase she was going through. She’s past it now, that’s all okay. Look, I’ll admit I would not be completely surprised if it was her. But I think she would be more careful than that.”

Or would she, Mitch wondered. Did he really know the twins? He suspected that with everything else happening he had not been paying attention recently. Sure they had been out on the town a lot. But they were sensible, right? Well at least Cara was sensible, and she would keep her sister out of trouble. Mitch felt okay.

But Shane honed in on Mitch’s admission. “She wants to become a mailgirl. You won’t let her. So she rebels by protesting about mailgirls by being a mailgirl?” That seemed plausible to him. Plus from the previous time he had watch the vid, he was pretty sure it was her. Had he deleted it?

Mitch shook his head. “Yes, we had words. She is not going to be a mailgirl here. And so far as I know there aren’t any other opportunities in this town at the moment. I don’t think she completely thought it through. Just a sudden impulse. I don’t know, postponed teenage rebellion. After all she was never any trouble…” He felt a bit silly saying that, but since it was possible, he wanted to see what Shane thought.

“You seem quite calm about it?” Shane checked. He wondered what his response would be about his kids. He imagined that he would not be calm or impressed.

Mitch looked straight at him. “What am I supposed to do? Make it worse? Reignite the conflict? Maybe create a wall so she won’t discuss things with me?”

Shane nodded. “I can see where you’re coming from. Keep it cool and considered and at home.”

Mitch grinned. “I never said it was cool and considered at home.”

Shane thought about that for a moment. “Have you thought that it might be a good idea for her to realise her ambition in a safe space where you can monitor her?” he wondered. His look spelt volumes to Mitch who stared back. Unimpressed.

“I did not. And a safe space? Presumably with you around?” Mitch crossed his arms.

Shane pulled on a serious look. “I resent that slight on my character.”

Mitch matched his colleague’s look. “Resentment noted.”

Shane smiled, changed the subject. “Do you want me to tell you the latest about the return of Lindsay’s favourite journalist?”

“No,” Mitch replied, “but you’re going to.”


Monika returned to the mezzanine. “Well, that was easy,” she stated, for the benefit of the mailgirls waiting there for their next call.

On the farthest chair from the entrance point, Kimiko concentrated on her laptop. She had managed to fold one ankle up her knee so that although her legs were spread in the position the display chairs forced the mailgirls into, her pussy was, intentionally or not, partly concealed from anyone looking down onto the mailgirls area.

Closer to where Monika had stopped after she had come in, Pam was more casually using her laptop, happy to keep her legs spread for anyone who would notice. She looked up and smiled at Monika. “Getting used to it?” she asked her.

“Easiest job I’ve ever had,” Monika replied. She walked over towards Pam. “Is this seat taken?” she joked about the spare seat next to Pam.

Pam smiled back. “I don’t believe so,” she replied, matching Monika’s tone. Monika went to her locker to get her own laptop. As she sat next to Pam, Jan came out of the shower. She looked at the options. Since it was just the four of them and Kimiko was engrossed in her own stuff, Jan sat on the other side of Monika, also confirming if Monika was fine with the way things were going for her so far.

“Can I ask you some questions?” Monika asked of the mailgirls sitting on either side of her. Both of them had spread their legs to be the most comfortable in their chairs. But they both easily were able to turn to face Monika so that they could all have a conversation. “Sure,” they both answered at the same time.

“Firstly,” Monika asked kind of conspiratorially, “what is she doing?” She gestured carefully at Kimiko who was four empty seats away over in her corner.

Jan smiled. “We don’t know, she doesn’t tell us, and we don’t pry. She was in the finance department before,” she added, “so it’s probably some mysterious accounting stuff.”

“She’s going to end up running the company,” Pam added.

“Where did you hear that?” Jan asked a little sharply. Monika glanced over. If Kimiko was listening, she did not react or let on.

“Come on, we all know,” Pam told her to Monika’s amused interest, “she’s Mr Harada’s granddaughter.” Monika raised a very amused eyebrow at that and looked over towards the apparently oblivious Kimiko in wonder. The boss’s granddaughter was working as a naked mailgirl? What sort of company was this?

Jan read Monika’s astonishment and shook her head. “I hear that there are at least two sons that come ahead of her in order of seniority. But could you imagine if she did?” They all smiled at the unlikelihood of that.

Monika let that wash over and then looked carefully at the two others. “Can I ask you something really personal?” she tried a little carefully.

“I guess so,” Pam suggested.

“It doesn’t mean that we’ll answer it,” Jan added.

Monika swallowed. “Do you get, um, turned on doing this?”

Pam smiled back at her. “What do you think?” Jan grinned too.

“And what are you supposed to do about it?” Monika stared back like she really had no idea.

“Didn’t they tell you?” asked Jan with a hint of concern.

“Kind of vaguely. Like they were embarrassed about it…”

Jan sighed. “If Wendy was here, we’d get her onto it. And find out why they didn’t have a proper orientation for you. I wonder where she is?” She looked around to see where their supervisor was. She was clearly not in the room. So Jan looked past Monika to Pam who had started after the rest of them. “Pam, what did they tell you when you started?”

Pam thought for a moment. “Nothing really. After I took my clothes off, they told me the basics. But then they gave me a few days to follow you all around to find out what was what.”

Jan looked back to Monika. “Nothing like that for you?”

Monika shook her head. “They just told me to report here and get started.”

Jan looked sympathetic. “So you don’t know about the dildo stations?”

Monika’s eyes widened. “The what?”

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