Pool-boy Voyeur by Imnohemingway

“Why’d ya stop after your sophomore year?” Stephanie asked.

“The reasons were work and beer!” I admitted. “And not necessarily in that order.” Stephanie convulsed in laughter for several seconds.

By now I was standing within five-feet of Stephanie’s shaking body and was able to really get a good look at her lithe but muscular frame which had been sculpted by years of rigorous exercise. Her nipples poked through the swaths of white fabric that covered her tits. The bikini bottoms were cut high on her hips and scooped down to just above her pubic mound. The rower’s washboard mid section was tight and toned. I could tell she was tall, but her feet were nearly to the end of the day bed, indicating she had to be nearly six-feet. The entire picture was causing my cock to stiffen in my board shorts and I hoped it wasn’t obvious.

As I put away the pool vacuum and finished adding some chemicals to the water, she continued to explain that her position on the boat was sixth seat, which I knew was the engine room of a crew boat. This made sense taking into consideration her size and strength. She hoped to make the national team and participate in the Olympics that would be held in two years. Then she planned to go to law school and follow in Daddy’s footsteps. I remarked that she had quite the ambitious plan and that I wished her the best of luck. Then I stood, inadvertently causing my dick to shift in my shorts, which I think she noticed. I pulled out my cell phone and prepared to take a picture of the pool.

“You take pictures of the pools when your finished cleaning?” she asked in surprise.

“Yeah, I’ve gotten into the habit of doing it with all of my accounts,” I began. “Every now and again a customer will accuse me of not showing up, even though most of them have cameras in their yards. So, I take a picture to have my own proof. Ya know, C.Y.A.”

“So you don’t trust that I’ll tell Daddy you were here and did a thorough job?” she asked with a mischievous grin while staring at me through her white framed sun glasses.

“Uh, well, uh no…I mean yes I trust you…I just wasn’t thinking…” I was totally mortified.

“Relax Paul,” Stephanie said as she jumped up from her laying position and skipped across the pool deck, boobs bouncing slightly. Before I knew it she was right next to me. “Here, let me help you ‘Cover Your Ass’,” she teased. She removed her sun glasses and hung them between the cups of her top, revealing a pair of beautiful hazel eyes, and a little more untanned tit. Then she grabbed my phone from my hand and checked to make sure it was in camera mode. Next she put her left arm around my waist, pressed her hip against my body, and extended her right arm out. Between the proximity of our bodies and the scent of her sun tan oil, I felt my cock throb.

“Say cheese!” And with that, she gave a seductive smile like she was posing for an Instagram photo and snapped a picture. I figured that was it but the next thing I knew, she stuck out her long pink tongue and snapped another selfie. I was dumbfounded.

“Here ya go,” Stephanie said, as she handed me back my phone, grazing her fingers across the palm of my hand. I nearly came on contact.

“Uh thanks,” was all I could manage to respond.

“So, do ya need help with that big pole of yours?” she said, surprising the hell out of me as she glanced down at my crotch then back at my face.

“Uh, excuse me?” I asked, hardly believing my ears.

“Your pool pole,” Stephanie grinned wickedly while looking directly into my eyes. She pointed to my equipment laying on the ground. “Do ya need any help carrying it? Ya know I don’t want you to drop it again and hurt yourself.”

“Oh…uhh…na…I got it.” I stuttered, then, with some difficulty, bent over to pick up my stuff. “Well, Nice meeting ya and sorry again for scaring ya.”

“Oh no problem Paul, it was nice meeting you too. Maybe I’ll see ya next week?” Then she suddenly turned on her heels and strutted off across the pool deck. I was fixated on her jiggling ass the whole time. Just as she reached the sliding glass doors that lead into her house, she glanced quickly over her shoulder and flashed me a knowing smile. I was so busted.

Needless to say, when I got home that evening I busted a large nut while gazing at the pictures of Stephanie and me. I particularly focused on the frame in which she stuck out her tongue and imagined it licking my stiff cock. I had more time to study every contour of her cute face. I fondly recalled her touch and scent as well. All the stimuli helped me to produce quite a load.

While Stephanie was incredibly hot, what made her even more attractive was the fact that she was down to earth and friendly. Unfortunately in my experience that was rare with many of these Gen-Z kids who were raised with a silver spoon in their mouth as it appeared she had been. However, she seemed like a grounded, respectful, and hardworking young lady in addition to being drop dead gorgeous.

I knew she was having fun teasing me and that I would never have a chance in the world of being with her. But, for a guy my age who looked like me, it was fun to fantasize. As you can imagine, I couldn’t wait for the following Friday afternoon to arrive.


Unfortunately, Stephanie was not at the pool when I showed up at the Lombrdi residence the next Friday afternoon. I resigned myself to the fact I’d be cleaning the pool without the presence of the beautiful woman to help pass the time.

I spent the better part of the next half-hour cleaning the pool hoping that at any minute Stephanie would appear. Sadly, she didn’t. So, I took my picture of the clean pool, packed up my stuff and headed for the gate. It was at that point I realized I should take the opportunity to use the bathroom in the Lombardi’s cabana since I could feel the call of nature coming on. Convenient bathroom stops were few and far between during my work day. I left my pool supplies on the outside of the fence and headed back into the pool area.

The Lombardi’s had a cabana that housed the pool’s pump and filter unit along with a bathroom and shower. The hut was situated on the opposite side of the pool, about twenty-feet or so from where the day bed and lounge chairs were laid out. The entrance was on the left side of the structure and constructed such that when you entered the narrow hallway their was the bathroom door on the left, the pool equipment room door directly ahead a few feet further down the hall, and a window on the hallway wall that looked out to the pool area.

I entered the restroom and proceeded to do my business. It was a couple minutes later when I exited the lavatory and immediately heard some giggling and laughing. I stopped dead in my tracks and stared out the window. To my disbelief, there was Stephanie, standing in front of the day bed kissing a young, blonde man, a couple inches taller than her, while sticking her hand down his shorts. I ducked quietly hoping they hadn’t detected me. Then I slowly peaked over the windowsill.

As I looked at the hot scene playing out before me, I couldn’t help but think that the lucky bastard having his dick played with by this gorgeous girl, looked familiar. However, I couldn’t place my finger on it.

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