The Wrong Bikini by mrs_mackenzie

“Beginner’s luck,” he said, teasingly.

“Watch me win the next one, too,” I hit back.

This time I had another jumble of suits, all different numbers plus a jack. I studied them, wondering if it was allowed to discard all five, but then I realised that I had three, seven, nine, ten, jack. If the three was an eight, I’d have a straight. Carefully, trying not to look excited, I got ready to give him the three, but then I paused. He looked at me, his eyes on me, trying to judge what decisions I was making. I thought about the dare. Fully naked, jumping off the high dive. I had to admit that actually, I wanted to do it. And I wanted to have the ‘dare’ as the excuse to do it in front of him. It would definitely lead somewhere fun. I gave him the three, and the nine. Then handed me another two cards. I peeked at them. Eight of diamonds, king of spades. If I hadn’t given him the nine, I would have won..

“Well, I’ve got two pairs, again,” he announced, turning his cards over. “What about you, Paige?”

I giggled. “Just a king… I was trying to get a straight.”

There was a definite tension now, as he shuffled the deck together and put it down in a neat pile between us. “So,” he said.

“So,” I replied.

We looked at each other.

“Time to put up,” Nathan said, “If you’re not going to back out. Is the pool even open at this time of night?”

“It was supposed to close hours ago, but nobody seems to care,” I told him.

He seemed to be waiting to see if I was joking, or to see if I was really going to go through with it, but then he accepted it. “Okay. Lead the way.”

As there was nobody in the pool complex, the lights had gone off, and they flickered back on when I inched the door open, making me jump. It was eerily quiet with a loud echo, and Nathan’s shoes made a racket as he followed me across the tiled area, around the main pool to the end with the diving board. It wasn’t excessively high or anything, only five metres, and in the calm, quiet pool it actually looked a bit inviting.

“I’ll climb up,” I told him as we reached the stairs at the base, taking off my robe. “Then I’ll take off my bikini at the top and throw it down to you, so you can give it back when I’ve dived in.”

I wasn’t sure if it had sunk in, fully, because Nathan was trying not to look at my boobs now I was only wearing the bikini. I just smiled, turned, and climbed, leaving him to watch.

The brightly lit pool wasn’t exactly the most romantic place to undress in front of someone for the first time, but my heart was pounding as I reached the board, standing halfway down it, my fingers playing lightly with the catch on the back of my bikini top. He was looking up at me, expectantly, so I smiled back and gave him a wave. Then I looked straight ahead; looking down at him would make me lose my nerve. My whole body felt jumpy and excited, and with a big rush of adrenaline I undid the clasp of my bikini top, letting it fall over my shoulders, and threw it off to the side for Nathan to get. Then I pushed down my bottoms, too, and stooped down to throw them the same way. Wasting no time, I took two steps forwards to the edge of the board, tried to remember the bits of training I’d been given years ago when I’d learnt to dive, and jumped.

I was in the water in what felt like no time, the sound of bubbles fizzing in my ears. Being underwater was familiar and I was calm, kicking my legs gently so I’d float to the surface. It actually felt liberating to be swimming completely naked, instead of squeezed into a tight-fitting costume, and I spread my legs experimentally before I broke the surface, taking a big breath and flicking my wet hair out of my eyes.

“Woo!” Nathan cheered from the side, clapping his hands and filling the room with echoes. I smiled and gave him a wave again, treading water, then kicked my way over to the side of the pool nearest him, taking hold of the tiles and looking up, keeping my body submerged and out of view.

“Here you go,” he said, putting my bikini down on the side just next to me. “Do you need a hand getting out?” He had a smirk on his face and I laughed.

“I’ll manage. Turn around.”

When he had done as he was told, I heaved myself up and out onto the side, squeezing my hair to get the worst of the water out and pushing it back out of my face. I stood there naked for a moment, looking at his back, revelling in the feeling of being exposed like this. All he needed to do was turn his head… The cool air on my nipples was causing them to get hard, but the fact I had no clothes on right next to Nathan wasn’t helping.

Then, on an impulse because this was the ski trip and it was all about wild, uninhibited sex, I left my bikini where it was, lying on the ground, and walked off towards the spa pool. Which, happily, meant walking right past where he was looking.

Turning my head and looking over my shoulder at his surprised expression, I smiled. “Are you coming?”

The glass door to the spa pool still wasn’t locked and the whole area was exactly how we’d left it earlier, complete with empty glasses strewn everywhere.

“Someone had fun here,” Nathan commented, closing the door behind him.

“It was us,” I admitted. “At least half these glasses are probably mine.”

He laughed. The enclosed spa room was a lot more intimate than I had expected, and I sat on the edge of the pool for a minute, sticking my toes in to see if it was still warm. It was.

“I didn’t bring any trunks,” he said, from behind me.

“That’s your problem, not mine.”

I went down the steps and splashed gently into the pool, scooting across to one side where the tapered tiles were, allowing you to lie on your back, submerged. “You coming?” I asked, getting settled just right so my hair wouldn’t get wet again. My nipples, on top of my bare tits, just poked up out of the water, along with my thighs and knees, and I wasn’t sure if this was alluring or strange.

He glanced through the glass at the main pool area. “Are there any cameras or anything?” he asked, sounding unsure.

I’d thought about this earlier when we’d brought the forbidden drinks in. “No. The ones in the main pool can’t see in here.”

“Still…” he said, hesitating by the edge of the pool. “Someone might come in.”

I rolled my eyes. I hadn’t expected him to get cold feet at the last second, and anyway, I wasn’t really suggesting anything except some snogging and maybe some petting. “You can just keep your underwear on.”

He shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other.

“Get over here,” I said firmly, discovering a side of me I hadn’t really encountered before. “Forget everyone else.”

He hesitated for half a second more, then rapidly began getting undressed, throwing his shirt and trousers over to one side, kicking his shoes away and jumping into the pool, splashing water in my direction and making me shriek. Sitting up, I used my hands to shield my face and hair, and only realised a second later that it meant my tits were on display right in front of him.

It only took him a moment longer to close the gap between us and we were snogging, hard, the passion already taking over. It wasn’t great kissing, as you would expect in an awkward position with pool water sloshing about, but I didn’t care. His hands were on my tits, exploring firmly, and I shoved my hand down into his underwear, wrapping my fingers around his hard cock. It felt warm even in the heated water, somehow, and he let out a groan as I stroked it, not bothering to go slowly and warm up. I’d already done my fair share of timid, self-conscious sex: this was the ski trip. It was time for me to take control.

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