The Wrong Bikini by mrs_mackenzie

I realised this with full force when Nathan came back, as promised. I saw him before he saw me, and I knew that the half-nervous, half-excited look on his face meant that he wasn’t sure if his little game with the wrong bikini had worked or not. Watching him, his eyes moved around, taking in the handful of other girls in bikinis, but thankfully not focusing too much, until eventually he spotted me. He looked for his characteristic half-second, while his brain caught up, and then he grinned knowingly, quickening his pace as he approached.

“You look great,” he said, simply, and I glared at him.

“No thanks to you,” I replied, not smiling.

“I think it is mostly thanks to me, actually-”

“I can’t believe you brought the wrong one,” I hissed at him, my voice too quiet to be overheard over the sound of the grill and the general noise around the 5BQ.

He just smirked. “It really suits you. And I know you’re enjoying this experience.”

“You should have asked me, first.”

“That would have taken the fun out of it.”

I was torn between being angry at him and still turned on about how outrageously sexy the bikini was. I mean, my entire arse was visible, except for the tiniest strip of material, and whenever I walked I could feel my tits bouncing around almost as much as they would if I was naked. I was about to open my mouth to give him a piece of my mind again, when he leaned across the counter and kissed me.

Our lips touched just long enough to send a charge of electricity through me, and when he pulled away, a few people were looking in our direction, clearly envious of the guy who was kissing the girl in the tiny bikini. Which was exactly what he wanted. To draw more attention to me. And I couldn’t deny that I liked it.

“Any chance of a hot dog?” Nathan asked, affecting a cheerfully oblivious tone as Lucy walked over to see what was going on.

“Not for you,” she replied, acidly, giving me a look of solidarity, but I smiled to show I had forgiven him. For now.

“What if I say please? And stick ten quid in the donation box?” Nathan countered.

“The hot dogs aren’t worth ten quid,” Lucy told him, eyeing them suspiciously.

“It’s more about the view, really.” He glanced back at me with a dirty look and I pretended not to notice.

“Alright, one hot dog,” Lucy replied, wearily, and went to start assembling it. Nathan, as promised, put the money in the box and then walked back over in my direction to chat.

“Had many customers?” he asked, still acting casual.

“Quite a few.”

“Wonder why.” He smirked and I stood on his foot, but he was wearing proper shoes and I’m not sure I hurt him at all. He darted forward and kissed me again while nobody was looking, and I blushed when he pulled back, flattered by his playful attention.

“That bikini really suits you, you know,” he whispered, behind his hand.

“Thanks.” I looked down at it for the hundredth time that afternoon.

“It’s strange seeing it outside the bedroom.”

I rolled my eyes. “There must be fifty people around, nothing sexy is going to happen. Look but don’t touch.”

In response, he slid his hand over onto my waist and then down to my bare arse, but I slapped him away. “People will see,” I warned him, showing I was serious.

“Okay, okay,” he conceded. But I was turned on and I did want him to touch me, but I couldn’t see how we could make that happen, without me just leaving the event and leaving Lucy and Millie to carry on without me. Frustrated, I touched his arm, wanting at least some physical contact, and he put his arm around my waist again, this time not venturing any further down.

“I can’t wait until we get back home later,” I said to him, softly.

“Me neither,” he grinned.

“No, I mean, I actually can’t wait. I want you now.”

It was his turn to blush. “But we can’t, there’s people-”

I loved it when the balance of power shifted back to me like this. I looked over at Lucy, who was busy cooking meat, and Millie, who was cutting open bread rolls, and I grabbed Nathan’s wrist.

“In the orange tent. Go now,” I whispered, urgently. He didn’t waste any more time, letting go of me and striding confidently over to the tent. I followed, two seconds behind, trying to make it look as if we were just having a water break, but as soon as we were inside the strange orange glow, I yanked the zip down to close the tent.

“We’ve probably got about two minutes,” I said, throwing myself at him.

His hands went straight to my arse and he grabbed firmly, squeezing as we kissed, my hair in his face but he was gallantly ignoring it. I shoved my hand into his shorts and grabbed his cock, which got hard as I rubbed it, and he let out a little grunt of pleasure.

“No, absolutely no noise,” I whispered.

He nodded in understanding.

There was almost nothing in the tent to brace against, so the easiest thing was for me to get onto all fours on the ground and lean against a sturdy cardboard box. Nathan got down behind me, shoving down his shorts and underwear, and rubbed his hard shaft up and down between my arse cheeks, enjoying himself, pulling on the string of the bikini and sliding his cock underneath it, occasionally pressing himself more firmly against my arsehole. I didn’t do anal, but it still felt nice to be touched there, and I arched my back, encouraging him.

Then, losing no time, he moved the tip of his cock downwards, pulling my bikini bottoms to one side and holding them there with one hand. I was wet, really wet, and his cock slid easily inside me, working deeper as I squeezed my eyes closed and gritted my teeth so I wouldn’t make any noise. Then he grabbed my arse with his free hand and began to fuck me, spreading my cheeks so he could push deeper, his cock hitting just the right spot in this position which felt tighter and more intense than I was used to. It was an ongoing battle to keep my mouth clamped shut and not make any noise, and I was afraid that the longer he fucked me, the harder the battle would become.

He went faster, my tits bouncing forward and back on my chest as he drove into me, loosening the bikini top, and I bit my tongue to keep back a moan. The fast pace of his thrusts and the way his cock was pushing inside me, rubbing at an angle, felt incredibly good, and I shivered and clenched my fists as a little orgasm went through me. Or it might just have been a big rush of adrenaline and arousal, but either way, it felt so good. Nathan was getting faster, the only noise the gentle slap of his body hitting mine.

“You can’t cum inside,” I whispered to him, over my shoulder.

He slowed down a little so he could talk. “Why not?”

“I can’t have cum leaking out of me all afternoon, I’m only wearing the bikini, no knickers or anything.”

He had a tone of frustration. “Well what can we do then?”

It was difficult to think with his cock going in and out of me, but I did hit on the solution after a few seconds. “You’ll have to cum in my mouth. But don’t make a mess.”

Satisfied with this, he pulled out of me gently, panting, and I turned to face him, still on my knees. He stood up, and I looked up at him, taking hold of his wet cock in my hands.

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